Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Describes the provenance of types as they flow through the type-checker. The datatypes here are mainly used for error message generation.
- data UserTypeCtxt
- = FunSigCtxt Name ReportRedundantConstraints
- | InfSigCtxt Name
- | ExprSigCtxt ReportRedundantConstraints
- | KindSigCtxt
- | StandaloneKindSigCtxt Name
- | TypeAppCtxt
- | ConArgCtxt Name
- | TySynCtxt Name
- | PatSynCtxt Name
- | PatSigCtxt
- | RuleSigCtxt FastString Name
- | ForSigCtxt Name
- | DefaultDeclCtxt
- | InstDeclCtxt Bool
- | SpecInstCtxt
- | GenSigCtxt
- | GhciCtxt Bool
- | ClassSCCtxt Name
- | SigmaCtxt
- | DataTyCtxt Name
- | DerivClauseCtxt
- | TyVarBndrKindCtxt Name
- | DataKindCtxt Name
- | TySynKindCtxt Name
- | TyFamResKindCtxt Name
- pprUserTypeCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> SDoc
- isSigMaybe :: UserTypeCtxt -> Maybe Name
- data ReportRedundantConstraints
- reportRedundantConstraints :: ReportRedundantConstraints -> Bool
- redundantConstraintsSpan :: UserTypeCtxt -> SrcSpan
- data SkolemInfo = SkolemInfo Unique SkolemInfoAnon
- data SkolemInfoAnon
- = SigSkol UserTypeCtxt TcType [(Name, TcTyVar)]
- | SigTypeSkol UserTypeCtxt
- | ForAllSkol TyVarBndrs
- | DerivSkol Type
- | InstSkol
- | FamInstSkol
- | PatSkol ConLike (HsMatchContext GhcTc)
- | IPSkol [HsIPName]
- | RuleSkol RuleName
- | InferSkol [(Name, TcType)]
- | BracketSkol
- | UnifyForAllSkol TcType
- | TyConSkol TyConFlavour Name
- | DataConSkol Name
- | ReifySkol
- | QuantCtxtSkol
- | RuntimeUnkSkol
- | ArrowReboundIfSkol
- | UnkSkol CallStack
- mkSkolemInfo :: MonadIO m => SkolemInfoAnon -> m SkolemInfo
- getSkolemInfo :: SkolemInfo -> SkolemInfoAnon
- pprSigSkolInfo :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> SDoc
- pprSkolInfo :: SkolemInfoAnon -> SDoc
- unkSkol :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfo
- unkSkolAnon :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfoAnon
- data CtOrigin
- = GivenOrigin SkolemInfoAnon
- | InstSCOrigin ScDepth TypeSize
- | OtherSCOrigin ScDepth SkolemInfoAnon
- | OccurrenceOf Name
- | OccurrenceOfRecSel RdrName
- | AppOrigin
- | SpecPragOrigin UserTypeCtxt
- | TypeEqOrigin { }
- | KindEqOrigin TcType TcType CtOrigin (Maybe TypeOrKind)
- | IPOccOrigin HsIPName
- | OverLabelOrigin FastString
- | LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit GhcRn)
- | NegateOrigin
- | ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn)
- | AssocFamPatOrigin
- | SectionOrigin
- | HasFieldOrigin FastString
- | TupleOrigin
- | ExprSigOrigin
- | PatSigOrigin
- | PatOrigin
- | ProvCtxtOrigin (PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn)
- | RecordUpdOrigin
- | ViewPatOrigin
- | ScOrigin TypeSize
- | DerivClauseOrigin
- | DerivOriginDC DataCon Int Bool
- | DerivOriginCoerce Id Type Type Bool
- | StandAloneDerivOrigin
- | DefaultOrigin
- | DoOrigin
- | DoPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn)
- | MCompOrigin
- | MCompPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn)
- | ProcOrigin
- | ArrowCmdOrigin
- | AnnOrigin
- | FunDepOrigin1 PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan
- | FunDepOrigin2 PredType CtOrigin PredType SrcSpan
- | InjTFOrigin1 PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan
- | ExprHoleOrigin (Maybe RdrName)
- | TypeHoleOrigin OccName
- | PatCheckOrigin
- | ListOrigin
- | IfThenElseOrigin
- | BracketOrigin
- | StaticOrigin
- | Shouldn'tHappenOrigin String
