Copyright | Will Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria ( |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Enumerations
- AxisUse
- ByteOrder
- CrossingMode
- CursorType
- DevicePadFeature
- DeviceToolType
- DeviceType
- DragCancelReason
- DragProtocol
- EventType
- FilterReturn
- FullscreenMode
- GLError
- GrabOwnership
- GrabStatus
- Gravity
- InputMode
- InputSource
- ModifierIntent
- NotifyType
- OwnerChange
- PropMode
- PropertyState
- ScrollDirection
- SettingAction
- Status
- SubpixelLayout
- TouchpadGesturePhase
- VisibilityState
- VisualType
- WindowEdge
- WindowType
- WindowTypeHint
- WindowWindowClass
- data AxisUse
- data ByteOrder
- data CrossingMode
- data CursorType
- = CursorTypeXCursor
- | CursorTypeArrow
- | CursorTypeBasedArrowDown
- | CursorTypeBasedArrowUp
- | CursorTypeBoat
- | CursorTypeBogosity
- | CursorTypeBottomLeftCorner
- | CursorTypeBottomRightCorner
- | CursorTypeBottomSide
- | CursorTypeBottomTee
- | CursorTypeBoxSpiral
- | CursorTypeCenterPtr
- | CursorTypeCircle
- | CursorTypeClock
- | CursorTypeCoffeeMug
- | CursorTypeCross
- | CursorTypeCrossReverse
- | CursorTypeCrosshair
- | CursorTypeDiamondCross
- | CursorTypeDot
- | CursorTypeDotbox
- | CursorTypeDoubleArrow
- | CursorTypeDraftLarge
- | CursorTypeDraftSmall
- | CursorTypeDrapedBox
- | CursorTypeExchange
- | CursorTypeFleur
- | CursorTypeGobbler
- | CursorTypeGumby
- | CursorTypeHand1
- | CursorTypeHand2
- | CursorTypeHeart
- | CursorTypeIcon
- | CursorTypeIronCross
- | CursorTypeLeftPtr
- | CursorTypeLeftSide
- | CursorTypeLeftTee
- | CursorTypeLeftbutton
- | CursorTypeLlAngle
- | CursorTypeLrAngle
- | CursorTypeMan
- | CursorTypeMiddlebutton
- | CursorTypeMouse
- | CursorTypePencil
- | CursorTypePirate
- | CursorTypePlus
- | CursorTypeQuestionArrow
- | CursorTypeRightPtr
- | CursorTypeRightSide
- | CursorTypeRightTee
- | CursorTypeRightbutton
- | CursorTypeRtlLogo
- | CursorTypeSailboat
- | CursorTypeSbDownArrow
- | CursorTypeSbHDoubleArrow
- | CursorTypeSbLeftArrow
- | CursorTypeSbRightArrow
- | CursorTypeSbUpArrow
- | CursorTypeSbVDoubleArrow
- | CursorTypeShuttle
- | CursorTypeSizing
- | CursorTypeSpider
- | CursorTypeSpraycan
- | CursorTypeStar
- | CursorTypeTarget
- | CursorTypeTcross
- | CursorTypeTopLeftArrow
- | CursorTypeTopLeftCorner
- | CursorTypeTopRightCorner
- | CursorTypeTopSide
- | CursorTypeTopTee
- | CursorTypeTrek
- | CursorTypeUlAngle
- | CursorTypeUmbrella
- | CursorTypeUrAngle
- | CursorTypeWatch
- | CursorTypeXterm
- | CursorTypeLastCursor
- | CursorTypeBlankCursor
- | CursorTypeCursorIsPixmap
- | AnotherCursorType Int
- data DevicePadFeature
- data DeviceToolType
- data DeviceType
- data DragCancelReason
- data DragProtocol
- data EventType
- = EventTypeNothing
- | EventTypeDelete
- | EventTypeDestroy
- | EventTypeExpose
- | EventTypeMotionNotify
- | EventTypeButtonPress
- | EventType2buttonPress
- | EventTypeDoubleButtonPress
- | EventType3buttonPress
- | EventTypeTripleButtonPress
- | EventTypeButtonRelease
- | EventTypeKeyPress
- | EventTypeKeyRelease
- | EventTypeEnterNotify
- | EventTypeLeaveNotify
- | EventTypeFocusChange
- | EventTypeConfigure
- | EventTypeMap
- | EventTypeUnmap
- | EventTypePropertyNotify
