{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, NondecreasingIndentation, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
module GhcMake(
load, load', LoadHowMuch(..),
ms_home_srcimps, ms_home_imps,
noModError, cyclicModuleErr,
moduleGraphNodes, SummaryNode
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import qualified Linker ( unload )
import DriverPhases
import DriverPipeline
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import Finder
import GhcMonad
import HeaderInfo
import HscTypes
import Module
import TcIface ( typecheckIface )
import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck )
import HscMain
import Bag ( listToBag )
import BasicTypes
import Digraph
import Exception ( tryIO, gbracket, gfinally )
import FastString
import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Name
import MonadUtils ( allM, MonadIO )
import Outputable
import Panic
import SrcLoc
import StringBuffer
import SysTools
import UniqFM
import UniqDSet
import TcBackpack
import Packages
import UniqSet
import Util
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import NameEnv
import Data.Either ( rights, partitionEithers )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified FiniteMap as Map ( insertListWith )
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIOWithUnmask, killThread )
import qualified GHC.Conc as CC
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.QSem
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Data.Time
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO ( fixIO )
import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
import GHC.Conc ( getNumProcessors, getNumCapabilities, setNumCapabilities )
label_self :: String -> IO ()
label_self thread_name = do
self_tid <- CC.myThreadId
CC.labelThread self_tid thread_name
depanal :: GhcMonad m =>
-> Bool
-> m ModuleGraph
depanal excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
hsc_env <- getSession
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
withTiming (pure dflags) (text "Chasing dependencies") (const ()) $ do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hcat [
text "Chasing modules from: ",
hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
mod_graphE <- liftIO $ downsweep hsc_env old_graph
excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
mod_graph <- reportImportErrors mod_graphE
warnMissingHomeModules hsc_env mod_graph
setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
return mod_graph
warnMissingHomeModules :: GhcMonad m => HscEnv -> ModuleGraph -> m ()
warnMissingHomeModules hsc_env mod_graph =
when (wopt Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules dflags && not (null missing)) $
logWarnings (listToBag [warn])
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
targets = map targetId (hsc_targets hsc_env)
is_known_module mod = any (is_my_target mod) targets
is_my_target mod (TargetModule name)
= moduleName (ms_mod mod) == name
is_my_target mod (TargetFile target_file _)
| Just mod_file <- ml_hs_file (ms_location mod)
= target_file == mod_file ||
mkModuleName (fst $ splitExtension target_file)
== moduleName (ms_mod mod)
is_my_target _ _ = False
missing = map (moduleName . ms_mod) $
filter (not . is_known_module) mod_graph
| gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
= text "These modules are needed for compilation but not listed in your .cabal file's other-modules: "
<> sep (map ppr missing)
| otherwise
= text "Modules are not listed in command line but needed for compilation: "
<> sep (map ppr missing)
warn = makeIntoWarning
(Reason Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules)
(mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan msg)
data LoadHowMuch
= LoadAllTargets
| LoadUpTo ModuleName
| LoadDependenciesOf ModuleName
load :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> m SuccessFlag
load how_much = do
mod_graph <- depanal [] False
load' how_much (Just batchMsg) mod_graph
load' :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> Maybe Messager -> ModuleGraph -> m SuccessFlag
load' how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
hsc_env <- getSession
let hpt1 = hsc_HPT hsc_env
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let all_home_mods = [ms_mod_name s
| s <- mod_graph, not (isBootSummary s)]
let checkHowMuch (LoadUpTo m) = checkMod m
checkHowMuch (LoadDependenciesOf m) = checkMod m
checkHowMuch _ = id
checkMod m and_then
| m `elem` all_home_mods = and_then
| otherwise = do
liftIO $ errorMsg dflags (text "no such module:" <+>
quotes (ppr m))
return Failed
checkHowMuch how_much $ do
let mg2_with_srcimps :: [SCC ModSummary]
mg2_with_srcimps = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph Nothing
warnUnnecessarySourceImports mg2_with_srcimps
= checkStability hpt1 mg2_with_srcimps all_home_mods
pruned_hpt = pruneHomePackageTable hpt1
(flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
_ <- liftIO $ evaluate pruned_hpt
setSession $ discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_HPT = pruned_hpt }
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
let stable_linkables = [ linkable
| m <- stable_obj++stable_bco,
Just hmi <- [lookupHpt pruned_hpt m],
Just linkable <- [hm_linkable hmi] ]
liftIO $ unload hsc_env stable_linkables
let full_mg :: [SCC ModSummary]
full_mg = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph Nothing
maybe_top_mod = case how_much of
LoadUpTo m -> Just m
LoadDependenciesOf m -> Just m
_ -> Nothing
partial_mg0 :: [SCC ModSummary]
partial_mg0 = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
| LoadDependenciesOf _mod <- how_much
= ASSERT( case last partial_mg0 of
AcyclicSCC ms -> ms_mod_name ms == _mod; _ -> False )
List.init partial_mg0
| otherwise
= partial_mg0
stable_mg =
[ AcyclicSCC ms
| AcyclicSCC ms <- full_mg,
ms_mod_name ms `elem` stable_obj++stable_bco ]
unstable_mg = filter not_stable partial_mg
where not_stable (CyclicSCC _) = True
not_stable (AcyclicSCC ms)
= ms_mod_name ms `notElem` stable_obj++stable_bco
mg = stable_mg ++ unstable_mg
let cleanup hsc_env = intermediateCleanTempFiles (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
(flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hang (text "Ready for upsweep")
2 (ppr mg))
n_jobs <- case parMakeCount dflags of
Nothing -> liftIO getNumProcessors
Just n -> return n
let upsweep_fn | n_jobs > 1 = parUpsweep n_jobs
| otherwise = upsweep
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
(upsweep_ok, modsUpswept)
<- upsweep_fn mHscMessage pruned_hpt stable_mods cleanup mg
let modsDone = reverse modsUpswept
if succeeded upsweep_ok
do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep completely successful.")