- | GhcBug20076
- | InstProvidedOrigin Module ClsInst
- | NonLinearPatternOrigin
- | UsageEnvironmentOf Name
- | CycleBreakerOrigin CtOrigin
- | FRROrigin FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
- | WantedSuperclassOrigin PredType CtOrigin
- | InstanceSigOrigin Name Type Type
- | AmbiguityCheckOrigin UserTypeCtxt
- exprCtOrigin :: HsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
- lexprCtOrigin :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> CtOrigin
- matchesCtOrigin :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
- grhssCtOrigin :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin
- isVisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
- toInvisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> CtOrigin
- pprCtOrigin :: CtOrigin -> SDoc
- isGivenOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
- isWantedWantedFunDepOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
- isWantedSuperclassOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
- data TypedThing
- data TyVarBndrs = forall flag.OutputableBndrFlag flag 'Renamed => HsTyVarBndrsRn [HsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn]
- isPushCallStackOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool
- callStackOriginFS :: CtOrigin -> FastString
- data FixedRuntimeRepOrigin = FixedRuntimeRepOrigin {}
- data FixedRuntimeRepContext
- = FRRRecordCon !RdrName !(HsExpr GhcTc)
- | FRRRecordUpdate !Name !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | FRRBinder !Name
- | FRRPatBind
- | FRRPatSynArg
- | FRRCase
- | FRRDataConPatArg !DataCon !Int
- | FRRNoBindingResArg !RepPolyFun !ArgPos
- | FRRTupleArg !Int
- | FRRTupleSection !Int
- | FRRUnboxedSum
- | FRRBodyStmt !StmtOrigin !Int
- | FRRBodyStmtGuard
- | FRRBindStmt !StmtOrigin
- | FRRBindStmtGuard
- | FRRArrow !FRRArrowContext
- | FRRExpectedFunTy !ExpectedFunTyOrigin !Int
- pprFixedRuntimeRepContext :: FixedRuntimeRepContext -> SDoc
- data StmtOrigin
- data RepPolyFun
- data ArgPos
- = ArgPosInvis
- | ArgPosVis !Int
- data FRRArrowContext
- = ArrowCmdResTy !(HsCmd GhcRn)
- | ArrowCmdApp !(HsCmd GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | ArrowCmdArrApp !(HsExpr GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn) !HsArrAppType
- | ArrowCmdCase
- | ArrowFun !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- pprFRRArrowContext :: FRRArrowContext -> SDoc
- data ExpectedFunTyOrigin
- = ExpectedFunTySyntaxOp !CtOrigin !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | ExpectedFunTyViewPat !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- | forall (p :: Pass).OutputableBndrId p => ExpectedFunTyArg !TypedThing !(HsExpr (GhcPass p))
- | ExpectedFunTyMatches !TypedThing !(MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn))
- | ExpectedFunTyLam !(MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn))
- | ExpectedFunTyLamCase LamCaseVariant !(HsExpr GhcRn)
- pprExpectedFunTyOrigin :: ExpectedFunTyOrigin -> Int -> SDoc
- pprExpectedFunTyHerald :: ExpectedFunTyOrigin -> SDoc
data UserTypeCtxt Source #
UserTypeCtxt describes the origin of the polymorphic type in the places where we need an expression to have that type
Eq UserTypeCtxt Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin |
pprUserTypeCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> SDoc Source #
isSigMaybe :: UserTypeCtxt -> Maybe Name Source #
data ReportRedundantConstraints Source #
Report Redundant Constraints.
