{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Development.IDE.Core.FileStore(
) where
import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans()
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Control.Exception
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Time
import System.IO.Error
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest (getFilesOfInterest, kick)
import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes
import Development.IDE.Types.Options
import qualified Data.Rope.UTF16 as Rope
import Development.IDE.Import.DependencyInformation
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import Data.Time.Clock.System (systemToUTCTime, SystemTime(MkSystemTime))
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal (alloca)
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified System.Posix.Error as Posix
import qualified Development.IDE.Types.Logger as L
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Core
import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS
data VFSHandle = VFSHandle
{ getVirtualFile :: NormalizedUri -> IO (Maybe VirtualFile)
, setVirtualFileContents :: Maybe (NormalizedUri -> Maybe T.Text -> IO ())
instance IsIdeGlobal VFSHandle
makeVFSHandle :: IO VFSHandle
makeVFSHandle = do
vfsVar <- newVar (1, Map.empty)
pure VFSHandle
{ getVirtualFile = \uri -> do
(_nextVersion, vfs) <- readVar vfsVar
pure $ Map.lookup uri vfs
, setVirtualFileContents = Just $ \uri content ->
modifyVar_ vfsVar $ \(nextVersion, vfs) -> pure $ (nextVersion + 1, ) $
case content of
Nothing -> Map.delete uri vfs
Just content -> Map.insert uri (VirtualFile nextVersion 0 (Rope.fromText content)) vfs
makeLSPVFSHandle :: LspFuncs c -> VFSHandle
makeLSPVFSHandle lspFuncs = VFSHandle
{ getVirtualFile = getVirtualFileFunc lspFuncs
, setVirtualFileContents = Nothing
isFileOfInterestRule :: Rules ()
isFileOfInterestRule = defineEarlyCutoff $ \IsFileOfInterest f -> do
filesOfInterest <- getFilesOfInterest
let res = maybe NotFOI IsFOI $ f `HM.lookup` filesOfInterest
return (Just $ BS.pack $ show $ hash res, ([], Just res))
type instance RuleResult GetFileContents = (FileVersion, Maybe T.Text)
data GetFileContents = GetFileContents
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Hashable GetFileContents
instance NFData GetFileContents
instance Binary GetFileContents
getModificationTimeRule :: VFSHandle -> Rules ()
getModificationTimeRule vfs =
defineEarlyCutoff $ \(GetModificationTime_ missingFileDiags) file -> do
let file' = fromNormalizedFilePath file
let wrap time@(l,s) = (Just $ BS.pack $ show time, ([], Just $ ModificationTime l s))
mbVirtual <- liftIO $ getVirtualFile vfs $ filePathToUri' file
case mbVirtual of
Just (virtualFileVersion -> ver) ->
pure (Just $ BS.pack $ show ver, ([], Just $ VFSVersion ver))
Nothing -> liftIO $ fmap wrap (getModTime file')
`catch` \(e :: IOException) -> do
let err | isDoesNotExistError e = "File does not exist: " ++ file'
| otherwise = "IO error while reading " ++ file' ++ ", " ++ displayException e
diag = ideErrorText file (T.pack err)
if isDoesNotExistError e && not missingFileDiags
then return (Nothing, ([], Nothing))
else return (Nothing, ([diag], Nothing))
getModTime :: FilePath -> IO (Int64, Int64)
getModTime f =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
do time <- Dir.getModificationTime f
let !day = fromInteger $ toModifiedJulianDay $ utctDay time
!dayTime = fromInteger $ diffTimeToPicoseconds $ utctDayTime time
pure (day, dayTime)
withCString f $ \f' ->
alloca $ \secPtr ->
alloca $ \nsecPtr -> do
Posix.throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry_ "getmodtime" f $ c_getModTime f' secPtr nsecPtr
CTime sec <- peek secPtr
CLong nsec <- peek nsecPtr
pure (sec, nsec)
foreign import ccall "getmodtime" c_getModTime :: CString -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CLong -> IO Int
modificationTime :: FileVersion -> Maybe UTCTime
modificationTime VFSVersion{} = Nothing
modificationTime (ModificationTime large small) = Just $ internalTimeToUTCTime large small
internalTimeToUTCTime :: Int64 -> Int64 -> UTCTime
internalTimeToUTCTime large small =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay $ fromIntegral large) (picosecondsToDiffTime $ fromIntegral small)
systemToUTCTime $ MkSystemTime large (fromIntegral small)
getFileContentsRule :: VFSHandle -> Rules ()
getFileContentsRule vfs =
define $ \GetFileContents file -> do
time <- use_ GetModificationTime file
res <- liftIO $ ideTryIOException file $ do
mbVirtual <- getVirtualFile vfs $ filePathToUri' file
pure $ Rope.toText . _text <$> mbVirtual
case res of
Left err -> return ([err], Nothing)
Right contents -> return ([], Just (time, contents))
ideTryIOException :: NormalizedFilePath -> IO a -> IO (Either FileDiagnostic a)
ideTryIOException fp act =
(\(e :: IOException) -> ideErrorText fp $ T.pack $ show e)
<$> try act
getFileContents :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (UTCTime, Maybe T.Text)
getFileContents f = do
(fv, txt) <- use_ GetFileContents f
modTime <- case modificationTime fv of
Just t -> pure t
Nothing -> do
foi <- use_ IsFileOfInterest f
liftIO $ case foi of
IsFOI Modified -> getCurrentTime
_ -> do
(large,small) <- getModTime $ fromNormalizedFilePath f
pure $ internalTimeToUTCTime large small
return (modTime, txt)
fileStoreRules :: VFSHandle -> Rules ()
fileStoreRules vfs = do
addIdeGlobal vfs
getModificationTimeRule vfs
getFileContentsRule vfs
setFileModified :: IdeState
-> Bool
-> NormalizedFilePath
-> IO ()
setFileModified state saved nfp = do
ideOptions <- getIdeOptionsIO $ shakeExtras state
let checkParents = case optCheckParents ideOptions of
AlwaysCheck -> True
CheckOnSaveAndClose -> saved
_ -> False
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
when (isJust setVirtualFileContents) $
fail "setFileModified can't be called on this type of VFSHandle"
shakeRestart state [kick]
when checkParents $
typecheckParents state nfp
typecheckParents :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO ()
typecheckParents state nfp = void $ shakeEnqueue (shakeExtras state) parents
where parents = mkDelayedAction "ParentTC" L.Debug (typecheckParentsAction nfp)
typecheckParentsAction :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action ()
typecheckParentsAction nfp = do
revs <- reverseDependencies nfp <$> useNoFile_ GetModuleGraph
logger <- logger <$> getShakeExtras
let log = L.logInfo logger . T.pack
liftIO $ do
(log $ "Typechecking reverse dependencies for" ++ show nfp ++ ": " ++ show revs)
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> log (show e)
() <$ uses GetModIface revs
setSomethingModified :: IdeState -> IO ()
setSomethingModified state = do
VFSHandle{..} <- getIdeGlobalState state
when (isJust setVirtualFileContents) $
fail "setSomethingModified can't be called on this type of VFSHandle"
void $ shakeRestart state [kick]