hsc_env1 <- getSession
liftIO $ intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags modsDone hsc_env1
let ofile = outputFile dflags
let no_hs_main = gopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
main_mod = mainModIs dflags
a_root_is_Main = any ((==main_mod).ms_mod) mod_graph
do_linking = a_root_is_Main || no_hs_main || ghcLink dflags == LinkDynLib || ghcLink dflags == LinkStaticLib
linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags do_linking (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
if ghcLink dflags == LinkBinary && isJust ofile && not do_linking
then do
liftIO $ errorMsg dflags $ text
("output was redirected with -o, " ++
"but no output will be generated\n" ++
"because there is no " ++
moduleNameString (moduleName main_mod) ++ " module.")
loadFinish Failed linkresult
loadFinish Succeeded linkresult
do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep partially successful.")
let modsDone_names
= map ms_mod modsDone
let mods_to_zap_names
= findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone_names
let mods_to_keep
= filter ((`Set.notMember` mods_to_zap_names).ms_mod)
hsc_env1 <- getSession
let hpt4 = retainInTopLevelEnvs (map ms_mod_name mods_to_keep)
(hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
liftIO $ intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags mods_to_keep hsc_env1
let just_linkables =
isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
|| allHpt (isJust.hm_linkable)
(filterHpt ((== HsSrcFile).mi_hsc_src.hm_iface)
ASSERT( just_linkables ) do
linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags False hpt4
modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = hpt4 }
loadFinish Failed linkresult
loadFinish :: GhcMonad m => SuccessFlag -> SuccessFlag -> m SuccessFlag
loadFinish _all_ok Failed
= do hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO $ unload hsc_env []
modifySession discardProg
return Failed
loadFinish all_ok Succeeded
= do modifySession discardIC
return all_ok
discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
discardProg hsc_env
= discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG
, hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
discardIC :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
discardIC hsc_env
= hsc_env { hsc_IC = empty_ic { ic_int_print = new_ic_int_print
, ic_monad = new_ic_monad } }
!new_ic_int_print = keep_external_name ic_int_print
!new_ic_monad = keep_external_name ic_monad
dflags = ic_dflags old_ic
old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
empty_ic = emptyInteractiveContext dflags
keep_external_name ic_name
| nameIsFromExternalPackage this_pkg old_name = old_name
| otherwise = ic_name empty_ic
this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
old_name = ic_name old_ic
intermediateCleanTempFiles :: DynFlags -> [ModSummary] -> HscEnv -> IO ()
intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags summaries hsc_env
= do notIntermediate <- readIORef (filesToNotIntermediateClean dflags)
cleanTempFilesExcept dflags (notIntermediate ++ except)
except =
map ms_hspp_file summaries ++
hptObjs (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
guessOutputFile :: GhcMonad m => m ()
guessOutputFile = modifySession $ \env ->
let dflags = hsc_dflags env
!mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph env
mainModuleSrcPath :: Maybe String
mainModuleSrcPath = do
let isMain = (== mainModIs dflags) . ms_mod
[ms] <- return (filter isMain mod_graph)
ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)
name = fmap dropExtension mainModuleSrcPath
name_exe = do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
name' <- fmap (<.> "exe") name
name' <- name
mainModuleSrcPath' <- mainModuleSrcPath
if name' == mainModuleSrcPath'
then throwGhcException . UsageError $
"default output name would overwrite the input file; " ++
"must specify -o explicitly"
else Just name'
case outputFile dflags of
Just _ -> env
Nothing -> env { hsc_dflags = dflags { outputFile = name_exe } }
pruneHomePackageTable :: HomePackageTable
-> [ModSummary]
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> HomePackageTable
pruneHomePackageTable hpt summ (stable_obj, stable_bco)
= mapHpt prune hpt
where prune hmi
| is_stable modl = hmi'
| otherwise = hmi'{ hm_details = emptyModDetails }
modl = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi))
hmi' | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, linkableTime l < ms_hs_date ms
= hmi{ hm_linkable = Nothing }
| otherwise
= hmi
where ms = expectJust "prune" (lookupUFM ms_map modl)
ms_map = listToUFM [(ms_mod_name ms, ms) | ms <- summ]
is_stable m = m `elem` stable_obj || m `elem` stable_bco
findPartiallyCompletedCycles :: [Module] -> [SCC ModSummary] -> Set.Set Module
findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone theGraph
= Set.unions
| CyclicSCC vs <- theGraph
, let names_in_this_cycle = Set.fromList (map ms_mod vs)
mods_in_this_cycle =
Set.intersection (Set.fromList modsDone) names_in_this_cycle
, Set.size mods_in_this_cycle < Set.size names_in_this_cycle]
unload :: HscEnv -> [Linkable] -> IO ()
unload hsc_env stable_linkables
= case ghcLink (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
LinkInMemory -> Linker.unload hsc_env stable_linkables
_other -> return ()
:: HomePackageTable
-> [SCC ModSummary]
-> [ModuleName]
-> ([ModuleName],
checkStability hpt sccs all_home_mods = foldl checkSCC ([],[]) sccs
checkSCC (stable_obj, stable_bco) scc0
| stableObjects = (scc_mods ++ stable_obj, stable_bco)
| stableBCOs = (stable_obj, scc_mods ++ stable_bco)
| otherwise = (stable_obj, stable_bco)
scc = flattenSCC scc0
