{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp           #-}
-- | Provides a simple way for the end-user deriving
--   the mechanical, yet long, Element instances
--   for a family.
--   We are borrowing a some code from generic-sop
--   ( https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generics-sop- )
module Generics.MRSOP.TH (deriveFamily, genFamilyDebug) where

import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Char (ord , isAlphaNum)
import Data.List (sortBy, foldl')

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Identity

import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (match)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (liftString)

import Generics.MRSOP.Util
import Generics.MRSOP.Opaque
import Generics.MRSOP.Base.Class
import Generics.MRSOP.Base.NS
import Generics.MRSOP.Base.NP
import Generics.MRSOP.Base.Universe hiding (match)
import qualified Generics.MRSOP.Base.Metadata as Meta

import qualified Data.Map as M

-- |Given the name of the first element in the family,
--  derives:
--    1. The other types in the family and Konstant types one needs.
--    2. the SOP code for each of the datatypes involved
--    3. One 'Element' instance per datatype
--    TODO: 4. Metadada information for each of the datatypes involved
deriveFamily :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveFamily t
  = do sty              <- t >>= convertType 
       (_ , (Idxs _ m)) <- runIdxsM (reifySTy sty)
       -- Now we make sure we have processed all
       -- types
       m' <- mapM extractDTI (M.toList m)
       let final = sortBy (compare `on` second) m' 
       dbg <- genFamilyDebug sty final
       res <- genFamily sty final 
       return (dbg ++ res)
    second (_ , x , _) = x
    extractDTI (sty , (ix , Nothing))
      = fail $ "Type " ++ show sty ++ " has no datatype information."
    extractDTI (sty , (ix , Just dti))
      = return (sty , ix , dti)

-- Sketch;
--   Given a module:
--    > module Test where
--    > data Rose a = Fork a [Rose a]
--    > $(deriveFamily [t| Rose Int |])
--  We will see we are looking into deriving a family
--  for an AppT (ConT Rose) (ConT Int).
--  Working with a (M.Map STy (Int , DInfo (K + I))) in a state;
--  0) Translate to a simpler Type-expression, call it STy.
--  1) Register (AppST (ConST Rose) (ConST Int)) as family index Z
--  2) reify lhs: [d| data Rose a = Fork a [Rose a] |]
--      a) reduce rhs of (1): (\a -> Fork a [Rose a]) @ (ConT Int)
--                        == Fork Int [Rose Int]
--      b) Take the fields that require processing: [ConT Int , AppST List (AppST Rose Int)]
--      c) Somehow figure out that (ConT Int) is a Konstant.
--      d) Look into (AppST List (AppST Rose Int))
--      e) Is it already processed?
--      f) If yes, we are done.
--  3) Register (AppST List (AppST Rose Int))as family index (S Z)
--  4) reify lhs: [d| data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) |]
--      a) reduce rhs of (4): (\a -> Nil | Cons a (List a)) @ (AppST Rose Int)
--      b) Take the fields of each constructor:
--           [] , [AppST Rose Int , AppST List (AppST Rose Int)]
--      c) Notice that both fields of 'Cons' have already
--         been registered; hence they become: [I Z , I (S Z)]

-- * Data Structures

type DataName  = Name
type ConName   = Name
type FieldName = Name
type Args      = [Name]

-- |Datatype information, parametrized by the type of Type-expressions
--  that appear on the fields of the constructors.
data DTI ty
  = ADT DataName Args [ CI ty ]
  | New DataName Args (CI ty)
  deriving (Eq , Show , Functor)

-- |Constructor information
data CI ty
  = Normal ConName [ty]
  | Infix  ConName Fixity ty ty
  | Record ConName [ (FieldName , ty) ]
  deriving (Eq , Show , Functor)

