{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | Copyright  : Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
-- License    : LGPL-2.1
-- Maintainer : Iñaki García Etxebarria
-- A structure capable of holding a 4x4 matrix.
-- The contents of the t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' structure are private and
-- should never be accessed directly.

#if (MIN_VERSION_haskell_gi_overloading(1,0,0) && !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__))

module GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix

-- * Exported types
    Matrix(..)                              ,
    newZeroMatrix                           ,
    noMatrix                                ,

 -- * Methods
-- ** Overloaded methods #method:Overloaded methods#

    ResolveMatrixMethod                     ,

-- ** alloc #method:alloc#

    matrixAlloc                             ,

-- ** determinant #method:determinant#

    MatrixDeterminantMethodInfo             ,
    matrixDeterminant                       ,

-- ** equal #method:equal#

    MatrixEqualMethodInfo                   ,
    matrixEqual                             ,

-- ** equalFast #method:equalFast#

    MatrixEqualFastMethodInfo               ,
    matrixEqualFast                         ,

-- ** free #method:free#

    MatrixFreeMethodInfo                    ,
    matrixFree                              ,

-- ** getRow #method:getRow#

    MatrixGetRowMethodInfo                  ,
    matrixGetRow                            ,

-- ** getValue #method:getValue#

    MatrixGetValueMethodInfo                ,
    matrixGetValue                          ,

-- ** getXScale #method:getXScale#

    MatrixGetXScaleMethodInfo               ,
    matrixGetXScale                         ,

-- ** getXTranslation #method:getXTranslation#

    MatrixGetXTranslationMethodInfo         ,
    matrixGetXTranslation                   ,

-- ** getYScale #method:getYScale#

    MatrixGetYScaleMethodInfo               ,
    matrixGetYScale                         ,

-- ** getYTranslation #method:getYTranslation#

    MatrixGetYTranslationMethodInfo         ,
    matrixGetYTranslation                   ,

-- ** getZScale #method:getZScale#

    MatrixGetZScaleMethodInfo               ,
    matrixGetZScale                         ,

-- ** getZTranslation #method:getZTranslation#

    MatrixGetZTranslationMethodInfo         ,
    matrixGetZTranslation                   ,

-- ** initFrom2d #method:initFrom2d#

    MatrixInitFrom2dMethodInfo              ,
    matrixInitFrom2d                        ,

-- ** initFromFloat #method:initFromFloat#

    MatrixInitFromFloatMethodInfo           ,
    matrixInitFromFloat                     ,

-- ** initFromMatrix #method:initFromMatrix#

    MatrixInitFromMatrixMethodInfo          ,
    matrixInitFromMatrix                    ,

-- ** initFromVec4 #method:initFromVec4#

    MatrixInitFromVec4MethodInfo            ,
    matrixInitFromVec4                      ,

-- ** initFrustum #method:initFrustum#

    MatrixInitFrustumMethodInfo             ,
    matrixInitFrustum                       ,

-- ** initIdentity #method:initIdentity#

    MatrixInitIdentityMethodInfo            ,
    matrixInitIdentity                      ,

-- ** initLookAt #method:initLookAt#

    MatrixInitLookAtMethodInfo              ,
    matrixInitLookAt                        ,

-- ** initOrtho #method:initOrtho#

    MatrixInitOrthoMethodInfo               ,
    matrixInitOrtho                         ,

-- ** initPerspective #method:initPerspective#

    MatrixInitPerspectiveMethodInfo         ,
    matrixInitPerspective                   ,

-- ** initRotate #method:initRotate#

    MatrixInitRotateMethodInfo              ,
    matrixInitRotate                        ,

-- ** initScale #method:initScale#

    MatrixInitScaleMethodInfo               ,
    matrixInitScale                         ,

-- ** initSkew #method:initSkew#

    MatrixInitSkewMethodInfo                ,
    matrixInitSkew                          ,

-- ** initTranslate #method:initTranslate#

    MatrixInitTranslateMethodInfo           ,
    matrixInitTranslate                     ,

-- ** interpolate #method:interpolate#

    MatrixInterpolateMethodInfo             ,
    matrixInterpolate                       ,

-- ** inverse #method:inverse#

    MatrixInverseMethodInfo                 ,
    matrixInverse                           ,

-- ** is2d #method:is2d#

    MatrixIs2dMethodInfo                    ,
    matrixIs2d                              ,

-- ** isBackfaceVisible #method:isBackfaceVisible#

    MatrixIsBackfaceVisibleMethodInfo       ,
    matrixIsBackfaceVisible                 ,

-- ** isIdentity #method:isIdentity#

    MatrixIsIdentityMethodInfo              ,
    matrixIsIdentity                        ,

-- ** isSingular #method:isSingular#

    MatrixIsSingularMethodInfo              ,
    matrixIsSingular                        ,

-- ** multiply #method:multiply#

    MatrixMultiplyMethodInfo                ,
    matrixMultiply                          ,

-- ** near #method:near#

    MatrixNearMethodInfo                    ,
    matrixNear                              ,

-- ** normalize #method:normalize#

    MatrixNormalizeMethodInfo               ,
    matrixNormalize                         ,

-- ** perspective #method:perspective#

    MatrixPerspectiveMethodInfo             ,
    matrixPerspective                       ,

-- ** print #method:print#

    MatrixPrintMethodInfo                   ,
    matrixPrint                             ,

-- ** projectPoint #method:projectPoint#

    MatrixProjectPointMethodInfo            ,
    matrixProjectPoint                      ,

-- ** projectRect #method:projectRect#

    MatrixProjectRectMethodInfo             ,
    matrixProjectRect                       ,

-- ** projectRectBounds #method:projectRectBounds#

    MatrixProjectRectBoundsMethodInfo       ,
    matrixProjectRectBounds                 ,

-- ** rotate #method:rotate#

    MatrixRotateMethodInfo                  ,
    matrixRotate                            ,

-- ** rotateEuler #method:rotateEuler#

    MatrixRotateEulerMethodInfo             ,
    matrixRotateEuler                       ,

-- ** rotateQuaternion #method:rotateQuaternion#

    MatrixRotateQuaternionMethodInfo        ,
    matrixRotateQuaternion                  ,

-- ** rotateX #method:rotateX#

    MatrixRotateXMethodInfo                 ,
    matrixRotateX                           ,

-- ** rotateY #method:rotateY#

    MatrixRotateYMethodInfo                 ,
    matrixRotateY                           ,

-- ** rotateZ #method:rotateZ#

    MatrixRotateZMethodInfo                 ,
    matrixRotateZ                           ,

-- ** scale #method:scale#

    MatrixScaleMethodInfo                   ,
    matrixScale                             ,

-- ** skewXy #method:skewXy#

    MatrixSkewXyMethodInfo                  ,
    matrixSkewXy                            ,

-- ** skewXz #method:skewXz#

    MatrixSkewXzMethodInfo                  ,
    matrixSkewXz                            ,

-- ** skewYz #method:skewYz#

    MatrixSkewYzMethodInfo                  ,
    matrixSkewYz                            ,

-- ** to2d #method:to2d#

    MatrixTo2dMethodInfo                    ,
    matrixTo2d                              ,

-- ** transformBounds #method:transformBounds#

    MatrixTransformBoundsMethodInfo         ,
    matrixTransformBounds                   ,

-- ** transformBox #method:transformBox#

    MatrixTransformBoxMethodInfo            ,
    matrixTransformBox                      ,

-- ** transformPoint #method:transformPoint#

    MatrixTransformPointMethodInfo          ,
    matrixTransformPoint                    ,

-- ** transformPoint3d #method:transformPoint3d#

    MatrixTransformPoint3dMethodInfo        ,
    matrixTransformPoint3d                  ,

-- ** transformRay #method:transformRay#

    MatrixTransformRayMethodInfo            ,
    matrixTransformRay                      ,

-- ** transformRect #method:transformRect#

    MatrixTransformRectMethodInfo           ,
    matrixTransformRect                     ,

-- ** transformSphere #method:transformSphere#

    MatrixTransformSphereMethodInfo         ,
    matrixTransformSphere                   ,

-- ** transformVec3 #method:transformVec3#

    MatrixTransformVec3MethodInfo           ,
    matrixTransformVec3                     ,

-- ** transformVec4 #method:transformVec4#

    MatrixTransformVec4MethodInfo           ,
    matrixTransformVec4                     ,

-- ** translate #method:translate#

    MatrixTranslateMethodInfo               ,
    matrixTranslate                         ,

-- ** transpose #method:transpose#

    MatrixTransposeMethodInfo               ,
    matrixTranspose                         ,

-- ** unprojectPoint3d #method:unprojectPoint3d#

    MatrixUnprojectPoint3dMethodInfo        ,
    matrixUnprojectPoint3d                  ,

-- ** untransformBounds #method:untransformBounds#

    MatrixUntransformBoundsMethodInfo       ,
    matrixUntransformBounds                 ,

-- ** untransformPoint #method:untransformPoint#

    MatrixUntransformPointMethodInfo        ,
    matrixUntransformPoint                  ,

