{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module PmExpr (
PmExpr(..), PmLit(..), SimpleEq, ComplexEq, toComplex, eqPmLit,
truePmExpr, falsePmExpr, isTruePmExpr, isFalsePmExpr, isNotPmExprOther,
lhsExprToPmExpr, hsExprToPmExpr, substComplexEq, filterComplex,
pprPmExprWithParens, runPmPprM
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import BasicTypes (SourceText)
import FastString (FastString, unpackFS)
import HsSyn
import Id
import Name
import NameSet
import DataCon
import ConLike
import TcType (isStringTy)
import TysWiredIn
import Outputable
import Util
import SrcLoc
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, nubBy)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
data PmExpr = PmExprVar Name
| PmExprCon ConLike [PmExpr]
| PmExprLit PmLit
| PmExprEq PmExpr PmExpr
| PmExprOther (HsExpr GhcTc)
mkPmExprData :: DataCon -> [PmExpr] -> PmExpr
mkPmExprData dc args = PmExprCon (RealDataCon dc) args
data PmLit = PmSLit (HsLit GhcTc)
| PmOLit Bool (HsOverLit GhcTc)
eqPmLit :: PmLit -> PmLit -> Bool
eqPmLit (PmSLit l1) (PmSLit l2) = l1 == l2
eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2) = b1 == b2 && l1 == l2
eqPmLit _ _ = False
nubPmLit :: [PmLit] -> [PmLit]
nubPmLit = nubBy eqPmLit
type SimpleEq = (Id, PmExpr)
type ComplexEq = (PmExpr, PmExpr)
toComplex :: SimpleEq -> ComplexEq
toComplex (x,e) = (PmExprVar (idName x), e)
truePmExpr :: PmExpr
truePmExpr = mkPmExprData trueDataCon []
falsePmExpr :: PmExpr
falsePmExpr = mkPmExprData falseDataCon []
isNotPmExprOther :: PmExpr -> Bool
isNotPmExprOther (PmExprOther _) = False
isNotPmExprOther _expr = True
isNegatedPmLit :: PmLit -> Bool
isNegatedPmLit (PmOLit b _) = b
isNegatedPmLit _other_lit = False
isTruePmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isTruePmExpr (PmExprCon c []) = c == RealDataCon trueDataCon
isTruePmExpr _other_expr = False
isFalsePmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isFalsePmExpr (PmExprCon c []) = c == RealDataCon falseDataCon
isFalsePmExpr _other_expr = False
isNilPmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isNilPmExpr (PmExprCon c _) = c == RealDataCon nilDataCon
isNilPmExpr _other_expr = False
isPmExprEq :: PmExpr -> Maybe (PmExpr, PmExpr)
isPmExprEq (PmExprEq e1 e2) = Just (e1,e2)
isPmExprEq _other_expr = Nothing
isConsDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isConsDataCon con = consDataCon == con
substPmExpr :: Name -> PmExpr -> PmExpr -> (PmExpr, Bool)
substPmExpr x e1 e =
case e of
PmExprVar z | x == z -> (e1, True)
| otherwise -> (e, False)
PmExprCon c ps -> let (ps', bs) = mapAndUnzip (substPmExpr x e1) ps
in (PmExprCon c ps', or bs)
PmExprEq ex ey -> let (ex', bx) = substPmExpr x e1 ex
(ey', by) = substPmExpr x e1 ey
in (PmExprEq ex' ey', bx || by)
_other_expr -> (e, False)
substComplexEq :: Name -> PmExpr -> ComplexEq -> Either ComplexEq ComplexEq
substComplexEq x e (ex, ey)
| bx || by = Left (ex', ey')
| otherwise = Right (ex', ey')
(ex', bx) = substPmExpr x e ex
(ey', by) = substPmExpr x e ey
lhsExprToPmExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> PmExpr
lhsExprToPmExpr (dL->L _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> PmExpr
hsExprToPmExpr (HsVar _ x) = PmExprVar (idName (unLoc x))
hsExprToPmExpr (HsConLikeOut _ c) = PmExprVar (conLikeName c)
hsExprToPmExpr (HsOverLit _ olit)
| OverLit (OverLitTc False ty) (HsIsString src s) _ <- olit, isStringTy ty
= stringExprToList src s
| otherwise = PmExprLit (PmOLit False olit)
hsExprToPmExpr (HsLit _ lit)
| HsString src s <- lit
= stringExprToList src s
| otherwise = PmExprLit (PmSLit lit)
hsExprToPmExpr e@(NegApp _ (dL->L _ neg_expr) _)
| PmExprLit (PmOLit False olit) <- hsExprToPmExpr neg_expr
= PmExprLit (PmOLit True olit)
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsPar _ (dL->L _ e)) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitTuple _ ps boxity)
| all tupArgPresent ps = mkPmExprData tuple_con tuple_args
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
tuple_con = tupleDataCon boxity (length ps)
tuple_args = [ lhsExprToPmExpr e | (dL->L _ (Present _ e)) <- ps ]
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitList _ mb_ol elems)
| Nothing <- mb_ol = foldr cons nil (map lhsExprToPmExpr elems)
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
cons x xs = mkPmExprData consDataCon [x,xs]
nil = mkPmExprData nilDataCon []
