gi-glib-2.0.30: GLib bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A union holding the value of the token.


Exported types

newtype TokenValue Source #

Memory-managed wrapper type.


TokenValue (ManagedPtr TokenValue) 


Instances details
Eq TokenValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Unions.TokenValue

BoxedPtr TokenValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Unions.TokenValue

CallocPtr TokenValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Unions.TokenValue

ManagedPtrNewtype TokenValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Unions.TokenValue


toManagedPtr :: TokenValue -> ManagedPtr TokenValue

tag ~ 'AttrSet => Constructible TokenValue tag Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Unions.TokenValue


new :: MonadIO m => (ManagedPtr TokenValue -> TokenValue) -> [AttrOp TokenValue tag] -> m TokenValue

newZeroTokenValue :: MonadIO m => m TokenValue Source #

Construct a TokenValue struct initialized to zero.




token binary integer value

getTokenValueVBinary :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m CULong Source #

Get the value of the “v_binary” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vBinary

setTokenValueVBinary :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CULong -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_binary” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vBinary := value ]


character value

getTokenValueVChar :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m Word8 Source #

Get the value of the “v_char” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vChar

setTokenValueVChar :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> Word8 -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_char” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vChar := value ]


comment value

clearTokenValueVComment :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_comment” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #vComment

getTokenValueVComment :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m (Maybe Text) Source #

Get the value of the “v_comment” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vComment

setTokenValueVComment :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CString -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_comment” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vComment := value ]


error value

getTokenValueVError :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m Word32 Source #

Get the value of the “v_error” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vError

setTokenValueVError :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> Word32 -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_error” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vError := value ]


floating point value

getTokenValueVFloat :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m Double Source #

Get the value of the “v_float” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vFloat

setTokenValueVFloat :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> Double -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_float” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vFloat := value ]


hex integer value

getTokenValueVHex :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m CULong Source #

Get the value of the “v_hex” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vHex

setTokenValueVHex :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CULong -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_hex” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vHex := value ]


token identifier value

clearTokenValueVIdentifier :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_identifier” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #vIdentifier

getTokenValueVIdentifier :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m (Maybe Text) Source #

Get the value of the “v_identifier” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vIdentifier

setTokenValueVIdentifier :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CString -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_identifier” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vIdentifier := value ]


integer value

getTokenValueVInt :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m CULong Source #

Get the value of the “v_int” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vInt

setTokenValueVInt :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CULong -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_int” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vInt := value ]


64-bit integer value

getTokenValueVInt64 :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m Word64 Source #

Get the value of the “v_int64” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vInt64

setTokenValueVInt64 :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> Word64 -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_int64” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vInt64 := value ]


octal integer value

getTokenValueVOctal :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m CULong Source #

Get the value of the “v_octal” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vOctal

setTokenValueVOctal :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CULong -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_octal” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vOctal := value ]


string value

clearTokenValueVString :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_string” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #vString

getTokenValueVString :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m (Maybe Text) Source #

Get the value of the “v_string” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vString

setTokenValueVString :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> CString -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_string” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vString := value ]


token symbol value

clearTokenValueVSymbol :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_symbol” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #vSymbol

getTokenValueVSymbol :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> m (Ptr ()) Source #

Get the value of the “v_symbol” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get tokenValue #vSymbol

setTokenValueVSymbol :: MonadIO m => TokenValue -> Ptr () -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “v_symbol” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set tokenValue [ #vSymbol := value ]