ghc-internal-9.1001.0: Basic libraries
Copyright(c) The University of Glasgow 1992-2002
Licensesee libraries/base/LICENSE
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellUnsafe



Basic data types and classes.



type String = [Char] Source #

String is an alias for a list of characters.

String constants in Haskell are values of type String. That means if you write a string literal like "hello world", it will have the type [Char], which is the same as String.

Note: You can ask the compiler to automatically infer different types with the -XOverloadedStrings language extension, for example "hello world" :: Text. See IsString for more information.

Because String is just a list of characters, you can use normal list functions to do basic string manipulation. See Data.List for operations on lists.

Performance considerations


[Char] is a relatively memory-inefficient type. It is a linked list of boxed word-size characters, internally it looks something like:

╭─────┬───┬──╮  ╭─────┬───┬──╮  ╭─────┬───┬──╮  ╭────╮
│ (:) │   │ ─┼─>│ (:) │   │ ─┼─>│ (:) │   │ ─┼─>│ [] │
╰─────┴─┼─┴──╯  ╰─────┴─┼─┴──╯  ╰─────┴─┼─┴──╯  ╰────╯
        v               v               v
       'a'             'b'             'c'

The String "abc" will use 5*3+1 = 16 (in general 5n+1) words of space in memory.

Furthermore, operations like (++) (string concatenation) are O(n) (in the left argument).

For historical reasons, the base library uses String in a lot of places for the conceptual simplicity, but library code dealing with user-data should use the text package for Unicode text, or the the bytestring package for binary data.

class Applicative m => Monad (m :: Type -> Type) where Source #

The Monad class defines the basic operations over a monad, a concept from a branch of mathematics known as category theory. From the perspective of a Haskell programmer, however, it is best to think of a monad as an abstract datatype of actions. Haskell's do expressions provide a convenient syntax for writing monadic expressions.

Instances of Monad should satisfy the following:

Left identity
return a >>= k = k a
Right identity
m >>= return = m
m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) = (m >>= k) >>= h

Furthermore, the Monad and Applicative operations should relate as follows:

The above laws imply:

and that pure and (<*>) satisfy the applicative functor laws.

The instances of Monad for List, Maybe and IO defined in the Prelude satisfy these laws.

Minimal complete definition



(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b infixl 1 Source #

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second.

'as >>= bs' can be understood as the do expression

do a <- as
   bs a

An alternative name for this function is 'bind', but some people may refer to it as 'flatMap', which results from it being equivialent to

\x f -> join (fmap f x) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

which can be seen as mapping a value with Monad m => m a -> m (m b) and then 'flattening' m (m b) to m b using join.

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b infixl 1 Source #

Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon) in imperative languages.

'as >> bs' can be understood as the do expression

do as

or in terms of (>>=) as

as >>= const bs

return :: a -> m a Source #

Inject a value into the monadic type. This function should not be different from its default implementation as pure. The justification for the existence of this function is merely historic.


Instances details
Monad NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: NonEmpty a -> (a -> NonEmpty b) -> NonEmpty b Source #

(>>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b Source #

return :: a -> NonEmpty a Source #

Monad STM Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Conc.Sync


(>>=) :: STM a -> (a -> STM b) -> STM b Source #

(>>) :: STM a -> STM b -> STM b Source #

return :: a -> STM a Source #

Monad Identity Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Identity


(>>=) :: Identity a -> (a -> Identity b) -> Identity b Source #

(>>) :: Identity a -> Identity b -> Identity b Source #

return :: a -> Identity a Source #

Monad First Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b Source #

(>>) :: First a -> First b -> First b Source #

return :: a -> First a Source #

Monad Last Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b Source #

(>>) :: Last a -> Last b -> Last b Source #

return :: a -> Last a Source #

Monad Down Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Ord


(>>=) :: Down a -> (a -> Down b) -> Down b Source #

(>>) :: Down a -> Down b -> Down b Source #

return :: a -> Down a Source #

Monad Dual Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Dual a -> (a -> Dual b) -> Dual b Source #