scc_mods = map ms_mod_name scc
home_module m = m `elem` all_home_mods && m `notElem` scc_mods
scc_allimps = nub (filter home_module (concatMap ms_home_allimps scc))
stable_obj_imps = map (`elem` stable_obj) scc_allimps
stable_bco_imps = map (`elem` stable_bco) scc_allimps
stableObjects =
and stable_obj_imps
&& all object_ok scc
stableBCOs =
and (zipWith (||) stable_obj_imps stable_bco_imps)
&& all bco_ok scc
object_ok ms
| gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
| Just t <- ms_obj_date ms = t >= ms_hs_date ms
&& same_as_prev t
| otherwise = False
same_as_prev t = case lookupHpt hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi
-> isObjectLinkable l && t == linkableTime l
_other -> True
bco_ok ms
| gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
| otherwise = case lookupHpt hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi ->
not (isObjectLinkable l) &&
linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date ms
_other -> False
data LogQueue = LogQueue !(IORef [Maybe (WarnReason, Severity, SrcSpan, PprStyle, MsgDoc)])
!(MVar ())
type CompilationGraph = [(ModSummary, MVar SuccessFlag, LogQueue)]
buildCompGraph :: [SCC ModSummary] -> IO (CompilationGraph, Maybe [ModSummary])
buildCompGraph [] = return ([], Nothing)
buildCompGraph (scc:sccs) = case scc of
AcyclicSCC ms -> do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
log_queue <- do
ref <- newIORef []
sem <- newEmptyMVar
return (LogQueue ref sem)
(rest,cycle) <- buildCompGraph sccs
return ((ms,mvar,log_queue):rest, cycle)
CyclicSCC mss -> return ([], Just mss)
type BuildModule = (Module, IsBoot)
data IsBoot = IsBoot | NotBoot
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Read)
hscSourceToIsBoot :: HscSource -> IsBoot
hscSourceToIsBoot HsBootFile = IsBoot
hscSourceToIsBoot _ = NotBoot
mkBuildModule :: ModSummary -> BuildModule
mkBuildModule ms = (ms_mod ms, if isBootSummary ms then IsBoot else NotBoot)
:: GhcMonad m
=> Int
-> Maybe Messager
-> HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> (HscEnv -> IO ())
-> [SCC ModSummary]
-> m (SuccessFlag,
parUpsweep n_jobs mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods cleanup sccs = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
when (not (null (unitIdsToCheck dflags))) $
throwGhcException (ProgramError "Backpack typechecking not supported with -j")
hsc_env_var <- liftIO $ newMVar hsc_env
old_hpt_var <- liftIO $ newIORef old_hpt
par_sem <- liftIO $ newQSem n_jobs
let updNumCapabilities = liftIO $ do
n_capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
n_cpus <- getNumProcessors
let n_caps = min n_jobs n_cpus
unless (n_capabilities /= 1) $ setNumCapabilities n_caps
return n_capabilities
let resetNumCapabilities orig_n = liftIO $ setNumCapabilities orig_n
gbracket updNumCapabilities resetNumCapabilities $ \_ -> do
let finallySyncSession io = io `gfinally` do
hsc_env <- liftIO $ readMVar hsc_env_var
setSession hsc_env
finallySyncSession $ do
(comp_graph,cycle) <- liftIO $ buildCompGraph sccs
let comp_graph_w_idx = zip comp_graph [1..]
let comp_graph_loops = go (map fstOf3 (reverse comp_graph))
go [] = []
go (ms:mss) | Just loop <- getModLoop ms (ms:mss)
= map mkBuildModule (ms:loop) : go mss
| otherwise
= go mss
let home_mod_map :: Map BuildModule (MVar SuccessFlag, Int)
home_mod_map =
Map.fromList [ (mkBuildModule ms, (mvar, idx))
| ((ms,mvar,_),idx) <- comp_graph_w_idx ]
liftIO $ label_self "main --make thread"
let { spawnWorkers = forM comp_graph_w_idx $ \((mod,!mvar,!log_queue),!mod_idx) ->
forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> do
liftIO $ label_self $ unwords
[ "worker --make thread"
, "for module"
, show (moduleNameString (ms_mod_name mod))
, "number"
, show mod_idx
lcl_files_to_clean <- newIORef []
let lcl_dflags = dflags { log_action = parLogAction log_queue
, filesToClean = lcl_files_to_clean }
m_res <- try $ unmask $ prettyPrintGhcErrors lcl_dflags $
parUpsweep_one mod home_mod_map comp_graph_loops
lcl_dflags mHscMessage cleanup
par_sem hsc_env_var old_hpt_var
stable_mods mod_idx (length sccs)
res <- case m_res of
Right flag -> return flag
Left exc -> do
when (fromException exc /= Just ThreadKilled)
(errorMsg lcl_dflags (text (show exc)))
return Failed
putMVar mvar res
writeLogQueue log_queue Nothing
files_kept <- readIORef (filesToClean lcl_dflags)
addFilesToClean dflags files_kept
; killWorkers = uninterruptibleMask_ . mapM_ killThread }
results <- liftIO $ bracket spawnWorkers killWorkers $ \_ ->
forM comp_graph $ \(mod,mvar,log_queue) -> do
printLogs dflags log_queue
result <- readMVar mvar
if succeeded result then return (Just mod) else return Nothing
let ok_results = reverse (catMaybes results)
case cycle of
Just mss -> do
liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (cyclicModuleErr mss)
return (Failed,ok_results)
Nothing -> do
let success_flag = successIf (all isJust results)
return (success_flag,ok_results)
writeLogQueue :: LogQueue -> Maybe (WarnReason,Severity,SrcSpan,PprStyle,MsgDoc) -> IO ()
writeLogQueue (LogQueue ref sem) msg = do
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \msgs -> (msg:msgs,())
_ <- tryPutMVar sem ()
return ()
parLogAction :: LogQueue -> LogAction
parLogAction log_queue _dflags !reason !severity !srcSpan !style !msg = do
writeLogQueue log_queue (Just (reason,severity,srcSpan,style,msg))
printLogs :: DynFlags -> LogQueue -> IO ()
printLogs !dflags (LogQueue ref sem) = read_msgs
where read_msgs = do
takeMVar sem
msgs <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \xs -> ([], reverse xs)
print_loop msgs
print_loop [] = read_msgs
print_loop (x:xs) = case x of
