{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Test.Validity.Functions.CanFail
    ( succeedsOnGen
    , succeedsOnValid
    , succeeds
    , succeedsOnArbitrary
    , succeedsOnGens2
    , succeedsOnValids2
    , succeeds2
    , succeedsOnArbitrary2
    , failsOnGen
    , failsOnInvalid
    , failsOnGens2
    , failsOnInvalid2
    , validIfSucceedsOnGen
    , validIfSucceedsOnValid
    , validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary
    , validIfSucceeds
    , validIfSucceedsOnGens2
    , validIfSucceedsOnValids2
    , validIfSucceeds2
    , validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary2
    , validIfSucceedsOnGens3
    , validIfSucceedsOnValids3
    , validIfSucceeds3
    , validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary3
    ) where

import Data.GenValidity

import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck

import Test.Validity.Types
import Test.Validity.Property.Utils

-- | The function succeeds if the input is generated by the given generator
succeedsOnGen ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Gen a
    -> (a -> [a])
    -> Property
succeedsOnGen func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \a -> func a `shouldSatisfy` (not . hasFailed)

-- | The function succeeds if the input is generated by @genValid@
succeedsOnValid ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), GenValid a, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
succeedsOnValid f = succeedsOnGen f genValid shrinkValid

-- | The function succeeds if the input is generated by @genUnchecked@
succeeds ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), GenUnchecked a, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
succeeds f = succeedsOnGen f genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked

-- | The function succeeds if the input is generated by @arbitrary@
succeedsOnArbitrary ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), Arbitrary a, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
succeedsOnArbitrary f = succeedsOnGen f arbitrary shrink

-- | The function fails if the input is generated by the given generator
failsOnGen ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Gen a
    -> (a -> [a])
    -> Property
failsOnGen func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \a -> func a `shouldSatisfy` hasFailed

-- | The function fails if the input is generated by @genInvalid@
failsOnInvalid ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), GenInvalid a, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
failsOnInvalid f = failsOnGen f genInvalid shrinkInvalid

-- | The function produces output that satisfies @isValid@ if it is given input
-- that is generated by the given generator.
validIfSucceedsOnGen ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), Validity b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Gen a
    -> (a -> [a])
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnGen func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \a ->
        case resultIfSucceeded (func a) of
            Nothing -> return () -- Can happen
            Just res -> shouldBeValid res

-- | The function produces output that satisfies @isValid@ if it is given input
-- that is generated by @arbitrary@.
validIfSucceedsOnValid ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), GenValid a, Validity b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnValid f = validIfSucceedsOnGen f genValid shrinkValid

-- | The function produces output that satisfies @isValid@ if it is given input
-- that is generated by @arbitrary@.
validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), Arbitrary a, Validity b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary f = validIfSucceedsOnGen f arbitrary shrink

-- | The function produces output that satisfies @isValid@ if it is given input
-- that is generated by @genUnchecked@.
validIfSucceeds ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show (f b), GenUnchecked a, Validity b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> f b)
    -> Property
validIfSucceeds f = validIfSucceedsOnGen f genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked

succeedsOnGens2 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show (f c), CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Gen (a, b)
    -> ((a, b) -> [(a, b)])
    -> Property
succeedsOnGens2 func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \(a, b) -> func a b `shouldSatisfy` (not . hasFailed)

succeedsOnValids2 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show (f c), GenValid a, GenValid b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
succeedsOnValids2 func = succeedsOnGens2 func genValid shrinkValid

succeeds2 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show (f c)
       , GenUnchecked a
       , GenUnchecked b
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
succeeds2 func = succeedsOnGens2 func genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked

succeedsOnArbitrary2 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show (f c), Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
succeedsOnArbitrary2 func = succeedsOnGens2 func arbitrary shrink

failsOnGens2 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show (f c), CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Gen a
    -> (a -> [a])
    -> Gen b
    -> (b -> [b])
    -> Property
failsOnGens2 func genA sA genB sB =
    forAllShrink genA sA $ \a ->
        forAllShrink genB sB $ \b -> func a b `shouldSatisfy` hasFailed

failsOnInvalid2 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show (f c)
       , GenUnchecked a
       , GenUnchecked b
       , GenInvalid a
       , GenInvalid b
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
failsOnInvalid2 func =
    failsOnGens2 func genInvalid shrinkInvalid genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked .&&.
    failsOnGens2 func genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked genInvalid shrinkInvalid

validIfSucceedsOnGens2 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show (f c), Validity c, CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Gen (a, b)
    -> ((a, b) -> [(a, b)])
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnGens2 func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \(a, b) ->
        case resultIfSucceeded (func a b) of
            Nothing -> return () -- Can happen
            Just res -> shouldBeValid res

validIfSucceedsOnValids2 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show (f c)
       , GenValid a
       , GenValid b
       , Validity c
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnValids2 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens2 func genValid shrinkValid

validIfSucceeds2 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show (f c)
       , GenUnchecked a
       , GenUnchecked b
       , Validity c
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
validIfSucceeds2 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens2 func genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked

validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary2 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show (f c)
       , Arbitrary a
       , Arbitrary b
       , Validity c
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> f c)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary2 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens2 func arbitrary shrink

validIfSucceedsOnGens3 ::
       (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show (f d), Validity d, CanFail f)
    => (a -> b -> c -> f d)
    -> Gen (a, b, c)
    -> ((a, b, c) -> [(a, b, c)])
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnGens3 func gen s =
    forAllShrink gen s $ \(a, b, c) ->
        case resultIfSucceeded (func a b c) of
            Nothing -> return () -- Can happen
            Just res -> shouldBeValid res

validIfSucceedsOnValids3 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show d
       , Show (f d)
       , GenValid a
       , GenValid b
       , GenValid c
       , Validity d
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> c -> f d)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnValids3 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens3 func genValid shrinkValid

validIfSucceeds3 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show d
       , Show (f d)
       , GenUnchecked a
       , GenUnchecked b
       , GenUnchecked c
       , Validity d
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> c -> f d)
    -> Property
validIfSucceeds3 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens3 func genUnchecked shrinkUnchecked

validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary3 ::
       ( Show a
       , Show b
       , Show c
       , Show d
       , Show (f d)
       , Arbitrary a
       , Arbitrary b
       , Arbitrary c
       , Validity d
       , CanFail f
    => (a -> b -> c -> f d)
    -> Property
validIfSucceedsOnArbitrary3 func = validIfSucceedsOnGens3 func arbitrary shrink