{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
module Data.GenValidity.Utils
    ( -- ** Helper functions for implementing generators
    , genSplit
    , genSplit3
    , genSplit4
    , genSplit5
    , genSplit6
    , genSplit7
    , genSplit8
    , arbPartition
    , shuffle
    , genListLength
    , genListOf
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
    , genNonEmptyOf
      -- ** Helper functions for implementing shrinking functions
    , shrinkTuple
    , shrinkT2
    , shrinkT3
    , shrinkT4
    , genIntX
    , genWordX
    , genFloat
    , genDouble
    , genFloatX
    , genInteger
    , genUncheckedInt
    , shrinkUncheckedInt
    , genUncheckedWord
    , shrinkUncheckedWord
    ) where

import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
import System.Random
import GHC.Float
import GHC.Int (Int(..))
import GHC.Word (Word(..))
import GHC.Exts (Word#, Int#)
import Data.Ratio
#if !MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,8,0)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM)
-- | 'upTo' generates an integer between 0 (inclusive) and 'n'.
upTo :: Int -> Gen Int
upTo n
    | n <= 0 = pure 0
    | otherwise = choose (0, n)

-- | 'genSplit a' generates a tuple '(b, c)' such that 'b + c' equals 'a'.
genSplit :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int)
genSplit n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        i <- choose (0, n)
        let j = n - i
        pure (i, j)

-- | 'genSplit3 a' generates a triple '(b, c, d)' such that 'b + c + d' equals 'a'.
genSplit3 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int)
genSplit3 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (a, z) <- genSplit n
        (b, c) <- genSplit z
        return (a, b, c)

-- | 'genSplit4 a' generates a quadruple '(b, c, d, e)' such that 'b + c + d + e' equals 'a'.
genSplit4 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int)
genSplit4 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (y, z) <- genSplit n
        (a, b) <- genSplit y
        (c, d) <- genSplit z
        return (a, b, c, d)

-- | 'genSplit5 a' generates a quintuple '(b, c, d, e, f)' such that 'b + c + d + e + f' equals 'a'.
genSplit5 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
genSplit5 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (y, z) <- genSplit n
        (a, b, c) <- genSplit3 y
        (d, e) <- genSplit z
        return (a, b, c, d, e)

-- | 'genSplit6 a' generates a sextuple '(b, c, d, e, f, g)' such that 'b + c + d + e + f + g' equals 'a'.
genSplit6 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
genSplit6 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (y, z) <- genSplit n
        (a, b, c) <- genSplit3 y
        (d, e, f) <- genSplit3 z
        return (a, b, c, d, e, f)

-- | 'genSplit7 a' generates a septtuple '(b, c, d, e, f, g)' such that 'b + c + d + e + f + g' equals 'a'.
genSplit7 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
genSplit7 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (y, z) <- genSplit n
        (a, b, c) <- genSplit3 y
        (d, e, f, g) <- genSplit4 z
        return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

-- | 'genSplit8 a' generates a octtuple '(b, c, d, e, f, g, h)' such that 'b + c + d + e + f + g + h' equals 'a'.
genSplit8 :: Int -> Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
genSplit8 n
    | n < 0 = pure (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    | otherwise = do
        (y, z) <- genSplit n
        (a, b, c, d) <- genSplit4 y
        (e, f, g, h) <- genSplit4 z
        return (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)

-- | 'arbPartition n' generates a list 'ls' such that 'sum ls' equals 'n', approximately.
arbPartition :: Int -> Gen [Int]
arbPartition 0 = pure []
arbPartition i = genListLengthWithSize i >>= go i

    go :: Int -> Int -> Gen [Int]
    go size len = do
      us <- replicateM len $ choose (0, 1)
      let invs = map (invE 0.25) us
      -- Rescale the sizes to (approximately) sum to the given size.
      pure $ map (round . (* (fromIntegral size / sum invs))) invs

