{- |
Copyright  : Will Thompson, Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
License    : LGPL-2.1
Maintainer : Iñaki García Etxebarria (garetxe@gmail.com)

A 'GI.GObject.Structs.CClosure.CClosure' is a specialization of 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure' for C function callbacks.

#define ENABLE_OVERLOADING (MIN_VERSION_haskell_gi_overloading(1,0,0) \
       && !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__))

module GI.GObject.Structs.CClosure

-- * Exported types
    CClosure(..)                            ,
    newZeroCClosure                         ,
    noCClosure                              ,

 -- * Methods

    cClosureMarshalBOOLEAN_BOXEDBOXED       ,

-- ** marshalBOOLEAN_FLAGS #method:marshalBOOLEAN_FLAGS#

    cClosureMarshalBOOLEAN_FLAGS            ,

-- ** marshalGeneric #method:marshalGeneric#

    cClosureMarshalGeneric                  ,


    cClosureMarshalSTRING_OBJECTPOINTER     ,

-- ** marshalVOID_BOOLEAN #method:marshalVOID_BOOLEAN#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_BOOLEAN             ,

-- ** marshalVOID_BOXED #method:marshalVOID_BOXED#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_BOXED               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_CHAR #method:marshalVOID_CHAR#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_CHAR                ,

-- ** marshalVOID_DOUBLE #method:marshalVOID_DOUBLE#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_DOUBLE              ,

-- ** marshalVOID_ENUM #method:marshalVOID_ENUM#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_ENUM                ,

-- ** marshalVOID_FLAGS #method:marshalVOID_FLAGS#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_FLAGS               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_FLOAT #method:marshalVOID_FLOAT#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_FLOAT               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_INT #method:marshalVOID_INT#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_INT                 ,

-- ** marshalVOID_LONG #method:marshalVOID_LONG#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_LONG                ,

-- ** marshalVOID_OBJECT #method:marshalVOID_OBJECT#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_OBJECT              ,

-- ** marshalVOID_PARAM #method:marshalVOID_PARAM#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_PARAM               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_POINTER #method:marshalVOID_POINTER#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_POINTER             ,

-- ** marshalVOID_STRING #method:marshalVOID_STRING#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_STRING              ,

-- ** marshalVOID_UCHAR #method:marshalVOID_UCHAR#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_UCHAR               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_UINT #method:marshalVOID_UINT#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_UINT                ,

-- ** marshalVOID_UINTPOINTER #method:marshalVOID_UINTPOINTER#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_UINTPOINTER         ,

-- ** marshalVOID_ULONG #method:marshalVOID_ULONG#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_ULONG               ,

-- ** marshalVOID_VARIANT #method:marshalVOID_VARIANT#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_VARIANT             ,

-- ** marshalVOID_VOID #method:marshalVOID_VOID#

    cClosureMarshalVOID_VOID                ,

 -- * Properties
-- ** callback #attr:callback#
{- | the callback function
    cClosure_callback                       ,
    clearCClosureCallback                   ,
    getCClosureCallback                     ,
    setCClosureCallback                     ,

-- ** closure #attr:closure#
{- | the 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'
    cClosure_closure                        ,
    getCClosureClosure                      ,

    ) where

import Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ShortPrelude as SP
import qualified Data.GI.Base.Overloading as O
import qualified Prelude as P

import qualified Data.GI.Base.Attributes as GI.Attributes
import qualified Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr as B.ManagedPtr
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GError as B.GError
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GVariant as B.GVariant
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GValue as B.GValue
import qualified Data.GI.Base.GParamSpec as B.GParamSpec
import qualified Data.GI.Base.CallStack as B.CallStack
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as FP

-- | Memory-managed wrapper type.
newtype CClosure = CClosure (ManagedPtr CClosure)
instance WrappedPtr CClosure where
    wrappedPtrCalloc = callocBytes 72
    wrappedPtrCopy = \p -> withManagedPtr p (copyBytes 72 >=> wrapPtr CClosure)
    wrappedPtrFree = Just ptr_to_g_free

-- | Construct a `CClosure` struct initialized to zero.
newZeroCClosure :: MonadIO m => m CClosure
newZeroCClosure = liftIO $ wrappedPtrCalloc >>= wrapPtr CClosure

instance tag ~ 'AttrSet => Constructible CClosure tag where
    new _ attrs = do
        o <- newZeroCClosure
        GI.Attributes.set o attrs
        return o

-- | A convenience alias for `Nothing` :: `Maybe` `CClosure`.
noCClosure :: Maybe CClosure
noCClosure = Nothing

{- |
Get the value of the “@closure@” field.
When <https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi/wiki/Overloading overloading> is enabled, this is equivalent to