(>>) :: Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b Source #

return :: a -> Dual a Source #

Monad Product Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Product a -> (a -> Product b) -> Product b Source #

(>>) :: Product a -> Product b -> Product b Source #

return :: a -> Product a Source #

Monad Sum Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Sum a -> (a -> Sum b) -> Sum b Source #

(>>) :: Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b Source #

return :: a -> Sum a Source #

Monad NoIO Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.GHCi


(>>=) :: NoIO a -> (a -> NoIO b) -> NoIO b Source #

(>>) :: NoIO a -> NoIO b -> NoIO b Source #

return :: a -> NoIO a Source #

Monad Par1 Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


(>>=) :: Par1 a -> (a -> Par1 b) -> Par1 b Source #

(>>) :: Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Par1 b Source #

return :: a -> Par1 a Source #

Monad ReadP Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


(>>=) :: ReadP a -> (a -> ReadP b) -> ReadP b Source #

(>>) :: ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP b Source #

return :: a -> ReadP a Source #

Monad ReadPrec Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec


(>>=) :: ReadPrec a -> (a -> ReadPrec b) -> ReadPrec b Source #

(>>) :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec b Source #

return :: a -> ReadPrec a Source #

Monad IO Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

(>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b Source #

return :: a -> IO a Source #

Monad Maybe Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b Source #

(>>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b Source #

return :: a -> Maybe a Source #

Monad Solo Source #

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: Solo a -> (a -> Solo b) -> Solo b Source #

(>>) :: Solo a -> Solo b -> Solo b Source #

return :: a -> Solo a Source #

Monad [] Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b] Source #

(>>) :: [a] -> [b] -> [b] Source #

return :: a -> [a] Source #

ArrowApply a => Monad (ArrowMonad a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


(>>=) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> (a0 -> ArrowMonad a b) -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

(>>) :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

return :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 Source #

Monad (ST s) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Imp


(>>=) :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b Source #

(>>) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

return :: a -> ST s a Source #

Monad (Either e) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Either


(>>=) :: Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b Source #

(>>) :: Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b Source #

return :: a -> Either e a Source #

Monad (Proxy :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Proxy


(>>=) :: Proxy a -> (a -> Proxy b) -> Proxy b Source #

(>>) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy b Source #

return :: a -> Proxy a Source #

Monad (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


(>>=) :: U1 a -> (a -> U1 b) -> U1 b Source #

(>>) :: U1 a -> U1 b -> U1 b Source #

return :: a -> U1 a Source #

Monad (ST s) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.ST


(>>=) :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b Source #

(>>) :: ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

return :: a -> ST s a Source #

Monoid a => Monad ((,) a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: (a, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b)) -> (a, b) Source #

(>>) :: (a, a0) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

return :: a0 -> (a, a0) Source #

Monad m => Monad (Kleisli m a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


(>>=) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> (a0 -> Kleisli m a b) -> Kleisli m a b Source #

(>>) :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a b Source #

return :: a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 Source #

Monad m => Monad (StateT s m) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


(>>=) :: StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s m b) -> StateT s m b Source #

(>>) :: StateT s m a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m b Source #

return :: a -> StateT s m a Source #

Monad f => Monad (Ap f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


(>>=) :: Ap f a -> (a -> Ap f b) -> Ap f b Source #

(>>) :: Ap f a -> Ap f b -> Ap f b Source #

return :: a -> Ap f a Source #

Monad f => Monad (Alt f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


(>>=) :: Alt f a -> (a -> Alt f b) -> Alt f b Source #

(>>) :: Alt f a -> Alt f b -> Alt f b Source #

return :: a -> Alt f a Source #

Monad f => Monad (Rec1 f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


(>>=) :: Rec1 f a -> (a -> Rec1 f b) -> Rec1 f b Source #

(>>) :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f b Source #

return :: a -> Rec1 f a Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monad ((,,) a b) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b, b0)) -> (a, b, b0) Source #

(>>) :: (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, b0) Source #

return :: a0 -> (a, b, a0) Source #

(Monad f, Monad g) => Monad (f :*: g) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


