ghcide- The core of an IDE
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




runLanguageServer :: forall config a m. Show config => Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> Options -> Handle -> Handle -> config -> (config -> Value -> Either Text config) -> (config -> m config ()) -> (MVar () -> IO (LanguageContextEnv config -> TRequestMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either (TResponseError Method_Initialize) (LanguageContextEnv config, a)), Handlers (m config), (LanguageContextEnv config, a) -> m config <~> IO)) -> IO () Source #

setupLSP Source #


:: forall config err. Recorder (WithPriority Log) 
-> FilePath

root directory, see Note [Root Directory]

-> (FilePath -> IO FilePath)

Map root paths to the location of the hiedb for the project

-> Handlers (ServerM config) 
-> (LanguageContextEnv config -> FilePath -> WithHieDb -> ThreadQueue -> IO IdeState) 
-> MVar () 
-> IO (LanguageContextEnv config -> TRequestMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either err (LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState)), Handlers (ServerM config), (LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState) -> ServerM config <~> IO) 

runWithWorkerThreads :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> FilePath -> (WithHieDb -> ThreadQueue -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

runWithWorkerThreads create several threads to run the session, db and session loader see Note [Serializing runs in separate thread]