'Data.GI.Base.Attributes.get' cClosure #closure
getCClosureClosure :: MonadIO m => CClosure -> m Closure
getCClosureClosure s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    let val = ptr `plusPtr` 0 :: (Ptr Closure)
    val' <- (newBoxed Closure) val
    return val'

data CClosureClosureFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo CClosureClosureFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps CClosureClosureFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrGet]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint CClosureClosureFieldInfo = (~) (Ptr Closure)
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint CClosureClosureFieldInfo = (~) CClosure
    type AttrGetType CClosureClosureFieldInfo = Closure
    type AttrLabel CClosureClosureFieldInfo = "closure"
    type AttrOrigin CClosureClosureFieldInfo = CClosure
    attrGet _ = getCClosureClosure
    attrSet _ = undefined
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = undefined

cClosure_closure :: AttrLabelProxy "closure"
cClosure_closure = AttrLabelProxy


{- |
Get the value of the “@callback@” field.
When <https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi/wiki/Overloading overloading> is enabled, this is equivalent to

'Data.GI.Base.Attributes.get' cClosure #callback
getCClosureCallback :: MonadIO m => CClosure -> m (Ptr ())
getCClosureCallback s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    val <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` 64) :: IO (Ptr ())
    return val

{- |
Set the value of the “@callback@” field.
When <https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi/wiki/Overloading overloading> is enabled, this is equivalent to

'Data.GI.Base.Attributes.set' cClosure [ #callback 'Data.GI.Base.Attributes.:=' value ]
setCClosureCallback :: MonadIO m => CClosure -> Ptr () -> m ()
setCClosureCallback s val = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 64) (val :: Ptr ())

{- |
Set the value of the “@callback@” field to `Nothing`.
When <https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi/wiki/Overloading overloading> is enabled, this is equivalent to

'Data.GI.Base.Attributes.clear' #callback
clearCClosureCallback :: MonadIO m => CClosure -> m ()
clearCClosureCallback s = liftIO $ withManagedPtr s $ \ptr -> do
    poke (ptr `plusPtr` 64) (FP.nullPtr :: Ptr ())

data CClosureCallbackFieldInfo
instance AttrInfo CClosureCallbackFieldInfo where
    type AttrAllowedOps CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = '[ 'AttrSet, 'AttrGet, 'AttrClear]
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = (~) (Ptr ())
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = (~) CClosure
    type AttrGetType CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = Ptr ()
    type AttrLabel CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = "callback"
    type AttrOrigin CClosureCallbackFieldInfo = CClosure
    attrGet _ = getCClosureCallback
    attrSet _ = setCClosureCallback
    attrConstruct = undefined
    attrClear _ = clearCClosureCallback

cClosure_callback :: AttrLabelProxy "callback"
cClosure_callback = AttrLabelProxy


instance O.HasAttributeList CClosure
type instance O.AttributeList CClosure = CClosureAttributeList
type CClosureAttributeList = ('[ '("closure", CClosureClosureFieldInfo), '("callback", CClosureCallbackFieldInfo)] :: [(Symbol, *)])

-- method CClosure::marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_BOXED
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_BOXED" g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_BOXED ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with handlers that
take two boxed pointers as arguments and return a boolean.  If you
have such a signal, you will probably also need to use an
accumulator, such as 'GI.GObject.Functions.signalAccumulatorTrueHandled'.
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalBOOLEAN_BOXEDBOXED closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_BOXED closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS" g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with handlers that
take a flags type as an argument and return a boolean.  If you have
such a signal, you will probably also need to use an accumulator,
such as 'GI.GObject.Functions.signalAccumulatorTrueHandled'.
cClosureMarshalBOOLEAN_FLAGS ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalBOOLEAN_FLAGS closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER" g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with handlers that
take a 'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.Object' and a pointer and produce a string.  It is highly
unlikely that your signal handler fits this description.
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalSTRING_OBJECTPOINTER closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
boolean argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_BOOLEAN ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_BOOLEAN closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__BOXED
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
argument which is any boxed pointer type.
cClosureMarshalVOID_BOXED ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_BOXED closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__CHAR
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
character argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_CHAR ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_CHAR closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__DOUBLE
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with one
double-precision floating point argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_DOUBLE ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_DOUBLE closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__ENUM
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
argument with an enumerated type.
cClosureMarshalVOID_ENUM ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_ENUM closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__FLAGS
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
argument with a flags types.
cClosureMarshalVOID_FLAGS ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_FLAGS closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__FLOAT
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with one
single-precision floating point argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_FLOAT ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_FLOAT closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__INT
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
integer argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_INT ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_INT closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__LONG
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with with a single
long integer argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_LONG ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_LONG closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__OBJECT
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
'GI.GObject.Objects.Object.Object' argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_OBJECT ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_OBJECT closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__PARAM
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
argument of type 'GI.GObject.Objects.ParamSpec.ParamSpec'.
cClosureMarshalVOID_PARAM ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_PARAM closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__POINTER
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single raw
pointer argument type.

