{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, NondecreasingIndentation #-}

-- The default iteration limit is a bit too low for the definitions
-- in this module.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fmax-pmcheck-iterations=10000000 #-}

-- Generating machine code (instruction selection)
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1996-2004

-- This is a big module, but, if you pay attention to
-- (a) the sectioning, and (b) the type signatures, the
-- structure should not be too overwhelming.

module X86.CodeGen (


#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
#include "MachDeps.h"

-- NCG stuff:
import GhcPrelude

import X86.Instr
import X86.Cond
import X86.Regs
import X86.RegInfo
import CodeGen.Platform
import CPrim
import Debug            ( DebugBlock(..), UnwindPoint(..), UnwindTable
                        , UnwindExpr(UwReg), toUnwindExpr )
import Instruction
import PIC
import NCGMonad
import Format
import Reg
import Platform

-- Our intermediate code:
import BasicTypes
import BlockId
import Module           ( primUnitId )
import PprCmm           ()
import CmmUtils
import CmmSwitch
import Cmm
import Hoopl.Block
import Hoopl.Graph
import CLabel
import CoreSyn          ( Tickish(..) )
import SrcLoc           ( srcSpanFile, srcSpanStartLine, srcSpanStartCol )

-- The rest:
import ForeignCall      ( CCallConv(..) )
import OrdList
import Outputable
import FastString
import DynFlags
import Util
import UniqSupply       ( getUniqueM )

import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word

import qualified Data.Map as M

is32BitPlatform :: NatM Bool
is32BitPlatform = do
    dflags <- getDynFlags
    return $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)

sse2Enabled :: NatM Bool
sse2Enabled = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  return (isSse2Enabled dflags)

sse4_2Enabled :: NatM Bool
sse4_2Enabled = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  return (isSse4_2Enabled dflags)

if_sse2 :: NatM a -> NatM a -> NatM a
if_sse2 sse2 x87 = do
  b <- sse2Enabled
  if b then sse2 else x87

        :: RawCmmDecl
        -> NatM [NatCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) Instr]

cmmTopCodeGen (CmmProc info lab live graph) = do
  let blocks = toBlockListEntryFirst graph
  (nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks
  picBaseMb <- getPicBaseMaybeNat
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let proc = CmmProc info lab live (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
      tops = proc : concat statics
      os   = platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags

  case picBaseMb of
      Just picBase -> initializePicBase_x86 ArchX86 os picBase tops
      Nothing -> return tops

cmmTopCodeGen (CmmData sec dat) = do
  return [CmmData sec (1, dat)]  -- no translation, we just use CmmStatic

        :: CmmBlock
        -> NatM ( [NatBasicBlock Instr]
                , [NatCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) Instr])

basicBlockCodeGen block = do
  let (_, nodes, tail)  = blockSplit block
      id = entryLabel block
      stmts = blockToList nodes
  -- Generate location directive
  dbg <- getDebugBlock (entryLabel block)
  loc_instrs <- case dblSourceTick =<< dbg of
    Just (SourceNote span name)
      -> do fileId <- getFileId (srcSpanFile span)
            let line = srcSpanStartLine span; col = srcSpanStartCol span
            return $ unitOL $ LOCATION fileId line col name
    _ -> return nilOL
  mid_instrs <- stmtsToInstrs stmts
  tail_instrs <- stmtToInstrs tail
  let instrs = loc_instrs `appOL` mid_instrs `appOL` tail_instrs
  instrs' <- fold <$> traverse addSpUnwindings instrs
  -- code generation may introduce new basic block boundaries, which
  -- are indicated by the NEWBLOCK instruction.  We must split up the
  -- instruction stream into basic blocks again.  Also, we extract
  -- LDATAs here too.
        (top,other_blocks,statics) = foldrOL mkBlocks ([],[],[]) instrs'

        mkBlocks (NEWBLOCK id) (instrs,blocks,statics)
          = ([], BasicBlock id instrs : blocks, statics)
        mkBlocks (LDATA sec dat) (instrs,blocks,statics)
          = (instrs, blocks, CmmData sec dat:statics)
        mkBlocks instr (instrs,blocks,statics)
          = (instr:instrs, blocks, statics)
  return (BasicBlock id top : other_blocks, statics)

-- | Convert 'DELTA' instructions into 'UNWIND' instructions to capture changes
-- in the @sp@ register. See Note [What is this unwinding business?] in Debug
-- for details.
addSpUnwindings :: Instr -> NatM (OrdList Instr)
addSpUnwindings instr@(DELTA d) = do
    dflags <- getDynFlags
    if debugLevel dflags >= 1
        then do lbl <- mkAsmTempLabel <$> getUniqueM
                let unwind = M.singleton MachSp (Just $ UwReg MachSp $ negate d)
                return $ toOL [ instr, UNWIND lbl unwind ]
        else return (unitOL instr)
addSpUnwindings instr = return $ unitOL instr

stmtsToInstrs :: [CmmNode e x] -> NatM InstrBlock
stmtsToInstrs stmts
   = do instrss <- mapM stmtToInstrs stmts
        return (concatOL instrss)

stmtToInstrs :: CmmNode e x -> NatM InstrBlock
stmtToInstrs stmt = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  case stmt of
    CmmComment s   -> return (unitOL (COMMENT s))
    CmmTick {}     -> return nilOL

    CmmUnwind regs -> do
      let to_unwind_entry :: (GlobalReg, Maybe CmmExpr) -> UnwindTable
          to_unwind_entry (reg, expr) = M.singleton reg (fmap toUnwindExpr expr)
      case foldMap to_unwind_entry regs of
        tbl | M.null tbl -> return nilOL
            | otherwise  -> do
                lbl <- mkAsmTempLabel <$> getUniqueM
                return $ unitOL $ UNWIND lbl tbl

    CmmAssign reg src
      | isFloatType ty         -> assignReg_FltCode format reg src
      | is32Bit && isWord64 ty -> assignReg_I64Code      reg src
      | otherwise              -> assignReg_IntCode format reg src
        where ty = cmmRegType dflags reg
              format = cmmTypeFormat ty

    CmmStore addr src
      | isFloatType ty         -> assignMem_FltCode format addr src
      | is32Bit && isWord64 ty -> assignMem_I64Code      addr src
      | otherwise              -> assignMem_IntCode format addr src
        where ty = cmmExprType dflags src
              format = cmmTypeFormat ty

    CmmUnsafeForeignCall target result_regs args
       -> genCCall dflags is32Bit target result_regs args

    CmmBranch id          -> genBranch id
    CmmCondBranch arg true false _ -> do
      b1 <- genCondJump true arg
      b2 <- genBranch false
      return (b1 `appOL` b2)
    CmmSwitch arg ids -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
                            genSwitch dflags arg ids
    CmmCall { cml_target = arg
            , cml_args_regs = gregs } -> do
                                dflags <- getDynFlags
                                genJump arg (jumpRegs dflags gregs)
    _ ->
      panic "stmtToInstrs: statement should have been cps'd away"

jumpRegs :: DynFlags -> [GlobalReg] -> [Reg]
jumpRegs dflags gregs = [ RegReal r | Just r <- map (globalRegMaybe platform) gregs ]
    where platform = targetPlatform dflags

-- | 'InstrBlock's are the insn sequences generated by the insn selectors.
--      They are really trees of insns to facilitate fast appending, where a
--      left-to-right traversal yields the insns in the correct order.
type InstrBlock
        = OrdList Instr

-- | Condition codes passed up the tree.
data CondCode
        = CondCode Bool Cond InstrBlock

-- | a.k.a "Register64"
--      Reg is the lower 32-bit temporary which contains the result.
--      Use getHiVRegFromLo to find the other VRegUnique.
--      Rules of this simplified insn selection game are therefore that
--      the returned Reg may be modified
data ChildCode64
   = ChildCode64

-- | Register's passed up the tree.  If the stix code forces the register
--      to live in a pre-decided machine register, it comes out as @Fixed@;
--      otherwise, it comes out as @Any@, and the parent can decide which
--      register to put it in.
data Register
        = Fixed Format Reg InstrBlock
        | Any   Format (Reg -> InstrBlock)

swizzleRegisterRep :: Register -> Format -> Register
swizzleRegisterRep (Fixed _ reg code) format = Fixed format reg code
swizzleRegisterRep (Any _ codefn)     format = Any   format codefn

-- | Grab the Reg for a CmmReg
getRegisterReg :: Platform -> Bool -> CmmReg -> Reg

getRegisterReg _ use_sse2 (CmmLocal (LocalReg u pk))
  = let fmt = cmmTypeFormat pk in
    if isFloatFormat fmt && not use_sse2
       then RegVirtual (mkVirtualReg u FF80)
       else RegVirtual (mkVirtualReg u fmt)

getRegisterReg platform _ (CmmGlobal mid)
  = case globalRegMaybe platform mid of
        Just reg -> RegReal $ reg
        Nothing  -> pprPanic "getRegisterReg-memory" (ppr $ CmmGlobal mid)
        -- By this stage, the only MagicIds remaining should be the
        -- ones which map to a real machine register on this
        -- platform.  Hence ...

-- | Memory addressing modes passed up the tree.
data Amode
        = Amode AddrMode InstrBlock

Now, given a tree (the argument to a CmmLoad) that references memory,
produce a suitable addressing mode.

A Rule of the Game (tm) for Amodes: use of the addr bit must
immediately follow use of the code part, since the code part puts
values in registers which the addr then refers to.  So you can't put
anything in between, lest it overwrite some of those registers.  If
you need to do some other computation between the code part and use of
the addr bit, first store the effective address from the amode in a
temporary, then do the other computation, and then use the temporary:

    LEA amode, tmp
    ... other computation ...
    ... (tmp) ...

