{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Development.IDE.GHC.HieAst ( mkHieFile ) where
import Avail ( Avails )
import Bag ( Bag, bagToList )
import BasicTypes
import BooleanFormula
import Class ( FunDep )
import CoreUtils ( exprType )
import ConLike ( conLikeName )
import Desugar ( deSugarExpr )
import FieldLabel
import HsSyn
import HscTypes
import Module ( ModuleName, ml_hs_file )
import MonadUtils ( concatMapM, liftIO )
import Name ( Name, nameSrcSpan, setNameLoc )
import SrcLoc
import TcHsSyn ( hsLitType, hsPatType )
import Type ( mkFunTys, Type )
import TysWiredIn ( mkListTy, mkSumTy )
import Var ( Id, Var, setVarName, varName, varType )
import TcRnTypes
import MkIface ( mkIfaceExports )
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieTypes
import Development.IDE.GHC.HieUtils
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Data ( Data, Typeable )
import Data.List (foldl', foldl1' )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
type RenamedSource = ( HsGroup GhcRn, [LImportDecl GhcRn]
, Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)]
, Maybe LHsDocString )
type TypecheckedSource = LHsBinds GhcTc
type family NoGhcTc (p :: *) where
NoGhcTc (GhcPass pass) = GhcPass (NoGhcTcPass pass)
NoGhcTc other = other
type family NoGhcTcPass (p :: Pass) :: Pass where
NoGhcTcPass 'Typechecked = 'Renamed
NoGhcTcPass other = other
newtype HieState = HieState
{ name_remapping :: M.Map Name Id
initState :: HieState
initState = HieState M.empty
class ModifyState a where
addSubstitution :: a -> a -> HieState -> HieState
instance ModifyState Name where
addSubstitution _ _ hs = hs
instance ModifyState Id where
addSubstitution mono poly hs =
hs{name_remapping = M.insert (varName mono) poly (name_remapping hs)}
modifyState :: ModifyState (IdP p) => [ABExport p] -> HieState -> HieState
modifyState = foldr go id
go ABE{abe_poly=poly,abe_mono=mono} f = addSubstitution mono poly . f
go _ f = f
type HieM = ReaderT HieState Hsc
mkHieFile :: ModSummary
-> TcGblEnv
-> RenamedSource
-> BS.ByteString
-> Hsc HieFile
mkHieFile ms ts rs src = do
let tc_binds = tcg_binds ts
(asts', arr) <- getCompressedAsts tc_binds rs
let Just src_file = ml_hs_file $ ms_location ms
return $ HieFile
{ hie_hs_file = src_file
, hie_module = ms_mod ms
, hie_types = arr
, hie_asts = asts'
, hie_exports = mkIfaceExports (tcg_exports ts)
, hie_hs_src = src
getCompressedAsts :: TypecheckedSource -> RenamedSource
-> Hsc (HieASTs TypeIndex, A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat)
getCompressedAsts ts rs = do
asts <- enrichHie ts rs
return $ compressTypes asts
enrichHie :: TypecheckedSource -> RenamedSource -> Hsc (HieASTs Type)
enrichHie ts (hsGrp, imports, exports, _) = flip runReaderT initState $ do
tasts <- toHie $ fmap (BC RegularBind ModuleScope) ts
rasts <- processGrp hsGrp
imps <- toHie $ filter (not . ideclImplicit . unLoc) imports
exps <- toHie $ fmap (map $ IEC Export . fst) exports
let spanFile children = case children of
[] -> mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc "" 1 1) (mkRealSrcLoc "" 1 1)
_ -> mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart $ nodeSpan $ head children)
(realSrcSpanEnd $ nodeSpan $ last children)
modulify xs =
Node (simpleNodeInfo "Module" "Module") (spanFile xs) xs
asts = HieASTs
$ resolveTyVarScopes
$ M.map (modulify . mergeSortAsts)
$ M.fromListWith (++)
$ map (\x -> (srcSpanFile (nodeSpan x),[x])) flat_asts
flat_asts = concat
[ tasts
, rasts
, imps
, exps
return asts
processGrp grp = concatM
[ toHie $ fmap (RS ModuleScope ) hs_valds grp
, toHie $ hs_splcds grp
, toHie $ hs_tyclds grp
, toHie $ hs_derivds grp
, toHie $ hs_fixds grp
, toHie $ hs_defds grp
, toHie $ hs_fords grp
, toHie $ hs_warnds grp
, toHie $ hs_annds grp
, toHie $ hs_ruleds grp
getRealSpan :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Span
getRealSpan (RealSrcSpan sp) = Just sp
getRealSpan _ = Nothing
grhss_span :: GRHSs p body -> SrcSpan
grhss_span (GRHSs _ xs bs) = foldl' combineSrcSpans (getLoc bs) (map getLoc xs)
grhss_span (XGRHSs _) = error "XGRHS has no span"
bindingsOnly :: [Context Name] -> [HieAST a]
bindingsOnly [] = []
bindingsOnly (C c n : xs) = case nameSrcSpan n of
RealSrcSpan span -> Node nodeinfo span [] : bindingsOnly xs
where nodeinfo = NodeInfo S.empty [] (M.singleton (Right n) info)
info = mempty{identInfo = S.singleton c}
_ -> bindingsOnly xs
concatM :: Monad m => [m [a]] -> m [a]
concatM xs = concat <$> sequence xs
data Context a = C ContextInfo a
data RContext a = RC RecFieldContext a
data RFContext a = RFC RecFieldContext (Maybe Span) a
data IEContext a = IEC IEType a
data BindContext a = BC BindType Scope a
data PatSynFieldContext a = PSC (Maybe Span) a
data SigContext a = SC SigInfo a
data SigInfo = SI SigType (Maybe Span)
data SigType = BindSig | ClassSig | InstSig
data RScoped a = RS Scope a
data PScoped a = PS (Maybe Span)
deriving (Typeable, Data)
data TScoped a = TS TyVarScope a
data TVScoped a = TVS TyVarScope Scope a
listScopes :: Scope -> [Located a] -> [RScoped (Located a)]
listScopes _ [] = []
listScopes rhsScope [pat] = [RS rhsScope pat]
listScopes rhsScope (pat : pats) = RS sc pat : pats'
pats'@((RS scope p):_) = listScopes rhsScope pats
sc = combineScopes scope $ mkScope $ getLoc p
:: Maybe Span
-> Scope
-> Scope
-> [LPat (GhcPass p)]
-> [PScoped (LPat (GhcPass p))]
patScopes rsp useScope patScope xs =
map (\(RS sc a) -> PS rsp useScope sc a) $
listScopes patScope xs
:: TyVarScope
-> Scope
-> [LHsTyVarBndr a]
-> [TVScoped (LHsTyVarBndr a)]