(>>=) :: (f :*: g) a -> (a -> (f :*: g) b) -> (f :*: g) b Source #

(>>) :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) b Source #

return :: a -> (f :*: g) a Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monad ((,,,) a b c) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a0 -> (a, b, c, b0)) -> (a, b, c, b0) Source #

(>>) :: (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, b0) Source #

return :: a0 -> (a, b, c, a0) Source #

Monad ((->) r) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: (r -> a) -> (a -> r -> b) -> r -> b Source #

(>>) :: (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> r -> b Source #

return :: a -> r -> a Source #

Monad f => Monad (M1 i c f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


(>>=) :: M1 i c f a -> (a -> M1 i c f b) -> M1 i c f b Source #

(>>) :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f b Source #

return :: a -> M1 i c f a Source #

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c infixr 9 Source #

Right to left function composition.

(f . g) x = f (g x)
f . id = f = id . f


>>> map ((*2) . length) [[], [0, 1, 2], [0]]
>>> foldr (.) id [(+1), (*3), (^3)] 2
>>> let (...) = (.).(.) in ((*2)...(+)) 5 10

id :: a -> a Source #

Identity function.

id x = x

This function might seem useless at first glance, but it can be very useful in a higher order context.


>>> length $ filter id [True, True, False, True]
>>> Just (Just 3) >>= id
Just 3
>>> foldr id 0 [(^3), (*5), (+2)]

assert :: Bool -> a -> a Source #

If the first argument evaluates to True, then the result is the second argument. Otherwise an AssertionFailed exception is raised, containing a String with the source file and line number of the call to assert.

Assertions can normally be turned on or off with a compiler flag (for GHC, assertions are normally on unless optimisation is turned on with -O or the -fignore-asserts option is given). When assertions are turned off, the first argument to assert is ignored, and the second argument is returned as the result.

class Functor (f :: Type -> Type) where Source #

A type f is a Functor if it provides a function fmap which, given any types a and b lets you apply any function from (a -> b) to turn an f a into an f b, preserving the structure of f. Furthermore f needs to adhere to the following:

fmap id == id
fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g

Note, that the second law follows from the free theorem of the type fmap and the first law, so you need only check that the former condition holds. See these articles by School of Haskell or David Luposchainsky for an explanation.

Minimal complete definition



fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b Source #

fmap is used to apply a function of type (a -> b) to a value of type f a, where f is a functor, to produce a value of type f b. Note that for any type constructor with more than one parameter (e.g., Either), only the last type parameter can be modified with fmap (e.g., b in `Either a b`).

Some type constructors with two parameters or more have a Bifunctor instance that allows both the last and the penultimate parameters to be mapped over.



Convert from a Maybe Int to a Maybe String using show:

>>> fmap show Nothing
>>> fmap show (Just 3)
Just "3"

Convert from an Either Int Int to an Either Int String using show:

>>> fmap show (Left 17)
Left 17
>>> fmap show (Right 17)
Right "17"

Double each element of a list:

>>> fmap (*2) [1,2,3]

Apply even to the second element of a pair:

>>> fmap even (2,2)

It may seem surprising that the function is only applied to the last element of the tuple compared to the list example above which applies it to every element in the list. To understand, remember that tuples are type constructors with multiple type parameters: a tuple of 3 elements (a,b,c) can also be written (,,) a b c and its Functor instance is defined for Functor ((,,) a b) (i.e., only the third parameter is free to be mapped over with fmap).

It explains why fmap can be used with tuples containing values of different types as in the following example:

>>> fmap even ("hello", 1.0, 4)

(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a infixl 4 Source #

Replace all locations in the input with the same value. The default definition is fmap . const, but this may be overridden with a more efficient version.