-- | Check whether an integer will fit in 32 bits.
--      A CmmInt is intended to be truncated to the appropriate
--      number of bits, so here we truncate it to Int64.  This is
--      important because e.g. -1 as a CmmInt might be either
--      -1 or 18446744073709551615.
is32BitInteger :: Integer -> Bool
is32BitInteger i = i64 <= 0x7fffffff && i64 >= -0x80000000
  where i64 = fromIntegral i :: Int64

-- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data
jumpTableEntry :: DynFlags -> Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic
jumpTableEntry dflags Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 (wordWidth dflags))
jumpTableEntry _ (Just blockid) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
    where blockLabel = blockLbl blockid

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- General things for putting together code sequences

-- Expand CmmRegOff.  ToDo: should we do it this way around, or convert
-- CmmExprs into CmmRegOff?
mangleIndexTree :: DynFlags -> CmmReg -> Int -> CmmExpr
mangleIndexTree dflags reg off
  = CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral off) width)]
  where width = typeWidth (cmmRegType dflags reg)

-- | The dual to getAnyReg: compute an expression into a register, but
--      we don't mind which one it is.
getSomeReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, InstrBlock)
getSomeReg expr = do
  r <- getRegister expr
  case r of
    Any rep code -> do
        tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
        return (tmp, code tmp)
    Fixed _ reg code ->
        return (reg, code)

assignMem_I64Code :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignMem_I64Code addrTree valueTree = do
  Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode addrTree
  ChildCode64 vcode rlo <- iselExpr64 valueTree
        rhi = getHiVRegFromLo rlo

        -- Little-endian store
        mov_lo = MOV II32 (OpReg rlo) (OpAddr addr)
        mov_hi = MOV II32 (OpReg rhi) (OpAddr (fromJust (addrOffset addr 4)))
  return (vcode `appOL` addr_code `snocOL` mov_lo `snocOL` mov_hi)

assignReg_I64Code :: CmmReg  -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignReg_I64Code (CmmLocal (LocalReg u_dst _)) valueTree = do
   ChildCode64 vcode r_src_lo <- iselExpr64 valueTree
         r_dst_lo = RegVirtual $ mkVirtualReg u_dst II32
         r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
         r_src_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_src_lo
         mov_lo = MOV II32 (OpReg r_src_lo) (OpReg r_dst_lo)
         mov_hi = MOV II32 (OpReg r_src_hi) (OpReg r_dst_hi)
   return (
        vcode `snocOL` mov_lo `snocOL` mov_hi

assignReg_I64Code _ _
   = panic "assignReg_I64Code(i386): invalid lvalue"

iselExpr64        :: CmmExpr -> NatM ChildCode64
iselExpr64 (CmmLit (CmmInt i _)) = do
  (rlo,rhi) <- getNewRegPairNat II32
        r = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word32)
        q = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 32) :: Word32)
        code = toOL [
                MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger r)) (OpReg rlo),
                MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger q)) (OpReg rhi)
  return (ChildCode64 code rlo)

iselExpr64 (CmmLoad addrTree ty) | isWord64 ty = do
   Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode addrTree
   (rlo,rhi) <- getNewRegPairNat II32
        mov_lo = MOV II32 (OpAddr addr) (OpReg rlo)
        mov_hi = MOV II32 (OpAddr (fromJust (addrOffset addr 4))) (OpReg rhi)
   return (
            ChildCode64 (addr_code `snocOL` mov_lo `snocOL` mov_hi)

iselExpr64 (CmmReg (CmmLocal (LocalReg vu ty))) | isWord64 ty
   = return (ChildCode64 nilOL (RegVirtual $ mkVirtualReg vu II32))

-- we handle addition, but rather badly
iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [e1, CmmLit (CmmInt i _)]) = do
   ChildCode64 code1 r1lo <- iselExpr64 e1
   (rlo,rhi) <- getNewRegPairNat II32
        r = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word32)
        q = fromIntegral (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 32) :: Word32)
        r1hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1lo
        code =  code1 `appOL`
                toOL [ MOV II32 (OpReg r1lo) (OpReg rlo),
                       ADD II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger r)) (OpReg rlo),
                       MOV II32 (OpReg r1hi) (OpReg rhi),
                       ADC II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger q)) (OpReg rhi) ]
   return (ChildCode64 code rlo)

iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [e1,e2]) = do
   ChildCode64 code1 r1lo <- iselExpr64 e1
   ChildCode64 code2 r2lo <- iselExpr64 e2
   (rlo,rhi) <- getNewRegPairNat II32
        r1hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1lo
        r2hi = getHiVRegFromLo r2lo
        code =  code1 `appOL`
                code2 `appOL`
                toOL [ MOV II32 (OpReg r1lo) (OpReg rlo),
                       ADD II32 (OpReg r2lo) (OpReg rlo),
                       MOV II32 (OpReg r1hi) (OpReg rhi),
                       ADC II32 (OpReg r2hi) (OpReg rhi) ]
   return (ChildCode64 code rlo)

iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _) [e1,e2]) = do
   ChildCode64 code1 r1lo <- iselExpr64 e1
   ChildCode64 code2 r2lo <- iselExpr64 e2
   (rlo,rhi) <- getNewRegPairNat II32
        r1hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1lo
        r2hi = getHiVRegFromLo r2lo
        code =  code1 `appOL`
                code2 `appOL`
                toOL [ MOV II32 (OpReg r1lo) (OpReg rlo),
                       SUB II32 (OpReg r2lo) (OpReg rlo),
                       MOV II32 (OpReg r1hi) (OpReg rhi),
                       SBB II32 (OpReg r2hi) (OpReg rhi) ]
   return (ChildCode64 code rlo)

iselExpr64 (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv _ W64) [expr]) = do
     fn <- getAnyReg expr
     r_dst_lo <-  getNewRegNat II32
     let r_dst_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dst_lo
         code = fn r_dst_lo
     return (
             ChildCode64 (code `snocOL`
                          MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInt 0)) (OpReg r_dst_hi))

iselExpr64 expr
   = pprPanic "iselExpr64(i386)" (ppr expr)

getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
getRegister e = do dflags <- getDynFlags
                   is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
                   getRegister' dflags is32Bit e

getRegister' :: DynFlags -> Bool -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register

getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmReg reg)
  = case reg of
        CmmGlobal PicBaseReg
         | is32Bit ->
            -- on x86_64, we have %rip for PicBaseReg, but it's not
            -- a full-featured register, it can only be used for
            -- rip-relative addressing.
            do reg' <- getPicBaseNat (archWordFormat is32Bit)
               return (Fixed (archWordFormat is32Bit) reg' nilOL)
        _ ->
            do use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
                 fmt = cmmTypeFormat (cmmRegType dflags reg)
                 format | not use_sse2 && isFloatFormat fmt = FF80
                        | otherwise                         = fmt
               let platform = targetPlatform dflags
               return (Fixed format
                             (getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 reg)

getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmRegOff r n)
  = getRegister' dflags is32Bit $ mangleIndexTree dflags r n

getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_AlignmentCheck align _) [e])
  = addAlignmentCheck align <$> getRegister' dflags is32Bit e

-- for 32-bit architectuers, support some 64 -> 32 bit conversions:
-- TO_W_(x), TO_W_(x >> 32)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W64 W32)
                     [CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr W64) [x,CmmLit (CmmInt 32 _)]])
 | is32Bit = do
  ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
  return $ Fixed II32 (getHiVRegFromLo rlo) code

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W64 W32)
                     [CmmMachOp (MO_U_Shr W64) [x,CmmLit (CmmInt 32 _)]])
 | is32Bit = do
  ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
  return $ Fixed II32 (getHiVRegFromLo rlo) code

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W64 W32) [x])
 | is32Bit = do
  ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
  return $ Fixed II32 rlo code

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W64 W32) [x])
 | is32Bit = do
  ChildCode64 code rlo <- iselExpr64 x
  return $ Fixed II32 rlo code

getRegister' _ _ (CmmLit lit@(CmmFloat f w)) =
  if_sse2 float_const_sse2 float_const_x87
    | f == 0.0 = do
          format = floatFormat w
          code dst = unitOL  (XOR format (OpReg dst) (OpReg dst))
        -- I don't know why there are xorpd, xorps, and pxor instructions.
        -- They all appear to do the same thing --SDM
      return (Any format code)

   | otherwise = do
      Amode addr code <- memConstant (widthInBytes w) lit
      loadFloatAmode True w addr code

  float_const_x87 = case w of
      | f == 0.0 ->
        let code dst = unitOL (GLDZ dst)
        in  return (Any FF80 code)

      | f == 1.0 ->
        let code dst = unitOL (GLD1 dst)
        in  return (Any FF80 code)

    _otherwise -> do
      Amode addr code <- memConstant (widthInBytes w) lit
      loadFloatAmode False w addr code

-- catch simple cases of zero- or sign-extended load
getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W8 W32) [CmmLoad addr _]) = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVZxL II8) addr
  return (Any II32 code)

getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W8 W32) [CmmLoad addr _]) = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVSxL II8) addr
  return (Any II32 code)

getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W16 W32) [CmmLoad addr _]) = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVZxL II16) addr
  return (Any II32 code)

getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W16 W32) [CmmLoad addr _]) = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVSxL II16) addr
  return (Any II32 code)

-- catch simple cases of zero- or sign-extended load
getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W8 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVZxL II8) addr
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W8 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVSxL II8) addr
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W16 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVZxL II16) addr
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W16 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVSxL II16) addr
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv W32 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOV II32) addr -- 32-bit loads zero-extend
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W32 W64) [CmmLoad addr _])
 | not is32Bit = do
  code <- intLoadCode (MOVSxL II32) addr
  return (Any II64 code)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add W64) [CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg),
                                     CmmLit displacement])
 | not is32Bit = do
      return $ Any II64 (\dst -> unitOL $
        LEA II64 (OpAddr (ripRel (litToImm displacement))) (OpReg dst))

getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x]) = do -- unary MachOps
    sse2 <- sse2Enabled
    case mop of
      MO_F_Neg w
         | sse2      -> sse2NegCode w x
         | otherwise -> trivialUFCode FF80 (GNEG FF80) x

      MO_S_Neg w -> triv_ucode NEGI (intFormat w)
      MO_Not w   -> triv_ucode NOT  (intFormat w)

      -- Nop conversions
      MO_UU_Conv W32 W8  -> toI8Reg  W32 x
      MO_SS_Conv W32 W8  -> toI8Reg  W32 x
      MO_UU_Conv W16 W8  -> toI8Reg  W16 x
      MO_SS_Conv W16 W8  -> toI8Reg  W16 x
      MO_UU_Conv W32 W16 -> toI16Reg W32 x
      MO_SS_Conv W32 W16 -> toI16Reg W32 x

      MO_UU_Conv W64 W32 | not is32Bit -> conversionNop II64 x
      MO_SS_Conv W64 W32 | not is32Bit -> conversionNop II64 x
      MO_UU_Conv W64 W16 | not is32Bit -> toI16Reg W64 x
      MO_SS_Conv W64 W16 | not is32Bit -> toI16Reg W64 x
      MO_UU_Conv W64 W8  | not is32Bit -> toI8Reg  W64 x
      MO_SS_Conv W64 W8  | not is32Bit -> toI8Reg  W64 x

      MO_UU_Conv rep1 rep2 | rep1 == rep2 -> conversionNop (intFormat rep1) x
      MO_SS_Conv rep1 rep2 | rep1 == rep2 -> conversionNop (intFormat rep1) x

      -- widenings
      MO_UU_Conv W8  W32 -> integerExtend W8  W32 MOVZxL x
      MO_UU_Conv W16 W32 -> integerExtend W16 W32 MOVZxL x
      MO_UU_Conv W8  W16 -> integerExtend W8  W16 MOVZxL x

      MO_SS_Conv W8  W32 -> integerExtend W8  W32 MOVSxL x
      MO_SS_Conv W16 W32 -> integerExtend W16 W32 MOVSxL x
      MO_SS_Conv W8  W16 -> integerExtend W8  W16 MOVSxL x

      MO_UU_Conv W8  W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W8  W64 MOVZxL x
      MO_UU_Conv W16 W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W16 W64 MOVZxL x
      MO_UU_Conv W32 W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W32 W64 MOVZxL x
      MO_SS_Conv W8  W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W8  W64 MOVSxL x
      MO_SS_Conv W16 W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W16 W64 MOVSxL x
      MO_SS_Conv W32 W64 | not is32Bit -> integerExtend W32 W64 MOVSxL x
        -- for 32-to-64 bit zero extension, amd64 uses an ordinary movl.
        -- However, we don't want the register allocator to throw it
        -- away as an unnecessary reg-to-reg move, so we keep it in
        -- the form of a movzl and print it as a movl later.