Just (reason,severity,srcSpan,style,msg) -> do
putLogMsg dflags reason severity srcSpan style msg
print_loop xs
Nothing -> return ()
:: ModSummary
-> Map BuildModule (MVar SuccessFlag, Int)
-> [[BuildModule]]
-> DynFlags
-> Maybe Messager
-> (HscEnv -> IO ())
-> QSem
-> MVar HscEnv
-> IORef HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO SuccessFlag
parUpsweep_one mod home_mod_map comp_graph_loops lcl_dflags mHscMessage cleanup par_sem
hsc_env_var old_hpt_var stable_mods mod_index num_mods = do
let this_build_mod = mkBuildModule mod
let home_imps = map unLoc $ ms_home_imps mod
let home_src_imps = map unLoc $ ms_home_srcimps mod
let textual_deps = Set.fromList $ mapFst (mkModule (thisPackage lcl_dflags)) $
zip home_imps (repeat NotBoot) ++
zip home_src_imps (repeat IsBoot)
let finish_loop = listToMaybe
[ tail loop | loop <- comp_graph_loops
, head loop == this_build_mod ]
let int_loop_deps = Set.fromList $
case finish_loop of
Nothing -> []
Just loop -> filter (/= this_build_mod) loop
let ext_loop_deps = Set.fromList
[ head loop | loop <- comp_graph_loops
, any (`Set.member` textual_deps) loop
, this_build_mod `notElem` loop ]
let all_deps = foldl1 Set.union [textual_deps, int_loop_deps, ext_loop_deps]
let home_deps_with_idx =
[ home_dep | dep <- Set.toList all_deps
, Just home_dep <- [Map.lookup dep home_mod_map] ]
let home_deps = map fst $ sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) home_deps_with_idx
deps_ok <- allM (fmap succeeded . readMVar) home_deps
if not deps_ok
then return Failed
else do
hsc_env <- readMVar hsc_env_var
old_hpt <- readIORef old_hpt_var
let logger err = printBagOfErrors lcl_dflags (srcErrorMessages err)
let withSem sem = bracket_ (waitQSem sem) (signalQSem sem)
mb_mod_info <- withSem par_sem $
handleSourceError (\err -> do logger err; return Nothing) $ do
let lcl_mod = localize_mod mod
let lcl_hsc_env = localize_hsc_env hsc_env
type_env_var <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyNameEnv
let lcl_hsc_env' = lcl_hsc_env { hsc_type_env_var =
Just (ms_mod lcl_mod, type_env_var) }
lcl_hsc_env'' <- case finish_loop of
Nothing -> return lcl_hsc_env'
Just loop -> typecheckLoop lcl_dflags lcl_hsc_env' $
map (moduleName . fst) loop
mod_info <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env'' mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods
lcl_mod mod_index num_mods
return (Just mod_info)
case mb_mod_info of
Nothing -> return Failed
Just mod_info -> do
let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
unless (isBootSummary mod) $
atomicModifyIORef' old_hpt_var $ \old_hpt ->
(delFromHpt old_hpt this_mod, ())
lcl_hsc_env' <- modifyMVar hsc_env_var $ \hsc_env -> do
let hsc_env' = hsc_env
{ hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
this_mod mod_info }
hsc_env'' <- case finish_loop of
Nothing -> return hsc_env'
Just loop -> typecheckLoop lcl_dflags hsc_env' $
map (moduleName . fst) loop
return (hsc_env'', localize_hsc_env hsc_env'')
cleanup lcl_hsc_env'
return Succeeded
localize_mod mod
= mod { ms_hspp_opts = (ms_hspp_opts mod)
{ log_action = log_action lcl_dflags
, filesToClean = filesToClean lcl_dflags } }
localize_hsc_env hsc_env
= hsc_env { hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
{ log_action = log_action lcl_dflags
, filesToClean = filesToClean lcl_dflags } }
:: GhcMonad m
=> Maybe Messager
-> HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> (HscEnv -> IO ())
-> [SCC ModSummary]
-> m (SuccessFlag,
upsweep mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods cleanup sccs = do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
(res, done) <- upsweep' old_hpt [] sccs 1 (length sccs)
(unitIdsToCheck dflags) done_holes
return (res, reverse done)
done_holes = emptyUniqSet
upsweep' _old_hpt done
[] _ _ uids_to_check _
= do hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO . runHsc hsc_env $ mapM_ (ioMsgMaybe . tcRnCheckUnitId hsc_env) uids_to_check
return (Succeeded, done)
upsweep' _old_hpt done
(CyclicSCC ms:_) _ _ _ _
= do dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (cyclicModuleErr ms)
return (Failed, done)
upsweep' old_hpt done
(AcyclicSCC mod:mods) mod_index nmods uids_to_check done_holes
= do
let logger _mod = defaultWarnErrLogger
hsc_env <- getSession
let (ready_uids, uids_to_check')
= partition (\uid -> isEmptyUniqDSet
(unitIdFreeHoles uid `uniqDSetMinusUniqSet` done_holes))
| ms_hsc_src mod == HsigFile
= addOneToUniqSet done_holes (ms_mod_name mod)
| otherwise = done_holes
liftIO . runHsc hsc_env $ mapM_ (ioMsgMaybe . tcRnCheckUnitId hsc_env) ready_uids
liftIO (cleanup hsc_env)
type_env_var <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyNameEnv
let hsc_env1 = hsc_env { hsc_type_env_var =
Just (ms_mod mod, type_env_var) }
setSession hsc_env1
hsc_env2 <- liftIO $ reTypecheckLoop hsc_env1 mod done
setSession hsc_env2
<- handleSourceError
(\err -> do logger mod (Just err); return Nothing) $ do
mod_info <- liftIO $ upsweep_mod hsc_env2 mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods
mod mod_index nmods
logger mod Nothing
return (Just mod_info)
case mb_mod_info of
Nothing -> return (Failed, done)
Just mod_info -> do
let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
hpt1 = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env2) this_mod mod_info
hsc_env3 = hsc_env2 { hsc_HPT = hpt1, hsc_type_env_var = Nothing }
old_hpt1 | isBootSummary mod = old_hpt
| otherwise = delFromHpt old_hpt this_mod
done' = mod:done
hsc_env4 <- liftIO $ reTypecheckLoop hsc_env3 mod done'
setSession hsc_env4
when (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env4) == HscInterpreted) $
liftIO $ hscAddSptEntries hsc_env4