- | EventTypeSelectionClear
- | EventTypeSelectionRequest
- | EventTypeSelectionNotify
- | EventTypeProximityIn
- | EventTypeProximityOut
- | EventTypeDragEnter
- | EventTypeDragLeave
- | EventTypeDragMotion
- | EventTypeDragStatus
- | EventTypeDropStart
- | EventTypeDropFinished
- | EventTypeClientEvent
- | EventTypeVisibilityNotify
- | EventTypeScroll
- | EventTypeWindowState
- | EventTypeSetting
- | EventTypeOwnerChange
- | EventTypeGrabBroken
- | EventTypeDamage
- | EventTypeTouchBegin
- | EventTypeTouchUpdate
- | EventTypeTouchEnd
- | EventTypeTouchCancel
- | EventTypeTouchpadSwipe
- | EventTypeTouchpadPinch
- | EventTypePadButtonPress
- | EventTypePadButtonRelease
- | EventTypePadRing
- | EventTypePadStrip
- | EventTypePadGroupMode
- | EventTypeEventLast
- | AnotherEventType Int
- data FilterReturn
- data FullscreenMode
- data GLError
- catchGLError :: IO a -> (GLError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a
- handleGLError :: (GLError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
- data GrabOwnership
- data GrabStatus
- data Gravity
- data InputMode
- data InputSource
- data ModifierIntent
- data NotifyType
- data OwnerChange
- data PropMode
- data PropertyState
- data ScrollDirection
- data SettingAction
- data Status
- data SubpixelLayout
- data TouchpadGesturePhase
- data VisibilityState
- data VisualType
- data WindowEdge
- data WindowType
- data WindowTypeHint
- = WindowTypeHintNormal
- | WindowTypeHintDialog
- | WindowTypeHintMenu
- | WindowTypeHintToolbar
- | WindowTypeHintSplashscreen
- | WindowTypeHintUtility
- | WindowTypeHintDock
- | WindowTypeHintDesktop
- | WindowTypeHintDropdownMenu
- | WindowTypeHintPopupMenu
- | WindowTypeHintTooltip
- | WindowTypeHintNotification
- | WindowTypeHintCombo
- | WindowTypeHintDnd
- | AnotherWindowTypeHint Int
- data WindowWindowClass
An enumeration describing the way in which a device axis (valuator) maps onto the predefined valuator types that GTK+ understands.
Note that the X and Y axes are not really needed; pointer devices report their location via the x/y members of events regardless. Whether X and Y are present as axes depends on the GDK backend.
AxisUseIgnore | the axis is ignored. |
AxisUseX | the axis is used as the x axis. |
AxisUseY | the axis is used as the y axis. |
AxisUsePressure | the axis is used for pressure information. |
AxisUseXtilt | the axis is used for x tilt information. |
AxisUseYtilt | the axis is used for y tilt information. |
AxisUseWheel | the axis is used for wheel information. |
AxisUseDistance | the axis is used for pen/tablet distance information. (Since: 3.22) |
AxisUseRotation | the axis is used for pen rotation information. (Since: 3.22) |
AxisUseSlider | the axis is used for pen slider information. (Since: 3.22) |
AxisUseLast | a constant equal to the numerically highest axis value. |
AnotherAxisUse Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum AxisUse Source # | |
Eq AxisUse Source # | |
Ord AxisUse Source # | |
Show AxisUse Source # | |
BoxedEnum AxisUse Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: AxisUse -> IO GType # |
A set of values describing the possible byte-orders for storing pixel values in memory.
