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generic-data-surgery- Surgery for generic data types

Safe HaskellNone




Operate on data types: insert/modify/delete fields and constructors.



newtype OR (l :: k -> Type) (x :: k) Source #

A sterile Operating Room, where generic data comes to be altered.

Generic representation in a simplified shape l at the type level (reusing the constructors from GHC.Generics for convenience). This representation makes it easy to modify fields and constructors.

We may also refer to the representation l as a "row" of constructors, if it represents a sum type, otherwise it is a "row" of unnamed fields or record fields for single-constructor types.

x corresponds to the last parameter of Rep, and is currently ignored by this module (no support for Generic1).

General sketch

               toOR                       surgeries                    fromOR'
data MyType  -------->  OR (Rep MyType)  ---------->  OR alteredRep  --------->  Data alteredRep
                                                                                       | myGenericFun :: Generic a => a -> a
               fromOR                     surgeries                    toOR'           v
data MyType  <--------  OR (Rep MyType)  <----------  OR alteredRep  <---------  Data alteredRep

If instead myGenericFun is only a consumer of a (resp. producer), then you only need the top half of the diagram (resp. bottom half). For example, in aeson: genericToJSON (consumer), genericParseJSON (producer).




toOR :: forall a l x. (Generic a, ToORRep a l) => a -> OR l x Source #

Move fresh data to the Operating Room, where surgeries can be applied.

Convert a generic type to a generic representation.

When inserting or removing fields, there may be a mismatch with strict/unpacked fields. To work around this, you can switch to toORLazy, if your operations don't care about dealing with a normalized Rep (in which all the strictness annotations have been replaced with lazy defaults).



Type parameters

a :: Type       -- Generic type
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

a -> l

toORLazy :: forall a l x. (Generic a, ToORRepLazy a l) => a -> OR l x Source #

Move normalized data to the Operating Room, where surgeries can be applied.

Convert a generic type to a generic representation, in which all the strictness annotations have been normalized to lazy defaults.

This variant is useful when one needs to operate on fields whose Rep has different strictness annotations than the ones used by DefaultMetaSel.



Type parameters

a :: Type       -- Generic type
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified and normalized)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

a -> l

fromOR' :: forall f l x. FromOR f l => OR l x -> Data f x Source #

Move altered data out of the Operating Room, to be consumed by some generic function.

Convert a generic representation to a "synthetic" type that behaves like a generic type.



Type parameters

f :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (proper)
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

f -> l
l -> f

Implementation details

The synthesized representation is made of balanced binary trees, corresponding closely to what GHC would generate for an actual data type.

That structure assumed by at least one piece of code out there (aeson).

toOR' :: forall f l x. ToOR f l => Data f x -> OR l x Source #

Move altered data, produced by some generic function, to the operating room.

The inverse of fromOR'.



Type parameters

f :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (proper)
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

f -> l
l -> f

fromOR :: forall a l x. (Generic a, FromORRep a l) => OR l x -> a Source #

Move restored data out of the Operating Room and back to the real world.

The inverse of toOR.

It may be useful to annotate the output type of fromOR, since the rest of the type depends on it and the only way to infer it otherwise is from the context. The following annotations are possible:

fromOR :: OROf a -> a
fromOR @a  -- with TypeApplications

When inserting or removing fields, there may be a mismatch with strict/unpacked fields. To work around this, you can switch to fromORLazy, if your operations don't care about dealing with a normalized Rep (in which all the strictness annotations have been replaced with lazy defaults).



Type parameters

a :: Type       -- Generic type
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

a -> l

fromORLazy :: forall a l x. (Generic a, FromORRepLazy a l) => OR l x -> a Source #

Move normalized data out of the Operating Room and back to the real world.

The inverse of toORLazy.

It may be useful to annotate the output type of fromORLazy, since the rest of the type depends on it and the only way to infer it otherwise is from the context. The following annotations are possible:

fromORLazy :: OROfLazy a -> a
fromORLazy @a  -- with TypeApplications



Type parameters

a :: Type       -- Generic type
l :: k -> Type  -- Generic representation (simplified and normalized)
x :: k          -- Ignored

Functional dependencies

a -> l

type OROf a = OR (Linearize (Rep a)) () Source #

The simplified generic representation type of type a, that toOR and fromOR convert to and from.

type OROfLazy a = OR (Linearize (Lazify (Rep a))) () Source #

The simplified and normalized generic representation type of type a, that toORLazy and fromORLazy convert to and from.

type ToORRep a l = ToOR (Rep a) l Source #

This constraint means that a is convertible to its simplified generic representation. Implies OROf a ~ OR l ().

type FromORRep a l = FromOR (Rep a) l Source #

This constraint means that a is convertible from its simplified generic representation. Implies OROf a ~ OR l ().

type ToOR f l = (GLinearize f, Linearize f ~ l, f ~ Arborify l) Source #

Similar to ToORRep, but as a constraint on the standard generic representation of a directly, f ~ Rep a.