[ spt
| Just linkable <- pure $ hm_linkable mod_info
, unlinked <- linkableUnlinked linkable
, BCOs _ spts <- pure unlinked
, spt <- spts
upsweep' old_hpt1 done' mods (mod_index+1) nmods uids_to_check' done_holes'
unitIdsToCheck :: DynFlags -> [UnitId]
unitIdsToCheck dflags =
nubSort $ concatMap goUnitId (explicitPackages (pkgState dflags))
goUnitId uid =
case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
(_, Just indef) ->
let insts = indefUnitIdInsts indef
in uid : concatMap (goUnitId . moduleUnitId . snd) insts
_ -> []
maybeGetIfaceDate :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)
maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
| writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags
= modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
| otherwise
= return Nothing
upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Messager
-> HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> ModSummary
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO HomeModInfo
upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hpt (stable_obj, stable_bco) summary mod_index nmods
= let
this_mod_name = ms_mod_name summary
this_mod = ms_mod summary
mb_obj_date = ms_obj_date summary
mb_if_date = ms_iface_date summary
obj_fn = ml_obj_file (ms_location summary)
hs_date = ms_hs_date summary
is_stable_obj = this_mod_name `elem` stable_obj
is_stable_bco = this_mod_name `elem` stable_bco
old_hmi = lookupHpt old_hpt this_mod_name
dflags = ms_hspp_opts summary
prevailing_target = hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
local_target = hscTarget dflags
target = if prevailing_target /= local_target
&& (not (isObjectTarget prevailing_target)
|| not (isObjectTarget local_target))
then prevailing_target
else local_target
summary' = summary{ ms_hspp_opts = dflags { hscTarget = target } }
= case old_hmi of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just hm_info | isBootSummary summary -> Just iface
| not (mi_boot iface) -> Just iface
| otherwise -> Nothing
iface = hm_iface hm_info
compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified -> IO HomeModInfo
compile_it mb_linkable src_modified =
compileOne' Nothing mHscMessage hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
mb_old_iface mb_linkable src_modified
compile_it_discard_iface :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified
-> IO HomeModInfo
compile_it_discard_iface mb_linkable src_modified =
compileOne' Nothing mHscMessage hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
Nothing mb_linkable src_modified
| Just hmi <- old_hmi, Just l <- hm_linkable hmi =
null (linkableUnlinked l)
| otherwise =
implies False _ = True
implies True x = x
case () of
| is_stable_obj, Just hmi <- old_hmi -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "skipping stable obj mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
return hmi
| is_stable_obj, isNothing old_hmi -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling stable on-disk mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn
(expectJust "upsweep1" mb_obj_date)
compile_it (Just linkable) SourceUnmodifiedAndStable
| not (isObjectTarget target), is_stable_bco,
(target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable ->
ASSERT(isJust old_hmi)
let Just hmi = old_hmi in do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "skipping stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
return hmi
| not (isObjectTarget target),
Just hmi <- old_hmi,
Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
not (isObjectLinkable l),
(target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable,
linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date summary -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling non-stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
| isObjectTarget target,
Just obj_date <- mb_obj_date,
obj_date >= hs_date -> do
case old_hmi of
Just hmi
| Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
isObjectLinkable l && linkableTime l == obj_date -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
_otherwise -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj2:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
compile_it_discard_iface (Just linkable) SourceUnmodified
| writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags,
Just if_date <- mb_if_date,
if_date >= hs_date -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "skipping tc'd mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it Nothing SourceUnmodified
_otherwise -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it Nothing SourceModified
retainInTopLevelEnvs :: [ModuleName] -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
retainInTopLevelEnvs keep_these hpt
= listToHpt [ (mod, expectJust "retain" mb_mod_info)
| mod <- keep_these
, let mb_mod_info = lookupHpt hpt mod
, isJust mb_mod_info ]
reTypecheckLoop :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModuleGraph -> IO HscEnv
reTypecheckLoop hsc_env ms graph
| Just loop <- getModLoop ms graph
, let non_boot = filter (\l -> not (isBootSummary l &&
ms_mod l == ms_mod ms)) loop
= typecheckLoop (hsc_dflags hsc_env) hsc_env (map ms_mod_name non_boot)
| otherwise
= return hsc_env
getModLoop :: ModSummary -> ModuleGraph -> Maybe [ModSummary]
getModLoop ms graph
| not (isBootSummary ms)
, any (\m -> ms_mod m == this_mod && isBootSummary m) graph
, let mss = reachableBackwards (ms_mod_name ms) graph
= Just mss
| otherwise
= Nothing
this_mod = ms_mod ms
typecheckLoop :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> [ModuleName] -> IO HscEnv
typecheckLoop dflags hsc_env mods = do