ByteOrderLsbFirst | The values are stored with the least-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0xcc, 0xee, 0xff, 0x00. |
ByteOrderMsbFirst | The values are stored with the most-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0x00, 0xff, 0xee, 0xcc. |
AnotherByteOrder Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum ByteOrder Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods succ :: ByteOrder -> ByteOrder # pred :: ByteOrder -> ByteOrder # fromEnum :: ByteOrder -> Int # enumFrom :: ByteOrder -> [ByteOrder] # enumFromThen :: ByteOrder -> ByteOrder -> [ByteOrder] # enumFromTo :: ByteOrder -> ByteOrder -> [ByteOrder] # enumFromThenTo :: ByteOrder -> ByteOrder -> ByteOrder -> [ByteOrder] # | |
Eq ByteOrder Source # | |
Ord ByteOrder Source # | |
Show ByteOrder Source # | |
BoxedEnum ByteOrder Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: ByteOrder -> IO GType # |
data CrossingMode Source #
Specifies the crossing mode for EventCrossing
CrossingModeNormal | crossing because of pointer motion. |
CrossingModeGrab | crossing because a grab is activated. |
CrossingModeUngrab | crossing because a grab is deactivated. |
CrossingModeGtkGrab | crossing because a GTK+ grab is activated. |
CrossingModeGtkUngrab | crossing because a GTK+ grab is deactivated. |
CrossingModeStateChanged | crossing because a GTK+ widget changed state (e.g. sensitivity). |
CrossingModeTouchBegin | crossing because a touch sequence has begun, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the window. |
CrossingModeTouchEnd | crossing because a touch sequence has ended, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the window. |
CrossingModeDeviceSwitch | crossing because of a device switch (i.e. a mouse taking control of the pointer after a touch device), this event is synthetic as the pointer didn’t leave the window. |
AnotherCrossingMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CursorType Source #
Predefined cursors.
Note that these IDs are directly taken from the X cursor font, and many of these cursors are either not useful, or are not available on other platforms.
The recommended way to create cursors is to use cursorNewFromName
data DevicePadFeature Source #
A pad feature.
DevicePadFeatureButton | a button |
DevicePadFeatureRing | a ring-shaped interactive area |
DevicePadFeatureStrip | a straight interactive area |
AnotherDevicePadFeature Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DeviceToolType Source #
Indicates the specific type of tool being used being a tablet. Such as an airbrush, pencil, etc.
Since: 3.22
DeviceToolTypeUnknown | Tool is of an unknown type. |
DeviceToolTypePen | Tool is a standard tablet stylus. |
DeviceToolTypeEraser | Tool is standard tablet eraser. |
DeviceToolTypeBrush | Tool is a brush stylus. |
DeviceToolTypePencil | Tool is a pencil stylus. |
DeviceToolTypeAirbrush | Tool is an airbrush stylus. |
DeviceToolTypeMouse | Tool is a mouse. |
DeviceToolTypeLens | Tool is a lens cursor. |
AnotherDeviceToolType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DeviceType Source #
Indicates the device type. See [above][GdkDeviceManager.description] for more information about the meaning of these device types.
DeviceTypeMaster | Device is a master (or virtual) device. There will be an associated focus indicator on the screen. |
DeviceTypeSlave | Device is a slave (or physical) device. |
DeviceTypeFloating | Device is a physical device, currently not attached to any virtual device. |
AnotherDeviceType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DragCancelReason Source #
Used in DragContext
to the reason of a cancelled DND operation.
Since: 3.20
DragCancelReasonNoTarget | There is no suitable drop target. |
DragCancelReasonUserCancelled | Drag cancelled by the user |
DragCancelReasonError | Unspecified error. |
AnotherDragCancelReason Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DragProtocol Source #
Used in DragContext
to indicate the protocol according to
which DND is done.
DragProtocolNone | no protocol. |
DragProtocolMotif | The Motif DND protocol. No longer supported |
DragProtocolXdnd | The Xdnd protocol. |
DragProtocolRootwin | An extension to the Xdnd protocol for unclaimed root window drops. |
DragProtocolWin32Dropfiles | The simple WM_DROPFILES protocol. |
DragProtocolOle2 | The complex OLE2 DND protocol (not implemented). |
DragProtocolLocal | Intra-application DND. |
DragProtocolWayland | Wayland DND protocol. |
AnotherDragProtocol Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Specifies the type of the event.
