gi-gobject-2.0.16: GObject bindings

CopyrightWill Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria (
Safe HaskellNone




The GObject type system supports dynamic loading of types. The TypePlugin interface is used to handle the lifecycle of dynamically loaded types. It goes as follows:

  1. The type is initially introduced (usually upon loading the module the first time, or by your main application that knows what modules introduces what types), like this:

C code

  new_type_id = g_type_register_dynamic (parent_type_id,

where newTypePlugin is an implementation of the TypePlugin interface.

  1. The type's implementation is referenced, e.g. through typeClassRef or through g_type_create_instance() (this is being called by g_object_new()) or through one of the above done on a type derived from newTypeId.
  2. This causes the type system to load the type's implementation by calling typePluginUse and typePluginCompleteTypeInfo on newTypePlugin.
  3. At some point the type's implementation isn't required anymore, e.g. after typeClassUnref or typeFreeInstance (called when the reference count of an instance drops to zero).
  4. This causes the type system to throw away the information retrieved from typePluginCompleteTypeInfo and then it calls typePluginUnuse on newTypePlugin.
  5. Things may repeat from the second step.

So basically, you need to implement a TypePlugin type that carries a use_count, once use_count goes from zero to one, you need to load the implementation to successfully handle the upcoming typePluginCompleteTypeInfo call. Later, maybe after succeeding use/unuse calls, once use_count drops to zero, you can unload the implementation again. The type system makes sure to call typePluginUse and typePluginCompleteTypeInfo again when the type is needed again.

TypeModule is an implementation of TypePlugin that already implements most of this except for the actual module loading and unloading. It even handles multiple registered types per module.


Exported types

class ManagedPtrNewtype a => IsTypePlugin a Source #

Type class for types which implement TypePlugin.



typePluginCompleteInterfaceInfo Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTypePlugin a) 
=> a

plugin: the TypePlugin

-> GType

instanceType: the GType of an instantiable type to which the interface is added

-> GType

interfaceType: the GType of the interface whose info is completed

-> InterfaceInfo

info: the InterfaceInfo to fill in

-> m () 

Calls the completeInterfaceInfo function from the GTypePluginClass of plugin. There should be no need to use this function outside of the GObject type system itself.


typePluginCompleteTypeInfo Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTypePlugin a) 
=> a

plugin: a TypePlugin

-> GType

gType: the GType whose info is completed

-> TypeInfo

info: the TypeInfo struct to fill in

-> TypeValueTable

valueTable: the TypeValueTable to fill in

-> m () 

Calls the completeTypeInfo function from the GTypePluginClass of plugin. There should be no need to use this function outside of the GObject type system itself.


typePluginUnuse Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTypePlugin a) 
=> a

plugin: a TypePlugin

-> m () 

Calls the unusePlugin function from the GTypePluginClass of plugin. There should be no need to use this function outside of the GObject type system itself.


typePluginUse Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsTypePlugin a) 
=> a

plugin: a TypePlugin

-> m () 

Calls the usePlugin function from the GTypePluginClass of plugin. There should be no need to use this function outside of the GObject type system itself.