-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
-- https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

module GHC.SourceGen.Name.Internal where

import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isUpper)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import FastString (FastString, fsLit)
import Module (mkModuleNameFS, ModuleName, moduleNameString)
import RdrName
import OccName
import SrcLoc (Located)

import GHC.SourceGen.Syntax.Internal (builtLoc)

-- | A string identifier referring to a name.
-- 'OccNameStr' keeps track of whether it is a "constructor" or "variable"
-- (e.g.: @\"Foo\"@ vs @\"foo\"@, respectively).
-- 'OccNameStr' is simililar in purpose to GHC's 'OccName'.  However, unlike
-- 'OccName', 'OccNameStr' does not differentiate between the namespace
-- of types and of values.
-- Functions in this package that take an 'OccNameStr' as input
-- will internally convert it to the proper namespace.  (This approach
-- makes it easier to implement an 'IsString' instance without the context
-- where a name would be used.)
data OccNameStr = OccNameStr !RawNameSpace !FastString
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data RawNameSpace = Constructor | Value
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- TODO: symbols
rawNameSpace :: String -> RawNameSpace
rawNameSpace (c:_)
    | isUpper c = Constructor
rawNameSpace _ = Value

instance IsString OccNameStr where
    fromString s = OccNameStr (rawNameSpace s) (fsLit s)

valueOccName, typeOccName :: OccNameStr -> OccName
valueOccName (OccNameStr Constructor s) = mkDataOccFS s
valueOccName (OccNameStr Value s) = mkVarOccFS s
typeOccName (OccNameStr Constructor s) = mkTcOccFS s
typeOccName (OccNameStr Value s) = mkTyVarOccFS s

-- | A newtype wrapper around 'ModuleName' which is an instance of 'IsString'.
newtype ModuleNameStr = ModuleNameStr { unModuleNameStr :: ModuleName }
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show ModuleNameStr where
    show = show . moduleNameString . unModuleNameStr

instance IsString ModuleNameStr where
    fromString = ModuleNameStr . mkModuleNameFS . fsLit

-- | A string identifier which may be qualified to a particular module.
-- 'RdrNameStr' wraps an 'OccNameStr' and thus keeps track of whether it is a
-- "constructor" or "variable" (e.g.: @\"Foo.Bar\"@ vs @\"Foo.bar\"@,
-- respectively).
-- 'RdrNameStr' is simililar in purpose to GHC's 'RdrName'.  However, unlike
-- 'RdrName', 'RdrNameStr' does not differentiate between the namespace of types
-- and of values.
-- Functions in this package that take a 'RdrNameStr' as input
-- will internally convert it to the proper namespace.  (This approach
-- makes it easier to implement an 'IsString' instance without the context
-- where a name would be used.)
-- For example:
-- > fromString "A.B.c" == QualStr (fromString "A.B") (fromString "c")
-- > fromString "c" == UnqualStr (fromString "c")
data RdrNameStr = UnqualStr OccNameStr | QualStr ModuleNameStr OccNameStr
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- GHC always wraps RdrName in a Located.  (Usually: 'Located (IdP pass)')
-- So for convenience, these functions return a Located-wrapped value.
valueRdrName, typeRdrName :: RdrNameStr -> Located RdrName
valueRdrName (UnqualStr r) = builtLoc $ Unqual $ valueOccName r
valueRdrName (QualStr (ModuleNameStr m) r) = builtLoc $ Qual m $ valueOccName r
typeRdrName (UnqualStr r) = builtLoc $ Unqual $ typeOccName r
typeRdrName (QualStr (ModuleNameStr m) r) = builtLoc $ Qual m $ typeOccName r

-- TODO: operators
instance IsString RdrNameStr where
    -- Split "Foo.Bar.baz" into ("Foo.Bar", "baz")
    fromString s = case collectModuleName s of
        (m, n)
            | null m -> UnqualStr (fromString n)
            | otherwise -> QualStr (fromString $ intercalate "." m) (fromString n)

collectModuleName :: String -> ([String],String)
collectModuleName s = case span isVarChar s of
    ("", n) -> ([], n)  -- Symbol
    (n, "") -> ([], n)  -- Identifier
    (m, '.' : s') -> case collectModuleName s' of
                            (m', s'') -> (m : m', s'')
    _ -> error $ "Unable to parse RdrNameStr: " ++ show s
    isVarChar '\'' = True
    isVarChar '_' = True
    isVarChar c = isAlphaNum c

-- | A RdrName suitable for an import or export list.
-- E.g.: `import F(a, B)`
-- The 'a' should be a value, but the 'B' should be a type/class.
-- (Currently, GHC doesn't distinguish the class and type namespaces.)
exportRdrName :: RdrNameStr -> Located RdrName
exportRdrName (UnqualStr r) = builtLoc $ Unqual $ exportOccName r
exportRdrName (QualStr (ModuleNameStr m) r) = builtLoc $ Qual m $ exportOccName r

exportOccName :: OccNameStr -> OccName
exportOccName (OccNameStr Value s) = mkVarOccFS s
exportOccName (OccNameStr Constructor s) = mkTcOccFS s