tvScopes tvScope rhsScope xs =
map (\(RS sc a)-> TVS tvScope sc a) $ listScopes rhsScope xs
data Shielded a = SH Scope a
type family ProtectedSig a where
ProtectedSig GhcRn = HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (HsImplicitBndrs
(Shielded (LHsType GhcRn)))
ProtectedSig GhcTc = NoExt
class ProtectSig a where
protectSig :: Scope -> XSigPat a -> ProtectedSig a
instance (HasLoc a) => HasLoc (Shielded a) where
loc (SH _ a) = loc a
instance (ToHie (TScoped a)) => ToHie (TScoped (Shielded a)) where
toHie (TS _ (SH sc a)) = toHie (TS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) a)
instance ProtectSig GhcTc where
protectSig _ _ = NoExt
instance ProtectSig GhcRn where
protectSig sc (HsWC a (HsIB b sig)) =
HsWC a (HsIB b (SH sc sig))
protectSig _ _ = error "protectSig not given HsWC (HsIB)"
class HasLoc a where
loc :: a -> SrcSpan
instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (TScoped thing) where
loc (TS _ a) = loc a
instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (PScoped thing) where
loc (PS _ _ _ a) = loc a
instance HasLoc (LHsQTyVars GhcRn) where
loc (HsQTvs _ vs) = loc vs
loc _ = noSrcSpan
instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (HsImplicitBndrs a thing) where
loc (HsIB _ a) = loc a
loc _ = noSrcSpan
instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (HsWildCardBndrs a thing) where
loc (HsWC _ a) = loc a
loc _ = noSrcSpan
instance HasLoc (Located a) where
loc (L l _) = l
instance HasLoc a => HasLoc [a] where
loc [] = noSrcSpan
loc xs = foldl1' combineSrcSpans $ map loc xs
instance (HasLoc a, HasLoc b) => HasLoc (FamEqn s a b) where
loc (FamEqn _ a b _ c) = foldl1' combineSrcSpans [loc a, loc b, loc c]
loc _ = noSrcSpan
instance HasLoc (HsDataDefn GhcRn) where
loc def@(HsDataDefn{}) = loc $ dd_cons def
loc _ = noSrcSpan
class ToHie a where
toHie :: a -> HieM [HieAST Type]
class Data a => HasType a where
getTypeNode :: a -> HieM [HieAST Type]
instance (ToHie a) => ToHie [a] where
toHie = concatMapM toHie
instance (ToHie a) => ToHie (Bag a) where
toHie = toHie . bagToList
instance (ToHie a) => ToHie (Maybe a) where
toHie = maybe (pure []) toHie
instance ToHie (Context (Located NoExt)) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (TScoped NoExt) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (IEContext (Located ModuleName)) where
toHie (IEC c (L (RealSrcSpan span) mname)) =
pure $ [Node (NodeInfo S.empty [] idents) span []]
where details = mempty{identInfo = S.singleton (IEThing c)}
idents = M.singleton (Left mname) details
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (Context (Located Var)) where
toHie c = case c of
C context (L (RealSrcSpan span) name')
-> do
m <- asks name_remapping
let name = M.findWithDefault name' (varName name') m
(NodeInfo S.empty [] $
M.singleton (Right $ varName name)
(IdentifierDetails (Just $ varType name')
(S.singleton context)))
_ -> pure []
instance ToHie (Context (Located Name)) where
toHie c = case c of
C context (L (RealSrcSpan span) name') -> do
m <- asks name_remapping
let name = case M.lookup name' m of
Just var -> varName var
Nothing -> name'
(NodeInfo S.empty [] $
M.singleton (Right name)
(IdentifierDetails Nothing
(S.singleton context)))
_ -> pure []
instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType GhcTc)) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsWcType GhcTc)) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (SigContext (LSig GhcTc)) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (TScoped Type) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance HasType (LHsBind GhcRn) where
getTypeNode (L spn bind) = makeNode bind spn
instance HasType (LHsBind GhcTc) where
getTypeNode (L spn bind) = case bind of
FunBind{fun_id = name} -> makeTypeNode bind spn (varType $ unLoc name)
_ -> makeNode bind spn
instance HasType (LPat GhcRn) where
getTypeNode (L spn pat) = makeNode pat spn
instance HasType (LPat GhcTc) where
getTypeNode (L spn opat) = makeTypeNode opat spn (hsPatType opat)
instance HasType (LHsExpr GhcRn) where
getTypeNode (L spn e) = makeNode e spn
instance HasType (LHsExpr GhcTc) where
getTypeNode e@(L spn e') = lift $
let tyOpt = case e' of
HsLit _ l -> Just (hsLitType l)
HsOverLit _ o -> Just (overLitType o)
HsLam _ (MG { mg_ext = groupTy }) -> Just (matchGroupType groupTy)
HsLamCase _ (MG { mg_ext = groupTy }) -> Just (matchGroupType groupTy)
HsCase _ _ (MG { mg_ext = groupTy }) -> Just (mg_res_ty groupTy)
ExplicitList ty _ _ -> Just (mkListTy ty)
ExplicitSum ty _ _ _ -> Just (mkSumTy ty)
HsDo ty _ _ -> Just ty
HsMultiIf ty _ -> Just ty
_ -> Nothing
case tyOpt of
_ | skipDesugaring e' -> fallback
| otherwise -> do
hs_env <- Hsc $ \e w -> return (e,w)
(_,mbe) <- liftIO $ deSugarExpr hs_env e
maybe fallback (makeTypeNode e' spn . exprType) mbe
fallback = makeNode e' spn
matchGroupType :: MatchGroupTc -> Type
matchGroupType (MatchGroupTc args res) = mkFunTys args res
skipDesugaring :: HsExpr a -> Bool
skipDesugaring e = case e of
HsVar{} -> False
HsUnboundVar{} -> False
HsConLikeOut{} -> False
HsRecFld{} -> False
HsOverLabel{} -> False
HsIPVar{} -> False
HsWrap{} -> False
_ -> True
instance ( ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
, ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (GRHSs a (LHsExpr a))
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (Located (PatSynBind a a))
, HasType (LHsBind a)
, ModifyState (IdP a)
, Data (HsBind a)
) => ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a)) where
toHie (BC context scope b@(L span bind)) =