-- ** Monadic Maps

ciMapM :: (Monad m) => (ty -> m tw) -> CI ty -> m (CI tw)
ciMapM f (Normal name tys)  = Normal name  <$> mapM f tys
ciMapM f (Infix name x l r) = Infix name x <$> f l <*> f r
ciMapM f (Record name tys)  = Record name  <$> mapM (rstr . (id *** f)) tys
    rstr (a , b) = b >>= return . (a,)

dtiMapM :: (Monad m) => (ty -> m tw) -> DTI ty -> m (DTI tw)
dtiMapM f (ADT name args ci) = ADT name args <$> mapM (ciMapM f) ci
dtiMapM f (New name args ci) = New name args <$> ciMapM f ci

dti2ci :: DTI ty -> [CI ty]
dti2ci (ADT _ _ cis) = cis
dti2ci (New _ _ ci)  = [ ci ]

ci2ty :: CI ty -> [ty]
ci2ty (Normal _ tys)  = tys
ci2ty (Infix _ _ a b) = [a , b]
ci2ty (Record _ tys)  = map snd tys

ciName :: CI ty -> Name
ciName (Normal n _)    = n
ciName (Infix n _ _ _) = n
ciName (Record n _)    = n

ci2Pat :: CI ty -> Q ([Name] , Pat)
ci2Pat ci
  = do ns <- mapM (const (newName "x")) (ci2ty ci)
       return (ns , (ConP (ciName ci) (map VarP ns)))

ci2Exp :: CI ty -> Q ([Name], Exp)
ci2Exp ci
  = do ns <- mapM (const (newName "y")) (ci2ty ci)
       return (ns , foldl (\e n -> AppE e (VarE n)) (ConE (ciName ci)) ns)

-- * Simpler STy Language

-- A Simplified version of Language.Haskell.TH
data STy
  = AppST STy STy
  | VarST Name
  | ConST Name
  deriving (Eq , Show, Ord)

styFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> (Name -> a) -> (Name -> a) -> STy -> a
styFold app var con (AppST a b) = app (styFold app var con a) (styFold app var con b)
styFold app var con (VarST n)   = var n
styFold app var con (ConST n)   = con n

-- |Does a STy have a varible name?
isClosed :: STy -> Bool
isClosed = styFold (&&) (const False) (const True)

-- ** Back and Forth conversion

convertType :: (Monad m) => Type -> m STy
convertType (AppT a b)  = AppST <$> convertType a <*> convertType b
convertType (SigT t _)  = convertType t
convertType (VarT n)    = return (VarST n)
convertType (ConT n)    = return (ConST n)
convertType (ParensT t) = convertType t
convertType ListT       = return (ConST (mkName "[]"))
convertType (TupleT n)  = return (ConST (mkName $ '(':replicate (n-1) ',' ++ ")"))
convertType t           = fail ("convertType: Unsupported Type: " ++ show t)

trevnocType :: STy -> Type
trevnocType (AppST a b) = AppT (trevnocType a) (trevnocType b)
trevnocType (VarST n)   = VarT n
trevnocType (ConST n)
  | n == mkName "[]" = ListT
  | isTupleN n       = TupleT $ length (show n) - 1
  | otherwise        = ConT n
  where isTupleN n = take 2 (show n) == "(,"

-- |Handy substitution function.
--  @stySubst t m n@ substitutes m for n within t, that is: t[m/n]
stySubst :: STy -> Name -> STy -> STy
stySubst (AppST a b) m n = AppST (stySubst a m n) (stySubst b m n)
stySubst (ConST a)   m n = ConST a
stySubst (VarST x)   m n
  | x == m    = n
  | otherwise = VarST x

-- |Just like subst, but applies a list of substitutions
styReduce :: [(Name , STy)] -> STy -> STy
styReduce parms t = foldr (\(n , m) ty -> stySubst ty n m) t parms

-- |Flattens an application into a list of arguments;
--  @styFlatten (AppST (AppST Tree A) B) == (Tree , [A , B])@
styFlatten :: STy -> (STy , [STy])
styFlatten (AppST a b) = id *** (++ [b]) $ styFlatten a
styFlatten sty         = (sty , [])

-- * Parsing Haskell's AST

reifyDec :: Name -> Q Dec
reifyDec name =
  do info <- reify name
     case info of TyConI dec -> return dec
                  _          -> fail $ show name ++ " is not a declaration"

argInfo :: TyVarBndr -> Name
argInfo (PlainTV  n)   = n
argInfo (KindedTV n _) = n