Do not confuse these events with the signals that GTK+ widgets emit. Although many of these events result in corresponding signals being emitted, the events are often transformed or filtered along the way.
In some language bindings, the values EventType2buttonPress
would translate into something syntactically
invalid (eg Gdk.EventType.2ButtonPress
, where a
symbol is not allowed to start with a number). In that case, the
aliases EventTypeDoubleButtonPress
and EventTypeTripleButtonPress
be used instead.
EventTypeNothing | a special code to indicate a null event. |
EventTypeDelete | the window manager has requested that the toplevel window be hidden or destroyed, usually when the user clicks on a special icon in the title bar. |
EventTypeDestroy | the window has been destroyed. |
EventTypeExpose | all or part of the window has become visible and needs to be redrawn. |
EventTypeMotionNotify | the pointer (usually a mouse) has moved. |
EventTypeButtonPress | a mouse button has been pressed. |
EventType2buttonPress | a mouse button has been double-clicked (clicked twice
within a short period of time). Note that each click also generates a
EventTypeDoubleButtonPress | alias for |
EventType3buttonPress | a mouse button has been clicked 3 times in a short period
of time. Note that each click also generates a |
EventTypeTripleButtonPress | alias for |
EventTypeButtonRelease | a mouse button has been released. |
EventTypeKeyPress | a key has been pressed. |
EventTypeKeyRelease | a key has been released. |
EventTypeEnterNotify | the pointer has entered the window. |
EventTypeLeaveNotify | the pointer has left the window. |
EventTypeFocusChange | the keyboard focus has entered or left the window. |
EventTypeConfigure | the size, position or stacking order of the window has changed.
Note that GTK+ discards these events for |
EventTypeMap | the window has been mapped. |
EventTypeUnmap | the window has been unmapped. |
EventTypePropertyNotify | a property on the window has been changed or deleted. |
EventTypeSelectionClear | the application has lost ownership of a selection. |
EventTypeSelectionRequest | another application has requested a selection. |
EventTypeSelectionNotify | a selection has been received. |
EventTypeProximityIn | an input device has moved into contact with a sensing surface (e.g. a touchscreen or graphics tablet). |
EventTypeProximityOut | an input device has moved out of contact with a sensing surface. |
EventTypeDragEnter | the mouse has entered the window while a drag is in progress. |
EventTypeDragLeave | the mouse has left the window while a drag is in progress. |
EventTypeDragMotion | the mouse has moved in the window while a drag is in progress. |
EventTypeDragStatus | the status of the drag operation initiated by the window has changed. |
EventTypeDropStart | a drop operation onto the window has started. |
EventTypeDropFinished | the drop operation initiated by the window has completed. |
EventTypeClientEvent | a message has been received from another application. |
EventTypeVisibilityNotify | the window visibility status has changed. |
EventTypeScroll | the scroll wheel was turned |
EventTypeWindowState | the state of a window has changed. See |
EventTypeSetting | a setting has been modified. |
EventTypeOwnerChange | the owner of a selection has changed. This event type was added in 2.6 |
EventTypeGrabBroken | a pointer or keyboard grab was broken. This event type was added in 2.8. |
EventTypeDamage | the content of the window has been changed. This event type was added in 2.14. |
EventTypeTouchBegin | A new touch event sequence has just started. This event type was added in 3.4. |
EventTypeTouchUpdate | A touch event sequence has been updated. This event type was added in 3.4. |
EventTypeTouchEnd | A touch event sequence has finished. This event type was added in 3.4. |
EventTypeTouchCancel | A touch event sequence has been canceled. This event type was added in 3.4. |
EventTypeTouchpadSwipe | A touchpad swipe gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field. This event type was added in 3.18. |
EventTypeTouchpadPinch | A touchpad pinch gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field. This event type was added in 3.18. |