concatM $ getTypeNode b : case bind of
FunBind{fun_id = name, fun_matches = matches} ->
[ toHie $ C (ValBind context scope $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie matches
PatBind{pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs} ->
[ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan span) scope NoScope lhs
, toHie rhs
VarBind{var_rhs = expr} ->
[ toHie expr
AbsBinds{abs_exports = xs, abs_binds = binds} ->
[ local (modifyState xs) $
toHie $ fmap (BC context scope) binds
PatSynBind _ psb ->
[ toHie $ L span psb
XHsBindsLR _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (LMatch a body)
) => ToHie (MatchGroup a body) where
toHie mg = concatM $ case mg of
MG{ mg_alts = (L span alts) , mg_origin = FromSource } ->
[ pure $ locOnly span
, toHie alts
MG{} -> []
XMatchGroup _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (HsPatSynDir a)
) => ToHie (Located (PatSynBind a a)) where
toHie (L sp psb) = concatM $ case psb of
PSB{psb_id=var, psb_args=dets, psb_def=pat, psb_dir=dir} ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl PatSynDec $ getRealSpan sp) var
, toHie $ toBind dets
, toHie $ PS Nothing lhsScope NoScope pat
, toHie dir
lhsScope = combineScopes varScope detScope
varScope = mkLScope var
detScope = case dets of
(PrefixCon args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
(InfixCon a b) -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
(RecCon r) -> foldr go NoScope r
go (RecordPatSynField a b) c = combineScopes c
$ combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
detSpan = case detScope of
LocalScope a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
toBind (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ map (C Use) args
toBind (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon (C Use a) (C Use b)
toBind (RecCon r) = RecCon $ map (PSC detSpan) r
XPatSynBind _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
) => ToHie (HsPatSynDir a) where
toHie dir = case dir of
ExplicitBidirectional mg -> toHie mg
_ -> pure []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie body
, ToHie (HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP a)))
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (GRHSs a body)
, Data (Match a body)
) => ToHie (LMatch (GhcPass p) body) where
toHie (L span m ) = concatM $ makeNode m span : case m of
Match{m_ctxt=mctx, m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss } ->
[ toHie mctx
, let rhsScope = mkScope $ grhss_span grhss
in toHie $ patScopes Nothing rhsScope NoScope pats
, toHie grhss
XMatch _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (Context (Located a))
) => ToHie (HsMatchContext a) where
toHie (FunRhs{mc_fun=name}) = toHie $ C MatchBind name
toHie (StmtCtxt a) = toHie a
toHie _ = pure []
instance ( ToHie (HsMatchContext a)
) => ToHie (HsStmtContext a) where
toHie (PatGuard a) = toHie a
toHie (ParStmtCtxt a) = toHie a
toHie (TransStmtCtxt a) = toHie a
toHie _ = pure []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
, ToHie (RContext (HsRecFields a (PScoped (LPat a))))
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType a))
, ProtectSig a
, ToHie (TScoped (ProtectedSig a))
, HasType (LPat a)
, Data (HsSplice a)
) => ToHie (PScoped (LPat (GhcPass p))) where
toHie (PS rsp scope pscope lpat@(L ospan opat)) =
concatM $ getTypeNode lpat : case opat of
WildPat _ ->
VarPat _ lname ->
[ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope pscope rsp) lname
LazyPat _ p ->
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope p
AsPat _ lname pat ->
[ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope
(combineScopes (mkLScope pat) pscope)
, toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
ParPat _ pat ->
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
BangPat _ pat ->
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
ListPat _ pats ->
[ toHie $ patScopes rsp scope pscope pats
TuplePat _ pats _ ->
[ toHie $ patScopes rsp scope pscope pats
SumPat _ pat _ _ ->
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
ConPatIn c dets ->
[ toHie $ C Use c
, toHie $ contextify dets
ConPatOut {pat_con = con, pat_args = dets}->
[ toHie $ C Use $ fmap conLikeName con
, toHie $ contextify dets
ViewPat _ expr pat ->
[ toHie expr
, toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
SplicePat _ sp ->
[ toHie $ L ospan sp
LitPat _ _ ->
NPat _ _ _ _ ->
NPlusKPat _ n _ _ _ _ ->
[ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope pscope rsp) n
SigPat sig pat ->
[ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
, let cscope = mkLScope pat in
toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [cscope, scope, pscope])
(protectSig @a cscope sig)
CoPat _ _ _ _ ->
XPat _ -> []
contextify (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ patScopes rsp scope pscope args
contextify (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon a' b'
where [a', b'] = patScopes rsp scope pscope [a,b]
contextify (RecCon r) = RecCon $ RC RecFieldMatch $ contextify_rec r
contextify_rec (HsRecFields fds a) = HsRecFields (map go scoped_fds) a
go (RS fscope (L spn (HsRecField lbl pat pun))) =
L spn $ HsRecField lbl (PS rsp scope fscope pat) pun
scoped_fds = listScopes pscope fds
instance ( ToHie body
, ToHie (LGRHS a body)
, ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
) => ToHie (GRHSs a body) where
toHie grhs = concatM $ case grhs of
GRHSs _ grhss binds ->
[ toHie grhss
, toHie $ RS (mkScope $ grhss_span grhs) binds
XGRHSs _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (Located body)