hsExprToPmExpr e@(RecordCon {}) = PmExprOther e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsTick _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsBinTick _ _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsSCC _ _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsCoreAnn _ _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (ExprWithTySig _ e _) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsWrap _ _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr e = PmExprOther e
stringExprToList :: SourceText -> FastString -> PmExpr
stringExprToList src s = foldr cons nil (map charToPmExpr (unpackFS s))
cons x xs = mkPmExprData consDataCon [x,xs]
nil = mkPmExprData nilDataCon []
charToPmExpr c = PmExprLit (PmSLit (HsChar src c))
type PmNegLitCt = (Name, (SDoc, [PmLit]))
filterComplex :: [ComplexEq] -> [PmNegLitCt]
filterComplex = zipWith rename nameList . map mkGroup
. groupBy name . sortBy order . mapMaybe isNegLitCs
order x y = compare (fst x) (fst y)
name x y = fst x == fst y
mkGroup l = (fst (head l), nubPmLit $ map snd l)
rename new (old, lits) = (old, (new, lits))
isNegLitCs (e1,e2)
| isFalsePmExpr e1, Just (x,y) <- isPmExprEq e2 = isNegLitCs' x y
| isFalsePmExpr e2, Just (x,y) <- isPmExprEq e1 = isNegLitCs' x y
| otherwise = Nothing
isNegLitCs' (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l) = Just (x, l)
isNegLitCs' (PmExprLit l) (PmExprVar x) = Just (x, l)
isNegLitCs' _ _ = Nothing
nameList :: [SDoc]
nameList = map text ["p","q","r","s","t"] ++
[ text ('t':show u) | u <- [(0 :: Int)..] ]
runPmPprM :: PmPprM a -> [PmNegLitCt] -> (a, [(SDoc,[PmLit])])
runPmPprM m lit_env = (result, mapMaybe is_used lit_env)
(result, (_lit_env, used)) = runState m (lit_env, emptyNameSet)
is_used (x,(name, lits))
| elemNameSet x used = Just (name, lits)
| otherwise = Nothing
type PmPprM a = State ([PmNegLitCt], NameSet) a
addUsed :: Name -> PmPprM ()
addUsed x = modify (\(negated, used) -> (negated, extendNameSet used x))
checkNegation :: Name -> PmPprM (Maybe SDoc)
checkNegation x = do
negated <- gets fst
return $ case lookup x negated of
Just (new, _) -> Just new
Nothing -> Nothing
pprPmExpr :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExpr (PmExprVar x) = do
mb_name <- checkNegation x
case mb_name of
Just name -> addUsed x >> return name
Nothing -> return underscore
pprPmExpr (PmExprCon con args) = pprPmExprCon con args
pprPmExpr (PmExprLit l) = return (ppr l)
pprPmExpr (PmExprEq _ _) = return underscore
pprPmExpr (PmExprOther _) = return underscore
needsParens :: PmExpr -> Bool
needsParens (PmExprVar {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprLit l) = isNegatedPmLit l
needsParens (PmExprEq {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprOther {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprCon (RealDataCon c) es)
| isTupleDataCon c
|| isConsDataCon c || null es = False
| otherwise = True
needsParens (PmExprCon (PatSynCon _) es) = not (null es)
pprPmExprWithParens :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExprWithParens expr
| needsParens expr = parens <$> pprPmExpr expr
| otherwise = pprPmExpr expr
pprPmExprCon :: ConLike -> [PmExpr] -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExprCon (RealDataCon con) args
| isTupleDataCon con = mkTuple <$> mapM pprPmExpr args
| isConsDataCon con = pretty_list
mkTuple :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
mkTuple = parens . fsep . punctuate comma
pretty_list :: PmPprM SDoc
pretty_list = case isNilPmExpr (last list) of
True -> brackets . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM pprPmExpr (init list)
False -> parens . hcat . punctuate colon <$> mapM pprPmExpr list
list = list_elements args
list_elements [x,y]
| PmExprCon c es <- y, RealDataCon nilDataCon == c
= ASSERT(null es) [x,y]
| PmExprCon c es <- y, RealDataCon consDataCon == c
= x : list_elements es
| otherwise = [x,y]
list_elements list = pprPanic "list_elements:" (ppr list)
pprPmExprCon cl args
| conLikeIsInfix cl = case args of
[x, y] -> do x' <- pprPmExprWithParens x
y' <- pprPmExprWithParens y
return (x' <+> ppr cl <+> y')
list -> pprPanic "pprPmExprCon:" (ppr list)
| null args = return (ppr cl)
| otherwise = do args' <- mapM pprPmExprWithParens args
return (fsep (ppr cl : args'))
instance Outputable PmLit where
ppr (PmSLit l) = pmPprHsLit l
ppr (PmOLit neg l) = (if neg then char '-' else empty) <> ppr l
instance Outputable PmExpr where
ppr e = fst $ runPmPprM (pprPmExpr e) []