EventTypePadButtonPress | A tablet pad button press event. This event type was added in 3.22. |
EventTypePadButtonRelease | A tablet pad button release event. This event type was added in 3.22. |
EventTypePadRing | A tablet pad axis event from a "ring". This event type was added in 3.22. |
EventTypePadStrip | A tablet pad axis event from a "strip". This event type was added in 3.22. |
EventTypePadGroupMode | A tablet pad group mode change. This event type was added in 3.22. |
EventTypeEventLast | marks the end of the GdkEventType enumeration. Added in 2.18 |
AnotherEventType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum EventType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods succ :: EventType -> EventType # pred :: EventType -> EventType # fromEnum :: EventType -> Int # enumFrom :: EventType -> [EventType] # enumFromThen :: EventType -> EventType -> [EventType] # enumFromTo :: EventType -> EventType -> [EventType] # enumFromThenTo :: EventType -> EventType -> EventType -> [EventType] # | |
Eq EventType Source # | |
Ord EventType Source # | |
Show EventType Source # | |
BoxedEnum EventType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: EventType -> IO GType # |
data FilterReturn Source #
Specifies the result of applying a FilterFunc
to a native event.
FilterReturnContinue | event not handled, continue processing. |
FilterReturnTranslate | native event translated into a GDK event and stored
in the |
FilterReturnRemove | event handled, terminate processing. |
AnotherFilterReturn Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FullscreenMode Source #
Indicates which monitor (in a multi-head setup) a window should span over when in fullscreen mode.
Since: 3.8
FullscreenModeCurrentMonitor | Fullscreen on current monitor only. |
FullscreenModeAllMonitors | Span across all monitors when fullscreen. |
AnotherFullscreenMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Error enumeration for GLContext
Since: 3.16
GLErrorNotAvailable | OpenGL support is not available |
GLErrorUnsupportedFormat | The requested visual format is not supported |
GLErrorUnsupportedProfile | The requested profile is not supported |
AnotherGLError Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum GLError Source # | |
Eq GLError Source # | |
Ord GLError Source # | |
Show GLError Source # | |
BoxedEnum GLError Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: GLError -> IO GType # | |
GErrorClass GLError Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods gerrorClassDomain :: GLError -> Text # |
catchGLError :: IO a -> (GLError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
Catch exceptions of type GLError
. This is a specialized version of catchGErrorJustDomain
handleGLError :: (GLError -> GErrorMessage -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a Source #
Handle exceptions of type GLError
. This is a specialized version of handleGErrorJustDomain
data GrabOwnership Source #
Defines how device grabs interact with other devices.
GrabOwnershipNone | All other devices’ events are allowed. |
GrabOwnershipWindow | Other devices’ events are blocked for the grab window. |
GrabOwnershipApplication | Other devices’ events are blocked for the whole application. |
AnotherGrabOwnership Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data GrabStatus Source #
Returned by deviceGrab
, pointerGrab
and keyboardGrab
indicate success or the reason for the failure of the grab attempt.
GrabStatusSuccess | the resource was successfully grabbed. |
GrabStatusAlreadyGrabbed | the resource is actively grabbed by another client. |
GrabStatusInvalidTime | the resource was grabbed more recently than the specified time. |
GrabStatusNotViewable | the grab window or the |
GrabStatusFrozen | the resource is frozen by an active grab of another client. |
GrabStatusFailed | the grab failed for some other reason. Since 3.16 |
AnotherGrabStatus Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Defines the reference point of a window and the meaning of coordinates
passed to gtk_window_move()
. See gtk_window_move()
and the "implementation
notes" section of the
Extended Window Manager Hints
specification for more details.