NoRRC | Don't report redundant constraints |
WantRRC SrcSpan | Report redundant constraints, and here is the SrcSpan for the constraints E.g. f :: (Eq a, Ord b) => blah The span is for the (Eq a, Ord b) |
Eq ReportRedundantConstraints Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods (==) :: ReportRedundantConstraints -> ReportRedundantConstraints -> Bool # (/=) :: ReportRedundantConstraints -> ReportRedundantConstraints -> Bool # |
data SkolemInfo Source #
stores the origin of a skolem type variable,
so that we can display this information to the user in case of a type error.
The Unique
field allows us to report all skolem type variables bound in the
same place in a single report.
SkolemInfo | |
Uniquable SkolemInfo Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods getUnique :: SkolemInfo -> Unique Source # | |
Outputable SkolemInfo Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: SkolemInfo -> SDoc Source # |
data SkolemInfoAnon Source #
stores the origin of a skolem type variable (e.g. bound by
a user-written forall, the header of a data declaration, a deriving clause, ...).
This information is displayed when reporting an error message, such as
"Couldn't matchk
This allows us to explain where the type variable came from.
When several skolem type variables are bound at once, prefer using SkolemInfo
which stores a Unique
which allows these type variables to be reported
Outputable SkolemInfoAnon Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: SkolemInfoAnon -> SDoc Source # |
mkSkolemInfo :: MonadIO m => SkolemInfoAnon -> m SkolemInfo Source #
Wrap up the origin of a skolem type variable with a new Unique
so that we can common up skolem type variables whose SkolemInfo
shares a certain Unique
pprSigSkolInfo :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> SDoc Source #
pprSkolInfo :: SkolemInfoAnon -> SDoc Source #
unkSkol :: HasCallStack => SkolemInfo Source #
Use this when you can't specify a helpful origin for some skolem type variable.
We're hoping to be able to get rid of this entirely, but for the moment it's still needed.
GivenOrigin SkolemInfoAnon | A given constraint from a user-written type signature. The
InstSCOrigin |
| |
OtherSCOrigin |
Needed for Note [Replacement vs keeping] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact. |
| |
OccurrenceOf Name | |
OccurrenceOfRecSel RdrName | |
AppOrigin | |
SpecPragOrigin UserTypeCtxt | |
TypeEqOrigin | |
| |
KindEqOrigin TcType TcType CtOrigin (Maybe TypeOrKind) | |
IPOccOrigin HsIPName | |
OverLabelOrigin FastString | |
LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit GhcRn) | |
NegateOrigin | |
ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo GhcRn) | |
AssocFamPatOrigin | |
SectionOrigin | |
HasFieldOrigin FastString | |
TupleOrigin | |
ExprSigOrigin | |
PatSigOrigin | |
PatOrigin | |
ProvCtxtOrigin (PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn) | |
RecordUpdOrigin | |
ViewPatOrigin | |
ScOrigin TypeSize |
DerivClauseOrigin | |
DerivOriginDC DataCon Int Bool | |
DerivOriginCoerce Id Type Type Bool | |
StandAloneDerivOrigin | |
DefaultOrigin | |
DoOrigin | |
DoPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) | |
MCompOrigin | |
MCompPatOrigin (LPat GhcRn) | |
ProcOrigin | |
ArrowCmdOrigin | |
AnnOrigin | |
FunDepOrigin1 PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan | |
FunDepOrigin2 PredType CtOrigin PredType SrcSpan | |
InjTFOrigin1 PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan PredType CtOrigin RealSrcSpan | |
ExprHoleOrigin (Maybe RdrName) | |
TypeHoleOrigin OccName | |
PatCheckOrigin | |
ListOrigin | |
IfThenElseOrigin | |
BracketOrigin | |
StaticOrigin | |
Shouldn'tHappenOrigin String | |
GhcBug20076 | |
InstProvidedOrigin | Testing whether the constraint associated with an instance declaration in a signature file is satisfied upon instantiation. Test cases: backpackshould_failbkpfail{11,43}.bkp |
NonLinearPatternOrigin | |
UsageEnvironmentOf Name | |
CycleBreakerOrigin CtOrigin | |
FRROrigin FixedRuntimeRepOrigin | |
WantedSuperclassOrigin PredType CtOrigin | |
InstanceSigOrigin Name Type Type | |
AmbiguityCheckOrigin UserTypeCtxt |
matchesCtOrigin :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin Source #
Extract a suitable CtOrigin from a MatchGroup
grhssCtOrigin :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> CtOrigin Source #
Extract a suitable CtOrigin from guarded RHSs
isVisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool Source #
toInvisibleOrigin :: CtOrigin -> CtOrigin Source #
pprCtOrigin :: CtOrigin -> SDoc Source #
isGivenOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool Source #
isWantedSuperclassOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool Source #
Did a constraint arise from expanding a Wanted constraint to look at superclasses?
