module GhcDump.Convert where

import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE

import Literal (Literal(..))
import qualified Literal
import Var (Var)
import qualified Var
import Id (isFCallId)
import Module (ModuleName, moduleNameFS, moduleName)
import Unique (Unique, getUnique, unpkUnique)
import Name (getOccName, occNameFS, OccName, getName, nameModule_maybe)
import qualified IdInfo
import qualified BasicTypes as OccInfo (OccInfo(..), isStrongLoopBreaker)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
import qualified CoreStats
import qualified CoreUtils as CoreStats
import qualified CoreSyn
import CoreSyn (Expr(..), CoreExpr, Bind(..), CoreAlt, CoreBind, AltCon(..))
import HscTypes (ModGuts(..))
import FastString (FastString, fastStringToByteString)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
import TyCoRep as Type (Type(..))
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
import TyCoRep as Type (Type(..), TyBinder(..))
import TypeRep as Type (Type(..))
#if !(MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0))
import Type (splitFunTy_maybe)
import TyCon (TyCon, tyConUnique)

import Outputable (ppr, showSDoc, SDoc)
import DynFlags (unsafeGlobalDynFlags)

import GhcDump.Ast as Ast

cvtSDoc :: SDoc -> T.Text
cvtSDoc = T.pack . showSDoc unsafeGlobalDynFlags

fastStringToText :: FastString -> T.Text
fastStringToText = TE.decodeUtf8 . fastStringToByteString

occNameToText :: OccName -> T.Text
occNameToText = fastStringToText . occNameFS

cvtUnique :: Unique.Unique -> Ast.Unique
cvtUnique u =
    let (a,b) = unpkUnique u
    in Ast.Unique a b

cvtVar :: Var -> BinderId
cvtVar = BinderId . cvtUnique . Var.varUnique

cvtBinder :: Var -> SBinder
cvtBinder v
  | Var.isId v =
    SBndr $ Binder { binderName   = occNameToText $ getOccName v
                   , binderId     = cvtVar v
                   , binderIdInfo = cvtIdInfo $ Var.idInfo v
                   , binderIdDetails = cvtIdDetails $ Var.idDetails v
                   , binderType   = cvtType $ Var.varType v
  | otherwise =
    SBndr $ TyBinder { binderName   = occNameToText $ getOccName v
                     , binderId     = cvtVar v
                     , binderKind   = cvtType $ Var.varType v

cvtIdInfo :: IdInfo.IdInfo -> Ast.IdInfo SBinder BinderId
cvtIdInfo i =
    IdInfo { idiArity         = IdInfo.arityInfo i
           , idiIsOneShot     = IdInfo.oneShotInfo i == IdInfo.OneShotLam
           , idiUnfolding     = cvtUnfolding $ IdInfo.unfoldingInfo i
           , idiInlinePragma  = cvtSDoc $ ppr $ IdInfo.inlinePragInfo i
           , idiOccInfo       = case IdInfo.occInfo i of
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
                                  OccInfo.ManyOccs{} -> OccManyOccs
                                  OccInfo.NoOccInfo  -> OccManyOccs
                                  OccInfo.IAmDead    -> OccDead
                                  OccInfo.OneOcc{}   -> OccOneOcc
                                  oi@OccInfo.IAmALoopBreaker{} -> OccLoopBreaker (OccInfo.isStrongLoopBreaker oi)
           , idiStrictnessSig = cvtSDoc $ ppr $ IdInfo.strictnessInfo i
           , idiDemandSig     = cvtSDoc $ ppr $ IdInfo.demandInfo i
           , idiCallArity     = IdInfo.callArityInfo i

cvtUnfolding :: CoreSyn.Unfolding -> Ast.Unfolding SBinder BinderId
cvtUnfolding CoreSyn.NoUnfolding = Ast.NoUnfolding
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
cvtUnfolding CoreSyn.BootUnfolding = Ast.BootUnfolding
cvtUnfolding (CoreSyn.OtherCon cons) = Ast.OtherCon (map cvtAltCon cons)
cvtUnfolding (CoreSyn.DFunUnfolding{}) = Ast.DFunUnfolding
cvtUnfolding u@(CoreSyn.CoreUnfolding{}) =
    Ast.CoreUnfolding { unfTemplate   = cvtExpr $ CoreSyn.uf_tmpl u
                      , unfIsValue    = CoreSyn.uf_is_value u
                      , unfIsConLike  = CoreSyn.uf_is_conlike u
                      , unfIsWorkFree = CoreSyn.uf_is_work_free u
                      , unfGuidance   = cvtSDoc $ ppr $ CoreSyn.uf_guidance u

cvtIdDetails :: IdInfo.IdDetails -> Ast.IdDetails
cvtIdDetails d =
    case d of
      IdInfo.VanillaId -> Ast.VanillaId
      IdInfo.RecSelId{} -> Ast.RecSelId
      IdInfo.DataConWorkId{} -> Ast.DataConWorkId
      IdInfo.DataConWrapId{} -> Ast.DataConWrapId
      IdInfo.ClassOpId{} -> Ast.ClassOpId
      IdInfo.PrimOpId{} -> Ast.PrimOpId
      IdInfo.FCallId{} -> error "This shouldn't happen"
      IdInfo.TickBoxOpId{} -> Ast.TickBoxOpId
      IdInfo.DFunId{} -> Ast.DFunId
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
      IdInfo.CoVarId{} -> Ast.CoVarId
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
      IdInfo.JoinId n -> Ast.JoinId n

cvtCoreStats :: CoreStats.CoreStats -> Ast.CoreStats
cvtCoreStats stats =
      { csTerms     = CoreStats.cs_tm stats
      , csTypes     = CoreStats.cs_ty stats
      , csCoercions = CoreStats.cs_co stats
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
      , csValBinds  = CoreStats.cs_vb stats
      , csJoinBinds = CoreStats.cs_jb stats
      , csValBinds  = 0
      , csJoinBinds = 0