Perform a computation with Maybe and replace the result with a constant value if it is Just:

>>> 'a' <$ Just 2
Just 'a'
>>> 'a' <$ Nothing


Instances details
Functor NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b Source #

(<$) :: a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a Source #

Functor STM Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Conc.Sync


fmap :: (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b Source #

(<$) :: a -> STM b -> STM a Source #

Functor Handler Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Exception


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Handler a -> Handler b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Handler b -> Handler a Source #

Functor Identity Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Identity


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Identity b -> Identity a Source #

Functor First Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> First a -> First b Source #

(<$) :: a -> First b -> First a Source #

Functor Last Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Last b -> Last a Source #

Functor Down Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Ord


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Down a -> Down b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Down b -> Down a Source #

Functor Dual Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Dual b -> Dual a Source #

Functor Product Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Product b -> Product a Source #

Functor Sum Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Sum b -> Sum a Source #

Functor ZipList Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Functor.ZipList


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b Source #

(<$) :: a -> ZipList b -> ZipList a Source #

Functor NoIO Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.GHCi


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NoIO a -> NoIO b Source #

(<$) :: a -> NoIO b -> NoIO a Source #

Functor Par1 Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Par1 a -> Par1 b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Par1 b -> Par1 a Source #

Functor ReadP Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b Source #

(<$) :: a -> ReadP b -> ReadP a Source #

Functor ReadPrec Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b Source #

(<$) :: a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec a Source #

Functor IO Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b Source #

(<$) :: a -> IO b -> IO a Source #

Functor Maybe Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a Source #

Functor Solo Source #

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Solo a -> Solo b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Solo b -> Solo a Source #

Functor [] Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] Source #

(<$) :: a -> [b] -> [a] Source #

Functor (Array i) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Arr


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Array i a -> Array i b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Array i b -> Array i a Source #

Arrow a => Functor (ArrowMonad a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a a0 Source #

Functor (ST s) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Imp


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(<$) :: a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Functor (Either a) Source #

Since: base-3.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Either


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Either a a0 -> Either a b Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> Either a b -> Either a a0 Source #

Functor (StateL s) Source #

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StateL s a -> StateL s b Source #

(<$) :: a -> StateL s b -> StateL s a Source #

Functor (StateR s) Source #

Since: base-4.0

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StateR s a -> StateR s b Source #

(<$) :: a -> StateR s b -> StateR s a Source #

Functor (Proxy :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Proxy


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Proxy a -> Proxy b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Proxy b -> Proxy a Source #

Functor (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> U1 a -> U1 b Source #

(<$) :: a -> U1 b -> U1 a Source #

Functor (V1 :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> V1 a -> V1 b Source #

(<$) :: a -> V1 b -> V1 a Source #

Functor (ST s) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.ST


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(<$) :: a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Functor ((,) a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> (a, a0) -> (a, b) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b) -> (a, a0) Source #

Functor m => Functor (Kleisli m a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


fmap :: (a0 -> b) -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a b Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> Kleisli m a b -> Kleisli m a a0 Source #

Functor (Const m :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Const


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Const m a -> Const m b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Const m b -> Const m a Source #

Monad m => Functor (StateT s m) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b Source #

(<$) :: a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a Source #

Functor f => Functor (Ap f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Ap f b -> Ap f a Source #

Functor f => Functor (Alt f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Alt f a -> Alt f b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Alt f b -> Alt f a Source #

(Generic1 f, Functor (Rep1 f)) => Functor (Generically1 f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Generically1 f a -> Generically1 f b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Generically1 f b -> Generically1 f a Source #

Functor f => Functor (Rec1 f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Rec1 f b -> Rec1 f a Source #

Functor (URec (Ptr ()) :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec (Ptr ()) a -> URec (Ptr ()) b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec (Ptr ()) b -> URec (Ptr ()) a Source #

Functor (URec Char :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Char a -> URec Char b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec Char b -> URec Char a Source #

Functor (URec Double :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Double a -> URec Double b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec Double b -> URec Double a Source #

Functor (URec Float :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Float a -> URec Float b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec Float b -> URec Float a Source #

Functor (URec Int :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Int a -> URec Int b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec Int b -> URec Int a Source #

Functor (URec Word :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> URec Word a -> URec Word b Source #