-- Extracts a DTI from a Dec
decInfo :: Dec -> Q (DTI STy)
decInfo (TySynD     name args      ty)     = fail "Type Synonyms not supported"
decInfo (DataD    _ name args    _ cons _) = ADT name (map argInfo args) <$> mapM conInfo cons
decInfo (NewtypeD _ name args    _ con _)  = New name (map argInfo args) <$> conInfo con
decInfo _                                  = fail "Only type declarations are supported"

-- Extracts a CI from a Con
conInfo :: Con -> Q (CI STy)
conInfo (NormalC  name ty) = Normal name <$> mapM (convertType . snd) ty
conInfo (RecC     name ty) = Record name <$> mapM (\(s , _ , t) -> (s,) <$> convertType t) ty
conInfo (InfixC l name r)
  = do info <- reifyFixity name
       let fixity = maybe defaultFixity id $ info
       Infix name fixity <$> convertType (snd l) <*> convertType (snd r)
conInfo (ForallC _ _ _) = fail "Existentials not supported"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
conInfo (GadtC _ _ _)    = fail "GADTs not supported"
conInfo (RecGadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"

-- |Reduces the rhs of a datatype declaration
--  with some provided arguments. Step (2.a) of our sketch.
--  Precondition: application is fully saturated;
--  ie, args and parms have the same length
dtiReduce :: DTI STy -> [STy] -> DTI STy
dtiReduce (ADT name args cons) parms
  = ADT name [] (map (ciReduce (zip args parms)) cons)
dtiReduce (New name args con)  parms
  = New name [] (ciReduce (zip args parms) con)

ciReduce :: [(Name , STy)] -> CI STy -> CI STy
ciReduce parms ci = runIdentity (ciMapM (return . styReduce parms) ci)  

-- * Monad
-- Keeks the (M.Map STy (Int , DTI Sty)) in a state.

data IK
  = AtomI Int
  | AtomK Name
  deriving (Eq , Show)

ikElim :: (Int -> a) -> (Name -> a) -> IK -> a
ikElim i k (AtomI n) = i n
ikElim i k (AtomK n) = k n

data Idxs 
  = Idxs { idxsNext :: Int
         , idxsMap  :: M.Map STy (Int , Maybe (DTI IK))
  deriving (Show)

onMap :: (M.Map STy (Int , Maybe (DTI IK)) -> M.Map STy (Int , Maybe (DTI IK)))
      -> Idxs -> Idxs
onMap f (Idxs n m) = Idxs n (f m)

type IdxsM = StateT Idxs

runIdxsM :: (Monad m) => IdxsM m a -> m (a , Idxs)
runIdxsM = flip runStateT (Idxs 0 M.empty)

-- |The actual monad we need to run all of this;
type M = IdxsM Q

-- |Returns the index of a "Name" within the family.
--  If this name has not been registered yet, returns
--  a fresh index.
indexOf :: (Monad m) => STy -> IdxsM m Int
indexOf name
  = do st <- get
       case M.lookup name (idxsMap st) of
         Just i  -> return (fst i)
         Nothing -> let i = idxsNext st
                     in put (Idxs (i + 1) (M.insert name (i , Nothing) (idxsMap st)))
                     >> return i

-- |Register some Datatype Information for a given STy
register :: (Monad m) => STy -> DTI IK -> IdxsM m ()
register ty info = indexOf ty -- the call to indexOf guarantees the
                              -- adjust will do something;
                >> modify (onMap $ M.adjust (id *** const (Just info)) ty)

-- | All the necessary lookups:
lkup :: (Monad m) => STy -> IdxsM m (Maybe (Int , Maybe (DTI IK)))
lkup ty = M.lookup ty . idxsMap <$> get

lkupInfo :: (Monad m) => STy -> IdxsM m (Maybe Int)
lkupInfo ty = fmap fst <$> lkup ty

lkupData :: (Monad m) => STy -> IdxsM m (Maybe (DTI IK))
lkupData ty = join . fmap snd <$> lkup ty

hasData :: (Monad m) => STy -> IdxsM m Bool
hasData ty = maybe False (const True) <$> lkupData ty