exprStats :: CoreExpr -> CoreStats.CoreStats
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
exprStats = CoreStats.exprStats
-- exprStats wasn't exported in 7.10
exprStats _ = CoreStats.CS 0 0 0

cvtTopBind :: CoreBind -> STopBinding
cvtTopBind (NonRec b e) =
    NonRecTopBinding (cvtBinder b) (cvtCoreStats $ exprStats e) (cvtExpr e)
cvtTopBind (Rec bs) =
    RecTopBinding $ map to bs
  where to (b, e) = (cvtBinder b, cvtCoreStats $ exprStats e, cvtExpr e)

cvtExpr :: CoreExpr -> Ast.SExpr
cvtExpr expr =
  case expr of
    Var x
        -- foreign calls are local but have no binding site.
        -- TODO: use hasNoBinding here.
      | isFCallId x   -> EVarGlobal ForeignCall
      | Just m <- nameModule_maybe $ getName x
                      -> EVarGlobal $ ExternalName (cvtModuleName $ Module.moduleName m)
                                                   (occNameToText $ getOccName x)
                                                   (cvtUnique $ getUnique x)
      | otherwise     -> EVar (cvtVar x)
    Lit l             -> ELit (cvtLit l)
    App x y           -> EApp (cvtExpr x) (cvtExpr y)
    Lam x e
      | Var.isTyVar x -> ETyLam (cvtBinder x) (cvtExpr e)
      | otherwise     -> ELam (cvtBinder x) (cvtExpr e)
    Let (NonRec b e) body -> ELet [(cvtBinder b, cvtExpr e)] (cvtExpr body)
    Let (Rec bs) body -> ELet (map (bimap cvtBinder cvtExpr) bs) (cvtExpr body)
    Case e x _ as     -> ECase (cvtExpr e) (cvtBinder x) (map cvtAlt as)
    Cast x _          -> cvtExpr x
    Tick _ e          -> cvtExpr e
    Type t            -> EType $ cvtType t
    Coercion _        -> ECoercion

cvtAlt :: CoreAlt -> Ast.SAlt
cvtAlt (con, bs, e) = Alt (cvtAltCon con) (map cvtBinder bs) (cvtExpr e)

cvtAltCon :: CoreSyn.AltCon -> Ast.AltCon
cvtAltCon (DataAlt altcon) = Ast.AltDataCon $ occNameToText $ getOccName altcon
cvtAltCon (LitAlt l)       = Ast.AltLit $ cvtLit l
cvtAltCon DEFAULT          = Ast.AltDefault

cvtLit :: Literal -> Ast.Lit
cvtLit l =
    case l of
      Literal.MachChar x -> Ast.MachChar x
      Literal.MachStr x -> Ast.MachStr x
      Literal.MachNullAddr -> Ast.MachNullAddr
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
      Literal.LitNumber numty n _ ->
        case numty of
          Literal.LitNumInt -> Ast.MachInt n
          Literal.LitNumInt64 -> Ast.MachInt64 n
          Literal.LitNumWord -> Ast.MachWord n
          Literal.LitNumWord64 -> Ast.MachWord64 n
          Literal.LitNumInteger -> Ast.LitInteger n
          Literal.LitNumNatural -> Ast.LitNatural n
      Literal.MachInt x -> Ast.MachInt x
      Literal.MachInt64 x -> Ast.MachInt64 x
      Literal.MachWord x -> Ast.MachWord x
      Literal.MachWord64 x -> Ast.MachWord64 x
      Literal.LitInteger x _ -> Ast.LitInteger x
      Literal.MachFloat x -> Ast.MachFloat x
      Literal.MachDouble x -> Ast.MachDouble x
      Literal.MachLabel x _ _ -> Ast.MachLabel $ fastStringToText  x

cvtModule :: String -> ModGuts -> Ast.SModule
cvtModule phase guts =
    Ast.Module name (T.pack phase) (map cvtTopBind $ mg_binds guts)
  where name = cvtModuleName $ Module.moduleName $ mg_module guts

cvtModuleName :: Module.ModuleName -> Ast.ModuleName
cvtModuleName = Ast.ModuleName . fastStringToText . moduleNameFS

cvtType :: Type.Type -> Ast.SType
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
cvtType (Type.FunTy a b) = Ast.FunTy (cvtType a) (cvtType b)
cvtType t
  | Just (a,b) <- splitFunTy_maybe t = Ast.FunTy (cvtType a) (cvtType b)
cvtType (Type.TyVarTy v)       = Ast.VarTy (cvtVar v)
cvtType (Type.AppTy a b)       = Ast.AppTy (cvtType a) (cvtType b)
cvtType (Type.TyConApp tc tys) = Ast.TyConApp (cvtTyCon tc) (map cvtType tys)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
cvtType (Type.ForAllTy (Var.TvBndr b _) t) = Ast.ForAllTy (cvtBinder b) (cvtType t)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
cvtType (Type.ForAllTy (Named b _) t) = Ast.ForAllTy (cvtBinder b) (cvtType t)
cvtType (Type.ForAllTy (Anon _) t)    = cvtType t
cvtType (Type.ForAllTy b t)    = Ast.ForAllTy (cvtBinder b) (cvtType t)
cvtType (Type.LitTy _)         = Ast.LitTy
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
cvtType (Type.CastTy t _)      = cvtType t
cvtType (Type.CoercionTy _)    = Ast.CoercionTy

cvtTyCon :: TyCon.TyCon -> Ast.TyCon
cvtTyCon tc = TyCon (occNameToText $ getOccName tc) (cvtUnique $ tyConUnique tc)