(<$) :: a -> URec Word b -> URec Word a Source #

Functor ((,,) a b) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, a0) -> (a, b, b0) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, b0) -> (a, b, a0) Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :*: g) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) b Source #

(<$) :: a -> (f :*: g) b -> (f :*: g) a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :+: g) a -> (f :+: g) b Source #

(<$) :: a -> (f :+: g) b -> (f :+: g) a Source #

Functor (K1 i c :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b Source #

(<$) :: a -> K1 i c b -> K1 i c a Source #

Functor ((,,,) a b c) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) -> (a, b, c, b0) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, c, b0) -> (a, b, c, a0) Source #

Functor ((->) r) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> r -> b Source #

(<$) :: a -> (r -> b) -> r -> a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :.: g) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :.: g) a -> (f :.: g) b Source #

(<$) :: a -> (f :.: g) b -> (f :.: g) a Source #

Functor f => Functor (M1 i c f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


fmap :: (a -> b) -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b Source #

(<$) :: a -> M1 i c f b -> M1 i c f a Source #

Functor ((,,,,) a b c d) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, d, a0) -> (a, b, c, d, b0) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, c, d, b0) -> (a, b, c, d, a0) Source #

Functor ((,,,,,) a b c d e) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, a0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, b0) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, c, d, e, b0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, a0) Source #

Functor ((,,,,,,) a b c d e f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a0 -> b0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, a0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, b0) Source #

(<$) :: a0 -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, b0) -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, a0) Source #

class (Alternative m, Monad m) => MonadPlus (m :: Type -> Type) where Source #

Monads that also support choice and failure.

Minimal complete definition



mzero :: m a Source #

The identity of mplus. It should also satisfy the equations

mzero >>= f  =  mzero
v >> mzero   =  mzero

The default definition is

mzero = empty

mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a Source #

An associative operation. The default definition is

mplus = (<|>)


Instances details
MonadPlus STM Source #

Takes the first non-retrying STM action.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Conc.Sync


mzero :: STM a Source #

mplus :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a Source #

MonadPlus ReadP Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP


mzero :: ReadP a Source #

mplus :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a Source #

MonadPlus ReadPrec Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec

MonadPlus IO Source #

Takes the first non-throwing IO action's result. mzero throws an exception.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mzero :: IO a Source #

mplus :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a Source #

MonadPlus Maybe Source #

Picks the leftmost Just value, or, alternatively, Nothing.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mzero :: Maybe a Source #

mplus :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

MonadPlus [] Source #

Combines lists by concatenation, starting from the empty list.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mzero :: [a] Source #

mplus :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] Source #

(ArrowApply a, ArrowPlus a) => MonadPlus (ArrowMonad a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


mzero :: ArrowMonad a a0 Source #

mplus :: ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 -> ArrowMonad a a0 Source #

MonadPlus (Proxy :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Proxy


mzero :: Proxy a Source #

mplus :: Proxy a -> Proxy a -> Proxy a Source #

MonadPlus (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mzero :: U1 a Source #

mplus :: U1 a -> U1 a -> U1 a Source #

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Kleisli m a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow


mzero :: Kleisli m a a0 Source #

mplus :: Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 -> Kleisli m a a0 Source #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Ap f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


mzero :: Ap f a Source #

mplus :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a Source #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Alt f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


mzero :: Alt f a Source #

mplus :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a Source #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (Rec1 f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mzero :: Rec1 f a Source #

mplus :: Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f a Source #

(MonadPlus f, MonadPlus g) => MonadPlus (f :*: g) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mzero :: (f :*: g) a Source #

mplus :: (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a -> (f :*: g) a Source #

MonadPlus f => MonadPlus (M1 i c f) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mzero :: M1 i c f a Source #

mplus :: M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f a Source #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] Source #

mapM f is equivalent to sequence . map f.

sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] Source #

Evaluate each action in the sequence from left to right, and collect the results.

(=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b infixr 1 Source #

Same as >>=, but with the arguments interchanged.

as >>= f == f =<< as

join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a Source #

The join function is the conventional monad join operator. It is used to remove one level of monadic structure, projecting its bound argument into the outer level.