-- * Preprocessing Data * --

-- |Performs step 2 of the sketch;
reifySTy :: STy -> M ()
reifySTy sty
  = do ix <- indexOf sty
       uncurry go (styFlatten sty)
    go :: STy -> [STy] -> M ()
    go (ConST name) args
      = do dec <- lift (reifyDec name >>= decInfo)
           -- TODO: Check that the precondition holds.
           let res = dtiReduce dec args
           (final , todo) <- runWriterT $ dtiMapM convertSTy res
           register sty final
           mapM_ reifySTy todo
    -- Convert the STy's in the fields of the constructors;
    -- tells a list of STy's we still need to process.
    convertSTy :: STy -> WriterT [STy] M IK
    convertSTy ty
      -- We remove sty from the list of todos
      -- otherwise we get an infinite loop
      | ty == sty = AtomI <$> lift (indexOf ty)
      | isClosed ty
      = case makeCons ty of
          Just k  -> return (AtomK k)
          Nothing -> do ix     <- lift (indexOf ty)
                        hasDti <- lift (hasData ty)
                        when (not hasDti) (tell [ty])
                        return (AtomI ix)
      | otherwise
      = fail $ "I can't convert type variable " ++ show ty
              ++ " when converting " ++ show sty

    makeCons :: STy -> Maybe Name
    makeCons (ConST n) = M.lookup n consTable
    makeCons _         = Nothing

    consTable = M.fromList . map (id *** mkName)
      $ [ ( ''Int     , "KInt")
        , ( ''Char    , "KChar")
        , ( ''Integer , "KInteger")
        , ( ''Float   , "KFloat")
        , ( ''Bool    , "KBool")
        , ( ''String  , "KString")
        , ( ''Double  , "KDouble")

-- * Generating the Code * --

-- Code generation happens in a few separate parts.
-- Given a datatype:
-- > data R a = a :>: [R a]
-- >          | Leaf a
-- >          deriving Show
-- We need to generate:
-- 1. The Family and the codes
-- 1.1 > type FamRose   = '[ [R Int] , R Int ]
-- 1.2 > type D0_ = Z
--     > type D1_ = S Z
-- 1.3 > type CodesRose = '[ '[ '[] , '[I D1_ , I D0_] ]
--     >                   , '[ '[K KInt , I D0_] , '[K KInt] ]
--     >                   ]
-- 2. The index of each type in the family.
-- 2.1 types
-- > pattern IdxRInt     = SZ
-- > pattern IdxListInt  = SS SZ
-- 2.1.1 Here-There Synonyms
-- > pattern HT0_ d = Here d
-- > pattern HT1_ d = There (Here d)
-- 2.2. constructors
-- > pattern a :>:_ as = Tag CZ      (NA_K a :* NA_I (El as) :* NP0)
-- > pattern Leaf_ a   = Tag (CS CZ) (NA_K a :* NP0)
-- > pattern nil_      = Tag CZ NP0
-- > pattern a :_ as   = Tag (CS CZ) (NA_I a :* NA_I (El as) :* NP0)
-- 3. The instance:
-- > instance Family Singl FamRose CodesRose where
-- 3.1. for each type in (1)
-- >   sfrom' (SS SZ) (El (a :>: as))
-- >     = Rep $ HT0_ (NA_K (SInt a) :* NA_I (El as) :* NP0)
-- >   sfrom' (SS SZ) (El (Leaf a))
-- >     = Rep $ HT1_ (NA_K (SInt a) :* NP0)
-- >   sfrom' SZ (El [])
-- >     = Rep $ HT0_ NP0
-- >   sfrom' SZ (El (x:xs))
-- >     = Rep $ HT1_ (NA_I (El x) :* NA_I (El xs) :* NP0)
-- 3.2.
-- > 
-- >   sto' SZ (Rep (HT0_ NP0))
-- >     = El []
-- >   sto' SZ (Rep (HT1_ (NA_I (El x) :* NA_I (El xs) :* NP0)))
-- >     = El (x : xs)
-- >   sto' (SS SZ) (Rep (HT0_ (NA_K (SInt a) :* NA_I (El as) :* NP0)))
-- >     = El (a :>: as)
-- >   sto' (SS SZ) (Rep (HT1_ (NA_K (SInt a) :* NP0)))
-- >     = El (Leaf a)
-- 4. Metadata for each type in (1)
-- > instance HasDatatypeInfo Singl FamRose CodesRose Z where ...
-- > instance HasDatatypeInfo Singl FamRose codesRose (S Z) where ...