data TypedThing Source #
Some thing which has a type.
This datatype is used when we want to report to the user that something has an unexpected type.
HsTypeRnThing (HsType GhcRn) | |
TypeThing Type | |
HsExprRnThing (HsExpr GhcRn) | |
NameThing Name |
Outputable TypedThing Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: TypedThing -> SDoc Source # |
data TyVarBndrs Source #
Some kind of type variable binder.
Used for reporting errors, in SkolemInfo
and TcSolverReportMsg
forall flag.OutputableBndrFlag flag 'Renamed => HsTyVarBndrsRn [HsTyVarBndr flag GhcRn] |
Outputable TyVarBndrs Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: TyVarBndrs -> SDoc Source # |
CtOrigin and CallStack
isPushCallStackOrigin :: CtOrigin -> Bool Source #
FixedRuntimeRep origin
data FixedRuntimeRepOrigin Source #
The context for a representation-polymorphism check.
For example, when typechecking (a :: k) -> ...
we are checking the type a
because it's the type of
a term variable bound in a lambda, so we use FRRBinder
FixedRuntimeRepOrigin | |
data FixedRuntimeRepContext Source #
The context in which a representation-polymorphism check was performed.
Does not include the type on which the check was performed; see
for that.
FRRRecordCon !RdrName !(HsExpr GhcTc) | Record fields in record construction must have a fixed runtime representation. |
FRRRecordUpdate !Name !(HsExpr GhcRn) | Record fields in record updates must have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyRecordUpdate. |
FRRBinder !Name | Variable binders must have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: LevPolyLet, RepPolyPatBind. |
FRRPatBind | Pattern binds must have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyInferPatBind. |
FRRPatSynArg | Pattern synonym arguments must have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyInferPatSyn. |
FRRCase | The type of the scrutinee in a case statement must have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: RepPolyCase{1,2}. |
FRRDataConPatArg !DataCon !Int | An instantiation of a newtype/data constructor pattern in which an argument type does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: T20363. |
FRRNoBindingResArg !RepPolyFun !ArgPos | An instantiation of a function with no binding (e.g. Test cases: RepPolyWrappedVar, T14561, UnliftedNewtypesLevityBinder, UnliftedNewtypesCoerceFail. |
FRRTupleArg !Int | Arguments to unboxed tuples must have fixed runtime representations. Test case: RepPolyTuple. |
FRRTupleSection !Int | Tuple sections must have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyTupleSection. |
FRRUnboxedSum | Unboxed sums must have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: RepPolySum. |
FRRBodyStmt !StmtOrigin !Int | The body of a Test cases: RepPolyDoBody{1,2}, RepPolyMcBody. |
FRRBodyStmtGuard | Arguments to a guard in a monad comprehension must have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyMcGuard. |
FRRBindStmt !StmtOrigin | Arguments to Test cases: RepPolyDoBind, RepPolyMcBind. |
FRRBindStmtGuard | A value bound by a pattern guard must have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: none. |
FRRArrow !FRRArrowContext | A representation-polymorphism check arising from arrow notation. See |
FRRExpectedFunTy | A representation-polymorphic check arising from a call
to See |
Outputable FixedRuntimeRepContext Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: FixedRuntimeRepContext -> SDoc Source # |
pprFixedRuntimeRepContext :: FixedRuntimeRepContext -> SDoc Source #
Print the context for a FixedRuntimeRep
representation-polymorphism check.