    ) where

import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GClosure as B.GClosure
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GValue as B.GValue
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Properties as B.Properties
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Signals as B.Signals
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP
import qualified GHC.OverloadedLabels as OL

import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Box as Graphene.Box
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Euler as Graphene.Euler
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Point as Graphene.Point
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D as Graphene.Point3D
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Quad as Graphene.Quad
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Quaternion as Graphene.Quaternion
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Ray as Graphene.Ray
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect as Graphene.Rect
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Sphere as Graphene.Sphere
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec3 as Graphene.Vec3
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec4 as Graphene.Vec4

-- | Memory-managed wrapper type.
newtype Matrix = Matrix (ManagedPtr Matrix)
    deriving (Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool
(Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool)
-> (Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool) -> Eq Matrix
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool
$c/= :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool
== :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool
$c== :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Bool
foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_type" c_graphene_matrix_get_type :: 
    IO GType

instance BoxedObject Matrix where
    boxedType :: Matrix -> IO GType
boxedType _ = IO GType

-- | Convert 'Matrix' to and from 'Data.GI.Base.GValue.GValue' with 'Data.GI.Base.GValue.toGValue' and 'Data.GI.Base.GValue.fromGValue'.
instance B.GValue.IsGValue Matrix where
    toGValue :: Matrix -> IO GValue
toGValue o :: Matrix
o = do
gtype <- IO GType
        Matrix -> (Ptr Matrix -> IO GValue) -> IO GValue
forall a c.
(HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) =>
a -> (Ptr a -> IO c) -> IO c
B.ManagedPtr.withManagedPtr Matrix
o (GType -> (GValue -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO GValue
forall a. GType -> (GValue -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO GValue
B.GValue.buildGValue GType
gtype GValue -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. GValue -> Ptr a -> IO ()
    fromGValue :: GValue -> IO Matrix
fromGValue gv :: GValue
gv = do
        Ptr Matrix
ptr <- GValue -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall b. GValue -> IO (Ptr b)
B.GValue.get_boxed GValue
gv :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
        (ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
B.ManagedPtr.newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix Ptr Matrix

-- | Construct a `Matrix` struct initialized to zero.
newZeroMatrix :: MonadIO m => m Matrix
newZeroMatrix :: m Matrix
newZeroMatrix = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 IO (Ptr Matrix) -> (Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix) -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix

instance tag ~ 'AttrSet => Constructible Matrix tag where
    new :: (ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> [AttrOp Matrix tag] -> m Matrix
new _ attrs :: [AttrOp Matrix tag]
attrs = do
o <- m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => m Matrix
        Matrix -> [AttrOp Matrix 'AttrSet] -> m ()
forall o (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
o -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> m ()
GI.Attributes.set Matrix
o [AttrOp Matrix tag]
[AttrOp Matrix 'AttrSet]
        Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

-- | A convenience alias for `Nothing` :: `Maybe` `Matrix`.
noMatrix :: Maybe Matrix
noMatrix :: Maybe Matrix
noMatrix = Maybe Matrix
forall a. Maybe a

instance O.HasAttributeList Matrix
type instance O.AttributeList Matrix = MatrixAttributeList
type MatrixAttributeList = ('[ ] :: [(Symbol, *)])

-- method Matrix::alloc
-- method type : Constructor
-- Args: []
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_alloc" graphene_matrix_alloc :: 
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Allocates a new t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixAlloc ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the newly allocated matrix
matrixAlloc :: m Matrix
matrixAlloc  = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
result <- IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixAlloc" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix


-- method Matrix::determinant
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_determinant" graphene_matrix_determinant :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Computes the determinant of the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixDeterminant ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the value of the determinant
matrixDeterminant :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixDeterminant m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_determinant Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixDeterminantMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixDeterminantMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixDeterminant


-- method Matrix::equal
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "a"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_equal" graphene_matrix_equal :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- a : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether the two given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' matrices are equal.
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixEqual ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@a@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the two matrices are equal, and @false@ otherwise
matrixEqual :: Matrix -> Matrix -> m Bool
matrixEqual a :: Matrix
a b :: Matrix
b = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
a' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
b' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_equal Ptr Matrix
a' Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixEqualMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixEqualMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixEqual


-- method Matrix::equal_fast
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "a"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_equal_fast" graphene_matrix_equal_fast :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- a : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether the two given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' matrices are
-- byte-by-byte equal.
-- While this function is faster than 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixEqual', it
-- can also return false negatives, so it should be used in
-- conjuction with either 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixEqual' or
-- 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixNear'. For instance:
-- === /C code/
-- >
-- >  if (graphene_matrix_equal_fast (a, b))
-- >    {
-- >      // matrices are definitely the same
-- >    }
-- >  else
-- >    {
-- >      if (graphene_matrix_equal (a, b))
-- >        // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of FLT_EPSILON
-- >      else if (graphene_matrix_near (a, b, 0.0001))
-- >        // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of 0.0001
-- >      else
-- >        // matrices are not equal
-- >    }
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixEqualFast ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@a@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrices are equal. and @false@ otherwise
matrixEqualFast :: Matrix -> Matrix -> m Bool
matrixEqualFast a :: Matrix
a b :: Matrix
b = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
a' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
b' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_equal_fast Ptr Matrix
a' Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixEqualFastMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixEqualFastMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixEqualFast


-- method Matrix::free
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_free" graphene_matrix_free :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Frees the resources allocated by 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixAlloc'.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixFree ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m ()
matrixFree :: Matrix -> m ()
matrixFree m :: Matrix
m = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_free Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixFreeMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixFreeMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixFree


-- method Matrix::get_row
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "index_"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the index of the row vector, between 0 and 3"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "return location for the #graphene_vec4_t\n  that is used to store the row vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_row" graphene_matrix_get_row :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Word32 ->                               -- index_ : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    IO ()

-- | Retrieves the given row vector at /@index_@/ inside a matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixGetRow ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@index_@/: the index of the row vector, between 0 and 3
    -> m (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)
matrixGetRow :: Matrix -> Word32 -> m Vec4
matrixGetRow m :: Matrix
m index_ :: Word32
index_ = IO Vec4 -> m Vec4
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Vec4 -> m Vec4) -> IO Vec4 -> m Vec4
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Vec4
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)
    Ptr Matrix -> Word32 -> Ptr Vec4 -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_get_row Ptr Matrix
m' Word32
index_ Ptr Vec4
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Vec4 -> Vec4) -> Ptr Vec4 -> IO Vec4
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Vec4 -> Vec4
Graphene.Vec4.Vec4) Ptr Vec4
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec4 -> IO Vec4
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Vec4

data MatrixGetRowMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Word32 -> m (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetRowMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetRow


-- method Matrix::get_value
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "row"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the row index" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "col"
--           , argType = TBasicType TUInt
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the column index" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_value" graphene_matrix_get_value :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Word32 ->                               -- row : TBasicType TUInt
    Word32 ->                               -- col : TBasicType TUInt
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the value at the given /@row@/ and /@col@/ index.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixGetValue ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@row@/: the row index
    -> Word32
    -- ^ /@col@/: the column index
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the value at the given indices
matrixGetValue :: Matrix -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m Float
matrixGetValue m :: Matrix
m row :: Word32
row col :: Word32
col = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_value Ptr Matrix
m' Word32
row Word32
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetValueMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Word32 -> Word32 -> m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetValueMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetValue


-- method Matrix::get_x_scale
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_x_scale" graphene_matrix_get_x_scale :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the scaling factor on the X axis in /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixGetXScale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the value of the scaling factor
matrixGetXScale :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetXScale m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_x_scale Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetXScaleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetXScaleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetXScale


-- method Matrix::get_x_translation
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_x_translation" graphene_matrix_get_x_translation :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the translation component on the X axis from /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixGetXTranslation ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the translation component
matrixGetXTranslation :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetXTranslation m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_x_translation Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetXTranslationMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetXTranslationMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetXTranslation


-- method Matrix::get_y_scale
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_y_scale" graphene_matrix_get_y_scale :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the scaling factor on the Y axis in /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixGetYScale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the value of the scaling factor
matrixGetYScale :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetYScale m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_y_scale Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetYScaleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetYScaleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetYScale


-- method Matrix::get_y_translation
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_y_translation" graphene_matrix_get_y_translation :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the translation component on the Y axis from /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixGetYTranslation ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the translation component
matrixGetYTranslation :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetYTranslation m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_y_translation Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetYTranslationMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetYTranslationMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetYTranslation


-- method Matrix::get_z_scale
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_z_scale" graphene_matrix_get_z_scale :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the scaling factor on the Z axis in /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixGetZScale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the value of the scaling factor
matrixGetZScale :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetZScale m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_z_scale Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetZScaleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetZScaleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetZScale


-- method Matrix::get_z_translation
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TFloat)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_get_z_translation" graphene_matrix_get_z_translation :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CFloat