-- |The input data for the generation is an ordered list
--  (on the second component of the tuple) of STy's and
--  their datatype info.
type Input = [(STy , Int , DTI IK)]

-- Generates a type-level list of 'a's
tlListOf :: (a -> Type) -> [a] -> Type
tlListOf f = foldr (\h r -> AppT (AppT PromotedConsT (f h)) r) PromotedNilT

-- generate a type-level Nat
int2Type :: Int -> Type
int2Type 0 = tyZ
int2Type n = AppT tyS (int2Type (n - 1))

-- generate the name of the type synonym corresponding to
-- this int.
int2TySynName :: Int -> Name
int2TySynName i = mkName $ "D" ++ show i ++ "_"

-- generates a Snat for the given Int
int2SNatPat :: Int -> Pat
int2SNatPat 0 = ConP (mkName "SZ") []
int2SNatPat n = ConP (mkName "SS") [int2SNatPat $ n-1]

-- Our promoted type constructors
tyS = PromotedT (mkName "S")
tyZ = PromotedT (mkName "Z")
tyI = PromotedT (mkName "I")
tyK = PromotedT (mkName "K")

-- Generate rhs of piece (1.3)
inputToCodes :: Input -> Q Type
inputToCodes = return . tlListOf dti2Codes . map third
    third (_ , _ , x) = x

dti2Codes :: DTI IK -> Type
dti2Codes = tlListOf ci2Codes . dti2ci

ci2Codes :: CI IK -> Type
ci2Codes = tlListOf ik2Codes . ci2ty

ik2Codes :: IK -> Type
-- VCM: int pattern synonyms make too many name clashes
--      if we mix up modules.
ik2Codes (AtomI n) = AppT tyI $ int2Type n -- ConT (int2TySynName n)
ik2Codes (AtomK k) = AppT tyK $ PromotedT k

-- Generates piece (1.2); we do so by
-- finding what's the maximum type index used
-- in all DatatypeInformation we have and then generate
-- all type synonyms up to it.
inputToTySynNums :: Input -> Q [Dec]
inputToTySynNums input
  = let maxI = maximum $ map (localMax . third) input
     in return $ map genTySynNum [0..maxI]
    third (_ , _ , x) = x

    localMax :: DTI IK -> Int
    localMax = foldr (\ci aux -> aux `max` getMaxIdx (ci2ty ci)) 0 . dti2ci

    getMaxIdx :: [IK] -> Int
    getMaxIdx = foldr (ikElim max (const id)) 0

    genTySynNum i = TySynD (int2TySynName i) [] (int2Type i)

-- generates rhs of piece (1.1)
inputToFam :: Input -> Q Type
inputToFam = return . tlListOf trevnocType . map first
    first (x , _ , _) = x

-- | @styToName "List (R Int)" == "ListRInt"@
styToName :: STy -> Name
styToName = mkName . styFold (++) nameBase (fixList . nameBase)
    -- VCM: ugly hack; but list is a reserved name.
    --      The hack is needed either here or in reify.
    fixList :: String -> String
    fixList n
      | n == "[]"        = "List"
      | take 2 n == "(," = "Tup" ++ show (length n - 2) 
      | otherwise        = n

onBaseName :: (String -> String) -> Name -> Name
onBaseName f = mkName . f . nameBase

codesName :: STy -> Q Name
codesName = return . onBaseName ("Codes" ++) . styToName

familyName :: STy -> Q Name
familyName = return . onBaseName ("Fam" ++) . styToName

genPiece1 :: STy -> Input -> Q [Dec]
genPiece1 first ls
  = do -- nums  <- inputToTySynNums ls
       codes <- TySynD <$> codesName first
                       <*> return []
                       <*> inputToCodes ls
       fam   <- TySynD <$> familyName first
                       <*> return []
                       <*> inputToFam ls
       return [fam , codes] -- (nums ++ [fam , codes])

idxPatSynName :: STy -> Name
idxPatSynName = styToName . (AppST (ConST (mkName "Idx")))
idxPatSyn :: STy -> Pat
idxPatSyn = flip ConP [] . idxPatSynName

