Copyright  :  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente,
                  2017     , QBayLogic B.V.
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

A type checker plugin for GHC that can solve /equalities/ of types of kind
'GHC.TypeLits.Nat', where these types are either:

* Type-level naturals
* Type variables
* Applications of the arithmetic expressions @(+,-,*,^)@.

It solves these equalities by normalising them to /sort-of/
'GHC.TypeLits.Normalise.SOP.SOP' (Sum-of-Products) form, and then perform a
simple syntactic equality.

For example, this solver can prove the equality between:

(x + 2)^(y + 2)


4*x*(2 + x)^y + 4*(2 + x)^y + (2 + x)^y*x^2

Because the latter is actually the 'GHC.TypeLits.Normalise.SOP.SOP' normal form
of the former.

To use the plugin, add

{\-\# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise \#-\}

To the header of your file.

== Treating subtraction as addition with a negated number

If you are absolutely sure that your subtractions can /never/ lead to (a locally)
negative number, you can ask the plugin to treat subtraction as addition with
a negated operand by additionally adding:

{\-\# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin-opt GHC.TypeLits.Normalise:allow-negated-numbers \#-\}

to the header of your file, thereby allowing to use associativity and
commutativity rules when proving constraints involving subtractions. Note that
this option can lead to unsound behaviour and should be handled with extreme

=== When it leads to unsound behaviour

For example, enabling the /allow-negated-numbers/ feature would allow
you to prove:

(n - 1) + 1 ~ n

/without/ a @(1 <= n)@ constraint, even though when /n/ is set to /0/ the
subtraction @n-1@ would be locally negative and hence not be a natural number.

This would allow the following erroneous definition:

data Fin (n :: Nat) where
  FZ :: Fin (n + 1)
  FS :: Fin n -> Fin (n + 1)

f :: forall n . Natural -> Fin n
f n = case of
  0 -> FZ
  x -> FS (f \@(n-1) (x - 1))

fs :: [Fin 0]
fs = f \<$\> [0..]

=== When it might be Okay

This example is taken from the <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mezzo mezzo>

When you have:

-- | Singleton type for the number of repetitions of an element.
data Times (n :: Nat) where
    T :: Times n

-- | An element of a "run-length encoded" vector, containing the value and
-- the number of repetitions
data Elem :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
    (:*) :: t -> Times n -> Elem t n

-- | A length-indexed vector, optimised for repetitions.
data OptVector :: Type -> Nat -> Type where
    End  :: OptVector t 0
    (:-) :: Elem t l -> OptVector t (n - l) -> OptVector t n

And you want to define:

-- | Append two optimised vectors.
type family (x :: OptVector t n) ++ (y :: OptVector t m) :: OptVector t (n + m) where
    ys        ++ End = ys
    End       ++ ys = ys
    (x :- xs) ++ ys = x :- (xs ++ ys)

then the last line will give rise to the constraint:

(n-l)+m ~ (n+m)-l


x  :: Elem t l
xs :: OptVector t (n-l)
ys :: OptVector t m

In this case it's okay to add

{\-\# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin-opt GHC.TypeLits.Normalise:allow-negated-numbers \#-\}

if you can convince yourself you will never be able to construct a:

xs :: OptVector t (n-l)

where /n-l/ is a negative number.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module GHC.TypeLits.Normalise
  ( plugin )

-- external
import Control.Arrow       (second)
import Control.Monad       ((<=<), forM)
#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
import Control.Monad       (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Data.Either         (partitionEithers, rights)
import Data.List           (intersect, partition, stripPrefix, find)
import Data.Maybe          (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Set            (Set, empty, toList, notMember, fromList, union)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (tracePlugin, newGiven, newWanted)
import qualified GHC.TcPluginM.Extra as TcPluginM
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,0)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (flattenGivens)
import Text.Read           (readMaybe)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,5,0)
import CoreSyn    (Expr (..))
import Outputable (Outputable (..), (<+>), ($$), text)
import Plugins    (Plugin (..), defaultPlugin)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
import Plugins    (purePlugin)
import PrelNames  (hasKey, knownNatClassName)
import PrelNames  (eqTyConKey, heqTyConKey)
import TcEvidence (EvTerm (..))
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
import TcEvidence (evCast)
#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,0)
import TcPluginM  (zonkCt)
import TcPluginM  (TcPluginM, tcPluginTrace, tcPluginIO)
import Type       (Kind, PredType, eqType, mkTyVarTy, tyConAppTyCon_maybe)
import TysWiredIn (typeNatKind)

