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ghc-8.4.1: The GHC API

Safe HaskellNone




The Vectorisation monad.


The Vectorisation Monad

data VResult a Source #

Vectorisation can either succeed with new envionment and a value, or return with failure (including a description of the reason for failure).


Yes GlobalEnv LocalEnv a 
No SDoc 

newtype VM a Source #




Monad VM Source # 
Instance details


(>>=) :: VM a -> (a -> VM b) -> VM b #

(>>) :: VM a -> VM b -> VM b #

return :: a -> VM a #

fail :: String -> VM a #

Functor VM Source # 
Instance details


fmap :: (a -> b) -> VM a -> VM b #

(<$) :: a -> VM b -> VM a #

Applicative VM Source # 
Instance details


pure :: a -> VM a #

(<*>) :: VM (a -> b) -> VM a -> VM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> VM a -> VM b -> VM c #

(*>) :: VM a -> VM b -> VM b #

(<*) :: VM a -> VM b -> VM a #

MonadIO VM Source # 
Instance details


liftIO :: IO a -> VM a #

HasDynFlags VM Source # 
Instance details


liftDs :: DsM a -> VM a Source #

Lift a desugaring computation into the vectorisation monad.

Error Handling

cantVectorise :: DynFlags -> String -> SDoc -> a Source #

Throw a pgmError saying we can't vectorise something.

maybeCantVectorise :: DynFlags -> String -> SDoc -> Maybe a -> a Source #

Like fromJust, but pgmError on Nothing.

maybeCantVectoriseM :: (Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => String -> SDoc -> m (Maybe a) -> m a Source #

Like maybeCantVectorise but in a Monad.


emitVt :: String -> SDoc -> VM () Source #

Output a trace message if -ddump-vt-trace is active.

traceVt :: String -> SDoc -> VM () Source #

Output a trace message if -ddump-vt-trace is active.

dumpOptVt :: DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> VM () Source #

Dump the given program conditionally.

dumpVt :: String -> SDoc -> VM () Source #

Dump the given program unconditionally.


noV :: SDoc -> VM a Source #

Return some result saying we've failed.

traceNoV :: String -> SDoc -> VM a Source #

Like traceNoV but also emit some trace message to stderr.

ensureV :: SDoc -> Bool -> VM () Source #

If True then carry on, otherwise fail.

traceEnsureV :: String -> SDoc -> Bool -> VM () Source #

Like ensureV but if we fail then emit some trace message to stderr.

onlyIfV :: SDoc -> Bool -> VM a -> VM a Source #

If True then return the first argument, otherwise fail.

tryV :: VM a -> VM (Maybe a) Source #

Try some vectorisation computaton.

If it succeeds then return Just the result; otherwise, return Nothing without emitting a failure message.

tryErrV :: VM a -> VM (Maybe a) Source #

Try some vectorisation computaton.

If it succeeds then return Just the result; otherwise, return Nothing after emitting a failure message.

maybeV :: SDoc -> VM (Maybe a) -> VM a Source #

If Just then return the value, otherwise fail.

traceMaybeV :: String -> SDoc -> VM (Maybe a) -> VM a Source #

Like maybeV but emit a message to stderr if we fail.

orElseV :: VM a -> VM a -> VM a Source #

Try the first computation,

  • if it succeeds then take the returned value,
  • if it fails then run the second computation instead without emitting a failure message.

orElseErrV :: VM a -> VM a -> VM a Source #

Try the first computation,

  • if it succeeds then take the returned value,
  • if it fails then run the second computation instead while emitting a failure message.

fixV :: (a -> VM a) -> VM a Source #

Fixpoint in the vectorisation monad.