-- |@htPatSynName ci@ will generate the
--  pattern synonym name for constructor ci.
--  Since all our patterns are supposed to be @PrefixPatSyn@s,
--  we need to translate the infix names to something
--  Haskell will accept.
htPatSynName :: Int -> CI IK -> Name
htPatSynName dtiIx ci = mkName . translate . nameBase . ciName $ ci
    translate = ("Pat" ++) . foldl' (\str l -> str ++ tr l ) (show dtiIx)
    tr l | isAlphaNum l = l:[]
         | otherwise    = show $ ord l

htPatSynExp :: Int -> CI IK -> Q Exp
htPatSynExp dtiIx = return . ConE . htPatSynName dtiIx

genIdxPatSyn :: STy -> Int -> Q Dec
genIdxPatSyn sty ix
  = return (PatSynD (idxPatSynName sty) (PrefixPatSyn []) ImplBidir (int2SNatPat ix))

genHereTherePatSyn :: STy -> Input -> Q [Dec]
genHereTherePatSyn first ls
  = flat . concat <$> mapM (\(_ , ix , dti) -> genHereThereFor ix dti) ls
    flat             = foldl' (\ac (x , y) -> x:y:ac) []
    third (_ , _, x) = x

    famName = ConT <$> familyName first

    inj :: Int -> Q Pat -> Q Pat
    inj 0 p = [p| Here $p                  |]
    inj n p = [p| There ( $(inj (n-1) p) ) |]

    -- Returns one pattern synonym for each constructor in
    -- the datatype and a type signature for it.
    genHereThereFor :: Int -> DTI IK -> Q [(Dec , Dec)]
    genHereThereFor dtiIx dti
      = do let dtiCode = dti2Codes dti
           let cisIx   = zip [0..] (dti2ci dti)
           forM cisIx $ \ (ix , ci)
             -> (,) <$> genHT_decl dtiCode dtiIx ix ci
                    <*> genHT_def          dtiIx ix ci

    genHT_decl dtiCode dtiIx ix ci
      = PatSynSigD (htPatSynName dtiIx ci)
          <$> [t| PoA Singl (El $famName) $(return $ ci2Codes ci)
                -> NS (PoA Singl (El $famName)) $(return dtiCode) |]

    genHT_def dtiIx ix ci
      = do var <- newName "d"
           PatSynD (htPatSynName dtiIx ci) (PrefixPatSyn [var]) ImplBidir
             <$> inj ix (return $ VarP var)

-- |Generating pattern sinonyms for the type indexes
--  and the 'Here/There' combinations. (pieces 2.1 and 2.1.1)
--  > pattern IdxRInt = SZ
--  > pattern IdxListRInt = SS SZ
genPiece2 :: STy -> Input -> Q [Dec]
genPiece2 first ls
  = do p21  <- mapM (\(sty , ix , dti) -> genIdxPatSyn sty ix) ls
       p211 <- genHereTherePatSyn first ls
       return $ p21 ++ p211

genPiece3 :: STy -> Input -> Q Dec
genPiece3 first ls
  = head <$> [d| instance Family Singl
                                 $(ConT <$> familyName first)
                                 $(ConT <$> codesName first)
                   where sfrom' = $(genPiece3_1 ls)
                         sto'   = $(genPiece3_2 ls) |]