If it is possible, it is better to use one of the more specific
functions such as 'GI.GObject.Functions.cclosureMarshalVOID_OBJECT' or
cClosureMarshalVOID_POINTER ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_POINTER closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__STRING
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single string
cClosureMarshalVOID_STRING ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_STRING closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__UCHAR
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
unsigned character argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_UCHAR ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_UCHAR closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__UINT
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with with a single
unsigned integer argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_UINT ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_UINT closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a unsigned int
and a pointer as arguments.
cClosureMarshalVOID_UINTPOINTER ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_UINTPOINTER closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__ULONG
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
unsigned long integer argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_ULONG ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_ULONG closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__VARIANT
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with a single
'GVariant' argument.
cClosureMarshalVOID_VARIANT ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_VARIANT closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_VOID__VOID
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_value", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID" g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_value : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A @/GClosureMarshal/@ function for use with signals with no arguments.
cClosureMarshalVOID_VOID ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnValue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalVOID_VOID closure returnValue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnValue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnValue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID closure' returnValue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnValue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


-- method CClosure::marshal_generic
-- method type : MemberFunction
-- Args : [Arg {argCName = "closure", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GClosure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "return_gvalue", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "A #GValue to store the return value. May be %NULL\n  if the callback of closure doesn't return a value.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "n_param_values", argType = TBasicType TUInt, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The length of the @param_values array.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "param_values", argType = TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"}), direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = False, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "An array of #GValues holding the arguments\n  on which to invoke the callback of closure.", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "invocation_hint", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "The invocation hint given as the last argument to\n  g_closure_invoke().", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing},Arg {argCName = "marshal_data", argType = TBasicType TPtr, direction = DirectionIn, mayBeNull = True, argDoc = Documentation {rawDocText = Just "Additional data specified when registering the\n  marshaller, see g_closure_set_marshal() and\n  g_closure_set_meta_marshal()", sinceVersion = Nothing}, argScope = ScopeTypeInvalid, argClosure = -1, argDestroy = -1, argCallerAllocates = False, transfer = TransferNothing}]
-- Lengths : []
-- returnType : Nothing
-- throws : False
-- Skip return : False

foreign import ccall "g_cclosure_marshal_generic" g_cclosure_marshal_generic ::
    Ptr Closure ->                          -- closure : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Closure"})
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- return_gvalue : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Word32 ->                               -- n_param_values : TBasicType TUInt
    Ptr GValue ->                           -- param_values : TInterface (Name {namespace = "GObject", name = "Value"})
    Ptr () ->                               -- invocation_hint : TBasicType TPtr
    Ptr () ->                               -- marshal_data : TBasicType TPtr
    IO ()

{- |
A generic marshaller function implemented via
<http://sourceware.org/libffi/ libffi>.

Normally this function is not passed explicitly to @/g_signal_new()/@,
but used automatically by GLib when specifying a 'Nothing' marshaller.

/Since: 2.30/
cClosureMarshalGeneric ::
    (B.CallStack.HasCallStack, MonadIO m) =>
    {- ^ /@closure@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.Closure'. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@returnGvalue@/: A 'GI.GObject.Structs.Value.Value' to store the return value. May be 'Nothing'
  if the callback of closure doesn\'t return a value. -}
    -> Word32
    {- ^ /@nParamValues@/: The length of the /@paramValues@/ array. -}
    -> GValue
    {- ^ /@paramValues@/: An array of @/GValues/@ holding the arguments
  on which to invoke the callback of closure. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@invocationHint@/: The invocation hint given as the last argument to
  'GI.GObject.Structs.Closure.closureInvoke'. -}
    -> Ptr ()
    {- ^ /@marshalData@/: Additional data specified when registering the
  marshaller, see @/g_closure_set_marshal()/@ and
  @/g_closure_set_meta_marshal()/@ -}
    -> m ()
cClosureMarshalGeneric closure returnGvalue nParamValues paramValues invocationHint marshalData = liftIO $ do
    closure' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr closure
    returnGvalue' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr returnGvalue
    paramValues' <- unsafeManagedPtrGetPtr paramValues
    g_cclosure_marshal_generic closure' returnGvalue' nParamValues paramValues' invocationHint marshalData
    touchManagedPtr closure
    touchManagedPtr returnGvalue
    touchManagedPtr paramValues
    return ()


type family ResolveCClosureMethod (t :: Symbol) (o :: *) :: * where
    ResolveCClosureMethod l o = O.MethodResolutionFailed l o

instance (info ~ ResolveCClosureMethod t CClosure, O.MethodInfo info CClosure p) => O.IsLabelProxy t (CClosure -> p) where
    fromLabelProxy _ = O.overloadedMethod (O.MethodProxy :: O.MethodProxy info)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance (info ~ ResolveCClosureMethod t CClosure, O.MethodInfo info CClosure p) => O.IsLabel t (CClosure -> p) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
    fromLabel = O.overloadedMethod (O.MethodProxy :: O.MethodProxy info)
    fromLabel _ = O.overloadedMethod (O.MethodProxy :: O.MethodProxy info)
