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ghc-lib-parser- The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions

Safe HaskellNone




Configuration of the core-to-core passes

data FloatOutSwitches Source #




  • floatOutLambdas :: Maybe Int

    Just n = float lambdas to top level, if doing so will abstract over n or fewer value variables Nothing = float all lambdas to top level, regardless of how many free variables Just 0 is the vanilla case: float a lambda iff it has no free vars

  • floatOutConstants :: Bool

    True = float constants to top level, even if they do not escape a lambda

  • floatOutOverSatApps :: Bool

    True = float out over-saturated applications based on arity information. See Note [Floating over-saturated applications] in SetLevels

  • floatToTopLevelOnly :: Bool

    Allow floating to the top level only.


type CorePluginPass = ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts Source #

A description of the plugin pass itself


The monad

data CoreM a Source #

The monad used by Core-to-Core passes to access common state, register simplification statistics and so on

Monad CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


(>>=) :: CoreM a -> (a -> CoreM b) -> CoreM b #

(>>) :: CoreM a -> CoreM b -> CoreM b #

return :: a -> CoreM a #

fail :: String -> CoreM a #

Functor CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CoreM a -> CoreM b #

(<$) :: a -> CoreM b -> CoreM a #

Applicative CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


pure :: a -> CoreM a #

(<*>) :: CoreM (a -> b) -> CoreM a -> CoreM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> CoreM a -> CoreM b -> CoreM c #

(*>) :: CoreM a -> CoreM b -> CoreM b #

(<*) :: CoreM a -> CoreM b -> CoreM a #

MonadIO CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


liftIO :: IO a -> CoreM a #

Alternative CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


empty :: CoreM a #

(<|>) :: CoreM a -> CoreM a -> CoreM a #

some :: CoreM a -> CoreM [a] #

many :: CoreM a -> CoreM [a] #

MonadPlus CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad


mzero :: CoreM a #

mplus :: CoreM a -> CoreM a -> CoreM a #

MonadUnique CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad

HasModule CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad

HasDynFlags CoreM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in CoreMonad

Reading from the monad

getOrigNameCache :: CoreM OrigNameCache Source #

The original name cache is the current mapping from Module and OccName to a compiler-wide unique Name

Writing to the monad

Lifting into the monad

liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad.

liftIOWithCount :: IO (SimplCount, a) -> CoreM a Source #

Lift an IO operation into CoreM while consuming its SimplCount

liftIO1 :: MonadIO m => (a -> IO b) -> a -> m b Source #

Lift an IO operation with 1 argument into another monad

liftIO2 :: MonadIO m => (a -> b -> IO c) -> a -> b -> m c Source #

Lift an IO operation with 2 arguments into another monad

liftIO3 :: MonadIO m => (a -> b -> c -> IO d) -> a -> b -> c -> m d Source #

Lift an IO operation with 3 arguments into another monad

liftIO4 :: MonadIO m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> IO e) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> m e Source #

Lift an IO operation with 4 arguments into another monad

Global initialization

reinitializeGlobals :: CoreM () Source #

Deprecated: It is not necessary to call reinitializeGlobals. Since GHC 8.2, this function is a no-op and will be removed in GHC 8.4

Dealing with annotations

getAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (UniqFM [a]) Source #

Get all annotations of a given type. This happens lazily, that is no deserialization will take place until the [a] is actually demanded and the [a] can also be empty (the UniqFM is not filtered).

This should be done once at the start of a Core-to-Core pass that uses annotations.

See Note [Annotations]

getFirstAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (UniqFM a) Source #

Get at most one annotation of a given type per Unique.

Screen output

putMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM () Source #

Output a message to the screen

putMsgS :: String -> CoreM () Source #

Output a String message to the screen

errorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM () Source #

Output an error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.

errorMsgS :: String -> CoreM () Source #

Output an error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.

fatalErrorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM () Source #

Output a fatal error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.

fatalErrorMsgS :: String -> CoreM () Source #

Output a fatal error to the screen. Does not cause the compiler to die.

debugTraceMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM () Source #

Outputs a debugging message at verbosity level of -v or higher

debugTraceMsgS :: String -> CoreM () Source #

Output a string debugging message at verbosity level of -v or higher

dumpIfSet_dyn :: DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> CoreM () Source #

Show some labelled SDoc if a particular flag is set or at a verbosity level of -v -ddump-most or higher