{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric,
TupleSections, RecordWildCards, InstanceSigs #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module GHCi.TH
( startTH
, runModFinalizerRefs
, runTH
, GHCiQException(..)
) where
import GHCi.Message
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
import GHC.Serialized
import Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Data
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Desugar
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Unsafe.Coerce
initQState :: Pipe -> QState
initQState p = QState M.empty Nothing p
newtype GHCiQ a = GHCiQ { runGHCiQ :: QState -> IO (a, QState) }
data GHCiQException = GHCiQException QState String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception GHCiQException
instance Functor GHCiQ where
fmap f (GHCiQ s) = GHCiQ $ fmap (\(x,s') -> (f x,s')) . s
instance Applicative GHCiQ where
f <*> a = GHCiQ $ \s ->
do (f',s') <- runGHCiQ f s
(a',s'') <- runGHCiQ a s'
return (f' a', s'')
pure x = GHCiQ (\s -> return (x,s))
instance Monad GHCiQ where
m >>= f = GHCiQ $ \s ->
do (m', s') <- runGHCiQ m s
(a, s'') <- runGHCiQ (f m') s'
return (a, s'')
fail = Fail.fail
instance Fail.MonadFail GHCiQ where
fail err = GHCiQ $ \s -> throwIO (GHCiQException s err)
getState :: GHCiQ QState
getState = GHCiQ $ \s -> return (s,s)
noLoc :: TH.Loc
noLoc = TH.Loc "<no file>" "<no package>" "<no module>" (0,0) (0,0)
ghcCmd :: Binary a => Message (THResult a) -> GHCiQ a
ghcCmd m = GHCiQ $ \s -> do
r <- remoteCall (qsPipe s) m
case r of
THException str -> throwIO (GHCiQException s str)
THComplete res -> return (res, s)
instance TH.Quasi GHCiQ where
qNewName str = ghcCmd (NewName str)
qReport isError msg = ghcCmd (Report isError msg)
qRecover (GHCiQ h) (GHCiQ a) = GHCiQ $ \s -> (do
remoteCall (qsPipe s) StartRecover
(r, s') <- a s
remoteCall (qsPipe s) (EndRecover False)
return (r,s'))
\GHCiQException{} -> remoteCall (qsPipe s) (EndRecover True) >> h s
qLookupName isType occ = ghcCmd (LookupName isType occ)
qReify name = ghcCmd (Reify name)
qReifyFixity name = ghcCmd (ReifyFixity name)
qReifyInstances name tys = ghcCmd (ReifyInstances name tys)
qReifyRoles name = ghcCmd (ReifyRoles name)
qReifyAnnotations :: forall a . Data a => TH.AnnLookup -> GHCiQ [a]
qReifyAnnotations lookup =
map (deserializeWithData . B.unpack) <$>
ghcCmd (ReifyAnnotations lookup typerep)
where typerep = typeOf (undefined :: a)
qReifyModule m = ghcCmd (ReifyModule m)
qReifyConStrictness name = ghcCmd (ReifyConStrictness name)
qLocation = fromMaybe noLoc . qsLocation <$> getState
qRunIO m = GHCiQ $ \s -> fmap (,s) m
qAddDependentFile file = ghcCmd (AddDependentFile file)
qAddTopDecls decls = ghcCmd (AddTopDecls decls)
qAddModFinalizer fin = GHCiQ (\s -> mkRemoteRef fin >>= return . (, s)) >>=
ghcCmd . AddModFinalizer
qGetQ = GHCiQ $ \s ->
let lookup :: forall a. Typeable a => Map TypeRep Dynamic -> Maybe a
lookup m = fromDynamic =<< M.lookup (typeOf (undefined::a)) m
in return (lookup (qsMap s), s)
qPutQ k = GHCiQ $ \s ->
return ((), s { qsMap = M.insert (typeOf k) (toDyn k) (qsMap s) })
qIsExtEnabled x = ghcCmd (IsExtEnabled x)
qExtsEnabled = ghcCmd ExtsEnabled
startTH :: IO (RemoteRef (IORef QState))
startTH = do
r <- newIORef (initQState (error "startTH: no pipe"))
mkRemoteRef r
runModFinalizerRefs :: Pipe -> RemoteRef (IORef QState)
-> [RemoteRef (TH.Q ())]
-> IO ()
runModFinalizerRefs pipe rstate qrefs = do
qs <- mapM localRef qrefs
qstateref <- localRef rstate
qstate <- readIORef qstateref
_ <- runGHCiQ (TH.runQ $ sequence_ qs) qstate { qsPipe = pipe }
return ()
:: Pipe -> RemoteRef (IORef QState) -> HValueRef
-> THResultType
-> Maybe TH.Loc
-> IO ByteString
runTH pipe rstate rhv ty mb_loc = do
hv <- localRef rhv
case ty of
THExp -> runTHQ pipe rstate mb_loc (unsafeCoerce hv :: TH.Q TH.Exp)
THPat -> runTHQ pipe rstate mb_loc (unsafeCoerce hv :: TH.Q TH.Pat)
THType -> runTHQ pipe rstate mb_loc (unsafeCoerce hv :: TH.Q TH.Type)
THDec -> runTHQ pipe rstate mb_loc (unsafeCoerce hv :: TH.Q [TH.Dec])
THAnnWrapper -> do
hv <- unsafeCoerce <$> localRef rhv
case hv :: AnnotationWrapper of
AnnotationWrapper thing -> return $!
LB.toStrict (runPut (put (toSerialized serializeWithData thing)))
:: Binary a => Pipe -> RemoteRef (IORef QState) -> Maybe TH.Loc -> TH.Q a
-> IO ByteString
runTHQ pipe@Pipe{..} rstate mb_loc ghciq = do
qstateref <- localRef rstate
qstate <- readIORef qstateref
let st = qstate { qsLocation = mb_loc, qsPipe = pipe }
(r,new_state) <- runGHCiQ (TH.runQ ghciq) st
writeIORef qstateref new_state
return $! LB.toStrict (runPut (put r))