, ToHie (RScoped (GuardLStmt a))
, Data (GRHS a (Located body))
) => ToHie (LGRHS a (Located body)) where
toHie (L span g) = concatM $ makeNode g span : case g of
GRHS _ guards body ->
[ toHie $ listScopes (mkLScope body) guards
, toHie body
XGRHS _ -> []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
, HasType (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
, ToHie (LGRHS a (LHsExpr a))
, ToHie (RContext (HsRecordBinds a))
, ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc a)))
, ToHie (ArithSeqInfo a)
, ToHie (LHsCmdTop a)
, ToHie (RScoped (GuardLStmt a))
, ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
, ToHie (TScoped (LHsWcType (NoGhcTc a)))
, ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc a)))
, Data (HsExpr a)
, Data (HsSplice a)
, Data (HsTupArg a)
, Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc a)
) => ToHie (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) where
toHie e@(L mspan oexpr) = concatM $ getTypeNode e : case oexpr of
HsVar _ (L _ var) ->
[ toHie $ C Use (L mspan var)
HsUnboundVar _ _ ->
HsConLikeOut _ con ->
[ toHie $ C Use $ L mspan $ conLikeName con
HsRecFld _ fld ->
[ toHie $ RFC RecFieldOcc Nothing (L mspan fld)
HsOverLabel _ _ _ -> []
HsIPVar _ _ -> []
HsOverLit _ _ -> []
HsLit _ _ -> []
HsLam _ mg ->
[ toHie mg
HsLamCase _ mg ->
[ toHie mg
HsApp _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsAppType _sig expr ->
[ toHie expr
OpApp _ a b c ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
, toHie c
NegApp _ a _ ->
[ toHie a
HsPar _ a ->
[ toHie a
SectionL _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
SectionR _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
ExplicitTuple _ args _ ->
[ toHie args
ExplicitSum _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsCase _ expr matches ->
[ toHie expr
, toHie matches
HsIf _ _ a b c ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
, toHie c
HsMultiIf _ grhss ->
[ toHie grhss
HsLet _ binds expr ->
[ toHie $ RS (mkLScope expr) binds
, toHie expr
HsDo _ _ (L ispan stmts) ->
[ pure $ locOnly ispan
, toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
ExplicitList _ _ exprs ->
[ toHie exprs
RecordCon {rcon_con_name = name, rcon_flds = binds}->
[ toHie $ C Use name
, toHie $ RC RecFieldAssign $ binds
RecordUpd {rupd_expr = expr, rupd_flds = upds}->
[ toHie expr
, toHie $ map (RC RecFieldAssign) upds
ExprWithTySig _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
ArithSeq _ _ info ->
[ toHie info
HsSCC _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsCoreAnn _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsProc _ pat cmdtop ->
[ toHie $ PS Nothing (mkLScope cmdtop) NoScope pat
, toHie cmdtop
HsStatic _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsArrApp _ a b _ _ ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsArrForm _ expr _ cmds ->
[ toHie expr
, toHie cmds
HsTick _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsBinTick _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsWrap _ _ a ->
[ toHie $ L mspan a
HsBracket _ b ->
[ toHie b
HsRnBracketOut _ b p ->
[ toHie b
, toHie p
HsTcBracketOut _ b p ->
[ toHie b
, toHie p
HsSpliceE _ x ->
[ toHie $ L mspan x
EWildPat _ -> []
EAsPat _ a b ->
[ toHie $ C Use a
, toHie b
EViewPat _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
ELazyPat _ a ->
[ toHie a
XExpr _ -> []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, Data (HsTupArg a)
) => ToHie (LHsTupArg (GhcPass p)) where
toHie (L span arg) = concatM $ makeNode arg span : case arg of
Present _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
Missing _ -> []
XTupArg _ -> []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
, ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
, ToHie (RScoped (ApplicativeArg a))
, ToHie (Located body)
, Data (StmtLR a a (Located body))
, Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
) => ToHie (RScoped (LStmt (GhcPass p) (Located body))) where
toHie (RS scope (L span stmt)) = concatM $ makeNode stmt span : case stmt of
LastStmt _ body _ _ ->
[ toHie body
BindStmt _ pat body _ _ ->
[ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan $ getLoc body) scope NoScope pat
, toHie body
ApplicativeStmt _ stmts _ ->
[ concatMapM (toHie . RS scope . snd) stmts
BodyStmt _ body _ _ ->
[ toHie body
LetStmt _ binds ->
[ toHie $ RS scope binds
ParStmt _ parstmts _ _ ->
[ concatMapM (\(ParStmtBlock _ stmts _ _) ->
toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts)
TransStmt {trS_stmts = stmts, trS_using = using, trS_by = by} ->
[ toHie $ listScopes scope stmts
, toHie using
, toHie by
RecStmt {recS_stmts = stmts} ->
[ toHie $ map (RS $ combineScopes scope (mkScope span)) stmts
XStmtLR _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
, ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
, ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
, Data (HsLocalBinds a)
) => ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a)) where
toHie (RS scope (L sp binds)) = concatM $ makeNode binds sp : case binds of
EmptyLocalBinds _ -> []
HsIPBinds _ _ -> []
HsValBinds _ valBinds ->
[ toHie $ RS (combineScopes scope $ mkScope sp)
XHsLocalBindsLR _ -> []
instance ( ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
, ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
, ToHie (RScoped (XXValBindsLR a a))
) => ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a)) where
toHie (RS sc v) = concatM $ case v of
ValBinds _ binds sigs ->
[ toHie $ fmap (BC RegularBind sc) binds
, toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
XValBindsLR x -> [ toHie $ RS sc x ]
instance ToHie (RScoped (NHsValBindsLR GhcTc)) where
toHie (RS sc (NValBinds binds sigs)) = concatM $
[ toHie (concatMap (map (BC RegularBind sc) . bagToList . snd) binds)
, toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
instance ToHie (RScoped (NHsValBindsLR GhcRn)) where
toHie (RS sc (NValBinds binds sigs)) = concatM $
[ toHie (concatMap (map (BC RegularBind sc) . bagToList . snd) binds)
, toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
instance ( ToHie (RContext (LHsRecField a arg))
) => ToHie (RContext (HsRecFields a arg)) where
toHie (RC c (HsRecFields fields _)) = toHie $ map (RC c) fields
instance ( ToHie (RFContext (Located label))
, ToHie arg
, HasLoc arg
, Data label
, Data arg
) => ToHie (RContext (LHsRecField' label arg)) where
toHie (RC c (L span recfld)) = concatM $ makeNode recfld span : case recfld of
HsRecField label expr _ ->
[ toHie $ RFC c (getRealSpan $ loc expr) label
, toHie expr
removeDefSrcSpan :: Name -> Name
removeDefSrcSpan n = setNameLoc n noSrcSpan
instance ToHie (RFContext (LFieldOcc GhcRn)) where
toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan f)) = concatM $ case f of
FieldOcc name _ ->
[ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan $ removeDefSrcSpan name)
XFieldOcc _ -> []
instance ToHie (RFContext (LFieldOcc GhcTc)) where
toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan f)) = concatM $ case f of
FieldOcc var _ ->
let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
XFieldOcc _ -> []
instance ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn))) where
toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan afo)) = concatM $ case afo of
Unambiguous name _ ->
[ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) $ L nspan $ removeDefSrcSpan name
Ambiguous _name _ ->
[ ]
XAmbiguousFieldOcc _ -> []
instance ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc))) where
toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan afo)) = concatM $ case afo of
Unambiguous var _ ->
let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
Ambiguous var _ ->
let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
XAmbiguousFieldOcc _ -> []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
, ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
, Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
, Data (HsLocalBinds a)
) => ToHie (RScoped (ApplicativeArg (GhcPass p))) where
toHie (RS sc (ApplicativeArgOne _ pat expr _)) = concatM
[ toHie $ PS Nothing sc NoScope pat
, toHie expr
toHie (RS sc (ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts _ pat)) = concatM
[ toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
, toHie $ PS Nothing sc NoScope pat
toHie (RS _ (XApplicativeArg _)) = pure []
instance (ToHie arg, ToHie rec) => ToHie (HsConDetails arg rec) where
toHie (PrefixCon args) = toHie args
toHie (RecCon rec) = toHie rec
toHie (InfixCon a b) = concatM [ toHie a, toHie b]
instance ( ToHie (LHsCmd a)
, Data (HsCmdTop a)
) => ToHie (LHsCmdTop a) where
toHie (L span top) = concatM $ makeNode top span : case top of
HsCmdTop _ cmd ->
[ toHie cmd
XCmdTop _ -> []
instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
, ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
, ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
, ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsCmd a))
, ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
, ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
, Data (HsCmd a)
, Data (HsCmdTop a)
, Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsCmd a)))
, Data (HsLocalBinds a)
, Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
) => ToHie (LHsCmd (GhcPass p)) where
toHie (L span cmd) = concatM $ makeNode cmd span : case cmd of
HsCmdArrApp _ a b _ _ ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsCmdArrForm _ a _ _ cmdtops ->
[ toHie a
, toHie cmdtops
HsCmdApp _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsCmdLam _ mg ->
[ toHie mg
HsCmdPar _ a ->
[ toHie a
HsCmdCase _ expr alts ->
[ toHie expr
, toHie alts
HsCmdIf _ _ a b c ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
, toHie c
HsCmdLet _ binds cmd' ->
[ toHie $ RS (mkLScope cmd') binds
, toHie cmd'
HsCmdDo _ (L ispan stmts) ->
[ pure $ locOnly ispan
, toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
HsCmdWrap _ _ _ -> []
XCmd _ -> []
instance ToHie (TyClGroup GhcRn) where
toHie (TyClGroup _ classes roles instances) = concatM
[ toHie classes
, toHie roles
, toHie instances
toHie (XTyClGroup _) = pure []
instance ToHie (LTyClDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
FamDecl {tcdFam = fdecl} ->
[ toHie (L span fdecl)
SynDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdRhs = typ} ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl SynDec $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope $ getLoc typ]) vars
, toHie typ
DataDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdDataDefn = defn} ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl DataDec $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [quant_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
, toHie defn
quant_scope = mkLScope $ dd_ctxt defn
rhs_scope = sig_sc `combineScopes` con_sc `combineScopes` deriv_sc
sig_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScope $ dd_kindSig defn
con_sc = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope $ dd_cons defn
deriv_sc = mkLScope $ dd_derivs defn
ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context
, tcdLName = name
, tcdTyVars = vars
, tcdFDs = deps
, tcdSigs = sigs
, tcdMeths = meths
, tcdATs = typs
, tcdATDefs = deftyps
} ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl ClassDec $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie context
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [context_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
, toHie deps
, toHie $ map (SC $ SI ClassSig $ getRealSpan span) sigs
, toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) meths
, toHie typs
, concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) deftyps
, toHie $ map (go . unLoc) deftyps
context_scope = mkLScope context
rhs_scope = foldl1' combineScopes $ map mkScope
[ loc deps, loc sigs, loc (bagToList meths), loc typs, loc deftyps]
go :: TyFamDefltEqn GhcRn
-> FamEqn GhcRn (TScoped (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)) (LHsType GhcRn)
go (FamEqn a var pat b rhs) =
FamEqn a var (TS (ResolvedScopes [mkLScope rhs]) pat) b rhs
go (XFamEqn NoExt) = XFamEqn NoExt
XTyClDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LFamilyDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
FamilyDecl _ info name vars _ sig inj ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl FamDec $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [rhsSpan]) vars
, toHie info
, toHie $ RS injSpan sig
, toHie inj
rhsSpan = sigSpan `combineScopes` injSpan
sigSpan = mkScope $ getLoc sig
injSpan = maybe NoScope (mkScope . getLoc) inj
XFamilyDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (FamilyInfo GhcRn) where
toHie (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns)) = concatM $
[ concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) eqns
, toHie $ map go eqns
go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope l]) ib
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (RScoped (LFamilyResultSig GhcRn)) where
toHie (RS sc (L span sig)) = concatM $ makeNode sig span : case sig of
NoSig _ ->
KindSig _ k ->
[ toHie k
TyVarSig _ bndr ->
[ toHie $ TVS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) NoScope bndr
XFamilyResultSig _ -> []
instance ToHie (Located (FunDep (Located Name))) where
toHie (L span fd@(lhs, rhs)) = concatM $
[ makeNode fd span
, toHie $ map (C Use) lhs
, toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
instance (ToHie pats, ToHie rhs, HasLoc pats, HasLoc rhs)
=> ToHie (TScoped (FamEqn GhcRn pats rhs)) where
toHie (TS _ f) = toHie f
instance ( ToHie pats
, ToHie rhs
, HasLoc pats
, HasLoc rhs
) => ToHie (FamEqn GhcRn pats rhs) where
toHie fe@(FamEqn _ var pats _ rhs) = concatM $
[ toHie $ C (Decl InstDec $ getRealSpan $ loc fe) var
, toHie pats
, toHie rhs
toHie (XFamEqn _) = pure []
instance ToHie (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn) where
toHie (L span ann) = concatM $ makeNode ann span : case ann of
InjectivityAnn lhs rhs ->
[ toHie $ C Use lhs
, toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
instance ToHie (HsDataDefn GhcRn) where
toHie (HsDataDefn _ _ ctx _ mkind cons derivs) = concatM
[ toHie ctx
, toHie mkind
, toHie cons
, toHie derivs
toHie (XHsDataDefn _) = pure []
instance ToHie (HsDeriving GhcRn) where
toHie (L span clauses) = concatM
[ pure $ locOnly span
, toHie clauses
instance ToHie (LHsDerivingClause GhcRn) where
toHie (L span cl) = concatM $ makeNode cl span : case cl of
HsDerivingClause _ strat (L ispan tys) ->
[ toHie strat
, pure $ locOnly ispan
, toHie $ map (TS (ResolvedScopes [])) tys
XHsDerivingClause _ -> []
instance ToHie (Located (DerivStrategy GhcRn)) where
toHie (L span strat) = concatM $ makeNode strat span : case strat of
StockStrategy -> []
AnyclassStrategy -> []
NewtypeStrategy -> []
ViaStrategy s -> [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) s ]
instance ToHie (Located OverlapMode) where
toHie (L span _) = pure $ locOnly span
instance ToHie (LConDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_qvars = qvars
, con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_args = args, con_res_ty = typ } ->
[ toHie $ map (C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span)) names
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [ctxScope, rhsScope]) qvars
, toHie ctx
, toHie args
, toHie typ
rhsScope = combineScopes argsScope tyScope
ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
argsScope = condecl_scope args
tyScope = mkLScope typ
ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_ex_tvs = qvars
, con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_args = dets } ->
[ toHie $ C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie $ tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) rhsScope qvars
, toHie ctx
, toHie dets
rhsScope = combineScopes ctxScope argsScope
ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
argsScope = condecl_scope dets
XConDecl _ -> []
where condecl_scope args = case args of
PrefixCon xs -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope xs
InfixCon a b -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
RecCon x -> mkLScope x
instance ToHie (Located [LConDeclField GhcRn]) where
toHie (L span decls) = concatM $
[ pure $ locOnly span
, toHie decls
instance ( HasLoc thing
, ToHie (TScoped thing)
) => ToHie (TScoped (HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn thing)) where
toHie (TS sc (HsIB ibrn a)) = concatM $
[ pure $ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) $ (hsib_vars ibrn)
, toHie $ TS sc a