-- | Retrieves the translation component on the Z axis from /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixGetZTranslation ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Float
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the translation component
matrixGetZTranslation :: Matrix -> m Float
matrixGetZTranslation m :: Matrix
m = IO Float -> m Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Float -> m Float) -> IO Float -> m Float
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CFloat
graphene_matrix_get_z_translation Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Float
result' = CFloat -> Float
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Float -> IO Float
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Float

data MatrixGetZTranslationMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Float), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixGetZTranslationMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixGetZTranslation


-- method Matrix::init_from_2d
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "xx"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the xx member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "yx"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the yx member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "xy"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the xy member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "yy"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the yy member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x_0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the x0 member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y_0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the y0 member" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_from_2d" graphene_matrix_init_from_2d :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CDouble ->                              -- xx : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- yx : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- xy : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- yy : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- x_0 : TBasicType TDouble
    CDouble ->                              -- y_0 : TBasicType TDouble
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' from the values of an affine
-- transformation matrix.
-- The arguments map to the following matrix layout:
-- === /plain code/
-- >
-- >  ⎛ xx  yx ⎞   ⎛  a   b  0 ⎞
-- >  ⎜ xy  yy ⎟ = ⎜  c   d  0 ⎟
-- >  ⎝ x0  y0 ⎠   ⎝ tx  ty  1 ⎠
-- This function can be used to convert between an affine matrix type
-- from other libraries and a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitFrom2d ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@xx@/: the xx member
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@yx@/: the yx member
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@xy@/: the xy member
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@yy@/: the yy member
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@x0@/: the x0 member
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@y0@/: the y0 member
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitFrom2d :: Matrix
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> Double
-> m Matrix
matrixInitFrom2d m :: Matrix
m xx :: Double
xx yx :: Double
yx xy :: Double
xy yy :: Double
yy x0 :: Double
x0 y0 :: Double
y0 = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let xx' :: CDouble
xx' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let yx' :: CDouble
yx' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let xy' :: CDouble
xy' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let yy' :: CDouble
yy' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let x0' :: CDouble
x0' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    let y0' :: CDouble
y0' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> CDouble
-> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_from_2d Ptr Matrix
m' CDouble
xx' CDouble
yx' CDouble
xy' CDouble
yy' CDouble
x0' CDouble
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitFrom2d" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitFrom2dMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitFrom2dMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitFrom2d


-- method Matrix::init_from_float
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v"
--           , argType = TCArray False 16 (-1) (TBasicType TFloat)
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "an array of at least 16 floating\n  point values"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_from_float" graphene_matrix_init_from_float :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr CFloat ->                           -- v : TCArray False 16 (-1) (TBasicType TFloat)
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with the given array of floating
-- point values.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitFromFloat ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> [Float]
    -- ^ /@v@/: an array of at least 16 floating
    --   point values
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitFromFloat :: Matrix -> [Float] -> m Matrix
matrixInitFromFloat m :: Matrix
m v :: [Float]
v = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr CFloat
v' <- ((Float -> CFloat) -> [Float] -> IO (Ptr CFloat)
forall a b. Storable b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> IO (Ptr b)
packMapStorableArray Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac) [Float]
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr CFloat -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_from_float Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitFromFloat" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CFloat
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitFromFloatMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ ([Float] -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitFromFloatMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitFromFloat


-- method Matrix::init_from_matrix
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "src"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_from_matrix" graphene_matrix_init_from_matrix :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- src : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' using the values of the
-- given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitFromMatrix ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@src@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitFromMatrix :: Matrix -> Matrix -> m Matrix
matrixInitFromMatrix m :: Matrix
m src :: Matrix
src = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
src' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_from_matrix Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Matrix
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitFromMatrix" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitFromMatrixMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitFromMatrixMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitFromMatrix


-- method Matrix::init_from_vec4
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v0"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the first row vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v1"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the second row vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v2"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the third row vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v3"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the fourth row vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_from_vec4" graphene_matrix_init_from_vec4 :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- v0 : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- v1 : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- v2 : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- v3 : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with the given four row
-- vectors.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitFromVec4 ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4
    -- ^ /@v0@/: the first row vector
    -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4
    -- ^ /@v1@/: the second row vector
    -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4
    -- ^ /@v2@/: the third row vector
    -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4
    -- ^ /@v3@/: the fourth row vector
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitFromVec4 :: Matrix -> Vec4 -> Vec4 -> Vec4 -> Vec4 -> m Matrix
matrixInitFromVec4 m :: Matrix
m v0 :: Vec4
v0 v1 :: Vec4
v1 v2 :: Vec4
v2 v3 :: Vec4
v3 = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Vec4
v0' <- Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec4
    Ptr Vec4
v1' <- Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec4
    Ptr Vec4
v2' <- Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec4
    Ptr Vec4
v3' <- Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec4
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> Ptr Vec4 -> Ptr Vec4 -> Ptr Vec4 -> Ptr Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_from_vec4 Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Vec4
v0' Ptr Vec4
v1' Ptr Vec4
v2' Ptr Vec4
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitFromVec4" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec4 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec4
    Vec4 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec4
    Vec4 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec4
    Vec4 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec4
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitFromVec4MethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitFromVec4MethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitFromVec4


-- method Matrix::init_frustum
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "left"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the left clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "right"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the right clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "bottom"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the bottom clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "top"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the top clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_near"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the near clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_far"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "distance of the far clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_frustum" graphene_matrix_init_frustum :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- left : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- right : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- bottom : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- top : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_near : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_far : TBasicType TFloat
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' compatible with t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Frustum.Frustum'.
-- See also: 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Frustum.frustumInitFromMatrix'
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixInitFrustum ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@left@/: distance of the left clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@right@/: distance of the right clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@bottom@/: distance of the bottom clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@top@/: distance of the top clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zNear@/: distance of the near clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zFar@/: distance of the far clipping plane
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitFrustum :: Matrix
-> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixInitFrustum m :: Matrix
m left :: Float
left right :: Float
right bottom :: Float
bottom top :: Float
top zNear :: Float
zNear zFar :: Float
zFar = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let left' :: CFloat
left' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let right' :: CFloat
right' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let bottom' :: CFloat
bottom' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let top' :: CFloat
top' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zNear' :: CFloat
zNear' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zFar' :: CFloat
zFar' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_frustum Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
left' CFloat
right' CFloat
bottom' CFloat
top' CFloat
zNear' CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitFrustum" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitFrustumMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitFrustumMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitFrustum


-- method Matrix::init_identity
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_identity" graphene_matrix_init_identity :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with the identity matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitIdentity ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitIdentity :: Matrix -> m Matrix
matrixInitIdentity m :: Matrix
m = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_identity Ptr Matrix
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitIdentity" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitIdentityMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitIdentityMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitIdentity


-- method Matrix::init_look_at
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "eye"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "the vector describing the position to look from"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "center"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the vector describing the position to look at"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "up"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "the vector describing the world's upward direction; usually,\n  this is the graphene_vec3_y_axis() vector"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_look_at" graphene_matrix_init_look_at :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- eye : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- center : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- up : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' so that it positions the \"camera\"
-- at the given /@eye@/ coordinates towards an object at the /@center@/
-- coordinates. The top of the camera is aligned to the direction
-- of the /@up@/ vector.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitLookAt ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@eye@/: the vector describing the position to look from
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@center@/: the vector describing the position to look at
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@up@/: the vector describing the world\'s upward direction; usually,
    --   this is the 'GI.Graphene.Functions.vec3YAxis' vector
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitLookAt :: Matrix -> Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3 -> m Matrix
matrixInitLookAt m :: Matrix
m eye :: Vec3
eye center :: Vec3
center up :: Vec3
up = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Vec3
eye' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Vec3
center' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Vec3
up' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Vec3 -> Ptr Vec3 -> Ptr Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_look_at Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Vec3
eye' Ptr Vec3
center' Ptr Vec3
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitLookAt" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitLookAtMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitLookAtMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitLookAt


-- method Matrix::init_ortho
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "left"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the left edge of the clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "right"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the right edge of the clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "top"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the top edge of the clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "bottom"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the bottom edge of the clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_near"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the distance of the near clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_far"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the distance of the far clipping plane"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_ortho" graphene_matrix_init_ortho :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- left : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- right : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- top : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- bottom : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_near : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_far : TBasicType TFloat
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with an orthographic projection.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitOrtho ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@left@/: the left edge of the clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@right@/: the right edge of the clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@top@/: the top edge of the clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@bottom@/: the bottom edge of the clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zNear@/: the distance of the near clipping plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zFar@/: the distance of the far clipping plane
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitOrtho :: Matrix
-> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixInitOrtho m :: Matrix
m left :: Float
left right :: Float
right top :: Float
top bottom :: Float
bottom zNear :: Float
zNear zFar :: Float
zFar = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let left' :: CFloat
left' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let right' :: CFloat
right' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let top' :: CFloat
top' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let bottom' :: CFloat
bottom' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zNear' :: CFloat
zNear' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zFar' :: CFloat
zFar' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> CFloat
-> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_ortho Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
left' CFloat
right' CFloat
top' CFloat
bottom' CFloat
zNear' CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitOrtho" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitOrthoMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitOrthoMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitOrtho


-- method Matrix::init_perspective
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "fovy"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the field of view angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "aspect"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the aspect value" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_near"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the near Z plane" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z_far"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the far Z plane" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_perspective" graphene_matrix_init_perspective :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- fovy : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- aspect : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_near : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z_far : TBasicType TFloat
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with a perspective projection.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitPerspective ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@fovy@/: the field of view angle, in degrees
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@aspect@/: the aspect value
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zNear@/: the near Z plane
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@zFar@/: the far Z plane
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitPerspective :: Matrix -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixInitPerspective m :: Matrix
m fovy :: Float
fovy aspect :: Float
aspect zNear :: Float
zNear zFar :: Float
zFar = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let fovy' :: CFloat
fovy' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let aspect' :: CFloat
aspect' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zNear' :: CFloat
zNear' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let zFar' :: CFloat
zFar' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_perspective Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
fovy' CFloat
aspect' CFloat
zNear' CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitPerspective" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitPerspectiveMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitPerspectiveMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitPerspective


-- method Matrix::init_rotate
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "axis"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the axis vector as a #graphene_vec3_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_rotate" graphene_matrix_init_rotate :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- angle : TBasicType TFloat
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- axis : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes /@m@/ to represent a rotation of /@angle@/ degrees on
-- the axis represented by the /@axis@/ vector.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitRotate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@angle@/: the rotation angle, in degrees
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@axis@/: the axis vector as a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec3.Vec3'
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitRotate :: Matrix -> Float -> Vec3 -> m Matrix
matrixInitRotate m :: Matrix
m angle :: Float
angle axis :: Vec3
axis = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let angle' :: CFloat
angle' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Vec3
axis' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> Ptr Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_rotate Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
angle' Ptr Vec3
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitRotate" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitRotateMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitRotateMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitRotate


-- method Matrix::init_scale
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the scale factor on the X axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the scale factor on the Y axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "z"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the scale factor on the Z axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_scale" graphene_matrix_init_scale :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- x : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- y : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- z : TBasicType TFloat
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with the given scaling factors.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitScale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@x@/: the scale factor on the X axis
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@y@/: the scale factor on the Y axis
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@z@/: the scale factor on the Z axis
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitScale :: Matrix -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixInitScale m :: Matrix
m x :: Float
x y :: Float
y z :: Float
z = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let x' :: CFloat
x' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let y' :: CFloat
y' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let z' :: CFloat
z' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_scale Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
x' CFloat
y' CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitScale" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitScaleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitScaleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitScale


-- method Matrix::init_skew
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x_skew"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "skew factor, in radians, on the X axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y_skew"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "skew factor, in radians, on the Y axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_skew" graphene_matrix_init_skew :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- x_skew : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- y_skew : TBasicType TFloat
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with a skew transformation
-- with the given factors.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitSkew ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@xSkew@/: skew factor, in radians, on the X axis
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@ySkew@/: skew factor, in radians, on the Y axis
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitSkew :: Matrix -> Float -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixInitSkew m :: Matrix
m xSkew :: Float
xSkew ySkew :: Float
ySkew = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let xSkew' :: CFloat
xSkew' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let ySkew' :: CFloat
ySkew' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_skew Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
xSkew' CFloat
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitSkew" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitSkewMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitSkewMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitSkew


-- method Matrix::init_translate
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "p"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the translation coordinates"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" })
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_init_translate" graphene_matrix_init_translate :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- p : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    IO (Ptr Matrix)

-- | Initializes a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' with a translation to the
-- given coordinates.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInitTranslate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point3D.Point3D
    -- ^ /@p@/: the translation coordinates
    -> m Matrix
    -- ^ __Returns:__ the initialized matrix
matrixInitTranslate :: Matrix -> Point3D -> m Matrix
matrixInitTranslate m :: Matrix
m p :: Point3D
p = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point3D
p' <- Point3D -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point3D
    Ptr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point3D -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
graphene_matrix_init_translate Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point3D
    Text -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> Ptr a -> IO ()
checkUnexpectedReturnNULL "matrixInitTranslate" Ptr Matrix
result' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
newBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point3D -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point3D
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInitTranslateMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D -> m Matrix), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInitTranslateMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInitTranslate


-- method Matrix::interpolate
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "a"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the linear interpolation factor"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the\n  interpolated matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_interpolate" graphene_matrix_interpolate :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- a : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CDouble ->                              -- factor : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Linearly interpolates the two given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' by
-- interpolating the decomposed transformations separately.
-- If either matrix cannot be reduced to their transformations
-- then the interpolation cannot be performed, and this function
-- will return an identity matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInterpolate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@a@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Double
    -- ^ /@factor@/: the linear interpolation factor
    -> m (Matrix)
matrixInterpolate :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Double -> m Matrix
matrixInterpolate a :: Matrix
a b :: Matrix
b factor :: Double
factor = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
a' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
b' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let factor' :: CDouble
factor' = Double -> CDouble
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Double
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> CDouble -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_interpolate Ptr Matrix
a' Ptr Matrix
b' CDouble
factor' Ptr Matrix
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixInterpolateMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> Double -> m (Matrix)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInterpolateMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInterpolate


-- method Matrix::inverse
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the\n  inverse matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_inverse" graphene_matrix_inverse :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Inverts the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixInverse ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m ((Bool, Matrix))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrix is invertible
matrixInverse :: Matrix -> m (Bool, Matrix)
matrixInverse m :: Matrix
m = IO (Bool, Matrix) -> m (Bool, Matrix)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Bool, Matrix) -> m (Bool, Matrix))
-> IO (Bool, Matrix) -> m (Bool, Matrix)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_inverse Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    (Bool, Matrix) -> IO (Bool, Matrix)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
result', Matrix

data MatrixInverseMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m ((Bool, Matrix))), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixInverseMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixInverse


-- method Matrix::is_2d
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_is_2d" graphene_matrix_is_2d :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' is compatible with an
-- a 2D affine transformation matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixIs2d ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrix is compatible with an affine
    --   transformation matrix
matrixIs2d :: Matrix -> m Bool
matrixIs2d m :: Matrix
m = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_is_2d Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixIs2dMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixIs2dMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixIs2d


-- method Matrix::is_backface_visible
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_is_backface_visible" graphene_matrix_is_backface_visible :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' has a visible back face.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixIsBackfaceVisible ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the back face of the matrix is visible
matrixIsBackfaceVisible :: Matrix -> m Bool
matrixIsBackfaceVisible m :: Matrix
m = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_is_backface_visible Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixIsBackfaceVisibleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixIsBackfaceVisibleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixIsBackfaceVisible


-- method Matrix::is_identity
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_is_identity" graphene_matrix_is_identity :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' is the identity matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixIsIdentity ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrix is the identity matrix
matrixIsIdentity :: Matrix -> m Bool
matrixIsIdentity m :: Matrix
m = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_is_identity Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixIsIdentityMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixIsIdentityMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixIsIdentity


-- method Matrix::is_singular
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_is_singular" graphene_matrix_is_singular :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO CInt

-- | Checks whether a matrix is singular.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixIsSingular ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrix is singular
matrixIsSingular :: Matrix -> m Bool
matrixIsSingular m :: Matrix
m = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
result <- Ptr Matrix -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_is_singular Ptr Matrix
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixIsSingularMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixIsSingularMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixIsSingular


-- method Matrix::multiply
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "a"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the matrix\n  result"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_multiply" graphene_matrix_multiply :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- a : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Multiplies two t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'.
-- Matrix multiplication is not commutative in general; the order of the factors matters.
-- The product of this multiplication is (/@a@/ × /@b@/)
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixMultiply ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@a@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m (Matrix)
matrixMultiply :: Matrix -> Matrix -> m Matrix
matrixMultiply a :: Matrix
a b :: Matrix
b = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
a' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
b' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_multiply Ptr Matrix
a' Ptr Matrix
b' Ptr Matrix
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixMultiplyMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> m (Matrix)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixMultiplyMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixMultiply


-- method Matrix::near
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "a"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "epsilon"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the threshold between the two matrices"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_near" graphene_matrix_near :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- a : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- epsilon : TBasicType TFloat
    IO CInt

-- | Compares the two given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' matrices and checks
-- whether their values are within the given /@epsilon@/ of each
-- other.
-- /Since: 1.10/
matrixNear ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@a@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@epsilon@/: the threshold between the two matrices
    -> m Bool
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the two matrices are near each other, and
    --   @false@ otherwise
matrixNear :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Float -> m Bool
matrixNear a :: Matrix
a b :: Matrix
b epsilon :: Float
epsilon = IO Bool -> m Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Bool -> m Bool) -> IO Bool -> m Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
a' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
b' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let epsilon' :: CFloat
epsilon' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_near Ptr Matrix
a' Ptr Matrix
b' CFloat
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Bool

data MatrixNearMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> Float -> m Bool), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixNearMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixNear


-- method Matrix::normalize
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the normalized matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_normalize" graphene_matrix_normalize :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Normalizes the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixNormalize ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m (Matrix)
matrixNormalize :: Matrix -> m Matrix
matrixNormalize m :: Matrix
m = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_normalize Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Matrix
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixNormalizeMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m (Matrix)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixNormalizeMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixNormalize


-- method Matrix::perspective
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "depth"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the depth of the perspective"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the\n  perspective matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_perspective" graphene_matrix_perspective :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- depth : TBasicType TFloat
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Applies a perspective of /@depth@/ to the matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixPerspective ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@depth@/: the depth of the perspective
    -> m (Matrix)
matrixPerspective :: Matrix -> Float -> m Matrix
matrixPerspective m :: Matrix
m depth :: Float
depth = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let depth' :: CFloat
depth' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_perspective Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
depth' Ptr Matrix
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixPerspectiveMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m (Matrix)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixPerspectiveMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixPerspective


-- method Matrix::print
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "The matrix to print"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_print" graphene_matrix_print :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Prints the contents of a matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixPrint ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: The matrix to print
    -> m ()
matrixPrint :: Matrix -> m ()
matrixPrint m :: Matrix
m = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_print Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixPrintMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixPrintMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixPrint


-- method Matrix::project_point
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "p"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_point_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the projected\n  point"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_project_point" graphene_matrix_project_point :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- p : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    IO ()

-- | Projects a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point' using the matrix /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixProjectPoint ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point.Point
    -- ^ /@p@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point'
    -> m (Graphene.Point.Point)
matrixProjectPoint :: Matrix -> Point -> m Point
matrixProjectPoint m :: Matrix
m p :: Point
p = IO Point -> m Point
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Point -> m Point) -> IO Point -> m Point
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point
p' <- Point -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point
    Ptr Point
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 8 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Point.Point)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point -> Ptr Point -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_project_point Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point
p' Ptr Point
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Point -> Point) -> Ptr Point -> IO Point
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Point -> Point
Graphene.Point.Point) Ptr Point
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point
    Point -> IO Point
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Point

data MatrixProjectPointMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point.Point -> m (Graphene.Point.Point)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixProjectPointMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixProjectPoint


-- method Matrix::project_rect
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_rect_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Quad" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the projected\n  rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_project_rect" graphene_matrix_project_rect :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Quad.Quad ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Quad"})
    IO ()

-- | Projects a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect' using the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixProjectRect ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect'
    -> m (Graphene.Quad.Quad)
matrixProjectRect :: Matrix -> Rect -> m Quad
matrixProjectRect m :: Matrix
m r :: Rect
r = IO Quad -> m Quad
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Quad -> m Quad) -> IO Quad -> m Quad
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Rect
r' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Quad
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Quad)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 32 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Quad.Quad)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Quad -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_project_rect Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Rect
r' Ptr Quad
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Quad -> Quad) -> Ptr Quad -> IO Quad
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Quad -> Quad
Graphene.Quad.Quad) Ptr Quad
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Quad -> IO Quad
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Quad

data MatrixProjectRectMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m (Graphene.Quad.Quad)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixProjectRectMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixProjectRect


-- method Matrix::project_rect_bounds
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_rect_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the projected\n  rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_project_rect_bounds" graphene_matrix_project_rect_bounds :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    IO ()

-- | Projects a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect' using the given matrix.
-- The resulting rectangle is the axis aligned bounding rectangle capable
-- of containing fully the projected rectangle.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixProjectRectBounds ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect'
    -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)
matrixProjectRectBounds :: Matrix -> Rect -> m Rect
matrixProjectRectBounds m :: Matrix
m r :: Rect
r = IO Rect -> m Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Rect -> m Rect) -> IO Rect -> m Rect
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Rect
r' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Rect
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_project_rect_bounds Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Rect
r' Ptr Rect
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect) -> Ptr Rect -> IO Rect
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect
Graphene.Rect.Rect) Ptr Rect
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Rect -> IO Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Rect

data MatrixProjectRectBoundsMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixProjectRectBoundsMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixProjectRectBounds


-- method Matrix::rotate
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "axis"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation axis, as a #graphene_vec3_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate" graphene_matrix_rotate :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- angle : TBasicType TFloat
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- axis : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation to /@m@/, using the given /@angle@/
-- and /@axis@/ vector.
-- This is the equivalent of calling 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixInitRotate' and
-- then multiplying the matrix /@m@/ with the rotation matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixRotate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@angle@/: the rotation angle, in degrees
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@axis@/: the rotation axis, as a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec3.Vec3'
    -> m ()
matrixRotate :: Matrix -> Float -> Vec3 -> m ()
matrixRotate m :: Matrix
m angle :: Float
angle axis :: Vec3
axis = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let angle' :: CFloat
angle' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Vec3
axis' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> Ptr Vec3 -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
angle' Ptr Vec3
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotate


-- method Matrix::rotate_euler
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "e"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Euler" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a rotation described by a #graphene_euler_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate_euler" graphene_matrix_rotate_euler :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Euler.Euler ->             -- e : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Euler"})
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation to /@m@/, using the given
-- t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Euler.Euler'.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixRotateEuler ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Euler.Euler
    -- ^ /@e@/: a rotation described by a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Euler.Euler'
    -> m ()
matrixRotateEuler :: Matrix -> Euler -> m ()
matrixRotateEuler m :: Matrix
m e :: Euler
e = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Euler
e' <- Euler -> IO (Ptr Euler)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Euler
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Euler -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate_euler Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Euler
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Euler -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Euler
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateEulerMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Euler.Euler -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateEulerMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotateEuler


-- method Matrix::rotate_quaternion
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "q"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Quaternion" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a rotation described by a #graphene_quaternion_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate_quaternion" graphene_matrix_rotate_quaternion :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Quaternion.Quaternion ->   -- q : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Quaternion"})
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation to /@m@/, using the given
-- t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Quaternion.Quaternion'.
-- This is the equivalent of calling 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Quaternion.quaternionToMatrix' and
-- then multiplying /@m@/ with the rotation matrix.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixRotateQuaternion ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Quaternion.Quaternion
    -- ^ /@q@/: a rotation described by a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Quaternion.Quaternion'
    -> m ()
matrixRotateQuaternion :: Matrix -> Quaternion -> m ()
matrixRotateQuaternion m :: Matrix
m q :: Quaternion
q = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Quaternion
q' <- Quaternion -> IO (Ptr Quaternion)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Quaternion
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Quaternion -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate_quaternion Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Quaternion
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Quaternion -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Quaternion
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateQuaternionMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Quaternion.Quaternion -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateQuaternionMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotateQuaternion


-- method Matrix::rotate_x
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate_x" graphene_matrix_rotate_x :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- angle : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation around the X axis to /@m@/, using
-- the given /@angle@/.
-- See also: 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixRotate'
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixRotateX ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@angle@/: the rotation angle, in degrees
    -> m ()
matrixRotateX :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixRotateX m :: Matrix
m angle :: Float
angle = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let angle' :: CFloat
angle' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate_x Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateXMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateXMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotateX


-- method Matrix::rotate_y
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate_y" graphene_matrix_rotate_y :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- angle : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation around the Y axis to /@m@/, using
-- the given /@angle@/.
-- See also: 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixRotate'
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixRotateY ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@angle@/: the rotation angle, in degrees
    -> m ()
matrixRotateY :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixRotateY m :: Matrix
m angle :: Float
angle = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let angle' :: CFloat
angle' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate_y Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateYMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateYMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotateY


-- method Matrix::rotate_z
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "angle"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the rotation angle, in degrees"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_rotate_z" graphene_matrix_rotate_z :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- angle : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a rotation transformation around the Z axis to /@m@/, using
-- the given /@angle@/.
-- See also: 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixRotate'
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixRotateZ ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@angle@/: the rotation angle, in degrees
    -> m ()
matrixRotateZ :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixRotateZ m :: Matrix
m angle :: Float
angle = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let angle' :: CFloat
angle' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_rotate_z Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixRotateZMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixRotateZMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixRotateZ


-- method Matrix::scale
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor_x"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "scaling factor on the X axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor_y"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "scaling factor on the Y axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor_z"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "scaling factor on the Z axis"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_scale" graphene_matrix_scale :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- factor_x : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- factor_y : TBasicType TFloat
    CFloat ->                               -- factor_z : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a scaling transformation to /@m@/, using the three
-- given factors.
-- This is the equivalent of calling 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixInitScale' and then
-- multiplying the matrix /@m@/ with the scale matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixScale ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factorX@/: scaling factor on the X axis
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factorY@/: scaling factor on the Y axis
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factorZ@/: scaling factor on the Z axis
    -> m ()
matrixScale :: Matrix -> Float -> Float -> Float -> m ()
matrixScale m :: Matrix
m factorX :: Float
factorX factorY :: Float
factorY factorZ :: Float
factorZ = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let factorX' :: CFloat
factorX' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let factorY' :: CFloat
factorY' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    let factorZ' :: CFloat
factorZ' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_scale Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
factorX' CFloat
factorY' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixScaleMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> Float -> Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixScaleMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixScale


-- method Matrix::skew_xy
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "skew factor" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_skew_xy" graphene_matrix_skew_xy :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- factor : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a skew of /@factor@/ on the X and Y axis to the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixSkewXy ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factor@/: skew factor
    -> m ()
matrixSkewXy :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixSkewXy m :: Matrix
m factor :: Float
factor = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let factor' :: CFloat
factor' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_skew_xy Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixSkewXyMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixSkewXyMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixSkewXy


-- method Matrix::skew_xz
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "skew factor" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_skew_xz" graphene_matrix_skew_xz :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- factor : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a skew of /@factor@/ on the X and Z axis to the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixSkewXz ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factor@/: skew factor
    -> m ()
matrixSkewXz :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixSkewXz m :: Matrix
m factor :: Float
factor = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let factor' :: CFloat
factor' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_skew_xz Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixSkewXzMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixSkewXzMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixSkewXz


-- method Matrix::skew_yz
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "factor"
--           , argType = TBasicType TFloat
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "skew factor" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_skew_yz" graphene_matrix_skew_yz :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    CFloat ->                               -- factor : TBasicType TFloat
    IO ()

-- | Adds a skew of /@factor@/ on the Y and Z axis to the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixSkewYz ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Float
    -- ^ /@factor@/: skew factor
    -> m ()
matrixSkewYz :: Matrix -> Float -> m ()
matrixSkewYz m :: Matrix
m factor :: Float
factor = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    let factor' :: CFloat
factor' = Float -> CFloat
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac Float
    Ptr Matrix -> CFloat -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_skew_yz Ptr Matrix
m' CFloat
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixSkewYzMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Float -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixSkewYzMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixSkewYz


-- method Matrix::to_2d
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "xx"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the xx member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "yx"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the yx member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "xy"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the xy member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "yy"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the yy member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "x_0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the x0 member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "y_0"
--           , argType = TBasicType TDouble
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the y0 member"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferEverything
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_to_2d" graphene_matrix_to_2d :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- xx : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- yx : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- xy : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- yy : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- x_0 : TBasicType TDouble
    Ptr CDouble ->                          -- y_0 : TBasicType TDouble
    IO CInt

-- | Converts a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' to an affine transformation
-- matrix, if the given matrix is compatible.
-- The returned values have the following layout:
-- === /plain code/
-- >
-- >  ⎛ xx  yx ⎞   ⎛  a   b  0 ⎞
-- >  ⎜ xy  yy ⎟ = ⎜  c   d  0 ⎟
-- >  ⎝ x0  y0 ⎠   ⎝ tx  ty  1 ⎠
-- This function can be used to convert between a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
-- and an affine matrix type from other libraries.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTo2d ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m ((Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the matrix is compatible with an affine
    --   transformation matrix
matrixTo2d :: Matrix -> m (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
matrixTo2d m :: Matrix
m = IO (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
-> m (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
 -> m (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double))
-> IO (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
-> m (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr CDouble
xx <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
yx <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
xy <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
yy <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
x0 <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
    Ptr CDouble
y0 <- IO (Ptr CDouble)
forall a. Storable a => IO (Ptr a)
allocMem :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
result <- Ptr Matrix
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> Ptr CDouble
-> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_to_2d Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr CDouble
xx Ptr CDouble
yx Ptr CDouble
xy Ptr CDouble
yy Ptr CDouble
x0 Ptr CDouble
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
xx' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let xx'' :: Double
xx'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
yx' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let yx'' :: Double
yx'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
xy' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let xy'' :: Double
xy'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
yy' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let yy'' :: Double
yy'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
x0' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let x0'' :: Double
x0'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
y0' <- Ptr CDouble -> IO CDouble
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek Ptr CDouble
    let y0'' :: Double
y0'' = CDouble -> Double
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac CDouble
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
freeMem Ptr CDouble
    (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
-> IO (Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
result', Double
xx'', Double
yx'', Double
xy'', Double
yy'', Double
x0'', Double

data MatrixTo2dMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m ((Bool, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double))), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTo2dMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTo2d


-- XXX Could not generate method Matrix::to_float
-- Error was : Not implemented: "Don't know how to allocate \"v\" of type TCArray False 16 (-1) (TBasicType TFloat)"
-- method Matrix::transform_bounds
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_rect_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "return location for the bounds\n  of the transformed rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_bounds" graphene_matrix_transform_bounds :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms each corner of a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect' using the given matrix /@m@/.
-- The result is the axis aligned bounding rectangle containing the coplanar
-- quadrilateral.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTransformBounds ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect'
    -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)
matrixTransformBounds :: Matrix -> Rect -> m Rect
matrixTransformBounds m :: Matrix
m r :: Rect
r = IO Rect -> m Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Rect -> m Rect) -> IO Rect -> m Rect
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Rect
r' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Rect
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_bounds Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Rect
r' Ptr Rect
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect) -> Ptr Rect -> IO Rect
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect
Graphene.Rect.Rect) Ptr Rect
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Rect -> IO Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Rect

data MatrixTransformBoundsMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformBoundsMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformBounds


-- method Matrix::transform_box
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "b"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Box" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_box_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Box" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the bounds\n  of the transformed box"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_box" graphene_matrix_transform_box :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Box.Box ->                 -- b : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Box"})
    Ptr Graphene.Box.Box ->                 -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Box"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms the vertices of a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Box.Box' using the given matrix /@m@/.
-- The result is the axis aligned bounding box containing the transformed
-- vertices.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixTransformBox ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Box.Box
    -- ^ /@b@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Box.Box'
    -> m (Graphene.Box.Box)
matrixTransformBox :: Matrix -> Box -> m Box
matrixTransformBox m :: Matrix
m b :: Box
b = IO Box -> m Box
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Box -> m Box) -> IO Box -> m Box
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Box
b' <- Box -> IO (Ptr Box)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Box
    Ptr Box
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Box)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 32 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Box.Box)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Box -> Ptr Box -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_box Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Box
b' Ptr Box
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Box -> Box) -> Ptr Box -> IO Box
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Box -> Box
Graphene.Box.Box) Ptr Box
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Box -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Box
    Box -> IO Box
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Box

data MatrixTransformBoxMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Box.Box -> m (Graphene.Box.Box)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformBoxMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformBox


-- method Matrix::transform_point
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "p"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_point_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the\n  transformed #graphene_point_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_point" graphene_matrix_transform_point :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- p : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point' using the matrix /@m@/.
-- Unlike 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixTransformVec3', this function will take into
-- account the fourth row vector of the t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' when computing
-- the dot product of each row vector of the matrix.
-- See also: @/graphene_simd4x4f_point3_mul()/@
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTransformPoint ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point.Point
    -- ^ /@p@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point'
    -> m (Graphene.Point.Point)
matrixTransformPoint :: Matrix -> Point -> m Point
matrixTransformPoint m :: Matrix
m p :: Point
p = IO Point -> m Point
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Point -> m Point) -> IO Point -> m Point
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point
p' <- Point -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point
    Ptr Point
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 8 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Point.Point)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point -> Ptr Point -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_point Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point
p' Ptr Point
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Point -> Point) -> Ptr Point -> IO Point
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Point -> Point
Graphene.Point.Point) Ptr Point
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point
    Point -> IO Point
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Point

data MatrixTransformPointMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point.Point -> m (Graphene.Point.Point)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformPointMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformPoint


-- method Matrix::transform_point3d
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "p"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_point3d_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the result"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_point3d" graphene_matrix_transform_point3d :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- p : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D.Point3D' using the matrix /@m@/.
-- Unlike 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixTransformVec3', this function will take into
-- account the fourth row vector of the t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' when computing
-- the dot product of each row vector of the matrix.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixTransformPoint3d ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point3D.Point3D
    -- ^ /@p@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D.Point3D'
    -> m (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)
matrixTransformPoint3d :: Matrix -> Point3D -> m Point3D
matrixTransformPoint3d m :: Matrix
m p :: Point3D
p = IO Point3D -> m Point3D
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Point3D -> m Point3D) -> IO Point3D -> m Point3D
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point3D
p' <- Point3D -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point3D
    Ptr Point3D
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 12 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point3D -> Ptr Point3D -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_point3d Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point3D
p' Ptr Point3D
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Point3D -> Point3D) -> Ptr Point3D -> IO Point3D
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Point3D -> Point3D
Graphene.Point3D.Point3D) Ptr Point3D
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point3D -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point3D
    Point3D -> IO Point3D
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Point3D

data MatrixTransformPoint3dMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D -> m (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformPoint3dMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformPoint3d


-- method Matrix::transform_ray
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Ray" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_ray_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Ray" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the\n  transformed ray"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_ray" graphene_matrix_transform_ray :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Ray.Ray ->                 -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Ray"})
    Ptr Graphene.Ray.Ray ->                 -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Ray"})
    IO ()