-- |Given a datatype information, generates a pattern
--  and an expression from it. The int here
--  indicates the number of the constructor.
--  > ci2PatExp IdxBinTree (Normal "Bin" [VarT a , VarT a])
--  >   = ( El (Bin x_1 x_2)
--  >     , Rep (PatBin_IdxBinTree (NA_I (El x_1) :* NA_I (El x_2) :* NP0))
--  >     )
ci2PatExp :: Int -> CI IK -> Q (Pat , Exp)
ci2PatExp dtiIx ci
  = do (vars , pat) <- ci2Pat ci
       bdy          <- [e| Rep $(inj $ genBdy (zip vars (ci2ty ci))) |]
       return (ConP (mkName "El") [pat] , bdy)
    inj :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
    -- inj 0 e = [e| Here $e              |]
    -- inj n e = [e| There $(inj (n-1) e) |]
    inj e = [e| $(htPatSynExp dtiIx ci) $e |]

    genBdy :: [(Name , IK)] -> Q Exp
    genBdy []       = [e| NP0 |]
    genBdy (x : xs) = [e| $(mkHead x) :* ( $(genBdy xs) ) |]

    mkHead (x , AtomI _) = [e| NA_I (El $(return (VarE x))) |]
    mkHead (x , AtomK k) = [e| NA_K $(return (AppE (ConE (mkK k)) (VarE x))) |]

    mkK k = mkName $ 'S':tail (nameBase k)

-- | Just like 'ci2PatExp', but the other way around.
--  > ci2ExpPat IdxBinTree (Normal "Bin" [VarT a , VarT a])
--  >   = ( Rep (PatBin_IdxBinTree (NA_I (El x_1) :* NA_I (El x_2) :* NP0))
--        , El (Bin x_1 x_2)
--  >     )
ci2ExpPat :: Int -> CI IK -> Q (Pat , Exp)
ci2ExpPat dtiIx ci
  = do (vars , exp) <- ci2Exp ci
       pat          <- [p| Rep $(inj $ genBdy (zip vars (ci2ty ci))) |]
       return (pat , AppE (ConE $ mkName "El") exp)
    inj :: Q Pat -> Q Pat
    -- inj 0 e = [p| Here $e              |]
    -- inj n e = [p| There $(inj (n-1) e) |]
    inj e = ConP (htPatSynName dtiIx ci) . (:[]) <$> e
    genBdy :: [(Name , IK)] -> Q Pat
    genBdy []       = [p| NP0 |]
    genBdy (x : xs) = [p| $(mkHead x) :* ( $(genBdy xs) ) |]

    mkHead (x , AtomI _) = [p| NA_I (El $(return (VarP x))) |]
    mkHead (x , AtomK k) = [p| NA_K $(return (ConP (mkK k) [VarP x])) |]

    mkK k = mkName $ 'S':tail (nameBase k)

match :: Pat -> Exp -> Match
match pat bdy = Match pat (NormalB bdy) []

-- Adds a matchall clause; for instance:
-- > matchAll [Just x -> 1] = [Just x -> 1 , _ -> error "matchAll"]
matchAll :: [Match] -> [Match]
matchAll = (++ [match WildP err])
    err = AppE (VarE (mkName "error")) (LitE (StringL "matchAll"))

genPiece3_1 :: Input -> Q Exp
genPiece3_1 input
  = LamCaseE <$> mapM (\(sty , ix , dti) -> clauseForIx sty ix dti) input
    clauseForIx :: STy -> Int -> DTI IK -> Q Match
    clauseForIx sty ix dti = match (idxPatSyn sty)
                       <$> (LamCaseE <$> genMatchFor ix dti)
    genMatchFor :: Int -> DTI IK -> Q [Match]
    genMatchFor ix dti = map (uncurry match) <$> mapM (ci2PatExp ix) (dti2ci dti)
genPiece3_2 :: Input -> Q Exp
genPiece3_2 input
  = LamCaseE . matchAll <$> mapM (\(sty , ix , dti) -> clauseForIx sty ix dti) input
    clauseForIx :: STy -> Int -> DTI IK -> Q Match
    clauseForIx sty ix dti = match (idxPatSyn sty)
                       <$> (LamCaseE . matchAll <$> genMatchFor ix dti)
    genMatchFor :: Int -> DTI IK -> Q [Match]
    genMatchFor ix dti = map (uncurry match) <$> mapM (ci2ExpPat ix) (dti2ci dti)