      MO_FF_Conv W32 W64
        | sse2      -> coerceFP2FP W64 x
        | otherwise -> conversionNop FF80 x

      MO_FF_Conv W64 W32 -> coerceFP2FP W32 x

      MO_FS_Conv from to -> coerceFP2Int from to x
      MO_SF_Conv from to -> coerceInt2FP from to x

      MO_V_Insert {}   -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Extract {}  -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Add {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Sub {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Mul {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Quot {}    -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Rem {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Neg {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VU_Quot {}    -> needLlvm
      MO_VU_Rem {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Insert {}  -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Extract {} -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Add {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Sub {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Mul {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Quot {}    -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Neg {}     -> needLlvm

      _other -> pprPanic "getRegister" (pprMachOp mop)
        triv_ucode :: (Format -> Operand -> Instr) -> Format -> NatM Register
        triv_ucode instr format = trivialUCode format (instr format) x

        -- signed or unsigned extension.
        integerExtend :: Width -> Width
                      -> (Format -> Operand -> Operand -> Instr)
                      -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
        integerExtend from to instr expr = do
            (reg,e_code) <- if from == W8 then getByteReg expr
                                          else getSomeReg expr
                code dst =
                  e_code `snocOL`
                  instr (intFormat from) (OpReg reg) (OpReg dst)
            return (Any (intFormat to) code)

        toI8Reg :: Width -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
        toI8Reg new_rep expr
            = do codefn <- getAnyReg expr
                 return (Any (intFormat new_rep) codefn)
                -- HACK: use getAnyReg to get a byte-addressable register.
                -- If the source was a Fixed register, this will add the
                -- mov instruction to put it into the desired destination.
                -- We're assuming that the destination won't be a fixed
                -- non-byte-addressable register; it won't be, because all
                -- fixed registers are word-sized.

        toI16Reg = toI8Reg -- for now

        conversionNop :: Format -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
        conversionNop new_format expr
            = do e_code <- getRegister' dflags is32Bit expr
                 return (swizzleRegisterRep e_code new_format)

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) = do -- dyadic MachOps
  sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  case mop of
      MO_F_Eq _ -> condFltReg is32Bit EQQ x y
      MO_F_Ne _ -> condFltReg is32Bit NE  x y
      MO_F_Gt _ -> condFltReg is32Bit GTT x y
      MO_F_Ge _ -> condFltReg is32Bit GE  x y
      MO_F_Lt _ -> condFltReg is32Bit LTT x y
      MO_F_Le _ -> condFltReg is32Bit LE  x y

      MO_Eq _   -> condIntReg EQQ x y
      MO_Ne _   -> condIntReg NE  x y

      MO_S_Gt _ -> condIntReg GTT x y
      MO_S_Ge _ -> condIntReg GE  x y
      MO_S_Lt _ -> condIntReg LTT x y
      MO_S_Le _ -> condIntReg LE  x y

      MO_U_Gt _ -> condIntReg GU  x y
      MO_U_Ge _ -> condIntReg GEU x y
      MO_U_Lt _ -> condIntReg LU  x y
      MO_U_Le _ -> condIntReg LEU x y

      MO_F_Add w  | sse2      -> trivialFCode_sse2 w ADD  x y
                  | otherwise -> trivialFCode_x87    GADD x y
      MO_F_Sub w  | sse2      -> trivialFCode_sse2 w SUB  x y
                  | otherwise -> trivialFCode_x87    GSUB x y
      MO_F_Quot w | sse2      -> trivialFCode_sse2 w FDIV x y
                  | otherwise -> trivialFCode_x87    GDIV x y
      MO_F_Mul w  | sse2      -> trivialFCode_sse2 w MUL x y
                  | otherwise -> trivialFCode_x87    GMUL x y

      MO_Add rep -> add_code rep x y
      MO_Sub rep -> sub_code rep x y

      MO_S_Quot rep -> div_code rep True  True  x y
      MO_S_Rem  rep -> div_code rep True  False x y
      MO_U_Quot rep -> div_code rep False True  x y
      MO_U_Rem  rep -> div_code rep False False x y

      MO_S_MulMayOflo rep -> imulMayOflo rep x y

      MO_Mul rep -> triv_op rep IMUL
      MO_And rep -> triv_op rep AND
      MO_Or  rep -> triv_op rep OR
      MO_Xor rep -> triv_op rep XOR

        {- Shift ops on x86s have constraints on their source, it
           either has to be Imm, CL or 1
            => trivialCode is not restrictive enough (sigh.)
      MO_Shl rep   -> shift_code rep SHL x y {-False-}
      MO_U_Shr rep -> shift_code rep SHR x y {-False-}
      MO_S_Shr rep -> shift_code rep SAR x y {-False-}

      MO_V_Insert {}   -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Extract {}  -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Add {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Sub {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_V_Mul {}      -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Quot {}    -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Rem {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VS_Neg {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Insert {}  -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Extract {} -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Add {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Sub {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Mul {}     -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Quot {}    -> needLlvm
      MO_VF_Neg {}     -> needLlvm

      _other -> pprPanic "getRegister(x86) - binary CmmMachOp (1)" (pprMachOp mop)
    triv_op width instr = trivialCode width op (Just op) x y
                        where op   = instr (intFormat width)

    imulMayOflo :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
    imulMayOflo rep a b = do
         (a_reg, a_code) <- getNonClobberedReg a
         b_code <- getAnyReg b
             shift_amt  = case rep of
                           W32 -> 31
                           W64 -> 63
                           _ -> panic "shift_amt"

             format = intFormat rep
             code = a_code `appOL` b_code eax `appOL`
                        toOL [
                           IMUL2 format (OpReg a_reg),   -- result in %edx:%eax
                           SAR format (OpImm (ImmInt shift_amt)) (OpReg eax),
                                -- sign extend lower part
                           SUB format (OpReg edx) (OpReg eax)
                                -- compare against upper
                           -- eax==0 if high part == sign extended low part
         return (Fixed format eax code)

    shift_code :: Width
               -> (Format -> Operand -> Operand -> Instr)
               -> CmmExpr
               -> CmmExpr
               -> NatM Register

    {- Case1: shift length as immediate -}
    shift_code width instr x (CmmLit lit) = do
          x_code <- getAnyReg x
               format = intFormat width
               code dst
                  = x_code dst `snocOL`
                    instr format (OpImm (litToImm lit)) (OpReg dst)
          return (Any format code)

    {- Case2: shift length is complex (non-immediate)
      * y must go in %ecx.
      * we cannot do y first *and* put its result in %ecx, because
        %ecx might be clobbered by x.
      * if we do y second, then x cannot be
        in a clobbered reg.  Also, we cannot clobber x's reg
        with the instruction itself.
      * so we can either:
        - do y first, put its result in a fresh tmp, then copy it to %ecx later
        - do y second and put its result into %ecx.  x gets placed in a fresh
          tmp.  This is likely to be better, because the reg alloc can
          eliminate this reg->reg move here (it won't eliminate the other one,
          because the move is into the fixed %ecx).
    shift_code width instr x y{-amount-} = do
        x_code <- getAnyReg x
        let format = intFormat width
        tmp <- getNewRegNat format
        y_code <- getAnyReg y
           code = x_code tmp `appOL`
                  y_code ecx `snocOL`
                  instr format (OpReg ecx) (OpReg tmp)
        return (Fixed format tmp code)

    add_code :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
    add_code rep x (CmmLit (CmmInt y _))
        | is32BitInteger y = add_int rep x y
    add_code rep x y = trivialCode rep (ADD format) (Just (ADD format)) x y
      where format = intFormat rep
    -- TODO: There are other interesting patterns we want to replace
    --     with a LEA, e.g. `(x + offset) + (y << shift)`.

    sub_code :: Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
    sub_code rep x (CmmLit (CmmInt y _))
        | is32BitInteger (-y) = add_int rep x (-y)
    sub_code rep x y = trivialCode rep (SUB (intFormat rep)) Nothing x y

    -- our three-operand add instruction:
    add_int width x y = do
        (x_reg, x_code) <- getSomeReg x
            format = intFormat width
            imm = ImmInt (fromInteger y)
            code dst
               = x_code `snocOL`
                 LEA format
                        (OpAddr (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg x_reg) EAIndexNone imm))
                        (OpReg dst)
        return (Any format code)

    div_code width signed quotient x y = do
           (y_op, y_code) <- getRegOrMem y -- cannot be clobbered
           x_code <- getAnyReg x
             format = intFormat width
             widen | signed    = CLTD format
                   | otherwise = XOR format (OpReg edx) (OpReg edx)

             instr | signed    = IDIV
                   | otherwise = DIV

             code = y_code `appOL`
                    x_code eax `appOL`
                    toOL [widen, instr format y_op]

             result | quotient  = eax
                    | otherwise = edx

           return (Fixed format result code)

getRegister' _ _ (CmmLoad mem pk)
  | isFloatType pk
  = do
    Amode addr mem_code <- getAmode mem
    use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
    loadFloatAmode use_sse2 (typeWidth pk) addr mem_code

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmLoad mem pk)
  | is32Bit && not (isWord64 pk)
  = do
    code <- intLoadCode instr mem
    return (Any format code)
    width = typeWidth pk
    format = intFormat width
    instr = case width of
                W8     -> MOVZxL II8
                _other -> MOV format
        -- We always zero-extend 8-bit loads, if we
        -- can't think of anything better.  This is because
        -- we can't guarantee access to an 8-bit variant of every register
        -- (esi and edi don't have 8-bit variants), so to make things
        -- simpler we do our 8-bit arithmetic with full 32-bit registers.