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
text "Re-typechecking loop: " <> ppr mods
new_hpt <-
fixIO $ \new_hpt -> do
let new_hsc_env = hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "typecheckLoop") new_hsc_env $
mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt
(zip mods [ hmi{ hm_details = details }
| (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds ])
return new_hpt
return hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
old_hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
hmis = map (expectJust "typecheckLoop" . lookupHpt old_hpt) mods
reachableBackwards :: ModuleName -> [ModSummary] -> [ModSummary]
reachableBackwards mod summaries
= [ ms | (ms,_,_) <- reachableG (transposeG graph) root ]
(graph, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False summaries
root = expectJust "reachableBackwards" (lookup_node HsBootFile mod)
:: Bool
-> [ModSummary]
-> Maybe ModuleName
-> [SCC ModSummary]
topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries mb_root_mod
= map (fmap summaryNodeSummary) $ stronglyConnCompG initial_graph
(graph, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes (reverse summaries)
initial_graph = case mb_root_mod of
Nothing -> graph
Just root_mod ->
let root | Just node <- lookup_node HsSrcFile root_mod, graph `hasVertexG` node = node
| otherwise = throwGhcException (ProgramError "module does not exist")
in graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq (seq root (reachableG graph root))
type SummaryNode = (ModSummary, Int, [Int])
summaryNodeKey :: SummaryNode -> Int
summaryNodeKey (_, k, _) = k
summaryNodeSummary :: SummaryNode -> ModSummary
summaryNodeSummary (s, _, _) = s
moduleGraphNodes :: Bool -> [ModSummary]
-> (Graph SummaryNode, HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode)
moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries =
(graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes, lookup_node)
numbered_summaries = zip summaries [1..]
lookup_node :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode
lookup_node hs_src mod = Map.lookup (mod, hscSourceToIsBoot hs_src) node_map
lookup_key :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe Int
lookup_key hs_src mod = fmap summaryNodeKey (lookup_node hs_src mod)
node_map :: NodeMap SummaryNode
node_map = Map.fromList [ ((moduleName (ms_mod s),
hscSourceToIsBoot (ms_hsc_src s)), node)
| node@(s, _, _) <- nodes ]
nodes :: [SummaryNode]
nodes = [ (s, key, out_keys)
| (s, key) <- numbered_summaries
, not (isBootSummary s && drop_hs_boot_nodes)
, let out_keys = out_edge_keys hs_boot_key (map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps s)) ++
out_edge_keys HsSrcFile (map unLoc (ms_home_imps s)) ++
if drop_hs_boot_nodes || ms_hsc_src s == HsBootFile
then []
else case lookup_key HsBootFile (ms_mod_name s) of
Nothing -> []
Just k -> [k]) ]
hs_boot_key | drop_hs_boot_nodes = HsSrcFile
| otherwise = HsBootFile
out_edge_keys :: HscSource -> [ModuleName] -> [Int]
out_edge_keys hi_boot ms = mapMaybe (lookup_key hi_boot) ms
type NodeKey = (ModuleName, IsBoot)
type NodeMap a = Map.Map NodeKey a
msKey :: ModSummary -> NodeKey
msKey (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = boot })
= (moduleName mod, hscSourceToIsBoot boot)
mkNodeMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap ModSummary
mkNodeMap summaries = Map.fromList [ (msKey s, s) | s <- summaries]
nodeMapElts :: NodeMap a -> [a]
nodeMapElts = Map.elems
warnUnnecessarySourceImports :: GhcMonad m => [SCC ModSummary] -> m ()
warnUnnecessarySourceImports sccs = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
when (wopt Opt_WarnUnusedImports dflags)
(logWarnings (listToBag (concatMap (check dflags . flattenSCC) sccs)))
where check dflags ms =
let mods_in_this_cycle = map ms_mod_name ms in
[ warn dflags i | m <- ms, i <- ms_home_srcimps m,
unLoc i `notElem` mods_in_this_cycle ]
warn :: DynFlags -> Located ModuleName -> WarnMsg
warn dflags (L loc mod) =
mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc
(text "Warning: {-# SOURCE #-} unnecessary in import of "
<+> quotes (ppr mod))
reportImportErrors :: MonadIO m => [Either ErrMsg b] -> m [b]
reportImportErrors xs | null errs = return oks
| otherwise = throwManyErrors errs
where (errs, oks) = partitionEithers xs
throwManyErrors :: MonadIO m => [ErrMsg] -> m ab
throwManyErrors errs = liftIO $ throwIO $ mkSrcErr $ listToBag errs
downsweep :: HscEnv
-> [ModSummary]
-> [ModuleName]
-> Bool
-> IO [Either ErrMsg ModSummary]
downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
= do
rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
rootSummariesOk <- reportImportErrors rootSummaries
let root_map = mkRootMap rootSummariesOk
checkDuplicates root_map
summs <- loop (concatMap calcDeps rootSummariesOk) root_map
return summs
calcDeps = msDeps
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
old_summary_map :: NodeMap ModSummary
old_summary_map = mkNodeMap old_summaries
getRootSummary :: Target -> IO (Either ErrMsg ModSummary)
getRootSummary (Target (TargetFile file mb_phase) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
= do exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
if exists
then Right `fmap` summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase
obj_allowed maybe_buf
else return $ Left $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
text "can't find file:" <+> text file
getRootSummary (Target (TargetModule modl) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
= do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map NotBoot
(L rootLoc modl) obj_allowed
maybe_buf excl_mods