'join bss' can be understood as the do expression

do bs <- bss


>>> join [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
>>> join (Just (Just 3))
Just 3

A common use of join is to run an IO computation returned from an STM transaction, since STM transactions can't perform IO directly. Recall that

atomically :: STM a -> IO a

is used to run STM transactions atomically. So, by specializing the types of atomically and join to

atomically :: STM (IO b) -> IO (IO b)
join       :: IO (IO b)  -> IO b

we can compose them as

join . atomically :: STM (IO b) -> IO b

to run an STM transaction and the IO action it returns.

when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f () Source #

Conditional execution of Applicative expressions. For example,


when debug (putStrLn "Debugging")

will output the string Debugging if the Boolean value debug is True, and otherwise do nothing.

>>> putStr "pi:" >> when False (print 3.14159)

liftM :: Monad m => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r Source #

Promote a function to a monad. This is equivalent to fmap but specialised to Monads.

liftM2 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r Source #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right.


>>> liftM2 (+) [0,1] [0,2]
>>> liftM2 (+) (Just 1) Nothing
>>> liftM2 (+) (+ 3) (* 2) 5

liftM3 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m r Source #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

liftM4 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m a4 -> m r Source #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

liftM5 :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> a5 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m a4 -> m a5 -> m r Source #

Promote a function to a monad, scanning the monadic arguments from left to right (cf. liftM2).

ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b Source #

In many situations, the liftM operations can be replaced by uses of ap, which promotes function application.

return f `ap` x1 `ap` ... `ap` xn

is equivalent to

liftM<n> f x1 x2 ... xn


>>> pure (\x y z -> x + y * z) `ap` Just 1 `ap` Just 5 `ap` Just 10
Just 51

class Semigroup a => Monoid a where Source #

The class of monoids (types with an associative binary operation that has an identity). Instances should satisfy the following:

Right identity
x <> mempty = x
Left identity
mempty <> x = x
x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z (Semigroup law)
mconcat = foldr (<>) mempty

You can alternatively define mconcat instead of mempty, in which case the laws are:

mconcat (pure x) = x
mconcat (join xss) = mconcat (fmap mconcat xss)
mconcat (toList xs) = sconcat xs

The method names refer to the monoid of lists under concatenation, but there are many other instances.

Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way, e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers. In such cases we often define newtypes and make those instances of Monoid, e.g. Sum and Product.

NOTE: Semigroup is a superclass of Monoid since base-

Minimal complete definition

mempty | mconcat


mempty :: a Source #

Identity of mappend


>>> "Hello world" <> mempty
"Hello world"
>>> mempty <> [1, 2, 3]

mappend :: a -> a -> a Source #

An associative operation

NOTE: This method is redundant and has the default implementation mappend = (<>) since base- Should it be implemented manually, since mappend is a synonym for (<>), it is expected that the two functions are defined the same way. In a future GHC release mappend will be removed from Monoid.

mconcat :: [a] -> a Source #

Fold a list using the monoid.

For most types, the default definition for mconcat will be used, but the function is included in the class definition so that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.

>>> mconcat ["Hello", " ", "Haskell", "!"]
"Hello Haskell!"


Instances details
Monoid All Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal

Monoid Any Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal

Monoid Event Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Event.Internal.Types

Monoid Lifetime Source #

mappend takes the longer of two lifetimes.

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Event.Internal.Types

Monoid ExceptionContext Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Exception.Context

Monoid Ordering Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base

Monoid () Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: () Source #

mappend :: () -> () -> () Source #

mconcat :: [()] -> () Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (STM a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Conc.Sync


mempty :: STM a Source #

mappend :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a Source #

mconcat :: [STM a] -> STM a Source #

FiniteBits a => Monoid (And a) Source #

This constraint is arguably too strong. However, as some types (such as Natural) have undefined complement, this is the only safe choice.