genPiece4 :: STy -> Input -> Q [Dec]
genPiece4 first ls = concat <$> mapM genDatatypeInfoInstance ls
    genDatatypeInfoInstance :: (STy , Int , DTI IK) -> Q [Dec]
    genDatatypeInfoInstance (sty , idx , dti)
      = [d| instance Meta.HasDatatypeInfo Singl $(ConT <$> familyName first)
                                                $(ConT <$> codesName first)
                                                $(return (int2Type idx))
              where datatypeInfo _ _ = $(genInfo sty dti) |]

    genMod :: Name -> Q Exp
    genMod = strlit . maybe "" id . nameModule

    strlit :: String -> Q Exp
    strlit = return . LitE . StringL

    genDatatypeName :: STy -> Q Exp
    genDatatypeName = styFold (\e1 e2 -> [e| ( $e1 Meta.:@: $e2 ) |])
                              (\n -> [e| Meta.Name $(strlit (nameBase n)) |] )
                              (\n -> [e| Meta.Name $(strlit (nameBase n)) |] )

    genInfo :: STy -> DTI IK -> Q Exp
    genInfo sty (ADT name _ cis)
      = [e| Meta.ADT $(genMod name) $(genDatatypeName sty) $(genConInfoNP cis) |]
    genInfo sty (New name _ ci)
      = [e| Meta.New $(genMod name) $(genDatatypeName sty) $(genConInfo ci) |]

    genConInfo :: CI IK -> Q Exp
    genConInfo (Record conname fields)
      = [e| Meta.Record $(strlit $ nameBase conname) $(genFieldInfo $ map fst fields) |]
    genConInfo (Normal conname _)
      = [e| Meta.Constructor $(strlit $ nameBase conname) |]
    genConInfo (Infix conname fix _ _)
      = [e| Meta.Infix $(strlit $ nameBase conname) $(genAssoc fix) $(genFix fix) |]
        genAssoc (Fixity _ InfixL) = [e| Meta.LeftAssociative  |]
        genAssoc (Fixity _ InfixR) = [e| Meta.RightAssociative |]
        genAssoc (Fixity _ InfixN) = [e| Meta.NotAssociative   |]

        genFix (Fixity i _) = return . LitE . IntegerL . fromIntegral $ i

    genFieldInfo :: [ FieldName ] -> Q Exp
    genFieldInfo []     = [e| NP0 |]
    genFieldInfo (f:fs) = [e| Meta.FieldInfo $(strlit . nameBase $ f) :* ( $(genFieldInfo fs) ) |]

    genConInfoNP :: [ CI IK ] -> Q Exp
    genConInfoNP []       = [e| NP0 |]
    genConInfoNP (ci:cis) = [e| $(genConInfo ci) :* ( $(genConInfoNP cis) ) |]

-- |@genFamily init fam@ generates a type-level list
--  of the codes for the family. It also generates
--  the necessary 'Element' instances.
--  TODO: generate the 'HasDatatypeInfo' instances too!
--  Precondition, input is sorted on second component.
genFamily :: STy -> Input -> Q [Dec]
genFamily first ls
  = do p1 <- genPiece1 first ls
       p2 <- genPiece2 first ls
       p3 <- genPiece3 first ls
       p4 <- genPiece4 first ls
       return $ p1 ++ p2 ++ [p3] ++ p4

-- |Generates a bunch of strings for debug purposes.
genFamilyDebug :: STy -> [(STy , Int , DTI IK)] -> Q [Dec]
genFamilyDebug _ ms = concat <$> mapM genDec ms
    genDec :: (STy , Int , DTI IK) -> Q [Dec]
    genDec (sty , ix , dti)
      = [d| $( genPat ix ) = $(mkBody dti) |]

    mkBody :: DTI IK -> Q Exp
    mkBody dti = [e| $(liftString $ show dti) |]

    genPat :: Int -> Q Pat
    genPat n = genName n >>= \name -> return (VarP name)

    genName :: Int -> Q Name
    genName n = return (mkName $ "tyInfo_" ++ show n)