where span = loc a
toHie (TS _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = pure []
instance ( HasLoc thing
, ToHie (TScoped thing)
) => ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn thing)) where
toHie (TS sc (HsWC names a)) = concatM $
[ pure $ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) names
, toHie $ TS sc a
where span = loc a
toHie (TS _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _)) = pure []
instance ToHie (SigContext (LSig GhcRn)) where
toHie (SC (SI styp msp) (L sp sig)) = concatM $ makeNode sig sp : case sig of
TypeSig _ names typ ->
[ toHie $ map (C TyDecl) names
, toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) Nothing) typ
PatSynSig _ names typ ->
[ toHie $ map (C TyDecl) names
, toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) Nothing) typ
ClassOpSig _ _ names typ ->
[ case styp of
ClassSig -> toHie $ map (C $ ClassTyDecl $ getRealSpan sp) names
_ -> toHie $ map (C $ TyDecl) names
, toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) msp) typ
IdSig _ _ -> []
FixSig _ fsig ->
[ toHie $ L sp fsig
InlineSig _ name _ ->
[ toHie $ (C Use) name
SpecSig _ name typs _ ->
[ toHie $ (C Use) name
, toHie $ map (TS (ResolvedScopes [])) typs
SpecInstSig _ _ typ ->
[ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
MinimalSig _ _ form ->
[ toHie form
SCCFunSig _ _ name mtxt ->
[ toHie $ (C Use) name
, pure $ maybe [] (locOnly . getLoc) mtxt
CompleteMatchSig _ _ (L ispan names) typ ->
[ pure $ locOnly ispan
, toHie $ map (C Use) names
, toHie $ fmap (C Use) typ
XSig _ -> []
instance ToHie (LHsType GhcRn) where
toHie x = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) x
instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsType GhcRn)) where
toHie (TS tsc (L span t)) = concatM $ makeNode t span : case t of
HsForAllTy _ bndrs body ->
[ toHie $ tvScopes tsc (mkScope $ getLoc body) bndrs
, toHie body
HsQualTy _ ctx body ->
[ toHie ctx
, toHie body
HsTyVar _ _ var ->
[ toHie $ C Use var
HsAppTy _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsFunTy _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsListTy _ a ->
[ toHie a
HsTupleTy _ _ tys ->
[ toHie tys
HsSumTy _ tys ->
[ toHie tys
HsOpTy _ a op b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie $ C Use op
, toHie b
HsParTy _ a ->
[ toHie a
HsIParamTy _ ip ty ->
[ toHie ip
, toHie ty
HsKindSig _ a b ->
[ toHie a
, toHie b
HsSpliceTy _ a ->
[ toHie $ L span a
HsDocTy _ a _ ->
[ toHie a
HsBangTy _ _ ty ->
[ toHie ty
HsRecTy _ fields ->
[ toHie fields
HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys ->
[ toHie tys
HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys ->
[ toHie tys
HsTyLit _ _ -> []
HsWildCardTy _ -> []
HsStarTy _ _ -> []
XHsType _ -> []
instance ToHie (TVScoped (LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn)) where
toHie (TVS tsc sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
UserTyVar _ var ->
[ toHie $ C (TyVarBind sc tsc) var
KindedTyVar _ var kind ->
[ toHie $ C (TyVarBind sc tsc) var
, toHie kind
XTyVarBndr _ -> []
instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)) where
toHie (TS sc (HsQTvs (HsQTvsRn implicits _) vars)) = concatM $
[ pure $ bindingsOnly bindings
, toHie $ tvScopes sc NoScope vars
varLoc = loc vars
bindings = map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope varLoc) sc) implicits
toHie (TS _ (XLHsQTyVars _)) = pure []
instance ToHie (LHsContext GhcRn) where
toHie (L span tys) = concatM $
[ pure $ locOnly span
, toHie tys
instance ToHie (LConDeclField GhcRn) where
toHie (L span field) = concatM $ makeNode field span : case field of
ConDeclField _ fields typ _ ->
[ toHie $ map (RFC RecFieldDecl (getRealSpan $ loc typ)) fields
, toHie typ
XConDeclField _ -> []
instance ToHie (LHsExpr a) => ToHie (ArithSeqInfo a) where
toHie (From expr) = toHie expr
toHie (FromThen a b) = concatM $
[ toHie a
, toHie b
toHie (FromTo a b) = concatM $
[ toHie a
, toHie b
toHie (FromThenTo a b c) = concatM $
[ toHie a
, toHie b
, toHie c
instance ToHie (LSpliceDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
SpliceDecl _ splice _ ->
[ toHie splice
XSpliceDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (HsBracket a) where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie PendingRnSplice where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
toHie _ = pure []
instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (Located Name)) where
toHie (L span form) = concatM $ makeNode form span : case form of
Var a ->
[ toHie $ C Use a
And forms ->
[ toHie forms
Or forms ->
[ toHie forms
Parens f ->
[ toHie f
instance ToHie (Located HsIPName) where
toHie (L span e) = makeNode e span
instance ( ToHie (LHsExpr a)
, Data (HsSplice a)
) => ToHie (Located (HsSplice a)) where
toHie (L span sp) = concatM $ makeNode sp span : case sp of
HsTypedSplice _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsUntypedSplice _ _ _ expr ->
[ toHie expr
HsQuasiQuote _ _ _ ispan _ ->
[ pure $ locOnly ispan
HsSpliced _ _ _ ->
XSplice _ -> []
instance ToHie (LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span annot) = concatM $ makeNode annot span : case annot of
RoleAnnotDecl _ var roles ->
[ toHie $ C Use var
, concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) roles
XRoleAnnotDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LInstDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
ClsInstD _ d ->
[ toHie $ L span d
DataFamInstD _ d ->
[ toHie $ L span d
TyFamInstD _ d ->
[ toHie $ L span d
XInstDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LClsInstDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM
[ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope span]) $ cid_poly_ty decl
, toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) $ cid_binds decl
, toHie $ map (SC $ SI InstSig $ getRealSpan span) $ cid_sigs decl
, pure $ concatMap (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
, pure $ concatMap (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_datafam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_datafam_insts decl
, toHie $ cid_overlap_mode decl
instance ToHie (LDataFamInstDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L sp (DataFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
instance ToHie (LTyFamInstDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L sp (TyFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
instance ToHie (Context a)
=> ToHie (PatSynFieldContext (RecordPatSynField a)) where
toHie (PSC sp (RecordPatSynField a b)) = concatM $
[ toHie $ C (RecField RecFieldDecl sp) a
, toHie $ C Use b
instance ToHie (LDerivDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
DerivDecl _ typ strat overlap ->
[ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
, toHie strat
, toHie overlap
XDerivDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LFixitySig GhcRn) where
toHie (L span sig) = concatM $ makeNode sig span : case sig of
FixitySig _ vars _ ->
[ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
XFixitySig _ -> []
instance ToHie (LDefaultDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
DefaultDecl _ typs ->
[ toHie typs
XDefaultDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LForeignDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
ForeignImport {fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = sig, fd_fi = fi} ->
[ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind ModuleScope $ getRealSpan span) name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
, toHie fi
ForeignExport {fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = sig, fd_fe = fe} ->
[ toHie $ C Use name
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
, toHie fe
XForeignDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie ForeignImport where
toHie (CImport (L a _) (L b _) _ _ (L c _)) = pure $ concat $
[ locOnly a
, locOnly b
, locOnly c
instance ToHie ForeignExport where
toHie (CExport (L a _) (L b _)) = pure $ concat $
[ locOnly a
, locOnly b
instance ToHie (LWarnDecls GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
Warnings _ _ warnings ->
[ toHie warnings
XWarnDecls _ -> []
instance ToHie (LWarnDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
Warning _ vars _ ->
[ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
XWarnDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (LAnnDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
HsAnnotation _ _ prov expr ->
[ toHie prov
, toHie expr
XAnnDecl _ -> []
instance ToHie (Context (Located a)) => ToHie (AnnProvenance a) where
toHie (ValueAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
toHie (TypeAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
toHie ModuleAnnProvenance = pure []
instance ToHie (LRuleDecls GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
HsRules _ _ rules ->
[ toHie rules
XRuleDecls _ -> []
instance ToHie (LRuleDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = pure []
toHie (L span r@(HsRule _ rname _ bndrs exprA exprB)) = concatM
[ makeNode r span
, pure $ locOnly $ getLoc rname
, toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope span) bndrs
, toHie exprA
, toHie exprB
instance ToHie (RScoped (LRuleBndr GhcRn)) where
toHie (RS sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
RuleBndr _ var ->
[ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind sc Nothing) var
RuleBndrSig _ var typ ->
[ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind sc Nothing) var
, toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) typ
XRuleBndr _ -> []
instance ToHie (LImportDecl GhcRn) where
toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
ImportDecl { ideclName = name, ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = hidden } ->
[ toHie $ IEC Import name
, toHie $ fmap (IEC ImportAs) as
, maybe (pure []) goIE hidden
XImportDecl _ -> []
goIE (hiding, (L sp liens)) = concatM $
[ pure $ locOnly sp
, toHie $ map (IEC c) liens
c = if hiding then ImportHiding else Import
instance ToHie (IEContext (LIE GhcRn)) where
toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie span : case ie of
IEVar _ n ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
IEThingAbs _ n ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
IEThingAll _ n ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
IEThingWith _ n _ ns flds ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
, toHie $ map (IEC c) ns
, toHie $ map (IEC c) flds
IEModuleContents _ n ->
[ toHie $ IEC c n
IEGroup _ _ _ -> []
IEDoc _ _ -> []
IEDocNamed _ _ -> []
XIE _ -> []
instance ToHie (IEContext (LIEWrappedName Name)) where
toHie (IEC c (L span iewn)) = concatM $ makeNode iewn span : case iewn of
IEName n ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
IEPattern p ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) p
IEType n ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
instance ToHie (IEContext (Located (FieldLbl Name))) where
toHie (IEC c (L span lbl)) = concatM $ makeNode lbl span : case lbl of
FieldLabel _ _ n ->
[ toHie $ C (IEThing c) $ L span n