case maybe_summary of
Nothing -> return $ Left $ moduleNotFoundErr dflags modl
Just s -> return s
rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
checkDuplicates :: NodeMap [Either ErrMsg ModSummary] -> IO ()
checkDuplicates root_map
| allow_dup_roots = return ()
| null dup_roots = return ()
| otherwise = liftIO $ multiRootsErr dflags (head dup_roots)
dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]]
dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton $ map rights $ nodeMapElts root_map
loop :: [(Located ModuleName,IsBoot)]
-> NodeMap [Either ErrMsg ModSummary]
-> IO [Either ErrMsg ModSummary]
loop [] done = return (concat (nodeMapElts done))
loop ((wanted_mod, is_boot) : ss) done
| Just summs <- Map.lookup key done
= if isSingleton summs then
loop ss done
do { multiRootsErr dflags (rights summs); return [] }
| otherwise
= do mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map
is_boot wanted_mod True
Nothing excl_mods
case mb_s of
Nothing -> loop ss done
Just (Left e) -> loop ss (Map.insert key [Left e] done)
Just (Right s)-> loop (calcDeps s ++ ss)
(Map.insert key [Right s] done)
key = (unLoc wanted_mod, is_boot)
mkRootMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap [Either ErrMsg ModSummary]
mkRootMap summaries = Map.insertListWith (flip (++))
[ (msKey s, [Right s]) | s <- summaries ]
msDeps :: ModSummary -> [(Located ModuleName, IsBoot)]
msDeps s =
concat [ [(m,IsBoot), (m,NotBoot)] | m <- ms_home_srcimps s ]
++ [ (m,NotBoot) | m <- ms_home_imps s ]
home_imps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)] -> [Located ModuleName]
home_imps imps = [ lmodname | (mb_pkg, lmodname) <- imps,
isLocal mb_pkg ]
where isLocal Nothing = True
isLocal (Just pkg) | pkg == fsLit "this" = True
isLocal _ = False
ms_home_allimps :: ModSummary -> [ModuleName]
ms_home_allimps ms = map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps ms ++ ms_home_imps ms)
ms_home_srcimps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
ms_home_srcimps = home_imps . ms_srcimps
ms_home_imps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
ms_home_imps = home_imps . ms_imps
:: HscEnv
-> [ModSummary]
-> FilePath
-> Maybe Phase
-> Bool
-> Maybe (StringBuffer,UTCTime)
-> IO ModSummary
summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
| Just old_summary <- findSummaryBySourceFile old_summaries file
= do
let location = ms_location old_summary
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
if ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp &&
not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
then do
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then liftIO $ getObjTimestamp location NotBoot
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
return old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
, ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp }
new_summary src_timestamp
| otherwise
= do src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
new_summary src_timestamp
get_src_timestamp = case maybe_buf of
Just (_,t) -> return t
Nothing -> liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime file
new_summary src_timestamp = do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let hsc_src = if isHaskellSigFilename file then HsigFile else HsSrcFile
(dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
<- preprocessFile hsc_env file mb_phase maybe_buf
(srcimps,the_imps, L _ mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn file
location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation dflags mod_name file
mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src mod_name
required_by_imports <- implicitRequirements hsc_env the_imps
return (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
ms_location = location,
ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
ms_srcimps = srcimps,
ms_textual_imps = the_imps ++ extra_sig_imports ++ required_by_imports,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
findSummaryBySourceFile summaries file
= case [ ms | ms <- summaries, HsSrcFile <- [ms_hsc_src ms],
expectJust "findSummaryBySourceFile" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)) == file ] of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> Just x
:: HscEnv
-> NodeMap ModSummary
-> IsBoot
-> Located ModuleName
-> Bool
-> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
-> [ModuleName]
-> IO (Maybe (Either ErrMsg ModSummary))
summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
obj_allowed maybe_buf excl_mods
| wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
= return Nothing
| Just old_summary <- Map.lookup (wanted_mod, is_boot) old_summary_map
= do
let location = ms_location old_summary
src_fn = expectJust "summariseModule" (ml_hs_file location)
case maybe_buf of
Just (_,t) -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
Nothing -> do
m <- tryIO (getModificationUTCTime src_fn)
case m of
Right t -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> find_it
| otherwise -> ioError e
| otherwise = find_it
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
| ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp &&
not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp dflags) = do
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then getObjTimestamp location is_boot
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
return (Just (Right old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
, ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp}))
| otherwise =
new_summary location (ms_mod old_summary) src_fn src_timestamp
find_it = do
uncacheModule hsc_env wanted_mod