GravityNorthWest | the reference point is at the top left corner. |
GravityNorth | the reference point is in the middle of the top edge. |
GravityNorthEast | the reference point is at the top right corner. |
GravityWest | the reference point is at the middle of the left edge. |
GravityCenter | the reference point is at the center of the window. |
GravityEast | the reference point is at the middle of the right edge. |
GravitySouthWest | the reference point is at the lower left corner. |
GravitySouth | the reference point is at the middle of the lower edge. |
GravitySouthEast | the reference point is at the lower right corner. |
GravityStatic | the reference point is at the top left corner of the window itself, ignoring window manager decorations. |
AnotherGravity Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Gravity Source # | |
Eq Gravity Source # | |
Ord Gravity Source # | |
Show Gravity Source # | |
BoxedEnum Gravity Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Gravity -> IO GType # |
An enumeration that describes the mode of an input device.
InputModeDisabled | the device is disabled and will not report any events. |
InputModeScreen | the device is enabled. The device’s coordinate space maps to the entire screen. |
InputModeWindow | the device is enabled. The device’s coordinate space is mapped to a single window. The manner in which this window is chosen is undefined, but it will typically be the same way in which the focus window for key events is determined. |
AnotherInputMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum InputMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods succ :: InputMode -> InputMode # pred :: InputMode -> InputMode # fromEnum :: InputMode -> Int # enumFrom :: InputMode -> [InputMode] # enumFromThen :: InputMode -> InputMode -> [InputMode] # enumFromTo :: InputMode -> InputMode -> [InputMode] # enumFromThenTo :: InputMode -> InputMode -> InputMode -> [InputMode] # | |
Eq InputMode Source # | |
Ord InputMode Source # | |
Show InputMode Source # | |
BoxedEnum InputMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: InputMode -> IO GType # |
data InputSource Source #
An enumeration describing the type of an input device in general terms.
InputSourceMouse | the device is a mouse. (This will be reported for the core pointer, even if it is something else, such as a trackball.) |
InputSourcePen | the device is a stylus of a graphics tablet or similar device. |
InputSourceEraser | the device is an eraser. Typically, this would be the other end of a stylus on a graphics tablet. |
InputSourceCursor | the device is a graphics tablet “puck” or similar device. |
InputSourceKeyboard | the device is a keyboard. |
InputSourceTouchscreen | the device is a direct-input touch device, such as a touchscreen or tablet. This device type has been added in 3.4. |
InputSourceTouchpad | the device is an indirect touch device, such as a touchpad. This device type has been added in 3.4. |
InputSourceTrackpoint | the device is a trackpoint. This device type has been added in 3.22 |
InputSourceTabletPad | the device is a "pad", a collection of buttons, rings and strips found in drawing tablets. This device type has been added in 3.22. |
AnotherInputSource Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ModifierIntent Source #
This enum is used with keymapGetModifierMask
in order to determine what modifiers the
currently used windowing system backend uses for particular
purposes. For example, on X11/Windows, the Control key is used for
invoking menu shortcuts (accelerators), whereas on Apple computers
it’s the Command key (which correspond to ModifierTypeControlMask
, respectively).
Since: 3.4
ModifierIntentPrimaryAccelerator | the primary modifier used to invoke menu accelerators. |
ModifierIntentContextMenu | the modifier used to invoke context menus. Note that mouse button 3 always triggers context menus. When this modifier is not 0, it additionally triggers context menus when used with mouse button 1. |
ModifierIntentExtendSelection | the modifier used to extend selections
using |
ModifierIntentModifySelection | the modifier used to modify selections, which in most cases means toggling the clicked item into or out of the selection. |
ModifierIntentNoTextInput | when any of these modifiers is pressed, the key event cannot produce a symbol directly. This is meant to be used for input methods, and for use cases like typeahead search. |
ModifierIntentShiftGroup | the modifier that switches between keyboard groups (AltGr on X11/Windows and Option/Alt on OS X). |
ModifierIntentDefaultModMask | The set of modifier masks accepted as modifiers in accelerators. Needed because Command is mapped to MOD2 on OSX, which is widely used, but on X11 MOD2 is NumLock and using that for a mod key is problematic at best. Ref: |
AnotherModifierIntent Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data NotifyType Source #
Specifies the kind of crossing for EventCrossing
See the X11 protocol specification of LeaveNotify for full details of crossing event generation.