-- Simpler memory load code on x86_64
getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmLoad mem pk)
 | not is32Bit
  = do
    code <- intLoadCode (MOV format) mem
    return (Any format code)
  where format = intFormat $ typeWidth pk

getRegister' _ is32Bit (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 width))
  = let
        format = intFormat width

        -- x86_64: 32-bit xor is one byte shorter, and zero-extends to 64 bits
        format1 = if is32Bit then format
                           else case format of
                                II64 -> II32
                                _ -> format
        code dst
           = unitOL (XOR format1 (OpReg dst) (OpReg dst))
        return (Any format code)

  -- optimisation for loading small literals on x86_64: take advantage
  -- of the automatic zero-extension from 32 to 64 bits, because the 32-bit
  -- instruction forms are shorter.
getRegister' dflags is32Bit (CmmLit lit)
  | not is32Bit, isWord64 (cmmLitType dflags lit), not (isBigLit lit)
  = let
        imm = litToImm lit
        code dst = unitOL (MOV II32 (OpImm imm) (OpReg dst))
        return (Any II64 code)
   isBigLit (CmmInt i _) = i < 0 || i > 0xffffffff
   isBigLit _ = False
        -- note1: not the same as (not.is32BitLit), because that checks for
        -- signed literals that fit in 32 bits, but we want unsigned
        -- literals here.
        -- note2: all labels are small, because we're assuming the
        -- small memory model (see gcc docs, -mcmodel=small).

getRegister' dflags _ (CmmLit lit)
  = do let format = cmmTypeFormat (cmmLitType dflags lit)
           imm = litToImm lit
           code dst = unitOL (MOV format (OpImm imm) (OpReg dst))
       return (Any format code)

getRegister' _ _ other
    | isVecExpr other  = needLlvm
    | otherwise        = pprPanic "getRegister(x86)" (ppr other)

intLoadCode :: (Operand -> Operand -> Instr) -> CmmExpr
   -> NatM (Reg -> InstrBlock)
intLoadCode instr mem = do
  Amode src mem_code <- getAmode mem
  return (\dst -> mem_code `snocOL` instr (OpAddr src) (OpReg dst))

-- Compute an expression into *any* register, adding the appropriate
-- move instruction if necessary.
getAnyReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg -> InstrBlock)
getAnyReg expr = do
  r <- getRegister expr
  anyReg r

anyReg :: Register -> NatM (Reg -> InstrBlock)
anyReg (Any _ code)          = return code
anyReg (Fixed rep reg fcode) = return (\dst -> fcode `snocOL` reg2reg rep reg dst)

-- A bit like getSomeReg, but we want a reg that can be byte-addressed.
-- Fixed registers might not be byte-addressable, so we make sure we've
-- got a temporary, inserting an extra reg copy if necessary.
getByteReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, InstrBlock)
getByteReg expr = do
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  if is32Bit
      then do r <- getRegister expr
              case r of
                Any rep code -> do
                    tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
                    return (tmp, code tmp)
                Fixed rep reg code
                    | isVirtualReg reg -> return (reg,code)
                    | otherwise -> do
                        tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
                        return (tmp, code `snocOL` reg2reg rep reg tmp)
                    -- ToDo: could optimise slightly by checking for
                    -- byte-addressable real registers, but that will
                    -- happen very rarely if at all.
      else getSomeReg expr -- all regs are byte-addressable on x86_64

-- Another variant: this time we want the result in a register that cannot
-- be modified by code to evaluate an arbitrary expression.
getNonClobberedReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, InstrBlock)
getNonClobberedReg expr = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  r <- getRegister expr
  case r of
    Any rep code -> do
        tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
        return (tmp, code tmp)
    Fixed rep reg code
        -- only certain regs can be clobbered
        | reg `elem` instrClobberedRegs (targetPlatform dflags)
        -> do
                tmp <- getNewRegNat rep
                return (tmp, code `snocOL` reg2reg rep reg tmp)
        | otherwise ->
                return (reg, code)

reg2reg :: Format -> Reg -> Reg -> Instr
reg2reg format src dst
  | format == FF80 = GMOV src dst
  | otherwise    = MOV format (OpReg src) (OpReg dst)

getAmode :: CmmExpr -> NatM Amode
getAmode e = do is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
                getAmode' is32Bit e

getAmode' :: Bool -> CmmExpr -> NatM Amode
getAmode' _ (CmmRegOff r n) = do dflags <- getDynFlags
                                 getAmode $ mangleIndexTree dflags r n

getAmode' is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add W64) [CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg),
                                                  CmmLit displacement])
 | not is32Bit
    = return $ Amode (ripRel (litToImm displacement)) nilOL

-- This is all just ridiculous, since it carefully undoes
-- what mangleIndexTree has just done.
getAmode' is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _rep) [x, CmmLit lit@(CmmInt i _)])
  | is32BitLit is32Bit lit
  -- ASSERT(rep == II32)???
  = do (x_reg, x_code) <- getSomeReg x
       let off = ImmInt (-(fromInteger i))
       return (Amode (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg x_reg) EAIndexNone off) x_code)

getAmode' is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _rep) [x, CmmLit lit])
  | is32BitLit is32Bit lit
  -- ASSERT(rep == II32)???
  = do (x_reg, x_code) <- getSomeReg x
       let off = litToImm lit
       return (Amode (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg x_reg) EAIndexNone off) x_code)

-- Turn (lit1 << n  + lit2) into  (lit2 + lit1 << n) so it will be
-- recognised by the next rule.
getAmode' is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [a@(CmmMachOp (MO_Shl _) _),
                                  b@(CmmLit _)])
  = getAmode' is32Bit (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep) [b,a])

-- Matches: (x + offset) + (y << shift)
getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [CmmRegOff x offset,
                                   CmmMachOp (MO_Shl _)
                                        [y, CmmLit (CmmInt shift _)]])
  | shift == 0 || shift == 1 || shift == 2 || shift == 3
  = x86_complex_amode (CmmReg x) y shift (fromIntegral offset)

getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [x, CmmMachOp (MO_Shl _)
                                        [y, CmmLit (CmmInt shift _)]])
  | shift == 0 || shift == 1 || shift == 2 || shift == 3
  = x86_complex_amode x y shift 0

getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _)
                [x, CmmMachOp (MO_Add _)
                        [CmmMachOp (MO_Shl _) [y, CmmLit (CmmInt shift _)],
                         CmmLit (CmmInt offset _)]])
  | shift == 0 || shift == 1 || shift == 2 || shift == 3
  && is32BitInteger offset
  = x86_complex_amode x y shift offset

getAmode' _ (CmmMachOp (MO_Add _) [x,y])
  = x86_complex_amode x y 0 0

getAmode' is32Bit (CmmLit lit) | is32BitLit is32Bit lit
  = return (Amode (ImmAddr (litToImm lit) 0) nilOL)

getAmode' _ expr = do
  (reg,code) <- getSomeReg expr
  return (Amode (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg reg) EAIndexNone (ImmInt 0)) code)

-- | Like 'getAmode', but on 32-bit use simple register addressing
-- (i.e. no index register). This stops us from running out of
-- registers on x86 when using instructions such as cmpxchg, which can
-- use up to three virtual registers and one fixed register.
getSimpleAmode :: DynFlags -> Bool -> CmmExpr -> NatM Amode
getSimpleAmode dflags is32Bit addr
    | is32Bit = do
        addr_code <- getAnyReg addr
        addr_r <- getNewRegNat (intFormat (wordWidth dflags))
        let amode = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg addr_r) EAIndexNone (ImmInt 0)
        return $! Amode amode (addr_code addr_r)
    | otherwise = getAmode addr

x86_complex_amode :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Integer -> Integer -> NatM Amode
x86_complex_amode base index shift offset
  = do (x_reg, x_code) <- getNonClobberedReg base
        -- x must be in a temp, because it has to stay live over y_code
        -- we could compre x_reg and y_reg and do something better here...
       (y_reg, y_code) <- getSomeReg index
           code = x_code `appOL` y_code
           base = case shift of 0 -> 1; 1 -> 2; 2 -> 4; 3 -> 8;
                                n -> panic $ "x86_complex_amode: unhandled shift! (" ++ show n ++ ")"
       return (Amode (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg x_reg) (EAIndex y_reg base) (ImmInt (fromIntegral offset)))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- getOperand: sometimes any operand will do.

-- getNonClobberedOperand: the value of the operand will remain valid across
-- the computation of an arbitrary expression, unless the expression
-- is computed directly into a register which the operand refers to
-- (see trivialCode where this function is used for an example).

getNonClobberedOperand :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock)
getNonClobberedOperand (CmmLit lit) = do
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if use_sse2 && isSuitableFloatingPointLit lit
    then do
      let CmmFloat _ w = lit
      Amode addr code <- memConstant (widthInBytes w) lit
      return (OpAddr addr, code)
     else do

  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  if is32BitLit is32Bit lit && not (isFloatType (cmmLitType dflags lit))
    then return (OpImm (litToImm lit), nilOL)
    else getNonClobberedOperand_generic (CmmLit lit)

getNonClobberedOperand (CmmLoad mem pk) = do
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if (not (isFloatType pk) || use_sse2)
      && (if is32Bit then not (isWord64 pk) else True)
    then do
      dflags <- getDynFlags
      let platform = targetPlatform dflags
      Amode src mem_code <- getAmode mem
      (src',save_code) <-
        if (amodeCouldBeClobbered platform src)
                then do
                   tmp <- getNewRegNat (archWordFormat is32Bit)
                   return (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg tmp) EAIndexNone (ImmInt 0),
                           unitOL (LEA (archWordFormat is32Bit)
                                       (OpAddr src)
                                       (OpReg tmp)))
                   return (src, nilOL)
      return (OpAddr src', mem_code `appOL` save_code)
    else do
      getNonClobberedOperand_generic (CmmLoad mem pk)

getNonClobberedOperand e = getNonClobberedOperand_generic e

getNonClobberedOperand_generic :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock)
getNonClobberedOperand_generic e = do
    (reg, code) <- getNonClobberedReg e
    return (OpReg reg, code)

amodeCouldBeClobbered :: Platform -> AddrMode -> Bool
amodeCouldBeClobbered platform amode = any (regClobbered platform) (addrModeRegs amode)

regClobbered :: Platform -> Reg -> Bool
regClobbered platform (RegReal (RealRegSingle rr)) = freeReg platform rr
regClobbered _ _ = False

-- getOperand: the operand is not required to remain valid across the
-- computation of an arbitrary expression.
getOperand :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock)

getOperand (CmmLit lit) = do
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if (use_sse2 && isSuitableFloatingPointLit lit)
    then do
      let CmmFloat _ w = lit
      Amode addr code <- memConstant (widthInBytes w) lit
      return (OpAddr addr, code)
    else do

  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  if is32BitLit is32Bit lit && not (isFloatType (cmmLitType dflags lit))
    then return (OpImm (litToImm lit), nilOL)
    else getOperand_generic (CmmLit lit)

getOperand (CmmLoad mem pk) = do
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if (not (isFloatType pk) || use_sse2) && (if is32Bit then not (isWord64 pk) else True)
     then do
       Amode src mem_code <- getAmode mem
       return (OpAddr src, mem_code)
       getOperand_generic (CmmLoad mem pk)

getOperand e = getOperand_generic e

getOperand_generic :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock)
getOperand_generic e = do
    (reg, code) <- getSomeReg e
    return (OpReg reg, code)

isOperand :: Bool -> CmmExpr -> Bool
isOperand _ (CmmLoad _ _) = True
isOperand is32Bit (CmmLit lit)  = is32BitLit is32Bit lit
                          || isSuitableFloatingPointLit lit
isOperand _ _            = False