import Coercion   (CoercionHole, Role (..), mkUnivCo)
import TcPluginM  (newCoercionHole, tcLookupClass)
import TcRnTypes  (TcPlugin (..), TcPluginResult(..))
import TyCoRep    (UnivCoProvenance (..))
import TcType     (isEqPred)
import TyCoRep    (Type (..))
import TcTypeNats (typeNatAddTyCon, typeNatExpTyCon, typeNatMulTyCon,

import TcTypeNats (typeNatLeqTyCon)
import TysWiredIn (promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon)
import Data.IORef

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import Constraint
  (Ct, CtEvidence (..), CtLoc, TcEvDest (..), ctEvidence, ctEvLoc, ctEvPred,
   ctLoc, ctLocSpan, isGiven, isWanted, mkNonCanonical, setCtLoc, setCtLocSpan,
import Predicate
  (EqRel (NomEq), Pred (EqPred), classifyPredType, getEqPredTys, mkClassPred,
import Type (typeKind)
import TcRnTypes
  (Ct, CtEvidence (..), CtLoc, TcEvDest (..), ctEvidence, ctEvLoc, ctEvPred,
   ctLoc, ctLocSpan, isGiven, isWanted, mkNonCanonical, setCtLoc, setCtLocSpan,
import TcType (typeKind)
import Type
  (EqRel (NomEq), PredTree (EqPred), classifyPredType, getEqPredTys, mkClassPred,

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import Constraint (ctEvExpr)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
import TcRnTypes  (ctEvExpr)
import TcRnTypes  (ctEvTerm)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import Constraint (ShadowInfo (WDeriv))
import TcRnTypes  (ShadowInfo (WDeriv))

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import TcType (isEqPrimPred)

-- internal
import GHC.TypeLits.Normalise.SOP
import GHC.TypeLits.Normalise.Unify

#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
isEqPrimPred :: PredType -> Bool
isEqPrimPred = isEqPred

isEqPredClass :: PredType -> Bool
isEqPredClass ty = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty of
  Just tc -> tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey || tc `hasKey` heqTyConKey
  _ -> False

-- | To use the plugin, add
-- @
-- {\-\# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise \#-\}
-- @
-- To the header of your file.
plugin :: Plugin
  = defaultPlugin
  { tcPlugin = fmap (normalisePlugin . foldr id defaultOpts) . traverse parseArgument
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
  , pluginRecompile = purePlugin
  parseArgument "allow-negated-numbers" = Just (\ opts -> opts { negNumbers = True })
  parseArgument (readMaybe <=< stripPrefix "depth=" -> Just depth) = Just (\ opts -> opts { depth })
  parseArgument _ = Nothing
  defaultOpts = Opts { negNumbers = False, depth = 5 }

data Opts = Opts { negNumbers :: Bool, depth :: Word }

normalisePlugin :: Opts -> TcPlugin
normalisePlugin opts = tracePlugin "ghc-typelits-natnormalise"
  TcPlugin { tcPluginInit  = tcPluginIO $ newIORef empty
           , tcPluginSolve = decideEqualSOP opts
           , tcPluginStop  = const (return ())
newtype OrigCt = OrigCt { runOrigCt :: Ct }

  :: Opts
  -> IORef (Set CType)
      -- ^ Givens that is already generated.
      --   We have to generate new givens at most once;
      --   otherwise GHC will loop indefinitely.
  -> [Ct]
  -> [Ct]
  -> [Ct]
  -> TcPluginM TcPluginResult

-- Simplification phase: Derives /simplified/ givens;
-- we can reduce given constraints like @Show (Foo (n + 2))@
-- to its normal form @Show (Foo (2 + n))@, which is eventually
-- useful in solving phase.
-- This helps us to solve /indirect/ constraints;
-- without this phase, we cannot derive, e.g.,
-- @IsVector UVector (Fin (n + 1))@ from
-- @Unbox (1 + n)@!
decideEqualSOP opts gen'd givens _deriveds [] = do
    done <- tcPluginIO $ readIORef gen'd
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,0)
    let simplGivens = flattenGivens givens
    simplGivens <- mapM zonkCt givens
    let reds =
          filter (\(_,(_,_,v)) -> null v || negNumbers opts) $
          reduceGivens opts done simplGivens
        newlyDone = map (\(_,(prd, _,_)) -> CType prd) reds
    tcPluginIO $
      modifyIORef' gen'd $ union (fromList newlyDone)
    newGivens <- forM reds $ \(origCt, (pred', evTerm, _)) ->
      mkNonCanonical' (ctLoc origCt) <$> newGiven (ctLoc origCt) pred' evTerm
    return (TcPluginOk [] newGivens)