Note that this function does not include the specific RuntimeRep
which is not fixed. That information is stored in FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
and is reported separately.
data StmtOrigin Source #
Are we in a do
expression or a monad comprehension?
This datatype is only used to report this context to the user in error messages.
MonadComprehension | |
DoNotation |
Outputable StmtOrigin Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: StmtOrigin -> SDoc Source # |
data RepPolyFun Source #
A function with representation-polymorphic arguments,
such as coerce
or (#, #)
Used for reporting partial applications of representation-polymorphic functions in error messages.
RepPolyWiredIn !Id | A wired-in function with representation-polymorphic
arguments, such as |
RepPolyDataCon !DataCon | A data constructor with representation-polymorphic arguments,
such as an unboxed tuple or a newtype constructor with |
Outputable RepPolyFun Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: RepPolyFun -> SDoc Source # |
The position of an argument (to be reported in an error message).
ArgPosInvis | Invisible argument: don't report its position to the user. |
ArgPosVis !Int | Visible argument in i-th position. |
Arrow command origin
data FRRArrowContext Source #
While typechecking arrow notation, in which context did a representation polymorphism check arise?
See FixedRuntimeRepContext
for more general origins of
representation polymorphism checks.
ArrowCmdResTy !(HsCmd GhcRn) | The result of an arrow command does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyArrowCmd. |
ArrowCmdApp !(HsCmd GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn) | The argument to an arrow in an arrow command application does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: none. |
ArrowCmdArrApp !(HsExpr GhcRn) !(HsExpr GhcRn) !HsArrAppType | A function in an arrow application does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: none. |
ArrowCmdCase | The scrutinee type in an arrow command case statement does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test cases: none. |
ArrowFun !(HsExpr GhcRn) | The overall type of an arrow proc expression does not have a fixed runtime representation. Test case: RepPolyArrowFun. |
Outputable FRRArrowContext Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Origin Methods ppr :: FRRArrowContext -> SDoc Source # |
data ExpectedFunTyOrigin Source #
In what context are we calling matchExpectedFunTys
or matchActualFunTySigma
Used for two things:
- Reporting error messages which explain that a function has been
given an unexpected number of arguments.
. See Note [Herald for matchExpectedFunTys] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify. - Reporting representation-polymorphism errors when a function argument
doesn't have a fixed RuntimeRep as per Note [Fixed RuntimeRep]
in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
. SeeFixedRuntimeRepContext
for the situations in which representation-polymorphism checks are performed.
ExpectedFunTySyntaxOp | A rebindable syntax operator is expected to have a function type. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyDoBind, RepPolyDoBody{1,2}, RepPolyMc{Bind,Body,Guard}, RepPolyNPlusK |
ExpectedFunTyViewPat | A view pattern must have a function type. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyBinder |
forall (p :: Pass).OutputableBndrId p => ExpectedFunTyArg | Need to be able to extract an argument type from a function type. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyApp |
| |
ExpectedFunTyMatches | Ensure that a function defined by equations indeed has a function type with the appropriate number of arguments. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyBinder, RepPolyRecordPattern, RepPolyWildcardPattern |
| |
ExpectedFunTyLam !(MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)) | Ensure that a lambda abstraction has a function type. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyLambda |
ExpectedFunTyLamCase | Ensure that a lambda case expression has a function type. Test cases for representation-polymorphism checks: RepPolyMatch |
pprExpectedFunTyOrigin Source #
:: ExpectedFunTyOrigin | |
-> Int | argument position (starting at 1) |
-> SDoc |