-- | Given a 'Register', produce a new 'Register' with an instruction block
-- which will check the value for alignment. Used for @-falignment-sanitisation@.
addAlignmentCheck :: Int -> Register -> Register
addAlignmentCheck align reg =
    case reg of
      Fixed fmt reg code -> Fixed fmt reg (code `appOL` check fmt reg)
      Any fmt f          -> Any fmt (\reg -> f reg `appOL` check fmt reg)
    check :: Format -> Reg -> InstrBlock
    check fmt reg =
        ASSERT(not $ isFloatFormat fmt)
        toOL [ TEST fmt (OpImm $ ImmInt $ align-1) (OpReg reg)
             , JXX_GBL NE $ ImmCLbl mkBadAlignmentLabel

memConstant :: Int -> CmmLit -> NatM Amode
memConstant align lit = do
  lbl <- getNewLabelNat
  let rosection = Section ReadOnlyData lbl
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  (addr, addr_code) <- if target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
                       then do dynRef <- cmmMakeDynamicReference
                               Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode dynRef
                               return (addr, addr_code)
                       else return (ripRel (ImmCLbl lbl), nilOL)
  let code =
        LDATA rosection (align, Statics lbl [CmmStaticLit lit])
        `consOL` addr_code
  return (Amode addr code)

loadFloatAmode :: Bool -> Width -> AddrMode -> InstrBlock -> NatM Register
loadFloatAmode use_sse2 w addr addr_code = do
  let format = floatFormat w
      code dst = addr_code `snocOL`
                 if use_sse2
                    then MOV format (OpAddr addr) (OpReg dst)
                    else GLD format addr dst
  return (Any (if use_sse2 then format else FF80) code)

-- if we want a floating-point literal as an operand, we can
-- use it directly from memory.  However, if the literal is
-- zero, we're better off generating it into a register using
-- xor.
isSuitableFloatingPointLit :: CmmLit -> Bool
isSuitableFloatingPointLit (CmmFloat f _) = f /= 0.0
isSuitableFloatingPointLit _ = False

getRegOrMem :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Operand, InstrBlock)
getRegOrMem e@(CmmLoad mem pk) = do
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if (not (isFloatType pk) || use_sse2) && (if is32Bit then not (isWord64 pk) else True)
     then do
       Amode src mem_code <- getAmode mem
       return (OpAddr src, mem_code)
     else do
       (reg, code) <- getNonClobberedReg e
       return (OpReg reg, code)
getRegOrMem e = do
    (reg, code) <- getNonClobberedReg e
    return (OpReg reg, code)

is32BitLit :: Bool -> CmmLit -> Bool
is32BitLit is32Bit (CmmInt i W64)
 | not is32Bit
    = -- assume that labels are in the range 0-2^31-1: this assumes the
      -- small memory model (see gcc docs, -mcmodel=small).
      is32BitInteger i
is32BitLit _ _ = True

-- Set up a condition code for a conditional branch.

getCondCode :: CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode

-- yes, they really do seem to want exactly the same!

getCondCode (CmmMachOp mop [x, y])
    case mop of
      MO_F_Eq W32 -> condFltCode EQQ x y
      MO_F_Ne W32 -> condFltCode NE  x y
      MO_F_Gt W32 -> condFltCode GTT x y
      MO_F_Ge W32 -> condFltCode GE  x y
      MO_F_Lt W32 -> condFltCode LTT x y
      MO_F_Le W32 -> condFltCode LE  x y

      MO_F_Eq W64 -> condFltCode EQQ x y
      MO_F_Ne W64 -> condFltCode NE  x y
      MO_F_Gt W64 -> condFltCode GTT x y
      MO_F_Ge W64 -> condFltCode GE  x y
      MO_F_Lt W64 -> condFltCode LTT x y
      MO_F_Le W64 -> condFltCode LE  x y

      _ -> condIntCode (machOpToCond mop) x y

getCondCode other = pprPanic "getCondCode(2)(x86,x86_64)" (ppr other)

machOpToCond :: MachOp -> Cond
machOpToCond mo = case mo of
  MO_Eq _   -> EQQ
  MO_Ne _   -> NE
  MO_S_Gt _ -> GTT
  MO_S_Ge _ -> GE
  MO_S_Lt _ -> LTT
  MO_S_Le _ -> LE
  MO_U_Gt _ -> GU
  MO_U_Ge _ -> GEU
  MO_U_Lt _ -> LU
  MO_U_Le _ -> LEU
  _other -> pprPanic "machOpToCond" (pprMachOp mo)

-- @cond(Int|Flt)Code@: Turn a boolean expression into a condition, to be
-- passed back up the tree.

condIntCode :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode
condIntCode cond x y = do is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
                          condIntCode' is32Bit cond x y

condIntCode' :: Bool -> Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode

-- memory vs immediate
condIntCode' is32Bit cond (CmmLoad x pk) (CmmLit lit)
 | is32BitLit is32Bit lit = do
    Amode x_addr x_code <- getAmode x
        imm  = litToImm lit
        code = x_code `snocOL`
                  CMP (cmmTypeFormat pk) (OpImm imm) (OpAddr x_addr)
    return (CondCode False cond code)

-- anything vs zero, using a mask
-- TODO: Add some sanity checking!!!!
condIntCode' is32Bit cond (CmmMachOp (MO_And _) [x,o2]) (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 pk))
    | (CmmLit lit@(CmmInt mask _)) <- o2, is32BitLit is32Bit lit
    = do
      (x_reg, x_code) <- getSomeReg x
         code = x_code `snocOL`
                TEST (intFormat pk) (OpImm (ImmInteger mask)) (OpReg x_reg)
      return (CondCode False cond code)

-- anything vs zero
condIntCode' _ cond x (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 pk)) = do
    (x_reg, x_code) <- getSomeReg x
        code = x_code `snocOL`
                  TEST (intFormat pk) (OpReg x_reg) (OpReg x_reg)
    return (CondCode False cond code)

-- anything vs operand
condIntCode' is32Bit cond x y
 | isOperand is32Bit y = do
    dflags <- getDynFlags
    (x_reg, x_code) <- getNonClobberedReg x
    (y_op,  y_code) <- getOperand y
        code = x_code `appOL` y_code `snocOL`
                  CMP (cmmTypeFormat (cmmExprType dflags x)) y_op (OpReg x_reg)
    return (CondCode False cond code)
-- operand vs. anything: invert the comparison so that we can use a
-- single comparison instruction.
 | isOperand is32Bit x
 , Just revcond <- maybeFlipCond cond = do
    dflags <- getDynFlags
    (y_reg, y_code) <- getNonClobberedReg y
    (x_op,  x_code) <- getOperand x
        code = y_code `appOL` x_code `snocOL`
                  CMP (cmmTypeFormat (cmmExprType dflags x)) x_op (OpReg y_reg)
    return (CondCode False revcond code)

-- anything vs anything
condIntCode' _ cond x y = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  (y_reg, y_code) <- getNonClobberedReg y
  (x_op, x_code) <- getRegOrMem x
        code = y_code `appOL`
               x_code `snocOL`
                  CMP (cmmTypeFormat (cmmExprType dflags x)) (OpReg y_reg) x_op
  return (CondCode False cond code)

condFltCode :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM CondCode

condFltCode cond x y
  = if_sse2 condFltCode_sse2 condFltCode_x87

    = ASSERT(cond `elem` ([EQQ, NE, LE, LTT, GE, GTT])) do
    (x_reg, x_code) <- getNonClobberedReg x
    (y_reg, y_code) <- getSomeReg y
        code = x_code `appOL` y_code `snocOL`
                GCMP cond x_reg y_reg
    -- The GCMP insn does the test and sets the zero flag if comparable
    -- and true.  Hence we always supply EQQ as the condition to test.
    return (CondCode True EQQ code)

  -- in the SSE2 comparison ops (ucomiss, ucomisd) the left arg may be
  -- an operand, but the right must be a reg.  We can probably do better
  -- than this general case...
  condFltCode_sse2 = do
    dflags <- getDynFlags
    (x_reg, x_code) <- getNonClobberedReg x
    (y_op, y_code) <- getOperand y
        code = x_code `appOL`
               y_code `snocOL`
                  CMP (floatFormat $ cmmExprWidth dflags x) y_op (OpReg x_reg)
        -- NB(1): we need to use the unsigned comparison operators on the
        -- result of this comparison.
    return (CondCode True (condToUnsigned cond) code)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating assignments

-- Assignments are really at the heart of the whole code generation
-- business.  Almost all top-level nodes of any real importance are
-- assignments, which correspond to loads, stores, or register
-- transfers.  If we're really lucky, some of the register transfers
-- will go away, because we can use the destination register to
-- complete the code generation for the right hand side.  This only
-- fails when the right hand side is forced into a fixed register
-- (e.g. the result of a call).

assignMem_IntCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignReg_IntCode :: Format -> CmmReg  -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock

assignMem_FltCode :: Format -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
assignReg_FltCode :: Format -> CmmReg  -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock

-- integer assignment to memory

-- specific case of adding/subtracting an integer to a particular address.
-- ToDo: catch other cases where we can use an operation directly on a memory
-- address.
assignMem_IntCode pk addr (CmmMachOp op [CmmLoad addr2 _,
                                                 CmmLit (CmmInt i _)])
   | addr == addr2, pk /= II64 || is32BitInteger i,
     Just instr <- check op
   = do Amode amode code_addr <- getAmode addr
        let code = code_addr `snocOL`
                   instr pk (OpImm (ImmInt (fromIntegral i))) (OpAddr amode)
        return code
        check (MO_Add _) = Just ADD
        check (MO_Sub _) = Just SUB
        check _ = Nothing
        -- ToDo: more?

-- general case
assignMem_IntCode pk addr src = do
    is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
    Amode addr code_addr <- getAmode addr
    (code_src, op_src)   <- get_op_RI is32Bit src
        code = code_src `appOL`
               code_addr `snocOL`
                  MOV pk op_src (OpAddr addr)
        -- NOTE: op_src is stable, so it will still be valid
        -- after code_addr.  This may involve the introduction
        -- of an extra MOV to a temporary register, but we hope
        -- the register allocator will get rid of it.
    return code
    get_op_RI :: Bool -> CmmExpr -> NatM (InstrBlock,Operand)   -- code, operator
    get_op_RI is32Bit (CmmLit lit) | is32BitLit is32Bit lit
      = return (nilOL, OpImm (litToImm lit))
    get_op_RI _ op
      = do (reg,code) <- getNonClobberedReg op
           return (code, OpReg reg)

-- Assign; dst is a reg, rhs is mem
assignReg_IntCode pk reg (CmmLoad src _) = do
  load_code <- intLoadCode (MOV pk) src
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
  return (load_code (getRegisterReg platform False{-no sse2-} reg))

-- dst is a reg, but src could be anything
assignReg_IntCode _ reg src = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
  code <- getAnyReg src
  return (code (getRegisterReg platform False{-no sse2-} reg))

-- Floating point assignment to memory
assignMem_FltCode pk addr src = do
  (src_reg, src_code) <- getNonClobberedReg src
  Amode addr addr_code <- getAmode addr
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
        code = src_code `appOL`
               addr_code `snocOL`
                if use_sse2 then MOV pk (OpReg src_reg) (OpAddr addr)
                            else GST pk src_reg addr
  return code

-- Floating point assignment to a register/temporary
assignReg_FltCode _ reg src = do
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  src_code <- getAnyReg src
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
  return (src_code (getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 reg))

genJump :: CmmExpr{-the branch target-} -> [Reg] -> NatM InstrBlock

genJump (CmmLoad mem _) regs = do
  Amode target code <- getAmode mem
  return (code `snocOL` JMP (OpAddr target) regs)

genJump (CmmLit lit) regs = do
  return (unitOL (JMP (OpImm (litToImm lit)) regs))

genJump expr regs = do
  (reg,code) <- getSomeReg expr
  return (code `snocOL` JMP (OpReg reg) regs)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--  Unconditional branches

genBranch :: BlockId -> NatM InstrBlock
genBranch = return . toOL . mkJumpInstr

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--  Conditional jumps

Conditional jumps are always to local labels, so we can use branch
instructions.  We peek at the arguments to decide what kind of
comparison to do.

