gi-glib-2.0.30: GLib bindings
CopyrightWill Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria
MaintainerIñaki García Etxebarria
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A set of functions used to perform memory allocation. The same MemVTable must be used for all allocations in the same program; a call to memSetVtable, if it exists, should be prior to any use of GLib.

This functions related to this has been deprecated in 2.46, and no longer work.


Exported types

newtype MemVTable Source #

Memory-managed wrapper type.


MemVTable (ManagedPtr MemVTable) 


Instances details
Eq MemVTable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Structs.MemVTable

BoxedPtr MemVTable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Structs.MemVTable

CallocPtr MemVTable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Structs.MemVTable

ManagedPtrNewtype MemVTable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Structs.MemVTable


toManagedPtr :: MemVTable -> ManagedPtr MemVTable

tag ~ 'AttrSet => Constructible MemVTable tag Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GI.GLib.Structs.MemVTable


new :: MonadIO m => (ManagedPtr MemVTable -> MemVTable) -> [AttrOp MemVTable tag] -> m MemVTable

newZeroMemVTable :: MonadIO m => m MemVTable Source #

Construct a MemVTable struct initialized to zero.




function to use for allocating zero-filled memory.

clearMemVTableCalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “calloc” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #calloc

getMemVTableCalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableCallocFieldCallback) Source #

Get the value of the “calloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #calloc

setMemVTableCalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableCallocFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “calloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #calloc := value ]


function to use to free memory.

clearMemVTableFree :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “free” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #free

getMemVTableFree :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableFreeFieldCallback_WithClosures) Source #

Get the value of the “free” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #free

setMemVTableFree :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableFreeFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “free” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #free := value ]


function to use for allocating memory.

clearMemVTableMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “malloc” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #malloc

getMemVTableMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableMallocFieldCallback) Source #

Get the value of the “malloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #malloc

setMemVTableMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableMallocFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “malloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #malloc := value ]


function to use for reallocating memory.

clearMemVTableRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “realloc” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #realloc

getMemVTableRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableReallocFieldCallback) Source #

Get the value of the “realloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #realloc

setMemVTableRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableReallocFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “realloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #realloc := value ]


function to use for allocating memory without a default error handler.

clearMemVTableTryMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “try_malloc” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #tryMalloc

getMemVTableTryMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableTryMallocFieldCallback) Source #

Get the value of the “try_malloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #tryMalloc

setMemVTableTryMalloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableTryMallocFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “try_malloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #tryMalloc := value ]


function to use for reallocating memory without a default error handler.

clearMemVTableTryRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “try_realloc” field to Nothing. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

clear #tryRealloc

getMemVTableTryRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> m (Maybe MemVTableTryReallocFieldCallback) Source #

Get the value of the “try_realloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

get memVTable #tryRealloc

setMemVTableTryRealloc :: MonadIO m => MemVTable -> FunPtr C_MemVTableTryReallocFieldCallback -> m () Source #

Set the value of the “try_realloc” field. When overloading is enabled, this is equivalent to

set memVTable [ #tryRealloc := value ]