found <- findImportedModule hsc_env wanted_mod Nothing
case found of
Found location mod
| isJust (ml_hs_file location) ->
just_found location mod
_ -> return Nothing
just_found location mod = do
let location' | IsBoot <- is_boot = addBootSuffixLocn location
| otherwise = location
src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
maybe_t <- modificationTimeIfExists src_fn
case maybe_t of
Nothing -> return $ Just $ Left $ noHsFileErr dflags loc src_fn
Just t -> new_summary location' mod src_fn t
new_summary location mod src_fn src_timestamp
= do
(dflags', hspp_fn, buf) <- preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
(srcimps, the_imps, L mod_loc mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn src_fn
let hsc_src = case is_boot of
IsBoot -> HsBootFile
_ | isHaskellSigFilename src_fn -> HsigFile
| otherwise -> HsSrcFile
when (mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags' mod_loc $
text "File name does not match module name:"
$$ text "Saw:" <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
$$ text "Expected:" <+> quotes (ppr wanted_mod)
when (hsc_src == HsigFile && isNothing (lookup mod_name (thisUnitIdInsts dflags))) $
let suggested_instantiated_with =
hcat (punctuate comma $
[ ppr k <> text "=" <> ppr v
| (k,v) <- ((mod_name, mkHoleModule mod_name)
: thisUnitIdInsts dflags)
in throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags' mod_loc $
text "Unexpected signature:" <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
$$ if gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
then parens (text "Try adding" <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
<+> text "to the"
<+> quotes (text "signatures")
<+> text "field in your Cabal file.")
else parens (text "Try passing -instantiated-with=\"" <>
suggested_instantiated_with <> text "\"" $$
text "replacing <" <> ppr mod_name <> text "> as necessary.")
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then getObjTimestamp location is_boot
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src mod_name
required_by_imports <- implicitRequirements hsc_env the_imps
return (Just (Right (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
ms_location = location,
ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
ms_srcimps = srcimps,
ms_textual_imps = the_imps ++ extra_sig_imports ++ required_by_imports,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })))
getObjTimestamp :: ModLocation -> IsBoot -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)
getObjTimestamp location is_boot
= if is_boot == IsBoot then return Nothing
else modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
preprocessFile :: HscEnv
-> FilePath
-> Maybe Phase
-> Maybe (StringBuffer,UTCTime)
-> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, StringBuffer)
preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn mb_phase Nothing
= do
(dflags', hspp_fn) <- preprocess hsc_env (src_fn, mb_phase)
buf <- hGetStringBuffer hspp_fn
return (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn mb_phase (Just (buf, _time))
= do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let local_opts = getOptions dflags buf src_fn
(dflags', leftovers, warns)
<- parseDynamicFilePragma dflags local_opts
checkProcessArgsResult dflags leftovers
handleFlagWarnings dflags' warns
let needs_preprocessing
| Just (Unlit _) <- mb_phase = True
| Nothing <- mb_phase, Unlit _ <- startPhase src_fn = True
| xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags' = True
| gopt Opt_Pp dflags' = True
| otherwise = False
when needs_preprocessing $
throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "buffer needs preprocesing; interactive check disabled")
return (dflags', src_fn, buf)
noModError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> ModuleName -> FindResult -> ErrMsg
noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
= mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $ cannotFindModule dflags wanted_mod err
noHsFileErr :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> String -> ErrMsg
noHsFileErr dflags loc path
= mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $ text "Can't find" <+> text path
moduleNotFoundErr :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> ErrMsg
moduleNotFoundErr dflags mod
= mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "cannot be found locally"
multiRootsErr :: DynFlags -> [ModSummary] -> IO ()
multiRootsErr _ [] = panic "multiRootsErr"
multiRootsErr dflags summs@(summ1:_)
= throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
text "is defined in multiple files:" <+>
sep (map text files)
mod = ms_mod summ1
files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
cyclicModuleErr :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
cyclicModuleErr mss
= ASSERT( not (null mss) )
case findCycle graph of
Nothing -> text "Unexpected non-cycle" <+> ppr mss
Just path -> vcat [ text "Module imports form a cycle:"
, nest 2 (show_path path) ]
graph :: [Node NodeKey ModSummary]
graph = [(ms, msKey ms, get_deps ms) | ms <- mss]
get_deps :: ModSummary -> [NodeKey]
get_deps ms = ([ (unLoc m, IsBoot) | m <- ms_home_srcimps ms ] ++
[ (unLoc m, NotBoot) | m <- ms_home_imps ms ])
show_path [] = panic "show_path"
show_path [m] = text "module" <+> ppr_ms m
<+> text "imports itself"
show_path (m1:m2:ms) = vcat ( nest 7 (text "module" <+> ppr_ms m1)
: nest 6 (text "imports" <+> ppr_ms m2)
: go ms )
go [] = [text "which imports" <+> ppr_ms m1]
go (m:ms) = (text "which imports" <+> ppr_ms m) : go ms
ppr_ms :: ModSummary -> SDoc
ppr_ms ms = quotes (ppr (moduleName (ms_mod ms))) <+>
(parens (text (msHsFilePath ms)))