I386: First, we have to ensure that the condition
codes are set according to the supplied comparison operation.

    :: BlockId      -- the branch target
    -> CmmExpr      -- the condition on which to branch
    -> NatM InstrBlock

genCondJump id expr = do
  is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
  genCondJump' is32Bit id expr

genCondJump' :: Bool -> BlockId -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock

-- 64-bit integer comparisons on 32-bit
genCondJump' is32Bit true (CmmMachOp mop [e1,e2])
  | is32Bit, Just W64 <- maybeIntComparison mop = do
  ChildCode64 code1 r1_lo <- iselExpr64 e1
  ChildCode64 code2 r2_lo <- iselExpr64 e2
  let r1_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r1_lo
      r2_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r2_lo
      cond = machOpToCond mop
      Just cond' = maybeFlipCond cond
  false <- getBlockIdNat
  return $ code1 `appOL` code2 `appOL` toOL [
    CMP II32 (OpReg r2_hi) (OpReg r1_hi),
    JXX cond true,
    JXX cond' false,
    CMP II32 (OpReg r2_lo) (OpReg r1_lo),
    JXX cond true,
    NEWBLOCK false ]

genCondJump' _ id bool = do
  CondCode is_float cond cond_code <- getCondCode bool
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  if not is_float || not use_sse2
        return (cond_code `snocOL` JXX cond id)
    else do
        lbl <- getBlockIdNat

        -- see comment with condFltReg
        let code = case cond of
                        NE  -> or_unordered
                        GU  -> plain_test
                        GEU -> plain_test
                        _   -> and_ordered

            plain_test = unitOL (
                  JXX cond id
            or_unordered = toOL [
                  JXX cond id,
                  JXX PARITY id
            and_ordered = toOL [
                  JXX PARITY lbl,
                  JXX cond id,
                  JXX ALWAYS lbl,
                  NEWBLOCK lbl
        return (cond_code `appOL` code)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--  Generating C calls

-- Now the biggest nightmare---calls.  Most of the nastiness is buried in
-- @get_arg@, which moves the arguments to the correct registers/stack
-- locations.  Apart from that, the code is easy.
-- (If applicable) Do not fill the delay slots here; you will confuse the
-- register allocator.

    :: DynFlags
    -> Bool                     -- 32 bit platform?
    -> ForeignTarget            -- function to call
    -> [CmmFormal]        -- where to put the result
    -> [CmmActual]        -- arguments (of mixed type)
    -> NatM InstrBlock

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-- Unroll memcpy calls if the source and destination pointers are at
-- least DWORD aligned and the number of bytes to copy isn't too
-- large.  Otherwise, call C's memcpy.
genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Memcpy align)) _
         [dst, src, CmmLit (CmmInt n _)]
    | fromInteger insns <= maxInlineMemcpyInsns dflags && align .&. 3 == 0 = do
        code_dst <- getAnyReg dst
        dst_r <- getNewRegNat format
        code_src <- getAnyReg src
        src_r <- getNewRegNat format
        tmp_r <- getNewRegNat format
        return $ code_dst dst_r `appOL` code_src src_r `appOL`
            go dst_r src_r tmp_r (fromInteger n)
    -- The number of instructions we will generate (approx). We need 2
    -- instructions per move.
    insns = 2 * ((n + sizeBytes - 1) `div` sizeBytes)

    format = if align .&. 4 /= 0 then II32 else (archWordFormat is32Bit)

    -- The size of each move, in bytes.
    sizeBytes :: Integer
    sizeBytes = fromIntegral (formatInBytes format)

    go :: Reg -> Reg -> Reg -> Integer -> OrdList Instr
    go dst src tmp i
        | i >= sizeBytes =
            unitOL (MOV format (OpAddr src_addr) (OpReg tmp)) `appOL`
            unitOL (MOV format (OpReg tmp) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst src tmp (i - sizeBytes)
        -- Deal with remaining bytes.
        | i >= 4 =  -- Will never happen on 32-bit
            unitOL (MOV II32 (OpAddr src_addr) (OpReg tmp)) `appOL`
            unitOL (MOV II32 (OpReg tmp) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst src tmp (i - 4)
        | i >= 2 =
            unitOL (MOVZxL II16 (OpAddr src_addr) (OpReg tmp)) `appOL`
            unitOL (MOV II16 (OpReg tmp) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst src tmp (i - 2)
        | i >= 1 =
            unitOL (MOVZxL II8 (OpAddr src_addr) (OpReg tmp)) `appOL`
            unitOL (MOV II8 (OpReg tmp) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst src tmp (i - 1)
        | otherwise = nilOL
        src_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg src) EAIndexNone
                   (ImmInteger (n - i))
        dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone
                   (ImmInteger (n - i))

genCCall dflags _ (PrimTarget (MO_Memset align)) _
          CmmLit (CmmInt c _),
          CmmLit (CmmInt n _)]
    | fromInteger insns <= maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags && align .&. 3 == 0 = do
        code_dst <- getAnyReg dst
        dst_r <- getNewRegNat format
        return $ code_dst dst_r `appOL` go dst_r (fromInteger n)
    (format, val) = case align .&. 3 of
        2 -> (II16, c2)
        0 -> (II32, c4)
        _ -> (II8, c)
    c2 = c `shiftL` 8 .|. c
    c4 = c2 `shiftL` 16 .|. c2

    -- The number of instructions we will generate (approx). We need 1
    -- instructions per move.
    insns = (n + sizeBytes - 1) `div` sizeBytes

    -- The size of each move, in bytes.
    sizeBytes :: Integer
    sizeBytes = fromIntegral (formatInBytes format)

    go :: Reg -> Integer -> OrdList Instr
    go dst i
        -- TODO: Add movabs instruction and support 64-bit sets.
        | i >= sizeBytes =  -- This might be smaller than the below sizes
            unitOL (MOV format (OpImm (ImmInteger val)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst (i - sizeBytes)
        | i >= 4 =  -- Will never happen on 32-bit
            unitOL (MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger c4)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst (i - 4)
        | i >= 2 =
            unitOL (MOV II16 (OpImm (ImmInteger c2)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst (i - 2)
        | i >= 1 =
            unitOL (MOV II8 (OpImm (ImmInteger c)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
            go dst (i - 1)
        | otherwise = nilOL
        dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone
                   (ImmInteger (n - i))

genCCall _ _ (PrimTarget MO_WriteBarrier) _ _ = return nilOL
        -- write barrier compiles to no code on x86/x86-64;
        -- we keep it this long in order to prevent earlier optimisations.

genCCall _ _ (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _ = return nilOL

genCCall _ is32bit (PrimTarget (MO_Prefetch_Data n )) _  [src] =
        case n of
            0 -> genPrefetch src $ PREFETCH NTA  format
            1 -> genPrefetch src $ PREFETCH Lvl2 format
            2 -> genPrefetch src $ PREFETCH Lvl1 format
            3 -> genPrefetch src $ PREFETCH Lvl0 format
            l -> panic $ "unexpected prefetch level in genCCall MO_Prefetch_Data: " ++ (show l)
            -- the c / llvm prefetch convention is 0, 1, 2, and 3
            -- the x86 corresponding names are : NTA, 2 , 1, and 0
        format = archWordFormat is32bit
        -- need to know what register width for pointers!
        genPrefetch inRegSrc prefetchCTor =
                code_src <- getAnyReg inRegSrc
                src_r <- getNewRegNat format
                return $ code_src src_r `appOL`
                  (unitOL (prefetchCTor  (OpAddr
                              ((AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg src_r )   EAIndexNone (ImmInt 0))))  ))
                  -- prefetch always takes an address

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_BSwap width)) [dst] [src] = do
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
    let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)
    case width of
        W64 | is32Bit -> do
               ChildCode64 vcode rlo <- iselExpr64 src
               let dst_rhi = getHiVRegFromLo dst_r
                   rhi     = getHiVRegFromLo rlo
               return $ vcode `appOL`
                        toOL [ MOV II32 (OpReg rlo) (OpReg dst_rhi),
                               MOV II32 (OpReg rhi) (OpReg dst_r),
                               BSWAP II32 dst_rhi,
                               BSWAP II32 dst_r ]
        W16 -> do code_src <- getAnyReg src
                  return $ code_src dst_r `appOL`
                           unitOL (BSWAP II32 dst_r) `appOL`
                           unitOL (SHR II32 (OpImm $ ImmInt 16) (OpReg dst_r))
        _   -> do code_src <- getAnyReg src
                  return $ code_src dst_r `appOL` unitOL (BSWAP format dst_r)
    format = intFormat width

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_PopCnt width)) dest_regs@[dst]
         args@[src] = do
    sse4_2 <- sse4_2Enabled
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
    if sse4_2
        then do code_src <- getAnyReg src
                src_r <- getNewRegNat format
                let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)
                return $ code_src src_r `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 then
                         -- The POPCNT instruction doesn't take a r/m8
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II8 (OpReg src_r) (OpReg src_r)) `appOL`
                         unitOL (POPCNT II16 (OpReg src_r) dst_r)
                         unitOL (POPCNT format (OpReg src_r) dst_r)) `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 || width == W16 then
                         -- We used a 16-bit destination register above,
                         -- so zero-extend
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II16 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r))
                     else nilOL)
        else do
            targetExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags
                          CallReference lbl
            let target = ForeignTarget targetExpr (ForeignConvention CCallConv
                                                           [NoHint] [NoHint]
            genCCall dflags is32Bit target dest_regs args
    format = intFormat width
    lbl = mkCmmCodeLabel primUnitId (fsLit (popCntLabel width))

