ghcide- The core of an IDE
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Diagnostic #





Instances details
FromJSON Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

ToJSON Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

Generic Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

Associated Types

type Rep Diagnostic :: Type -> Type #

Show Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

NFData Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic


rnf :: Diagnostic -> () #

Eq Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

Ord Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

Hashable Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

Pretty Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic


pretty :: Diagnostic -> Doc ann #

prettyList :: [Diagnostic] -> Doc ann #

HasMessage Diagnostic Text 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

HasRange Diagnostic Range 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

HasCode Diagnostic (Maybe (Int32 |? Text)) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


code :: Lens' Diagnostic (Maybe (Int32 |? Text))

HasCodeDescription Diagnostic (Maybe CodeDescription) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


codeDescription :: Lens' Diagnostic (Maybe CodeDescription)

HasData_ Diagnostic (Maybe Value) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

HasDiagnostics CodeAction (Maybe [Diagnostic]) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


diagnostics :: Lens' CodeAction (Maybe [Diagnostic])

HasDiagnostics CodeActionContext [Diagnostic] 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


diagnostics :: Lens' CodeActionContext [Diagnostic]

HasDiagnostics PublishDiagnosticsParams [Diagnostic] 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


diagnostics :: Lens' PublishDiagnosticsParams [Diagnostic]

HasItems FullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic] 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


items :: Lens' FullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic]

HasItems RelatedFullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic] 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


items :: Lens' RelatedFullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic]

HasItems WorkspaceFullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic] 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


items :: Lens' WorkspaceFullDocumentDiagnosticReport [Diagnostic]

HasRelatedInformation Diagnostic (Maybe [DiagnosticRelatedInformation]) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


relatedInformation :: Lens' Diagnostic (Maybe [DiagnosticRelatedInformation])

HasSeverity Diagnostic (Maybe DiagnosticSeverity) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

HasSource Diagnostic (Maybe Text) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

HasTags Diagnostic (Maybe [DiagnosticTag]) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens


tags :: Lens' Diagnostic (Maybe [DiagnosticTag])

type Rep Diagnostic 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic

type Rep Diagnostic = D1 ('MetaData "Diagnostic" "Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.Diagnostic" "lsp-types-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Diagnostic" 'PrefixI 'True) (((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_range") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Range) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_severity") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe DiagnosticSeverity))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_code") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe (Int32 |? Text))) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_codeDescription") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe CodeDescription)))) :*: ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_source") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Text)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_message") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_tags") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [DiagnosticTag])) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_relatedInformation") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe [DiagnosticRelatedInformation])) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_data_") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Maybe Value)))))))

data ShowDiagnostic Source #

Defines whether a particular diagnostic should be reported back to the user.

One important use case is "missing signature" code lenses, for which we need to enable the corresponding warning during type checking. However, we do not want to show the warning unless the programmer asks for it (#261).



Report back to the user


Hide from user

type FileDiagnostic = (NormalizedFilePath, ShowDiagnostic, Diagnostic) Source #

Human readable diagnostics for a specific file.

This type packages a pretty printed, human readable error message along with the related source location so that we can display the error on either the console or in the IDE at the right source location.

type IdeResult v = ([FileDiagnostic], Maybe v) Source #

The result of an IDE operation. Warnings and errors are in the Diagnostic, and a value is in the Maybe. For operations that throw an error you expect a non-empty list of diagnostics, at least one of which is an error, and a Nothing. For operations that succeed you expect perhaps some warnings and a Just. For operations that depend on other failing operations you may get empty diagnostics and a Nothing, to indicate this phase throws no fresh errors but still failed.

A rule on a file should only return diagnostics for that given file. It should not propagate diagnostic errors through multiple phases.

data DiagnosticSeverity #


Instances details
FromJSON DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

ToJSON DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

Generic DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

Associated Types

type Rep DiagnosticSeverity :: Type -> Type #

Show DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

NFData DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity


rnf :: DiagnosticSeverity -> () #

Eq DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

Ord DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

Hashable DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

LspEnum DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

Associated Types

type EnumBaseType DiagnosticSeverity

Pretty DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

HasSeverity Diagnostic (Maybe DiagnosticSeverity) 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Lens

type Rep DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

type Rep DiagnosticSeverity = D1 ('MetaData "DiagnosticSeverity" "Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity" "lsp-types-" 'False) ((C1 ('MetaCons "DiagnosticSeverity_Error" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "DiagnosticSeverity_Warning" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 ('MetaCons "DiagnosticSeverity_Information" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "DiagnosticSeverity_Hint" 'PrefixI 'False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))
type EnumBaseType DiagnosticSeverity 
Instance details

Defined in Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticSeverity

type EnumBaseType DiagnosticSeverity = UInt

type IdeResultNoDiagnosticsEarlyCutoff v = (Maybe ByteString, Maybe v) Source #

an IdeResult with a fingerprint