-- | Transform a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Ray.Ray' using the given matrix /@m@/.
-- /Since: 1.4/
matrixTransformRay ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Ray.Ray
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Ray.Ray'
    -> m (Graphene.Ray.Ray)
matrixTransformRay :: Matrix -> Ray -> m Ray
matrixTransformRay m :: Matrix
m r :: Ray
r = IO Ray -> m Ray
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Ray -> m Ray) -> IO Ray -> m Ray
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Ray
r' <- Ray -> IO (Ptr Ray)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Ray
    Ptr Ray
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Ray)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 32 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Ray.Ray)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Ray -> Ptr Ray -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_ray Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Ray
r' Ptr Ray
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Ray -> Ray) -> Ptr Ray -> IO Ray
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Ray -> Ray
Graphene.Ray.Ray) Ptr Ray
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Ray -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Ray
    Ray -> IO Ray
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Ray

data MatrixTransformRayMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Ray.Ray -> m (Graphene.Ray.Ray)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformRayMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformRay


-- method Matrix::transform_rect
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_rect_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Quad" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the\n  transformed quad"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_rect" graphene_matrix_transform_rect :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Quad.Quad ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Quad"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms each corner of a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect' using the given matrix /@m@/.
-- The result is a coplanar quadrilateral.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTransformRect ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect'
    -> m (Graphene.Quad.Quad)
matrixTransformRect :: Matrix -> Rect -> m Quad
matrixTransformRect m :: Matrix
m r :: Rect
r = IO Quad -> m Quad
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Quad -> m Quad) -> IO Quad -> m Quad
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Rect
r' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Quad
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Quad)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 32 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Quad.Quad)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Quad -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_rect Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Rect
r' Ptr Quad
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Quad -> Quad) -> Ptr Quad -> IO Quad
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Quad -> Quad
Graphene.Quad.Quad) Ptr Quad
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Quad -> IO Quad
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Quad

data MatrixTransformRectMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m (Graphene.Quad.Quad)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformRectMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformRect


-- method Matrix::transform_sphere
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "s"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Sphere" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_sphere_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Sphere" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the bounds\n  of the transformed sphere"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_sphere" graphene_matrix_transform_sphere :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Sphere.Sphere ->           -- s : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Sphere"})
    Ptr Graphene.Sphere.Sphere ->           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Sphere"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Sphere.Sphere' using the given matrix /@m@/. The
-- result is the bounding sphere containing the transformed sphere.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixTransformSphere ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Sphere.Sphere
    -- ^ /@s@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Sphere.Sphere'
    -> m (Graphene.Sphere.Sphere)
matrixTransformSphere :: Matrix -> Sphere -> m Sphere
matrixTransformSphere m :: Matrix
m s :: Sphere
s = IO Sphere -> m Sphere
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Sphere -> m Sphere) -> IO Sphere -> m Sphere
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Sphere
s' <- Sphere -> IO (Ptr Sphere)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Sphere
    Ptr Sphere
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Sphere)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 20 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Sphere.Sphere)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Sphere -> Ptr Sphere -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_sphere Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Sphere
s' Ptr Sphere
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Sphere -> Sphere) -> Ptr Sphere -> IO Sphere
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Sphere -> Sphere
Graphene.Sphere.Sphere) Ptr Sphere
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Sphere -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Sphere
    Sphere -> IO Sphere
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Sphere

data MatrixTransformSphereMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Sphere.Sphere -> m (Graphene.Sphere.Sphere)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformSphereMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformSphere


-- method Matrix::transform_vec3
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_vec3_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec3" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for a #graphene_vec3_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_vec3" graphene_matrix_transform_vec3 :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- v : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec3"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec3.Vec3' using the matrix /@m@/.
-- This function will multiply the X, Y, and Z row vectors of the matrix /@m@/
-- with the corresponding components of the vector /@v@/. The W row vector will
-- be ignored.
-- See also: @/graphene_simd4x4f_vec3_mul()/@
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTransformVec3 ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Vec3.Vec3
    -- ^ /@v@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec3.Vec3'
    -> m (Graphene.Vec3.Vec3)
matrixTransformVec3 :: Matrix -> Vec3 -> m Vec3
matrixTransformVec3 m :: Matrix
m v :: Vec3
v = IO Vec3 -> m Vec3
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Vec3 -> m Vec3) -> IO Vec3 -> m Vec3
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Vec3
v' <- Vec3 -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec3
    Ptr Vec3
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Vec3)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Vec3.Vec3)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Vec3 -> Ptr Vec3 -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_vec3 Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Vec3
v' Ptr Vec3
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Vec3 -> Vec3) -> Ptr Vec3 -> IO Vec3
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Vec3 -> Vec3
Graphene.Vec3.Vec3) Ptr Vec3
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec3 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec3
    Vec3 -> IO Vec3
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Vec3

data MatrixTransformVec3MethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Vec3.Vec3 -> m (Graphene.Vec3.Vec3)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformVec3MethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformVec3


-- method Matrix::transform_vec4
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "v"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_vec4_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Vec4" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for a #graphene_vec4_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transform_vec4" graphene_matrix_transform_vec4 :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- v : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Vec4"})
    IO ()

-- | Transforms the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec4.Vec4' using the matrix /@m@/.
-- See also: @/graphene_simd4x4f_vec4_mul()/@
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTransformVec4 ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Vec4.Vec4
    -- ^ /@v@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Vec4.Vec4'
    -> m (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)
matrixTransformVec4 :: Matrix -> Vec4 -> m Vec4
matrixTransformVec4 m :: Matrix
m v :: Vec4
v = IO Vec4 -> m Vec4
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Vec4 -> m Vec4) -> IO Vec4 -> m Vec4
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Vec4
v' <- Vec4 -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Vec4
    Ptr Vec4
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Vec4)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Vec4 -> Ptr Vec4 -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transform_vec4 Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Vec4
v' Ptr Vec4
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Vec4 -> Vec4) -> Ptr Vec4 -> IO Vec4
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Vec4 -> Vec4
Graphene.Vec4.Vec4) Ptr Vec4
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Vec4 -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Vec4
    Vec4 -> IO Vec4
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Vec4

data MatrixTransformVec4MethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4 -> m (Graphene.Vec4.Vec4)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransformVec4MethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTransformVec4


-- method Matrix::translate
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "pos"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_point3d_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_translate" graphene_matrix_translate :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- pos : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    IO ()

-- | Adds a translation transformation to /@m@/ using the coordinates
-- of the given t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D.Point3D'.
-- This is the equivalent of calling 'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.matrixInitTranslate' and
-- then multiplying /@m@/ with the translation matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTranslate ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point3D.Point3D
    -- ^ /@pos@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D.Point3D'
    -> m ()
matrixTranslate :: Matrix -> Point3D -> m ()
matrixTranslate m :: Matrix
m pos :: Point3D
pos = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point3D
pos' <- Point3D -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point3D
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point3D -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_translate Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point3D
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point3D -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point3D
    () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

data MatrixTranslateMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D -> m ()), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTranslateMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTranslate


-- method Matrix::transpose
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the\n  transposed matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_transpose" graphene_matrix_transpose :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    IO ()

-- | Transposes the given matrix.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixTranspose ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> m (Matrix)
matrixTranspose :: Matrix -> m Matrix
matrixTranspose m :: Matrix
m = IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Matrix -> m Matrix) -> IO Matrix -> m Matrix
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 64 :: IO (Ptr Matrix)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_transpose Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Matrix
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix) -> Ptr Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Matrix -> Matrix
Matrix) Ptr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO Matrix
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Matrix

data MatrixTransposeMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (m (Matrix)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixTransposeMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixTranspose


-- method Matrix::unproject_point3d
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "projection"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a #graphene_matrix_t for the projection matrix"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "modelview"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just
--                       "a #graphene_matrix_t for the modelview matrix; this is\n  the inverse of the modelview used when projecting the point"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "point"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "a #graphene_point3d_t with the coordinates of the point"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point3D" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "return location for the unprojected\n  point"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_unproject_point3d" graphene_matrix_unproject_point3d :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- projection : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- modelview : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- point : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D ->         -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point3D"})
    IO ()

-- | Unprojects the given /@point@/ using the /@projection@/ matrix and
-- a /@modelview@/ matrix.
-- /Since: 1.2/
matrixUnprojectPoint3d ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@projection@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' for the projection matrix
    -> Matrix
    -- ^ /@modelview@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix' for the modelview matrix; this is
    --   the inverse of the modelview used when projecting the point
    -> Graphene.Point3D.Point3D
    -- ^ /@point@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point3D.Point3D' with the coordinates of the point
    -> m (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)
matrixUnprojectPoint3d :: Matrix -> Matrix -> Point3D -> m Point3D
matrixUnprojectPoint3d projection :: Matrix
projection modelview :: Matrix
modelview point :: Point3D
point = IO Point3D -> m Point3D
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Point3D -> m Point3D) -> IO Point3D -> m Point3D
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
projection' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Matrix
modelview' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point3D
point' <- Point3D -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point3D
    Ptr Point3D
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Point3D)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 12 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point3D -> Ptr Point3D -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_unproject_point3d Ptr Matrix
projection' Ptr Matrix
modelview' Ptr Point3D
point' Ptr Point3D
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Point3D -> Point3D) -> Ptr Point3D -> IO Point3D
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Point3D -> Point3D
Graphene.Point3D.Point3D) Ptr Point3D
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point3D -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point3D
    Point3D -> IO Point3D
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Point3D

data MatrixUnprojectPoint3dMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Matrix -> Graphene.Point3D.Point3D -> m (Graphene.Point3D.Point3D)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixUnprojectPoint3dMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixUnprojectPoint3d


