Changelog for ghc-events-analyze-0.2.7

0.2.7 * Support for GHC 8.8 (2019-12-10 Simon Jakobi <>) 0.2.6 * Support for GHC 8.6 (2019-11-01 Simon Jakobi <>) 0.2.5 * Add support for filtering threads by name, and improve performance of relabelling. (2017-03-11 Pepe Iborra <>) 0.2.4 * Fix bug in timeline rendering when using --tick-every (2016-10-04 Edsko de Vries <>) * Backwards compatibility with older ghc 0.2.3 * Add new command line options: `--tick-every`, `--bucket-width`, `--bucket-height`, and `--border-width`. This allows to get both the behaviour we used in the blogpost and the behaviour that was implemented by Andrew Farmer in 0.2.1 (2016-10-03 Edsko de Vries <>) * Fix issue with thread creation before window start (2015-09-29, Will Sewell <>) * Bump optparse-applicative and lens versions (2015-01-19, Will Sewell <>) 0.2.2 * Adds support for GHC 7.10 (2015-09-23, Will Sewell <>) (2015-05-29, GaneshRapolu <>) 0.2.1 * Various new features: slice time more finely, add sorting options for timed report, more colours, support for ms on the timeline, use alternating colours for background, support for windowing. (2014-12-06, Andrew Farmer <>) * Make sure _shutdown is always set, so that event logs from programs that terminated abnormally can still be visualized (2014-03-14, Bas van Dijk <>) * Relax bounds (2014-05-28, Dominic Steinitz <>) (2014-11-05, Alexander Vershilov <>) (2014-11-07, Andrew Farmer <>) * Move to diagrams 1.2 (2014-06-25, Carter Tazio Schonwald <>) * Fix space leak in recordShutdown (2014-08-15, John Lato <>) 0.2.0 * Initial release (2014-02-12, Edsko de Vries <>)