module StgLiftLams.Transformation (stgLiftLams) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import BasicTypes
import DynFlags
import Id
import IdInfo
import StgFVs ( annBindingFreeVars )
import StgLiftLams.Analysis
import StgLiftLams.LiftM
import StgSyn
import Outputable
import UniqSupply
import Util
import VarSet
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.Maybe ( isNothing )
stgLiftLams :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> [InStgTopBinding] -> [OutStgTopBinding]
stgLiftLams dflags us = runLiftM dflags us . foldr liftTopLvl (pure ())
liftTopLvl :: InStgTopBinding -> LiftM () -> LiftM ()
liftTopLvl (StgTopStringLit bndr lit) rest = withSubstBndr bndr $ \bndr' -> do
addTopStringLit bndr' lit
liftTopLvl (StgTopLifted bind) rest = do
let is_rec = isRec $ fst $ decomposeStgBinding bind
when is_rec startBindingGroup
let bind_w_fvs = annBindingFreeVars bind
withLiftedBind TopLevel (tagSkeletonTopBind bind_w_fvs) NilSk $ \mb_bind' -> do
case mb_bind' of
Nothing -> pprPanic "StgLiftLams" (text "Lifted top-level binding")
Just bind' -> addLiftedBinding bind'
when is_rec endBindingGroup
:: TopLevelFlag
-> LlStgBinding
-> Skeleton
-> (Maybe OutStgBinding -> LiftM a)
-> LiftM a
withLiftedBind top_lvl bind scope k
| isTopLevel top_lvl
= withCaffyness (is_caffy pairs) go
| otherwise
= go
(rec, pairs) = decomposeStgBinding bind
is_caffy = any (mayHaveCafRefs . idCafInfo . binderInfoBndr . fst)
go = withLiftedBindPairs top_lvl rec pairs scope (k . fmap (mkStgBinding rec))
:: TopLevelFlag
-> RecFlag
-> [(BinderInfo, LlStgRhs)]
-> Skeleton
-> (Maybe [(Id, OutStgRhs)] -> LiftM a)
-> LiftM a
withLiftedBindPairs top rec pairs scope k = do
let (infos, rhss) = unzip pairs
let bndrs = map binderInfoBndr infos
expander <- liftedIdsExpander
dflags <- getDynFlags
case goodToLift dflags top rec expander pairs scope of
Just abs_ids -> withLiftedBndrs abs_ids bndrs $ \bndrs' -> do
when (isRec rec) startBindingGroup
rhss' <- traverse (liftRhs (Just abs_ids)) rhss
let pairs' = zip bndrs' rhss'
addLiftedBinding (mkStgBinding rec pairs')
when (isRec rec) endBindingGroup
k Nothing
Nothing -> withSubstBndrs bndrs $ \bndrs' -> do
rhss' <- traverse (liftRhs Nothing) rhss
let pairs' = zip bndrs' rhss'
k (Just pairs')
:: Maybe (DIdSet)
-> LlStgRhs
-> LiftM OutStgRhs
liftRhs mb_former_fvs rhs@(StgRhsCon ccs con args)
= ASSERT2(isNothing mb_former_fvs, text "Should never lift a constructor" $$ ppr rhs)
StgRhsCon ccs con <$> traverse liftArgs args
liftRhs Nothing (StgRhsClosure _ ccs upd infos body) = do
withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' ->
StgRhsClosure noExtSilent ccs upd bndrs' <$> liftExpr body
liftRhs (Just former_fvs) (StgRhsClosure _ ccs upd infos body) = do
withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' -> do
let bndrs'' = dVarSetElems former_fvs ++ bndrs'
StgRhsClosure noExtSilent ccs upd bndrs'' <$> liftExpr body
liftArgs :: InStgArg -> LiftM OutStgArg
liftArgs a@(StgLitArg _) = pure a
liftArgs (StgVarArg occ) = do
ASSERTM2( not <$> isLifted occ, text "StgArgs should never be lifted" $$ ppr occ )
StgVarArg <$> substOcc occ
liftExpr :: LlStgExpr -> LiftM OutStgExpr
liftExpr (StgLit lit) = pure (StgLit lit)
liftExpr (StgTick t e) = StgTick t <$> liftExpr e
liftExpr (StgApp f args) = do
f' <- substOcc f
args' <- traverse liftArgs args
fvs' <- formerFreeVars f
let top_lvl_args = map StgVarArg fvs' ++ args'
pure (StgApp f' top_lvl_args)
liftExpr (StgConApp con args tys) = StgConApp con <$> traverse liftArgs args <*> pure tys
liftExpr (StgOpApp op args ty) = StgOpApp op <$> traverse liftArgs args <*> pure ty
liftExpr (StgLam _ _) = pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "StgLam")
liftExpr (StgCase scrut info ty alts) = do
scrut' <- liftExpr scrut
withSubstBndr (binderInfoBndr info) $ \bndr' -> do
alts' <- traverse liftAlt alts
pure (StgCase scrut' bndr' ty alts')
liftExpr (StgLet scope bind body)
= withLiftedBind NotTopLevel bind scope $ \mb_bind' -> do
body' <- liftExpr body
case mb_bind' of
Nothing -> pure body'
Just bind' -> pure (StgLet noExtSilent bind' body')
liftExpr (StgLetNoEscape scope bind body)
= withLiftedBind NotTopLevel bind scope $ \mb_bind' -> do
body' <- liftExpr body
case mb_bind' of
Nothing -> pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "Should never decide to lift LNEs")
Just bind' -> pure (StgLetNoEscape noExtSilent bind' body')
liftAlt :: LlStgAlt -> LiftM OutStgAlt
liftAlt (con, infos, rhs) = withSubstBndrs (map binderInfoBndr infos) $ \bndrs' ->
(,,) con bndrs' <$> liftExpr rhs