-- Solving phase.
-- Solves in/equalities on Nats and simplifiable constraints
-- containing naturals.
decideEqualSOP opts gen'd givens  _deriveds wanteds = do
    -- GHC 7.10.1 puts deriveds with the wanteds, so filter them out
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,0)
    let simplGivens = givens ++ flattenGivens givens
        subst = fst $ unzip $ TcPluginM.mkSubst' givens
        wanteds0 = map (\ct -> (OrigCt ct,
                                TcPluginM.substCt subst ct
                       ) wanteds
    let wanteds0 = map (\ct -> (OrigCt ct, ct)) wanteds
    simplGivens <- mapM zonkCt givens
    let wanteds' = filter (isWanted . ctEvidence) wanteds
        unit_wanteds = mapMaybe toNatEquality wanteds'
        nonEqs = filter (not . (\p -> isEqPred p || isEqPrimPred p) . ctEvPred . ctEvidence.snd)
                 $ filter (isWanted. ctEvidence.snd) wanteds0
    done <- tcPluginIO $ readIORef gen'd
    let redGs = reduceGivens opts done simplGivens
        newlyDone = map (\(_,(prd, _,_)) -> CType prd) redGs
    redGivens <- forM redGs $ \(origCt, (pred', evTerm, _)) ->
      mkNonCanonical' (ctLoc origCt) <$> newGiven (ctLoc origCt) pred' evTerm
      <- catMaybes <$>
              (\(origCt, ct) -> fmap (runOrigCt origCt,) <$>
                  reduceNatConstr (simplGivens ++ redGivens) ct
    if null unit_wanteds && null reducible_wanteds
    then return $ TcPluginOk [] []
    else do
        -- Since reducible wanteds also can have some negation/subtraction
        -- subterms, we have to make sure appropriate inequalities to hold.
        -- Here, we generate such additional inequalities for reduction
        -- that is to be added to new [W]anteds.
        ineqForRedWants <- fmap concat $ forM redGs $ \(ct, (_,_, ws)) -> forM ws $
          fmap (mkNonCanonical' (ctLoc ct)) . newWanted (ctLoc ct)
        tcPluginIO $
          modifyIORef' gen'd $ union (fromList newlyDone)
        let unit_givens = mapMaybe toNatEquality simplGivens
        sr <- simplifyNats opts unit_givens unit_wanteds
        tcPluginTrace "normalised" (ppr sr)
        reds <- forM reducible_wanteds $ \(origCt,(term, ws)) -> do
          wants <- evSubtPreds origCt $ subToPred opts ws
          return ((term, origCt), wants)
        case sr of
          Simplified evs -> do
            let simpld = filter (isWanted . ctEvidence . (\((_,x),_) -> x)) evs
                (solved',newWanteds) = second concat (unzip $ simpld ++ reds)
            return (TcPluginOk solved' $ newWanteds ++ ineqForRedWants)
          Impossible eq -> return (TcPluginContradiction [fromNatEquality eq])

type NatEquality   = (Ct,CoreSOP,CoreSOP)
type NatInEquality = (Ct,(CoreSOP,CoreSOP,Bool))

reduceGivens :: Opts -> Set CType -> [Ct] -> [(Ct, (Type, EvTerm, [PredType]))]
reduceGivens opts done givens =
  let nonEqs =
        [ ct
        | ct <- givens
        , let ev = ctEvidence ct
              prd = ctEvPred ev
        , isGiven ev
        , not $ (\p -> isEqPred p || isEqPrimPred p || isEqPredClass p) prd
  in filter
      (\(_, (prd, _, _)) ->
        notMember (CType prd) done
    $ mapMaybe
      (\ct -> (ct,) <$> tryReduceGiven opts givens ct)