NotifyTypeAncestor | the window is entered from an ancestor or left towards an ancestor. |
NotifyTypeVirtual | the pointer moves between an ancestor and an inferior of the window. |
NotifyTypeInferior | the window is entered from an inferior or left towards an inferior. |
NotifyTypeNonlinear | the window is entered from or left towards a window which is neither an ancestor nor an inferior. |
NotifyTypeNonlinearVirtual | the pointer moves between two windows which are not ancestors of each other and the window is part of the ancestor chain between one of these windows and their least common ancestor. |
NotifyTypeUnknown | an unknown type of enter/leave event occurred. |
AnotherNotifyType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data OwnerChange Source #
Specifies why a selection ownership was changed.
OwnerChangeNewOwner | some other app claimed the ownership |
OwnerChangeDestroy | the window was destroyed |
OwnerChangeClose | the client was closed |
AnotherOwnerChange Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Describes how existing data is combined with new data when
using gdk_property_change()
PropModeReplace | the new data replaces the existing data. |
PropModePrepend | the new data is prepended to the existing data. |
PropModeAppend | the new data is appended to the existing data. |
AnotherPropMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum PropMode Source # | |
Eq PropMode Source # | |
Ord PropMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums | |
Show PropMode Source # | |
BoxedEnum PropMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gdk.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: PropMode -> IO GType # |
data PropertyState Source #
Specifies the type of a property change for a EventProperty
PropertyStateNewValue | the property value was changed. |
PropertyStateDelete | the property was deleted. |
AnotherPropertyState Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ScrollDirection Source #
Specifies the direction for EventScroll
ScrollDirectionUp | the window is scrolled up. |
ScrollDirectionDown | the window is scrolled down. |
ScrollDirectionLeft | the window is scrolled to the left. |
ScrollDirectionRight | the window is scrolled to the right. |
ScrollDirectionSmooth | the scrolling is determined by the delta values
in |
AnotherScrollDirection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SettingAction Source #
Specifies the kind of modification applied to a setting in a
SettingActionNew | a setting was added. |
SettingActionChanged | a setting was changed. |
SettingActionDeleted | a setting was deleted. |
AnotherSettingAction Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
No description available in the introspection data.
StatusOk | No description available in the introspection data. |
StatusError | No description available in the introspection data. |
StatusErrorParam | No description available in the introspection data. |
StatusErrorFile | No description available in the introspection data. |
StatusErrorMem | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherStatus Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data SubpixelLayout Source #
This enumeration describes how the red, green and blue components of physical pixels on an output device are laid out.
Since: 3.22
SubpixelLayoutUnknown | The layout is not known |
SubpixelLayoutNone | Not organized in this way |
SubpixelLayoutHorizontalRgb | The layout is horizontal, the order is RGB |
SubpixelLayoutHorizontalBgr | The layout is horizontal, the order is BGR |
SubpixelLayoutVerticalRgb | The layout is vertical, the order is RGB |
SubpixelLayoutVerticalBgr | The layout is vertical, the order is BGR |
AnotherSubpixelLayout Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TouchpadGesturePhase Source #
Specifies the current state of a touchpad gesture. All gestures are
guaranteed to begin with an event with phase TouchpadGesturePhaseBegin
followed by 0 or several events with phase TouchpadGesturePhaseUpdate
A finished gesture may have 2 possible outcomes, an event with phase
will be emitted when the gesture is
considered successful, this should be used as the hint to perform any
permanent changes.
Cancelled gestures may be so for a variety of reasons, due to hardware
or the compositor, or due to the gesture recognition layers hinting the
gesture did not finish resolutely (eg. a 3rd finger being added during
a pinch gesture). In these cases, the last event will report the phase
, this should be used as a hint
to undo any visible/permanent changes that were done throughout the
progress of the gesture.
