module Development.IDE.Types.Action
  ( DelayedAction (..),

import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Data.Hashable                (Hashable (..))
import           Data.HashSet                 (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet                 as Set
import           Data.Unique                  (Unique)
import           Development.IDE.Types.Logger
import           Development.Shake            (Action)
import           Numeric.Natural

data DelayedAction a = DelayedAction
  { uniqueID       :: Maybe Unique,
    -- | Name we use for debugging
    actionName     :: String,
    -- | Priority with which to log the action
    actionPriority :: Priority,
    -- | The payload
    getAction      :: Action a
  deriving (Functor)

type DelayedActionInternal = DelayedAction ()

instance Eq (DelayedAction a) where
  a == b = uniqueID a == uniqueID b

instance Hashable (DelayedAction a) where
  hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . uniqueID

instance Show (DelayedAction a) where
  show d = "DelayedAction: " ++ actionName d


data ActionQueue = ActionQueue
  { newActions :: TQueue DelayedActionInternal,
    inProgress :: TVar (HashSet DelayedActionInternal)

newQueue :: IO ActionQueue
newQueue = atomically $ do
  newActions <- newTQueue
  inProgress <- newTVar mempty
  return ActionQueue {..}

pushQueue :: DelayedActionInternal -> ActionQueue -> STM ()
pushQueue act ActionQueue {..} = writeTQueue newActions act

-- | You must call 'doneQueue' to signal completion
popQueue :: ActionQueue -> STM DelayedActionInternal
popQueue ActionQueue {..} = do
  x <- readTQueue newActions
  modifyTVar inProgress (Set.insert x)
  return x

-- | Completely remove an action from the queue
abortQueue :: DelayedActionInternal -> ActionQueue -> STM ()
abortQueue x ActionQueue {..} = do
  qq <- flushTQueue newActions
  mapM_ (writeTQueue newActions) (filter (/= x) qq)
  modifyTVar inProgress (Set.delete x)

-- | Mark an action as complete when called after 'popQueue'.
--   Has no effect otherwise
doneQueue :: DelayedActionInternal -> ActionQueue -> STM ()
doneQueue x ActionQueue {..} = do
  modifyTVar inProgress (Set.delete x)

countQueue :: ActionQueue -> STM Natural
countQueue ActionQueue{..} = do
    backlog <- flushTQueue newActions
    mapM_ (writeTQueue newActions) backlog
    m <- Set.size <$> readTVar inProgress
    return $ fromIntegral $ length backlog + m

peekInProgress :: ActionQueue -> STM [DelayedActionInternal]
peekInProgress ActionQueue {..} = Set.toList <$> readTVar inProgress