  :: Opts -> [Ct] -> Ct
  -> Maybe (PredType, EvTerm, [PredType])
tryReduceGiven opts simplGivens ct = do
    let (mans, ws) =
          runWriter $ normaliseNatEverywhere $
          ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct
        ws' = [ p
              | (p, _) <- subToPred opts ws
              , all (not . (`eqType` p). ctEvPred . ctEvidence) simplGivens
    pred' <- mans
    return (pred', toReducedDict (ctEvidence ct) pred', ws')

fromNatEquality :: Either NatEquality NatInEquality -> Ct
fromNatEquality (Left  (ct, _, _)) = ct
fromNatEquality (Right (ct, _))    = ct

reduceNatConstr :: [Ct] -> Ct -> TcPluginM (Maybe (EvTerm, [(Type, Type)]))
reduceNatConstr givens ct =  do
  let pred0 = ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct
      (mans, tests) = runWriter $ normaliseNatEverywhere pred0
  case mans of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just pred' -> do
      case find ((`eqType` pred') .ctEvPred . ctEvidence) givens of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just c  -> return (Just (toReducedDict (ctEvidence c) pred0, tests))

toReducedDict :: CtEvidence -> PredType -> EvTerm
toReducedDict ct pred' =
  let pred0 = ctEvPred ct
      evCo = mkUnivCo (PluginProv "ghc-typelits-natnormalise")
              pred0 pred'
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
      ev = ctEvExpr ct
             `evCast` evCo
      ev = ctEvTerm ct `EvCast` evCo
  in ev

data SimplifyResult
  = Simplified [((EvTerm,Ct),[Ct])]
  | Impossible (Either NatEquality NatInEquality)

instance Outputable SimplifyResult where
  ppr (Simplified evs) = text "Simplified" $$ ppr evs
  ppr (Impossible eq)  = text "Impossible" <+> ppr eq

  :: Opts
  -- ^ Allow negated numbers (potentially unsound!)
  -> [(Either NatEquality NatInEquality,[(Type,Type)])]
  -- ^ Given constraints
  -> [(Either NatEquality NatInEquality,[(Type,Type)])]
  -- ^ Wanted constraints
  -> TcPluginM SimplifyResult
simplifyNats opts@Opts {..} eqsG eqsW = do
    let eqsG1 = map (second (const ([] :: [(Type,Type)]))) eqsG
        (varEqs,otherEqs) = partition isVarEqs eqsG1
        fancyGivens = concatMap (makeGivensSet otherEqs) varEqs
    case varEqs of
      [] -> do
        let eqs = otherEqs ++ eqsW
        tcPluginTrace "simplifyNats" (ppr eqs)
        simples [] [] [] [] eqs
      _  -> do
        tcPluginTrace ("simplifyNats(backtrack: " ++ show (length fancyGivens) ++ ")")
                      (ppr varEqs)
        foldr findFirstSimpliedWanted (Simplified []) <$>
              mapM (\v -> do let eqs = v ++ eqsW
                             tcPluginTrace "simplifyNats" (ppr eqs)
                             simples [] [] [] [] eqs)
    simples :: [CoreUnify]
            -> [((EvTerm, Ct), [Ct])]
            -> [(CoreSOP,CoreSOP,Bool)]
            -> [(Either NatEquality NatInEquality,[(Type,Type)])]
            -> [(Either NatEquality NatInEquality,[(Type,Type)])]
            -> TcPluginM SimplifyResult
    simples _subst evs _leqsG _xs [] = return (Simplified evs)
    simples subst evs leqsG xs (eq@(Left (ct,u,v),k):eqs') = do
      let u' = substsSOP subst u
          v' = substsSOP subst v
      ur <- unifyNats ct u' v'
      tcPluginTrace "unifyNats result" (ppr ur)
      case ur of
        Win -> do
          evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct empty (subToPred opts k)
          simples subst evs' leqsG [] (xs ++ eqs')
        Lose -> if null evs && null eqs'
                   then return (Impossible (fst eq))
                   else simples subst evs leqsG xs eqs'
        Draw [] -> simples subst evs [] (eq:xs) eqs'
        Draw subst' -> do
          evM <- evMagic ct empty (map unifyItemToPredType subst' ++
                                   subToPred opts k)
          let leqsG' | isGiven (ctEvidence ct) = eqToLeq u' v' ++ leqsG
                     | otherwise  = leqsG
          case evM of
            Nothing -> simples subst evs leqsG' xs eqs'
            Just ev ->
              simples (substsSubst subst' subst ++ subst')
                      (ev:evs) leqsG' [] (xs ++ eqs')
    simples subst evs leqsG xs (eq@(Right (ct,u@(x,y,b)),k):eqs') = do
      let u'    = substsSOP subst (subtractIneq u)
          x'    = substsSOP subst x
          y'    = substsSOP subst y
          uS    = (x',y',b)
          leqsG' | isGiven (ctEvidence ct) = (x',y',b):leqsG
                 | otherwise               = leqsG
          ineqs = concat [ leqsG
                         , map (substLeq subst) leqsG
                         , map snd (rights (map fst eqsG))
      tcPluginTrace "unifyNats(ineq) results" (ppr (ct,u,u',ineqs))
      case runWriterT (isNatural u') of
        Just (True,knW)  -> do
          evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct knW (subToPred opts k)
          simples subst evs' leqsG' xs eqs'