    -- Use an exponential distribution for generating the
    -- sizes in the partition.
    invE :: Double -> Double -> Double
    invE lambda u = - log (1 - u) / lambda

#if !MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,8,0)
-- | Generates a random permutation of the given list.
shuffle :: [a] -> Gen [a]
shuffle xs = do
    ns <- vectorOf (length xs) (choose (minBound :: Int, maxBound))
    return (map snd (sortBy (comparing fst) (zip ns xs)))

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
genNonEmptyOf :: Gen a -> Gen (NonEmpty a)
genNonEmptyOf gen = do
  l <- genListOf gen
  case NE.nonEmpty l of
    Nothing -> scale (+1) $ genNonEmptyOf gen
    Just ne -> pure ne

-- Uses 'genListLengthWithSize' with the size parameter
genListLength :: Gen Int
genListLength = sized genListLengthWithSize

-- Generate a list length with the given size
genListLengthWithSize :: Int -> Gen Int
genListLengthWithSize maxLen = round . invT (fromIntegral maxLen) <$> choose (0, 1)
    -- Use a triangle distribution for generating the
    -- length of the list
    -- with minimum length '0', mode length '2'
    -- and given max length.
    invT :: Double -> Double -> Double
    invT m u =
      let a = 0
          b = m
          c = 2
          fc = (c - a) / (b - a)
      in if u < fc
        then a + sqrt (u * (b - a) * (c - a) )
        else b - sqrt ((1 - u) * (b - a) * (b - c))

-- | A version of @listOf@ that takes size into account more accurately.
-- This generator distributes the size that is is given among the values
-- in the list that it generates.
genListOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
genListOf func =
    sized $ \n -> do
        pars <- arbPartition n
        forM pars $ \i -> resize i func

shrinkTuple :: (a -> [a]) -> (b -> [b]) -> (a, b) -> [(a, b)]
shrinkTuple sa sb (a, b) =
  ((,) <$> sa a <*> sb b)
  ++ [ (a', b) | a' <- sa a ]
  ++ [ (a, b') | b' <- sb b ]

-- | Turn a shrinking function into a function that shrinks tuples.
shrinkT2 :: (a -> [a]) -> (a, a) -> [(a, a)]
shrinkT2 s (a, b) = (,) <$> s a <*> s b

-- | Turn a shrinking function into a function that shrinks triples.
shrinkT3 :: (a -> [a]) -> (a, a, a) -> [(a, a, a)]
shrinkT3 s (a, b, c) = (,,) <$> s a <*> s b <*> s c

-- | Turn a shrinking function into a function that shrinks quadruples.
shrinkT4 :: (a -> [a]) -> (a, a, a, a) -> [(a, a, a, a)]
shrinkT4 s (a, b, c, d) = (,,,) <$> s a <*> s b <*> s c <*> s d

-- | Generate Int, Int8, Int16, Int32 and Int64 values smartly.
-- * Some at the border
-- * Some around zero
-- * Mostly uniformly
genIntX :: forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a, Random a) => Gen a
genIntX =
    [ (1, extreme)
    , (1, small)
    , (8, uniform)
    extreme :: Gen a
    extreme = sized $ \s -> oneof
      [ choose (maxBound - fromIntegral s, maxBound)
      , choose (minBound, minBound + fromIntegral s)
    small :: Gen a
    small = sized $ \s -> choose (- fromIntegral s, fromIntegral s)
    uniform :: Gen a
    uniform = choose (minBound, maxBound)

-- | Generate Word, Word8, Word16, Word32 and Word64 values smartly.
-- * Some at the border
-- * Some around zero
-- * Mostly uniformly
genWordX :: forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a, Random a) => Gen a
genWordX =
    [ (1, extreme)
    , (1, small)
    , (8, uniform)
    extreme :: Gen a
    extreme = sized $ \s ->
      choose (maxBound - fromIntegral s, maxBound)
    small :: Gen a
    small = sized $ \s -> choose (0, fromIntegral s)
    uniform :: Gen a
    uniform = choose (minBound, maxBound)