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Pdep width)) dest_regs@[dst]
         args@[src, mask] = do
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
    if isBmi2Enabled dflags
        then do code_src  <- getAnyReg src
                code_mask <- getAnyReg mask
                src_r     <- getNewRegNat format
                mask_r    <- getNewRegNat format
                let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)
                return $ code_src src_r `appOL` code_mask mask_r `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 then
                         -- The PDEP instruction doesn't take a r/m8
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II8  (OpReg src_r ) (OpReg src_r )) `appOL`
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II8  (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg mask_r)) `appOL`
                         unitOL (PDEP   II16 (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg src_r ) dst_r)
                         unitOL (PDEP format (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg src_r) dst_r)) `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 || width == W16 then
                         -- We used a 16-bit destination register above,
                         -- so zero-extend
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II16 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r))
                     else nilOL)
        else do
            targetExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags
                          CallReference lbl
            let target = ForeignTarget targetExpr (ForeignConvention CCallConv
                                                           [NoHint] [NoHint]
            genCCall dflags is32Bit target dest_regs args
    format = intFormat width
    lbl = mkCmmCodeLabel primUnitId (fsLit (pdepLabel width))

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Pext width)) dest_regs@[dst]
         args@[src, mask] = do
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
    if isBmi2Enabled dflags
        then do code_src  <- getAnyReg src
                code_mask <- getAnyReg mask
                src_r     <- getNewRegNat format
                mask_r    <- getNewRegNat format
                let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)
                return $ code_src src_r `appOL` code_mask mask_r `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 then
                         -- The PEXT instruction doesn't take a r/m8
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II8 (OpReg src_r ) (OpReg src_r )) `appOL`
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II8 (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg mask_r)) `appOL`
                         unitOL (PEXT II16 (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg src_r) dst_r)
                         unitOL (PEXT format (OpReg mask_r) (OpReg src_r) dst_r)) `appOL`
                    (if width == W8 || width == W16 then
                         -- We used a 16-bit destination register above,
                         -- so zero-extend
                         unitOL (MOVZxL II16 (OpReg dst_r) (OpReg dst_r))
                     else nilOL)
        else do
            targetExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags
                          CallReference lbl
            let target = ForeignTarget targetExpr (ForeignConvention CCallConv
                                                           [NoHint] [NoHint]
            genCCall dflags is32Bit target dest_regs args
    format = intFormat width
    lbl = mkCmmCodeLabel primUnitId (fsLit (pextLabel width))

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Clz width)) dest_regs@[dst] args@[src]
  | is32Bit && width == W64 = do
    -- Fallback to `hs_clz64` on i386
    targetExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags CallReference lbl
    let target = ForeignTarget targetExpr (ForeignConvention CCallConv
                                           [NoHint] [NoHint]
    genCCall dflags is32Bit target dest_regs args

  | otherwise = do
    code_src <- getAnyReg src
    src_r <- getNewRegNat format
    tmp_r <- getNewRegNat format
    let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)

    -- The following insn sequence makes sure 'clz 0' has a defined value.
    -- starting with Haswell, one could use the LZCNT insn instead.
    return $ code_src src_r `appOL` toOL
             ([ MOVZxL  II8    (OpReg src_r) (OpReg src_r) | width == W8 ] ++
              [ BSR     format (OpReg src_r) tmp_r
              , MOV     II32   (OpImm (ImmInt (2*bw-1))) (OpReg dst_r)
              , CMOV NE format (OpReg tmp_r) dst_r
              , XOR     format (OpImm (ImmInt (bw-1))) (OpReg dst_r)
              ]) -- NB: We don't need to zero-extend the result for the
                 -- W8/W16 cases because the 'MOV' insn already
                 -- took care of implicitly clearing the upper bits
    bw = widthInBits width
    platform = targetPlatform dflags
    format = if width == W8 then II16 else intFormat width
    lbl = mkCmmCodeLabel primUnitId (fsLit (clzLabel width))

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Ctz width)) [dst] [src]
  | is32Bit, width == W64 = do
      ChildCode64 vcode rlo <- iselExpr64 src
      let rhi     = getHiVRegFromLo rlo
          dst_r   = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)
      lbl1 <- getBlockIdNat
      lbl2 <- getBlockIdNat
      tmp_r <- getNewRegNat format

      -- The following instruction sequence corresponds to the pseudo-code
      --  if (src) {
      --    dst = src.lo32 ? BSF(src.lo32) : (BSF(src.hi32) + 32);
      --  } else {
      --    dst = 64;
      --  }
      return $ vcode `appOL` toOL
               ([ MOV      II32 (OpReg rhi)         (OpReg tmp_r)
                , OR       II32 (OpReg rlo)         (OpReg tmp_r)
                , MOV      II32 (OpImm (ImmInt 64)) (OpReg dst_r)
                , JXX EQQ    lbl2
                , JXX ALWAYS lbl1

                , NEWBLOCK   lbl1
                , BSF     II32 (OpReg rhi)         dst_r
                , ADD     II32 (OpImm (ImmInt 32)) (OpReg dst_r)
                , BSF     II32 (OpReg rlo)         tmp_r
                , CMOV NE II32 (OpReg tmp_r)       dst_r
                , JXX ALWAYS lbl2

                , NEWBLOCK   lbl2

  | otherwise = do
    code_src <- getAnyReg src
    src_r <- getNewRegNat format
    tmp_r <- getNewRegNat format
    let dst_r = getRegisterReg platform False (CmmLocal dst)

    -- The following insn sequence makes sure 'ctz 0' has a defined value.
    -- starting with Haswell, one could use the TZCNT insn instead.
    return $ code_src src_r `appOL` toOL
             ([ MOVZxL  II8    (OpReg src_r) (OpReg src_r) | width == W8 ] ++
              [ BSF     format (OpReg src_r) tmp_r
              , MOV     II32   (OpImm (ImmInt bw)) (OpReg dst_r)
              , CMOV NE format (OpReg tmp_r) dst_r
              ]) -- NB: We don't need to zero-extend the result for the
                 -- W8/W16 cases because the 'MOV' insn already
                 -- took care of implicitly clearing the upper bits
    bw = widthInBits width
    platform = targetPlatform dflags
    format = if width == W8 then II16 else intFormat width

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_UF_Conv width)) dest_regs args = do
    targetExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags
                  CallReference lbl
    let target = ForeignTarget targetExpr (ForeignConvention CCallConv
                                           [NoHint] [NoHint]
    genCCall dflags is32Bit target dest_regs args
    lbl = mkCmmCodeLabel primUnitId (fsLit (word2FloatLabel width))

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicRMW width amop)) [dst] [addr, n] = do
    Amode amode addr_code <-
        if amop `elem` [AMO_Add, AMO_Sub]
        then getAmode addr
        else getSimpleAmode dflags is32Bit addr  -- See genCCall for MO_Cmpxchg
    arg <- getNewRegNat format
    arg_code <- getAnyReg n
    use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
        dst_r    = getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 (CmmLocal dst)
    code <- op_code dst_r arg amode
    return $ addr_code `appOL` arg_code arg `appOL` code
    -- Code for the operation
    op_code :: Reg       -- Destination reg
            -> Reg       -- Register containing argument
            -> AddrMode  -- Address of location to mutate
            -> NatM (OrdList Instr)
    op_code dst_r arg amode = case amop of
        -- In the common case where dst_r is a virtual register the
        -- final move should go away, because it's the last use of arg
        -- and the first use of dst_r.
        AMO_Add  -> return $ toOL [ LOCK (XADD format (OpReg arg) (OpAddr amode))
                                  , MOV format (OpReg arg) (OpReg dst_r)
        AMO_Sub  -> return $ toOL [ NEGI format (OpReg arg)
                                  , LOCK (XADD format (OpReg arg) (OpAddr amode))
                                  , MOV format (OpReg arg) (OpReg dst_r)
        AMO_And  -> cmpxchg_code (\ src dst -> unitOL $ AND format src dst)
        AMO_Nand -> cmpxchg_code (\ src dst -> toOL [ AND format src dst
                                                    , NOT format dst
        AMO_Or   -> cmpxchg_code (\ src dst -> unitOL $ OR format src dst)
        AMO_Xor  -> cmpxchg_code (\ src dst -> unitOL $ XOR format src dst)
        -- Simulate operation that lacks a dedicated instruction using
        -- cmpxchg.
        cmpxchg_code :: (Operand -> Operand -> OrdList Instr)
                     -> NatM (OrdList Instr)
        cmpxchg_code instrs = do
            lbl <- getBlockIdNat
            tmp <- getNewRegNat format
            return $ toOL
                [ MOV format (OpAddr amode) (OpReg eax)
                , JXX ALWAYS lbl
                , NEWBLOCK lbl
                  -- Keep old value so we can return it:
                , MOV format (OpReg eax) (OpReg dst_r)
                , MOV format (OpReg eax) (OpReg tmp)
                `appOL` instrs (OpReg arg) (OpReg tmp) `appOL` toOL
                [ LOCK (CMPXCHG format (OpReg tmp) (OpAddr amode))
                , JXX NE lbl

    format = intFormat width

genCCall dflags _ (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicRead width)) [dst] [addr] = do
  load_code <- intLoadCode (MOV (intFormat width)) addr
  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
  use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
  return (load_code (getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 (CmmLocal dst)))

genCCall _ _ (PrimTarget (MO_AtomicWrite width)) [] [addr, val] = do
    code <- assignMem_IntCode (intFormat width) addr val
    return $ code `snocOL` MFENCE

genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Cmpxchg width)) [dst] [addr, old, new] = do
    -- On x86 we don't have enough registers to use cmpxchg with a
    -- complicated addressing mode, so on that architecture we
    -- pre-compute the address first.
    Amode amode addr_code <- getSimpleAmode dflags is32Bit addr
    newval <- getNewRegNat format
    newval_code <- getAnyReg new
    oldval <- getNewRegNat format
    oldval_code <- getAnyReg old
    use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
        dst_r    = getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 (CmmLocal dst)
        code     = toOL
                   [ MOV format (OpReg oldval) (OpReg eax)
                   , LOCK (CMPXCHG format (OpReg newval) (OpAddr amode))
                   , MOV format (OpReg eax) (OpReg dst_r)
    return $ addr_code `appOL` newval_code newval `appOL` oldval_code oldval
        `appOL` code
    format = intFormat width

genCCall _ is32Bit target dest_regs args = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let platform = targetPlatform dflags
      sse2     = isSse2Enabled dflags
  case (target, dest_regs) of
    -- void return type prim op
    (PrimTarget op, []) ->
        outOfLineCmmOp op Nothing args
    -- we only cope with a single result for foreign calls
    (PrimTarget op, [r])
      | sse2 -> case op of
          MO_F32_Fabs -> case args of
            [x] -> sse2FabsCode W32 x
            _ -> panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments for fabs"
          MO_F64_Fabs -> case args of
            [x] -> sse2FabsCode W64 x
            _ -> panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments for fabs"

          MO_F32_Sqrt -> actuallyInlineSSE2Op (\fmt r -> SQRT fmt (OpReg r)) FF32 args
          MO_F64_Sqrt -> actuallyInlineSSE2Op (\fmt r -> SQRT fmt (OpReg r)) FF64 args
          _other_op -> outOfLineCmmOp op (Just r) args
      | otherwise -> do
        l1 <- getNewLabelNat
        l2 <- getNewLabelNat
        if sse2
          then outOfLineCmmOp op (Just r) args
          else case op of
              MO_F32_Sqrt -> actuallyInlineFloatOp GSQRT FF32 args
              MO_F64_Sqrt -> actuallyInlineFloatOp GSQRT FF64 args