        Just (False,_) | null k -> return (Impossible (fst eq))
        _ -> do
          let solvedIneq = mapMaybe runWriterT
                 -- it is an inequality that can be instantly solved, such as
                 -- `1 <= x^y`
                 -- OR
                (instantSolveIneq depth u:
                -- This inequality is either a given constraint, or it is a wanted
                -- constraint, which in normal form is equal to another given
                -- constraint, hence it can be solved.
                -- OR
                map (solveIneq depth u) ineqs ++
                -- The above, but with valid substitutions applied to the wanted.
                map (solveIneq depth uS) ineqs)
              smallest = solvedInEqSmallestConstraint solvedIneq
          case smallest of
            (True,kW) -> do
              evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct kW (subToPred opts k)
              simples subst evs' leqsG' xs eqs'
            _ -> simples subst evs leqsG (eq:xs) eqs'

    eqToLeq x y = [(x,y,True),(y,x,True)]
    substLeq s (x,y,b) = (substsSOP s x, substsSOP s y, b)

    isVarEqs (Left (_,S [P [V _]], S [P [V _]]), _) = True
    isVarEqs _ = False

    makeGivensSet otherEqs varEq
      = let (noMentionsV,mentionsV)   = partitionEithers
                                          (map (matchesVarEq varEq) otherEqs)
            (mentionsLHS,mentionsRHS) = partitionEithers mentionsV
            vS = swapVar varEq
            givensLHS = case mentionsLHS of
              [] -> []
              _  -> [mentionsLHS ++ ((varEq:mentionsRHS) ++ noMentionsV)]
            givensRHS = case mentionsRHS of
              [] -> []
              _  -> [mentionsRHS ++ (vS:mentionsLHS ++ noMentionsV)]
        in  case mentionsV of
              [] -> [noMentionsV]
              _  -> givensLHS ++ givensRHS

    matchesVarEq (Left (_, S [P [V v1]], S [P [V v2]]),_) r = case r of
      (Left (_,S [P [V v3]],_),_)
        | v1 == v3 -> Right (Left r)
        | v2 == v3 -> Right (Right r)
      (Left (_,_,S [P [V v3]]),_)
        | v1 == v3 -> Right (Left r)
        | v2 == v3 -> Right (Right r)
      (Right (_,(S [P [V v3]],_,_)),_)
        | v1 == v3 -> Right (Left r)
        | v2 == v3 -> Right (Right r)
      (Right (_,(_,S [P [V v3]],_)),_)
        | v1 == v3 -> Right (Left r)
        | v2 == v3 -> Right (Right r)
      _ -> Left r
    matchesVarEq _ _ = error "internal error"

    swapVar (Left (ct,S [P [V v1]], S [P [V v2]]),ps) =
      (Left (ct,S [P [V v2]], S [P [V v1]]),ps)
    swapVar _ = error "internal error"

    findFirstSimpliedWanted (Impossible e)   _  = Impossible e
    findFirstSimpliedWanted (Simplified evs) s2
      | any (isWantedCt . snd . fst) evs
      = Simplified evs
      | otherwise
      = s2