Since: base-4.16

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Bits


mempty :: And a Source #

mappend :: And a -> And a -> And a Source #

mconcat :: [And a] -> And a Source #

FiniteBits a => Monoid (Iff a) Source #

This constraint is arguably too strong. However, as some types (such as Natural) have undefined complement, this is the only safe choice.

Since: base-4.16

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Bits


mempty :: Iff a Source #

mappend :: Iff a -> Iff a -> Iff a Source #

mconcat :: [Iff a] -> Iff a Source #

Bits a => Monoid (Ior a) Source #

Since: base-4.16

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Bits


mempty :: Ior a Source #

mappend :: Ior a -> Ior a -> Ior a Source #

mconcat :: [Ior a] -> Ior a Source #

Bits a => Monoid (Xor a) Source #

Since: base-4.16

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Bits


mempty :: Xor a Source #

mappend :: Xor a -> Xor a -> Xor a Source #

mconcat :: [Xor a] -> Xor a Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (Identity a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Identity

Ord a => Monoid (Max a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


mempty :: Max a Source #

mappend :: Max a -> Max a -> Max a Source #

mconcat :: [Max a] -> Max a Source #

Ord a => Monoid (Min a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Utils


mempty :: Min a Source #

mappend :: Min a -> Min a -> Min a Source #

mconcat :: [Min a] -> Min a Source #

Monoid (First a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


mempty :: First a Source #

mappend :: First a -> First a -> First a Source #

mconcat :: [First a] -> First a Source #

Monoid (Last a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


mempty :: Last a Source #

mappend :: Last a -> Last a -> Last a Source #

mconcat :: [Last a] -> Last a Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (Down a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Ord


mempty :: Down a Source #

mappend :: Down a -> Down a -> Down a Source #

mconcat :: [Down a] -> Down a Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Dual a Source #

mappend :: Dual a -> Dual a -> Dual a Source #

mconcat :: [Dual a] -> Dual a Source #

Monoid (Endo a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Endo a Source #

mappend :: Endo a -> Endo a -> Endo a Source #

mconcat :: [Endo a] -> Endo a Source #

Num a => Monoid (Product a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal

Num a => Monoid (Sum a) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Sum a Source #

mappend :: Sum a -> Sum a -> Sum a Source #

mconcat :: [Sum a] -> Sum a Source #

(Generic a, Monoid (Rep a ())) => Monoid (Generically a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics

Monoid p => Monoid (Par1 p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: Par1 p Source #

mappend :: Par1 p -> Par1 p -> Par1 p Source #

mconcat :: [Par1 p] -> Par1 p Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (IO a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: IO a Source #

mappend :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a Source #

mconcat :: [IO a] -> IO a Source #

Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a) Source #

Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to "Any semigroup S may be turned into a monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = e and e*s = s = s*e for all s ∈ S."

Since 4.11.0: constraint on inner a value generalised from Monoid to Semigroup.

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: Maybe a Source #

mappend :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

mconcat :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (Solo a) Source #

Since: base-4.15

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: Solo a Source #

mappend :: Solo a -> Solo a -> Solo a Source #

mconcat :: [Solo a] -> Solo a Source #

Monoid [a] Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: [a] Source #

mappend :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] Source #

mconcat :: [[a]] -> [a] Source #

Monoid (Proxy s) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Proxy


mempty :: Proxy s Source #

mappend :: Proxy s -> Proxy s -> Proxy s Source #

mconcat :: [Proxy s] -> Proxy s Source #

Monoid (U1 p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: U1 p Source #

mappend :: U1 p -> U1 p -> U1 p Source #

mconcat :: [U1 p] -> U1 p Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (ST s a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.ST


mempty :: ST s a Source #

mappend :: ST s a -> ST s a -> ST s a Source #

mconcat :: [ST s a] -> ST s a Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: (a, b) Source #

mappend :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) Source #

mconcat :: [(a, b)] -> (a, b) Source #

Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: a -> b Source #

mappend :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b Source #

mconcat :: [a -> b] -> a -> b Source #

Monoid a => Monoid (Const a b) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Functor.Const


