{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
#include "ghc-api-version.h"
module Development.IDE.LSP.Outline
( setHandlersOutline
, moduleOutline
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import Data.Functor
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text ( Text
, pack
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat
import Development.IDE.GHC.Error ( srcSpanToRange )
import Development.IDE.LSP.Server
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Outputable ( Outputable
, ppr
, showSDocUnsafe
setHandlersOutline :: PartialHandlers c
setHandlersOutline = PartialHandlers $ \WithMessage {..} x -> return x
{ LSP.documentSymbolHandler = withResponse RspDocumentSymbols moduleOutline
:: LSP.LspFuncs c -> IdeState -> DocumentSymbolParams -> IO (Either ResponseError DSResult)
moduleOutline _lsp ideState DocumentSymbolParams { _textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier uri }
= case uriToFilePath uri of
Just (toNormalizedFilePath' -> fp) -> do
mb_decls <- fmap fst <$> runIdeAction "Outline" (shakeExtras ideState) (useWithStaleFast GetParsedModule fp)
pure $ Right $ case mb_decls of
Nothing -> DSDocumentSymbols (List [])
Just ParsedModule { pm_parsed_source = L _ltop HsModule { hsmodName, hsmodDecls, hsmodImports } }
-> let
declSymbols = mapMaybe documentSymbolForDecl hsmodDecls
moduleSymbol = hsmodName <&> \(L l m) ->
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = pprText m
, _kind = SkFile
, _range = Range (Position 0 0) (Position maxBound 0)
importSymbols = maybe [] pure $
(mapMaybe documentSymbolForImport hsmodImports)
allSymbols = case moduleSymbol of
Nothing -> importSymbols <> declSymbols
Just x ->
[ x { _children = Just (List (importSymbols <> declSymbols))
DSDocumentSymbols (List allSymbols)
Nothing -> pure $ Right $ DSDocumentSymbols (List [])
documentSymbolForDecl :: Located (HsDecl GhcPs) -> Maybe DocumentSymbol
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (TyClD FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ n, fdInfo, fdTyVars } }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName n
<> (case pprText fdTyVars of
"" -> ""
t -> " " <> t
, _detail = Just $ pprText fdInfo
, _kind = SkClass
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (TyClD ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdSigs, tcdTyVars }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName name
<> (case pprText tcdTyVars of
"" -> ""
t -> " " <> t
, _kind = SkClass
, _detail = Just "class"
, _children =
Just $ List
[ (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName n
, _kind = SkMethod
, _selectionRange = srcSpanToRange l'
| L l (ClassOpSig False names _) <- tcdSigs
, L l' n <- names
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (TyClD DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_cons } }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName name
, _kind = SkStruct
, _children =
Just $ List
[ (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName n
, _kind = SkConstructor
, _selectionRange = srcSpanToRange l'
, _children = conArgRecordFields (getConArgs x)
| L l x <- dd_cons
, L l' n <- getConNames x
conArgRecordFields (RecCon (L _ lcdfs)) = Just $ List
[ (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName n
, _kind = SkField
| L _ cdf <- lcdfs
, L l n <- rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc <$> cd_fld_names cdf
conArgRecordFields _ = Nothing
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (TyClD SynDecl { tcdLName = L l' n })) = Just
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol) { _name = showRdrName n
, _kind = SkTypeParameter
, _selectionRange = srcSpanToRange l'
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (InstD ClsInstD { cid_inst = ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty } }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol) { _name = pprText cid_poly_ty
, _kind = SkInterface
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (InstD DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon, feqn_pats } } }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName (unLoc feqn_tycon) <> " " <> T.unwords
(map pprText feqn_pats)
, _kind = SkInterface
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (InstD TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = TyFamInstDecl HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon, feqn_pats } } }))
= Just (defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName (unLoc feqn_tycon) <> " " <> T.unwords
(map pprText feqn_pats)
, _kind = SkInterface
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (DerivD DerivDecl { deriv_type })) =
gfindtype deriv_type <&> \(L (_ :: SrcSpan) name) ->
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol) { _name = pprText @(HsType GhcPs)
, _kind = SkInterface
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (ValD FunBind{fun_id = L _ name})) = Just
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = showRdrName name
, _kind = SkFunction
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (ValD PatBind{pat_lhs})) = Just
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = pprText pat_lhs
, _kind = SkFunction
documentSymbolForDecl (L l (ForD x)) = Just
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = case x of
ForeignImport{} -> name
ForeignExport{} -> name
XForeignDecl{} -> "?"
, _kind = SkObject
, _detail = case x of
ForeignImport{} -> Just "import"
ForeignExport{} -> Just "export"
XForeignDecl{} -> Nothing
where name = showRdrName $ unLoc $ fd_name x
documentSymbolForDecl _ = Nothing
-- | Wrap the Document imports into a hierarchical outline for
-- a better overview of symbols in scope.
-- If there are no imports, then no hierarchy will be created.
documentSymbolForImportSummary :: [DocumentSymbol] -> Maybe DocumentSymbol
documentSymbolForImportSummary [] = Nothing
documentSymbolForImportSummary importSymbols =
-- safe because if we have no ranges then we don't take this branch
mergeRanges xs = Range (minimum $ map _start xs) (maximum $ map _end xs)
importRange = mergeRanges $ map (_range :: DocumentSymbol -> Range) importSymbols
Just (defDocumentSymbol empty :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = "imports"
, _kind = SkModule
, _children = Just (List importSymbols)
, _range = importRange
, _selectionRange = importRange
documentSymbolForImport :: Located (ImportDecl GhcPs) -> Maybe DocumentSymbol
documentSymbolForImport (L l ImportDecl { ideclName, ideclQualified }) = Just
(defDocumentSymbol l :: DocumentSymbol)
{ _name = "import " <> pprText ideclName
, _kind = SkModule
, _detail = case ideclQualified of { NotQualified -> Nothing; _ -> Just "qualified" }
, _detail = if ideclQualified then Just "qualified" else Nothing
documentSymbolForImport (L _ XImportDecl {}) = Nothing
defDocumentSymbol :: SrcSpan -> DocumentSymbol
defDocumentSymbol l = DocumentSymbol { .. } where
_detail = Nothing
_deprecated = Nothing
_name = ""
_kind = SkUnknown 0
_range = srcSpanToRange l
_selectionRange = srcSpanToRange l
_children = Nothing
showRdrName :: RdrName -> Text
showRdrName = pprText
pprText :: Outputable a => a -> Text
pprText = pack . showSDocUnsafe . ppr