-- If we allow negated numbers we simply do not emit the inequalities
-- derived from the subtractions that are converted to additions with a
-- negated operand
subToPred :: Opts -> [(Type, Type)] -> [(PredType, Kind)]
subToPred Opts{..}
  | negNumbers = const []
  | otherwise  = map subtractionToPred

-- Extract the Nat equality constraints
toNatEquality :: Ct -> Maybe (Either NatEquality NatInEquality,[(Type,Type)])
toNatEquality ct = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
    EqPred NomEq t1 t2
      -> go t1 t2
    _ -> Nothing
    go (TyConApp tc xs) (TyConApp tc' ys)
      | tc == tc'
      , null ([tc,tc'] `intersect` [typeNatAddTyCon,typeNatSubTyCon
      = case filter (not . uncurry eqType) (zip xs ys) of
            | isNatKind (typeKind x)
            , isNatKind (typeKind y)
            , let (x',k1) = runWriter (normaliseNat x)
            , let (y',k2) = runWriter (normaliseNat y)
            -> Just (Left (ct, x', y'),k1 ++ k2)
          _ -> Nothing
      | tc == typeNatLeqTyCon
      , [x,y] <- xs
      , let (x',k1) = runWriter (normaliseNat x)
      , let (y',k2) = runWriter (normaliseNat y)
      , let ks      = k1 ++ k2
      = case tc' of
         _ | tc' == promotedTrueDataCon
           -> Just (Right (ct, (x', y', True)), ks)
         _ | tc' == promotedFalseDataCon
           -> Just (Right (ct, (x', y', False)), ks)
         _ -> Nothing

    go x y
      | isNatKind (typeKind x)
      , isNatKind (typeKind y)
      , let (x',k1) = runWriter (normaliseNat x)
      , let (y',k2) = runWriter (normaliseNat y)
      = Just (Left (ct,x',y'),k1 ++ k2)
      | otherwise
      = Nothing

    isNatKind :: Kind -> Bool
    isNatKind = (`eqType` typeNatKind)

unifyItemToPredType :: CoreUnify -> (PredType,Kind)
unifyItemToPredType ui =
    (mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2,typeNatKind)
    ty1 = case ui of
            SubstItem {..} -> mkTyVarTy siVar
            UnifyItem {..} -> reifySOP siLHS
    ty2 = case ui of
            SubstItem {..} -> reifySOP siSOP
            UnifyItem {..} -> reifySOP siRHS

evSubtPreds :: Ct -> [(PredType,Kind)] -> TcPluginM [Ct]
evSubtPreds ct preds = do
  let predTypes = map fst preds
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
  holes <- mapM (newCoercionHole . uncurry mkPrimEqPred . getEqPredTys) predTypes
  holes <- replicateM (length preds) newCoercionHole
  return (zipWith (unifyItemToCt (ctLoc ct)) predTypes holes)

evMagic :: Ct -> Set CType -> [(PredType,Kind)] -> TcPluginM (Maybe ((EvTerm, Ct), [Ct]))
evMagic ct knW preds = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
  EqPred NomEq t1 t2 -> do
    holeWanteds <- evSubtPreds ct preds
    knWanted <- mapM (mkKnWanted ct) (toList knW)
    let newWant = knWanted ++ holeWanteds
        ctEv    = mkUnivCo (PluginProv "ghc-typelits-natnormalise") Nominal t1 t2
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,5,0)
    return (Just ((EvExpr (Coercion ctEv), ct),newWant))
    return (Just ((EvCoercion ctEv, ct),newWant))
  _ -> return Nothing

mkNonCanonical' :: CtLoc -> CtEvidence -> Ct
mkNonCanonical' origCtl ev =
  let ct_ls   = ctLocSpan origCtl
      ctl     = ctEvLoc  ev
  in setCtLoc (mkNonCanonical ev) (setCtLocSpan ctl ct_ls)

  :: Ct
  -> CType
  -> TcPluginM Ct
mkKnWanted ct (CType ty) = do
  kc_clas <- tcLookupClass knownNatClassName
  let kn_pred = mkClassPred kc_clas [ty]
  wantedCtEv <- TcPluginM.newWanted (ctLoc ct) kn_pred
  let wanted' = mkNonCanonical' (ctLoc ct) wantedCtEv
  return wanted'

unifyItemToCt :: CtLoc
              -> PredType
              -> CoercionHole
              -> Ct
unifyItemToCt loc pred_type hole =
      (HoleDest hole)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)