-- method Matrix::untransform_bounds
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "r"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_rect_t" , sinceVersion = Nothing }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "bounds"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the bounds of the transformation"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the\n  untransformed rectangle"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_untransform_bounds" graphene_matrix_untransform_bounds :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- r : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- bounds : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    IO ()

-- | Undoes the transformation on the corners of a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect' using the
-- given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular /@bounds@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixUntransformBounds ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@r@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Rect.Rect'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@bounds@/: the bounds of the transformation
    -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)
matrixUntransformBounds :: Matrix -> Rect -> Rect -> m Rect
matrixUntransformBounds m :: Matrix
m r :: Rect
r bounds :: Rect
bounds = IO Rect -> m Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Rect -> m Rect) -> IO Rect -> m Rect
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Rect
r' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Rect
bounds' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Rect
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 16 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect)
    Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO ()
graphene_matrix_untransform_bounds Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Rect
r' Ptr Rect
bounds' Ptr Rect
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect) -> Ptr Rect -> IO Rect
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Rect -> Rect
Graphene.Rect.Rect) Ptr Rect
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    Rect -> IO Rect
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Rect

data MatrixUntransformBoundsMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Rect.Rect -> Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m (Graphene.Rect.Rect)), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixUntransformBoundsMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixUntransformBounds


-- method Matrix::untransform_point
-- method type : OrdinaryMethod
-- Args: [ Arg
--           { argCName = "m"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Matrix" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_matrix_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "p"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "a #graphene_point_t"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "bounds"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Rect" }
--           , direction = DirectionIn
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText = Just "the bounds of the transformation"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = False
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       , Arg
--           { argCName = "res"
--           , argType =
--               TInterface Name { namespace = "Graphene" , name = "Point" }
--           , direction = DirectionOut
--           , mayBeNull = False
--           , argDoc =
--               Documentation
--                 { rawDocText =
--                     Just "return location for the\n  untransformed point"
--                 , sinceVersion = Nothing
--                 }
--           , argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid
--           , argClosure = -1
--           , argDestroy = -1
--           , argCallerAllocates = True
--           , transfer = TransferNothing
--           }
--       ]
-- Lengths: []
-- returnType: Just (TBasicType TBoolean)
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "graphene_matrix_untransform_point" graphene_matrix_untransform_point :: 
    Ptr Matrix ->                           -- m : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Matrix"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- p : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    Ptr Graphene.Rect.Rect ->               -- bounds : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Rect"})
    Ptr Graphene.Point.Point ->             -- res : TInterface (Name {namespace = "Graphene", name = "Point"})
    IO CInt

-- | Undoes the transformation of a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point' using the
-- given matrix, within the given axis aligned rectangular /@bounds@/.
-- /Since: 1.0/
matrixUntransformPoint ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    -- ^ /@m@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Matrix.Matrix'
    -> Graphene.Point.Point
    -- ^ /@p@/: a t'GI.Graphene.Structs.Point.Point'
    -> Graphene.Rect.Rect
    -- ^ /@bounds@/: the bounds of the transformation
    -> m ((Bool, Graphene.Point.Point))
    -- ^ __Returns:__ @true@ if the point was successfully untransformed
matrixUntransformPoint :: Matrix -> Point -> Rect -> m (Bool, Point)
matrixUntransformPoint m :: Matrix
m p :: Point
p bounds :: Rect
bounds = IO (Bool, Point) -> m (Bool, Point)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO (Bool, Point) -> m (Bool, Point))
-> IO (Bool, Point) -> m (Bool, Point)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Ptr Matrix
m' <- Matrix -> IO (Ptr Matrix)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Matrix
    Ptr Point
p' <- Point -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Point
    Ptr Rect
bounds' <- Rect -> IO (Ptr Rect)
forall a. (HasCallStack, ManagedPtrNewtype a) => a -> IO (Ptr a)
unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr Rect
    Ptr Point
res <- Int -> IO (Ptr Point)
forall a. BoxedObject a => Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBoxedBytes 8 :: IO (Ptr Graphene.Point.Point)
result <- Ptr Matrix -> Ptr Point -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Point -> IO CInt
graphene_matrix_untransform_point Ptr Matrix
m' Ptr Point
p' Ptr Rect
bounds' Ptr Point
    let result' :: Bool
result' = (CInt -> CInt -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= 0) CInt
res' <- ((ManagedPtr Point -> Point) -> Ptr Point -> IO Point
forall a.
(HasCallStack, BoxedObject a) =>
(ManagedPtr a -> a) -> Ptr a -> IO a
wrapBoxed ManagedPtr Point -> Point
Graphene.Point.Point) Ptr Point
    Matrix -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Matrix
    Point -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Point
    Rect -> IO ()
forall a. ManagedPtrNewtype a => a -> IO ()
touchManagedPtr Rect
    (Bool, Point) -> IO (Bool, Point)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Bool
result', Point

data MatrixUntransformPointMethodInfo
instance (signature ~ (Graphene.Point.Point -> Graphene.Rect.Rect -> m ((Bool, Graphene.Point.Point))), MonadIO m) => O.MethodInfo MatrixUntransformPointMethodInfo Matrix signature where
    overloadedMethod = matrixUntransformPoint


type family ResolveMatrixMethod (t :: Symbol) (o :: *) :: * where
    ResolveMatrixMethod "determinant" o = MatrixDeterminantMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "equal" o = MatrixEqualMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "equalFast" o = MatrixEqualFastMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "free" o = MatrixFreeMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initFrom2d" o = MatrixInitFrom2dMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initFromFloat" o = MatrixInitFromFloatMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initFromMatrix" o = MatrixInitFromMatrixMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initFromVec4" o = MatrixInitFromVec4MethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initFrustum" o = MatrixInitFrustumMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initIdentity" o = MatrixInitIdentityMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initLookAt" o = MatrixInitLookAtMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initOrtho" o = MatrixInitOrthoMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initPerspective" o = MatrixInitPerspectiveMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initRotate" o = MatrixInitRotateMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initScale" o = MatrixInitScaleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initSkew" o = MatrixInitSkewMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "initTranslate" o = MatrixInitTranslateMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "interpolate" o = MatrixInterpolateMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "inverse" o = MatrixInverseMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "is2d" o = MatrixIs2dMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "isBackfaceVisible" o = MatrixIsBackfaceVisibleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "isIdentity" o = MatrixIsIdentityMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "isSingular" o = MatrixIsSingularMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "multiply" o = MatrixMultiplyMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "near" o = MatrixNearMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "normalize" o = MatrixNormalizeMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "perspective" o = MatrixPerspectiveMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "print" o = MatrixPrintMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "projectPoint" o = MatrixProjectPointMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "projectRect" o = MatrixProjectRectMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "projectRectBounds" o = MatrixProjectRectBoundsMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotate" o = MatrixRotateMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotateEuler" o = MatrixRotateEulerMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotateQuaternion" o = MatrixRotateQuaternionMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotateX" o = MatrixRotateXMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotateY" o = MatrixRotateYMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "rotateZ" o = MatrixRotateZMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "scale" o = MatrixScaleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "skewXy" o = MatrixSkewXyMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "skewXz" o = MatrixSkewXzMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "skewYz" o = MatrixSkewYzMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "to2d" o = MatrixTo2dMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformBounds" o = MatrixTransformBoundsMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformBox" o = MatrixTransformBoxMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformPoint" o = MatrixTransformPointMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformPoint3d" o = MatrixTransformPoint3dMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformRay" o = MatrixTransformRayMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformRect" o = MatrixTransformRectMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformSphere" o = MatrixTransformSphereMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformVec3" o = MatrixTransformVec3MethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transformVec4" o = MatrixTransformVec4MethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "translate" o = MatrixTranslateMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "transpose" o = MatrixTransposeMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "unprojectPoint3d" o = MatrixUnprojectPoint3dMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "untransformBounds" o = MatrixUntransformBoundsMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "untransformPoint" o = MatrixUntransformPointMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getRow" o = MatrixGetRowMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getValue" o = MatrixGetValueMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getXScale" o = MatrixGetXScaleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getXTranslation" o = MatrixGetXTranslationMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getYScale" o = MatrixGetYScaleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getYTranslation" o = MatrixGetYTranslationMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getZScale" o = MatrixGetZScaleMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod "getZTranslation" o = MatrixGetZTranslationMethodInfo
    ResolveMatrixMethod l o = O.MethodResolutionFailed l o

instance (info ~ ResolveMatrixMethod t Matrix, O.MethodInfo info Matrix p) => OL.IsLabel t (Matrix -> p) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
    fromLabel = O.overloadedMethod @info
    fromLabel _ = O.overloadedMethod @info