              MO_F32_Sin  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GSIN s l1 l2) FF32 args
              MO_F64_Sin  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GSIN s l1 l2) FF64 args

              MO_F32_Cos  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GCOS s l1 l2) FF32 args
              MO_F64_Cos  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GCOS s l1 l2) FF64 args

              MO_F32_Tan  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GTAN s l1 l2) FF32 args
              MO_F64_Tan  -> actuallyInlineFloatOp (\s -> GTAN s l1 l2) FF64 args

              _other_op   -> outOfLineCmmOp op (Just r) args

        actuallyInlineFloatOp = actuallyInlineFloatOp' False
        actuallyInlineSSE2Op = actuallyInlineFloatOp' True

        actuallyInlineFloatOp' usesSSE instr format [x]
              = do res <- trivialUFCode format (instr format) x
                   any <- anyReg res
                   return (any (getRegisterReg platform usesSSE (CmmLocal r)))

        actuallyInlineFloatOp' _ _ _ args
              = panic $ "genCCall.actuallyInlineFloatOp': bad number of arguments! ("
                      ++ show (length args) ++ ")"

        sse2FabsCode :: Width -> CmmExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
        sse2FabsCode w x = do
          let fmt = floatFormat w
          x_code <- getAnyReg x
            const | FF32 <- fmt = CmmInt 0x7fffffff W32
                  | otherwise   = CmmInt 0x7fffffffffffffff W64
          Amode amode amode_code <- memConstant (widthInBytes w) const
          tmp <- getNewRegNat fmt
            code dst = x_code dst `appOL` amode_code `appOL` toOL [
                MOV fmt (OpAddr amode) (OpReg tmp),
                AND fmt (OpReg tmp) (OpReg dst)

          return $ code (getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal r))

    (PrimTarget (MO_S_QuotRem  width), _) -> divOp1 platform True  width dest_regs args
    (PrimTarget (MO_U_QuotRem  width), _) -> divOp1 platform False width dest_regs args
    (PrimTarget (MO_U_QuotRem2 width), _) -> divOp2 platform False width dest_regs args
    (PrimTarget (MO_Add2 width), [res_h, res_l]) ->
        case args of
        [arg_x, arg_y] ->
            do hCode <- getAnyReg (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 width))
               let format = intFormat width
               lCode <- anyReg =<< trivialCode width (ADD_CC format)
                                     (Just (ADD_CC format)) arg_x arg_y
               let reg_l = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_l)
                   reg_h = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_h)
                   code = hCode reg_h `appOL`
                          lCode reg_l `snocOL`
                          ADC format (OpImm (ImmInteger 0)) (OpReg reg_h)
               return code
        _ -> panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments/results for add2"
    (PrimTarget (MO_SubWordC width), [res_r, res_c]) ->
        addSubIntC platform SUB_CC (const Nothing) CARRY width res_r res_c args
    (PrimTarget (MO_AddIntC width), [res_r, res_c]) ->
        addSubIntC platform ADD_CC (Just . ADD_CC) OFLO width res_r res_c args
    (PrimTarget (MO_SubIntC width), [res_r, res_c]) ->
        addSubIntC platform SUB_CC (const Nothing) OFLO width res_r res_c args
    (PrimTarget (MO_U_Mul2 width), [res_h, res_l]) ->
        case args of
        [arg_x, arg_y] ->
            do (y_reg, y_code) <- getRegOrMem arg_y
               x_code <- getAnyReg arg_x
               let format = intFormat width
                   reg_h = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_h)
                   reg_l = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_l)
                   code = y_code `appOL`
                          x_code rax `appOL`
                          toOL [MUL2 format y_reg,
                                MOV format (OpReg rdx) (OpReg reg_h),
                                MOV format (OpReg rax) (OpReg reg_l)]
               return code
        _ -> panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments/results for mul2"

    _ -> if is32Bit
         then genCCall32' dflags target dest_regs args
         else genCCall64' dflags target dest_regs args

  where divOp1 platform signed width results [arg_x, arg_y]
            = divOp platform signed width results Nothing arg_x arg_y
        divOp1 _ _ _ _ _
            = panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments for divOp1"
        divOp2 platform signed width results [arg_x_high, arg_x_low, arg_y]
            = divOp platform signed width results (Just arg_x_high) arg_x_low arg_y
        divOp2 _ _ _ _ _
            = panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments for divOp2"
        divOp platform signed width [res_q, res_r]
              m_arg_x_high arg_x_low arg_y
            = do let format = intFormat width
                     reg_q = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_q)
                     reg_r = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_r)
                     widen | signed    = CLTD format
                           | otherwise = XOR format (OpReg rdx) (OpReg rdx)
                     instr | signed    = IDIV
                           | otherwise = DIV
                 (y_reg, y_code) <- getRegOrMem arg_y
                 x_low_code <- getAnyReg arg_x_low
                 x_high_code <- case m_arg_x_high of
                                Just arg_x_high ->
                                    getAnyReg arg_x_high
                                Nothing ->
                                    return $ const $ unitOL widen
                 return $ y_code `appOL`
                          x_low_code rax `appOL`
                          x_high_code rdx `appOL`
                          toOL [instr format y_reg,
                                MOV format (OpReg rax) (OpReg reg_q),
                                MOV format (OpReg rdx) (OpReg reg_r)]
        divOp _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            = panic "genCCall: Wrong number of results for divOp"

        addSubIntC platform instr mrevinstr cond width
                   res_r res_c [arg_x, arg_y]
            = do let format = intFormat width
                 rCode <- anyReg =<< trivialCode width (instr format)
                                       (mrevinstr format) arg_x arg_y
                 reg_tmp <- getNewRegNat II8
                 let reg_c = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_c)
                     reg_r = getRegisterReg platform True (CmmLocal res_r)
                     code = rCode reg_r `snocOL`
                            SETCC cond (OpReg reg_tmp) `snocOL`
                            MOVZxL II8 (OpReg reg_tmp) (OpReg reg_c)

                 return code
        addSubIntC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            = panic "genCCall: Wrong number of arguments/results for addSubIntC"

genCCall32' :: DynFlags
            -> ForeignTarget            -- function to call
            -> [CmmFormal]        -- where to put the result
            -> [CmmActual]        -- arguments (of mixed type)
            -> NatM InstrBlock
genCCall32' dflags target dest_regs args = do
            prom_args = map (maybePromoteCArg dflags W32) args

            -- Align stack to 16n for calls, assuming a starting stack
            -- alignment of 16n - word_size on procedure entry. Which we
            -- maintiain. See Note [rts/StgCRun.c : Stack Alignment on X86]
            sizes               = map (arg_size . cmmExprType dflags) (reverse args)
            raw_arg_size        = sum sizes + wORD_SIZE dflags
            arg_pad_size        = (roundTo 16 $ raw_arg_size) - raw_arg_size
            tot_arg_size        = raw_arg_size + arg_pad_size - wORD_SIZE dflags
        delta0 <- getDeltaNat
        setDeltaNat (delta0 - arg_pad_size)

        use_sse2 <- sse2Enabled
        push_codes <- mapM (push_arg use_sse2) (reverse prom_args)
        delta <- getDeltaNat
        MASSERT(delta == delta0 - tot_arg_size)

        -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
        (callinsns,cconv) <-
          case target of
            ForeignTarget (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) conv
               -> -- ToDo: stdcall arg sizes
                  return (unitOL (CALL (Left fn_imm) []), conv)
               where fn_imm = ImmCLbl lbl
            ForeignTarget expr conv
               -> do { (dyn_r, dyn_c) <- getSomeReg expr
                     ; ASSERT( isWord32 (cmmExprType dflags expr) )
                       return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) [], conv) }
            PrimTarget _
                -> panic $ "genCCall: Can't handle PrimTarget call type here, error "
                            ++ "probably because too many return values."

        let push_code
                | arg_pad_size /= 0
                = toOL [SUB II32 (OpImm (ImmInt arg_pad_size)) (OpReg esp),
                        DELTA (delta0 - arg_pad_size)]
                  `appOL` concatOL push_codes
                | otherwise
                = concatOL push_codes

              -- Deallocate parameters after call for ccall;
              -- but not for stdcall (callee does it)
              -- We have to pop any stack padding we added
              -- even if we are doing stdcall, though (#5052)
               | ForeignConvention StdCallConv _ _ _ <- cconv = arg_pad_size
               | otherwise = tot_arg_size

            call = callinsns `appOL`
                   toOL (
                      (if pop_size==0 then [] else
                       [ADD II32 (OpImm (ImmInt pop_size)) (OpReg esp)])
                      [DELTA delta0]
        setDeltaNat delta0

        dflags <- getDynFlags
        let platform = targetPlatform dflags

            -- assign the results, if necessary
            assign_code []     = nilOL
            assign_code [dest]
              | isFloatType ty =
                 if use_sse2
                    then let tmp_amode = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg esp)
                                                       (ImmInt 0)
                             fmt = floatFormat w
                         in toOL [ SUB II32 (OpImm (ImmInt b)) (OpReg esp),
                                   DELTA (delta0 - b),
                                   GST fmt fake0 tmp_amode,
                                   MOV fmt (OpAddr tmp_amode) (OpReg r_dest),
                                   ADD II32 (OpImm (ImmInt b)) (OpReg esp),
                                   DELTA delta0]
                    else unitOL (GMOV fake0 r_dest)
              | isWord64 ty    = toOL [MOV II32 (OpReg eax) (OpReg r_dest),
                                        MOV II32 (OpReg edx) (OpReg r_dest_hi)]
              | otherwise      = unitOL (MOV (intFormat w)
                                             (OpReg eax)
                                             (OpReg r_dest))
                    ty = localRegType dest
                    w  = typeWidth ty
                    b  = widthInBytes w
                    r_dest_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_dest
                    r_dest    = getRegisterReg platform use_sse2 (CmmLocal dest)
            assign_code many = pprPanic "genCCall.assign_code - too many return values:" (ppr many)

        return (push_code `appOL`
                call `appOL`
                assign_code dest_regs)

        arg_size :: CmmType -> Int  -- Width in bytes
        arg_size ty = widthInBytes (typeWidth ty)

        roundTo a x | x `mod` a == 0 = x
                    | otherwise = x + a - (x `mod` a)

        push_arg :: Bool -> CmmActual {-current argument-}
                        -> NatM InstrBlock  -- code

        push_arg use_sse2 arg -- we don't need the hints on x86
          | isWord64 arg_ty = do
            ChildCode64 code r_lo <- iselExpr64 arg
            delta <- getDeltaNat
            setDeltaNat (delta - 8)
            let r_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_lo
            return (       code `appOL`
                           toOL [PUSH