mempty :: Const a b Source #

mappend :: Const a b -> Const a b -> Const a b Source #

mconcat :: [Const a b] -> Const a b Source #

(Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Ap f a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Monoid


mempty :: Ap f a Source #

mappend :: Ap f a -> Ap f a -> Ap f a Source #

mconcat :: [Ap f a] -> Ap f a Source #

Alternative f => Monoid (Alt f a) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Semigroup.Internal


mempty :: Alt f a Source #

mappend :: Alt f a -> Alt f a -> Alt f a Source #

mconcat :: [Alt f a] -> Alt f a Source #

Monoid (f p) => Monoid (Rec1 f p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: Rec1 f p Source #

mappend :: Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p -> Rec1 f p Source #

mconcat :: [Rec1 f p] -> Rec1 f p Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (a, b, c) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c) Source #

mappend :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, c) Source #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c)] -> (a, b, c) Source #

(Monoid (f p), Monoid (g p)) => Monoid ((f :*: g) p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: (f :*: g) p Source #

mappend :: (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p -> (f :*: g) p Source #

mconcat :: [(f :*: g) p] -> (f :*: g) p Source #

Monoid c => Monoid (K1 i c p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: K1 i c p Source #

mappend :: K1 i c p -> K1 i c p -> K1 i c p Source #

mconcat :: [K1 i c p] -> K1 i c p Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d) => Monoid (a, b, c, d) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c, d) Source #

mappend :: (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) -> (a, b, c, d) Source #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c, d)] -> (a, b, c, d) Source #

Monoid (f (g p)) => Monoid ((f :.: g) p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: (f :.: g) p Source #

mappend :: (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p -> (f :.: g) p Source #

mconcat :: [(f :.: g) p] -> (f :.: g) p Source #

Monoid (f p) => Monoid (M1 i c f p) Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics


mempty :: M1 i c f p Source #

mappend :: M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p -> M1 i c f p Source #

mconcat :: [M1 i c f p] -> M1 i c f p Source #

(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d, Monoid e) => Monoid (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

Since: base-2.1

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


mempty :: (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

mappend :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

mconcat :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

data NonEmpty a Source #

Non-empty (and non-strict) list type.

Since: base-


a :| [a] infixr 5 


Instances details
Applicative NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


pure :: a -> NonEmpty a Source #

(<*>) :: NonEmpty (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty c Source #

(*>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b Source #

(<*) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a Source #

Functor NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


fmap :: (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b Source #

(<$) :: a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a Source #

Monad NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Base


(>>=) :: NonEmpty a -> (a -> NonEmpty b) -> NonEmpty b Source #

(>>) :: NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty b Source #

return :: a -> NonEmpty a Source #

MonadFix NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Control.Monad.Fix


mfix :: (a -> NonEmpty a) -> NonEmpty a Source #

Foldable NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Foldable


fold :: Monoid m => NonEmpty m -> m Source #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m Source #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m Source #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b Source #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b Source #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b Source #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> NonEmpty a -> b Source #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a Source #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> a Source #

toList :: NonEmpty a -> [a] Source #

null :: NonEmpty a -> Bool Source #

length :: NonEmpty a -> Int Source #

elem :: Eq a => a -> NonEmpty a -> Bool Source #

maximum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a Source #

minimum :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> a Source #

sum :: Num a => NonEmpty a -> a Source #

product :: Num a => NonEmpty a -> a Source #

Traversable NonEmpty Source #

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Data.Traversable


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> NonEmpty a -> f (NonEmpty b) Source #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => NonEmpty (f a) -> f (NonEmpty a) Source #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> NonEmpty a -> m (NonEmpty b) Source #

sequence :: Monad m => NonEmpty (m a) -> m (NonEmpty a) Source #

Generic1 NonEmpty Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics

Associated Types

type Rep1 NonEmpty

Since: base-

Instance details

Defined in GHC.Internal.Generics

type Rep1 NonEmpty = D1 ('MetaData "NonEmpty" "GHC.Internal.Base" "ghc-internal" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons ":|" ('InfixI 'RightAssociative 5) '