-- | See 'genFloatX'
genFloat :: Gen Float
genFloat = genFloatX castWord32ToFloat

-- | See 'genFloatX'
genDouble :: Gen Double
genDouble = genFloatX castWord64ToDouble

-- | Generate floating point numbers smartly:
-- * Some denormalised
-- * Some around zero
-- * Some around the bounds
-- * Some by encoding an Integer and an Int to a floating point number.
-- * Some accross the entire range
-- * Mostly uniformly via the bitrepresentation
-- The function parameter is to go from the bitrepresentation to the floating point value.
  :: forall a w. (Read a, RealFloat a, Bounded w, Random w)
  => (w -> a)
  -> Gen a
genFloatX func =
    [ (1, denormalised)
    , (1, small)
    , (1, aroundBounds)
    , (1, viaEncoding)
    , (1, uniformViaEncoding)
    , (5, reallyUniform)
    denormalised :: Gen a
    denormalised =
        [ read "NaN"
        , read "Infinity"
        , read "-Infinity"
        , read "-0"
    -- This is what Quickcheck does,
    -- but inlined so QuickCheck cannot change
    -- it behind the scenes in the future.
    small :: Gen a
    small = sized $ \n -> do
      let n' = toInteger n
      let precision = 9999999999999 :: Integer
      b <- choose (1, precision)
      a <- choose ((-n') * b, n' * b)
      pure (fromRational (a % b))
    upperSignificand :: Integer
    upperSignificand = floatRadix (0.0 :: a) ^ floatDigits (0.0 :: a)
    lowerSignificand :: Integer
    lowerSignificand = - upperSignificand
    (lowerExponent, upperExponent) = floatRange (0.0 :: a)
    aroundBounds :: Gen a
    aroundBounds = do
      s <- sized $ \n -> oneof
        [ choose (lowerSignificand, lowerSignificand + fromIntegral n)
        , choose (upperSignificand - fromIntegral n, upperSignificand)
      e <- sized $ \n -> oneof
        [ choose (lowerExponent, lowerExponent + n)
        , choose (upperExponent - n, upperExponent)
      pure $ encodeFloat s e
    viaEncoding :: Gen a
    viaEncoding = encodeFloat <$> arbitrary <*> genIntX
    uniformViaEncoding :: Gen a
    uniformViaEncoding = do
      s <- choose (lowerSignificand, upperSignificand)
      e <- choose $ floatRange (0.0 :: a)
      pure $ encodeFloat s e
    -- Not really uniform, but good enough
    reallyUniform :: Gen a
    reallyUniform = func <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)

genInteger :: Gen Integer
genInteger = sized $ \s -> oneof $
  (if s >= 10 then (genBiggerInteger :) else id)
    [ genIntSizedInteger
    , small
    small = sized $ \s ->  choose (- toInteger s, toInteger s)
    genIntSizedInteger = toInteger <$> (genIntX :: Gen Int)
    genBiggerInteger = sized $ \s ->do
      (a, b, c) <- genSplit3 s
      ai <- resize a genIntSizedInteger
      bi <- resize b genInteger
      ci <- resize c genIntSizedInteger
      pure $ ai * bi + ci

genUncheckedInt :: (Int# -> a) -> Gen a
genUncheckedInt func = do
  (I# i#) <- genIntX
  pure $ func i#

shrinkUncheckedInt :: (Int -> a) -> (a -> Int) -> a -> [a]
shrinkUncheckedInt fromInt toInt = fmap fromInt . shrink . toInt

genUncheckedWord :: (Word# -> a) -> Gen a
genUncheckedWord func = do
  (W# w#) <- genWordX
  pure $ func w#

shrinkUncheckedWord :: (Word -> a) -> (a -> Word) -> a -> [a]
shrinkUncheckedWord fromWord toWord = fmap fromWord . shrink . toWord