generic-enumeration: Generically derived enumerations.

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This package provides a way to generically obtain every possible value of a type, provided that the generic representation of the type is compatible.

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Change log None available
Dependencies base (>=4.13 && <4.14) [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2020 Owens Murray, LLC.
Author Rick Owens
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Uploaded by rickowens at 2020-12-31T19:39:31Z



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This is a library that provides generics-based enumeration of all possible values for a type.

It differs from deriving Enum in that:

Because of this it is a little less powerful that Enum in some cases, but it is also a lot more safe. There are no partial functions, and disallowing user-defined instances means that not even a human can mess it up.

Use case

I wrote this to solve a particular kind of problem I often have. When I have a type:

data A
  = A1
  | A2
  | A3
  deriving (Enum, Bounded)

And I want to produce a list of all the values:

allAs :: [A]
allAs = [minBound .. maxBound]

This deriving (Enum, Bounded) and [minBound .. maxBound] dance is a little awkward, and it is not always the case Enum or Bounded is meaningful for the type except as an implementation detail for getting the full list of values. Worse, this doesn't even work for types with non-nullary constructors. E.g. this won't compile:

data A
  = A1 B
  | A2 C
  | A3
  deriving (Enum, Bounded)

data B
  = B1
  | B2
  deriving (Enum, Bounded)

data C
  = C1
  | C2
  deriving (Enum, Bounded)

On the other hand, this will compile just fine:

data A
  = A1 B
  | A2 C
  | A3
  deriving (Generic)

data B
  = B1
  | B2
  deriving (Generic)

data C
  = C1
  | C2
  deriving (Generic)

allAs :: [A]
allAs = enumeration
  -- where `enumeration` is a function from this package.
  -- Has the value `[A1 B1, A1 B2, A2 C1, A2 C2, A3]`