{-# LINE 1 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Run-time info table support.  This module provides support for
-- creating and reading info tables /in the running program/.
-- We use the RTS data structures directly via hsc2hs.
module GHCi.InfoTable
  ( peekItbl, StgInfoTable(..)
  , conInfoPtr

{-# LINE 14 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  ) where

{-# LINE 19 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import GHC.Ptr
import GHC.Exts
import System.IO.Unsafe

type ItblCodes = Either [Word8] [Word32]

-- Get definitions for the structs, constants & config etc.

-- Ultra-minimalist version specially for constructors

{-# LINE 32 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
type HalfWord = Word32

{-# LINE 38 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}

type EntryFunPtr = FunPtr (Ptr () -> IO (Ptr ()))

data StgInfoTable = StgInfoTable {
   entry  :: Maybe EntryFunPtr, -- Just <=> not ghciTablesNextToCode
   ptrs   :: HalfWord,
   nptrs  :: HalfWord,
   tipe   :: HalfWord,
   srtlen :: HalfWord,
   code   :: Maybe ItblCodes -- Just <=> ghciTablesNextToCode

peekItbl :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> IO StgInfoTable
peekItbl a0 = do

{-# LINE 53 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  let entry' = Nothing

{-# LINE 57 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  ptrs' <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) a0
{-# LINE 58 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  nptrs' <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) a0
{-# LINE 59 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  tipe' <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) a0
{-# LINE 60 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  srtlen' <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) a0
{-# LINE 61 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
  return StgInfoTable
    { entry  = entry'
    , ptrs   = ptrs'
    , nptrs  = nptrs'
    , tipe   = tipe'
    , srtlen = srtlen'
    , code   = Nothing

-- | Convert a pointer to an StgConInfo into an info pointer that can be
-- used in the header of a closure.
conInfoPtr :: Ptr () -> Ptr ()
conInfoPtr ptr
 | ghciTablesNextToCode = ptr `plusPtr` ((24))
{-# LINE 75 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
 | otherwise            = ptr

ghciTablesNextToCode :: Bool

{-# LINE 79 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}
ghciTablesNextToCode = True

{-# LINE 83 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 458 "GHCi/InfoTable.hsc" #-}