See also EventTouchpadSwipe
and EventTouchpadPinch
TouchpadGesturePhaseBegin | The gesture has begun. |
TouchpadGesturePhaseUpdate | The gesture has been updated. |
TouchpadGesturePhaseEnd | The gesture was finished, changes should be permanently applied. |
TouchpadGesturePhaseCancel | The gesture was cancelled, all changes should be undone. |
AnotherTouchpadGesturePhase Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data VisibilityState Source #
Specifies the visiblity status of a window for a EventVisibility
VisibilityStateUnobscured | the window is completely visible. |
VisibilityStatePartial | the window is partially visible. |
VisibilityStateFullyObscured | the window is not visible at all. |
AnotherVisibilityState Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data VisualType Source #
A set of values that describe the manner in which the pixel values for a visual are converted into RGB values for display.
VisualTypeStaticGray | Each pixel value indexes a grayscale value directly. |
VisualTypeGrayscale | Each pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into grayscale values. The color map can be changed by an application. |
VisualTypeStaticColor | Each pixel value is an index into a predefined, unmodifiable color map that maps pixel values into RGB values. |
VisualTypePseudoColor | Each pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into rgb values. The color map can be changed by an application. |
VisualTypeTrueColor | Each pixel value directly contains red, green,
and blue components. Use |
VisualTypeDirectColor | Each pixel value contains red, green, and blue
components as for |
AnotherVisualType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowEdge Source #
Determines a window edge or corner.
WindowEdgeNorthWest | the top left corner. |
WindowEdgeNorth | the top edge. |
WindowEdgeNorthEast | the top right corner. |
WindowEdgeWest | the left edge. |
WindowEdgeEast | the right edge. |
WindowEdgeSouthWest | the lower left corner. |
WindowEdgeSouth | the lower edge. |
WindowEdgeSouthEast | the lower right corner. |
AnotherWindowEdge Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowType Source #
Describes the kind of window.
WindowTypeRoot | root window; this window has no parent, covers the entire screen, and is created by the window system |
WindowTypeToplevel | toplevel window (used to implement |
WindowTypeChild | child window (used to implement e.g. |
WindowTypeTemp | override redirect temporary window (used to implement
WindowTypeForeign | foreign window (see |
WindowTypeOffscreen | offscreen window (see [Offscreen Windows][OFFSCREEN-WINDOWS]). Since 2.18 |
WindowTypeSubsurface | subsurface-based window; This window is visually tied to a toplevel, and is moved/stacked with it. Currently this window type is only implemented in Wayland. Since 3.14 |
AnotherWindowType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowTypeHint Source #
These are hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function the window has. The window manager can use this when determining decoration and behaviour of the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window.
See the Extended Window Manager Hints specification for more details about window types.
WindowTypeHintNormal | Normal toplevel window. |
WindowTypeHintDialog | Dialog window. |
WindowTypeHintMenu | Window used to implement a menu; GTK+ uses
this hint only for torn-off menus, see |
WindowTypeHintToolbar | Window used to implement toolbars. |
WindowTypeHintSplashscreen | Window used to display a splash screen during application startup. |
WindowTypeHintUtility | Utility windows which are not detached toolbars or dialogs. |
WindowTypeHintDock | Used for creating dock or panel windows. |
WindowTypeHintDesktop | Used for creating the desktop background window. |
WindowTypeHintDropdownMenu | A menu that belongs to a menubar. |
WindowTypeHintPopupMenu | A menu that does not belong to a menubar, e.g. a context menu. |
WindowTypeHintTooltip | A tooltip. |
WindowTypeHintNotification | A notification - typically a “bubble” that belongs to a status icon. |
WindowTypeHintCombo | A popup from a combo box. |
WindowTypeHintDnd | A window that is used to implement a DND cursor. |
AnotherWindowTypeHint Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data WindowWindowClass Source #
windows are the standard kind of window you might expect.
Such windows receive events and are also displayed on screen.
windows are invisible; they are usually placed above other
windows in order to trap or filter the events. You can’t draw on
WindowWindowClassInputOutput | window for graphics and events |
WindowWindowClassInputOnly | window for events only |
AnotherWindowWindowClass Int | Catch-all for unknown values |