type FromOR f l = (GArborify f, Linearize f ~ l, f ~ Arborify l) Source #

Similar to FromORRep, but as a constraint on the standard generic representation of a directly, f ~ Rep a.

type ToORRepLazy a l = ToORLazy (Rep a) l Source #

This constraint means that a is convertible to its simplified and normalized generic representation (i.e., with all its strictness annotations normalized to lazy defaults). Implies OROfLazy a ~ OR l ().

type FromORRepLazy a l = FromORLazy (Rep a) l Source #

This constraint means that a is convertible from its simplified and normalized generic representation (i.e., with all its strictness annotations normalized to lazy defaults). Implies OROfLazy a ~ OR l ().

type FromORLazy f l = (FromOR (Lazify f) l, Coercible (Arborify l) f) Source #

Similar to FromLazyORRep, but as a constraint on the standard generic representation of a directly, f ~ Rep a.

type ToORLazy f l = (ToOR (Lazify f) l, Coercible f (Arborify l)) Source #

Similar to ToORRepLazy, but as a constraint on the standard generic representation of a directly, f ~ Rep a.

removeCField :: forall n t lt l x. RmvCField n t lt l => OR lt x -> (t, OR l x) Source #

removeCField @n @t: remove the n-th field, of type t, in a non-record single-constructor type.

Inverse of insertCField.



Type parameters

n  :: Nat        -- Field position
t  :: Type       -- Field type
lt :: k -> Type  -- Row with    field
l  :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x  :: k          -- Ignored


OR lt x      -- Data with field
(t, OR l x)  -- Field value × Data without field

Functional dependencies

n lt  -> t l
n t l -> lt

removeRField :: forall fd n t lt l x. RmvRField fd n t lt l => OR lt x -> (t, OR l x) Source #

removeRField @"fdName" @n @t: remove the field fdName at position n of type t in a record type.

Inverse of insertRField.



Type parameters

fd :: Symbol     -- Field name
n  :: Nat        -- Field position
t  :: Type       -- Field type
lt :: k -> Type  -- Row with    field
l  :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x  :: k          -- Ignored


OR lt x      -- Data with field
(t, OR l x)  -- Field value × Data without field

Functional dependencies

fd lt    -> n  t l
n  lt    -> fd t l
fd n t l -> lt

insertCField :: forall n t lt l x. InsCField n t lt l => (t, OR l x) -> OR lt x Source #

insertCField @n @t: insert a field of type t at position n in a non-record single-constructor type.

Inverse of removeCField.



Type parameters

n  :: Nat        -- Field position
t  :: Type       -- Field type
lt :: k -> Type  -- Row with    field
l  :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x  :: k          -- Ignored


(t, OR l x)  -- Field value × Data without field
OR lt x      -- Data with field

Functional dependencies

n lt  -> t l
n t l -> lt

insertCField' :: forall n t lt l x. InsCField n t lt l => t -> OR l x -> OR lt x Source #

Curried insertCField.

insertRField :: forall fd n t lt l x. InsRField fd n t lt l => (t, OR l x) -> OR lt x Source #

insertRField @"fdName" @n @t: insert a field named fdName of type t at position n in a record type.

Inverse of removeRField.



Type parameters

fd :: Symbol     -- Field name
n  :: Nat        -- Field position
t  :: Type       -- Field type
lt :: k -> Type  -- Row with    field
l  :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x  :: k          -- Ignored


(t, OR l x)  -- Field value × Data without field
OR lt x      -- Data with field

Functional dependencies

fd lt    -> n  t l
n  lt    -> fd t l
fd n t l -> lt

insertRField' :: forall fd n t lt l x. InsRField fd n t lt l => t -> OR l x -> OR lt x Source #

Curried insertRField.

modifyCField :: forall n t t' lt lt' l x. ModCField n t t' lt lt' l => (t -> t') -> OR lt x -> OR lt' x Source #

modifyCField @n @t @t': modify the field at position n in a non-record via a function f :: t -> t' (changing the type of the field).



Type parameters

n   :: Nat        -- Field position
t   :: Type       -- Initial field type
t'  :: Type       -- Final   field type
lt  :: k -> Type  -- Row with initial field
lt' :: k -> Type  -- Row with final   field
l   :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x   :: k          -- Ignored


(t -> t')  -- Field modification
OR lt  x   -- Data with field t
OR lt' x   -- Data with field t'

Functional dependencies

n lt   -> t  l
n lt'  -> t' l
n t  l -> lt
n t' l -> lt'

modifyRField :: forall fd n t t' lt lt' l x. ModRField fd n t t' lt lt' l => (t -> t') -> OR lt x -> OR lt' x Source #

modifyRField @"fdName" @n @t @t': modify the field fdName at position n in a record via a function f :: t -> t' (changing the type of the field).



Type parameters

fd  :: Symbol     -- Field name
n   :: Nat        -- Field position
t   :: Type       -- Initial field type
t'  :: Type       -- Final   field type
lt  :: k -> Type  -- Row with initial field
lt' :: k -> Type  -- Row with final   field
l   :: k -> Type  -- Row without field
x   :: k          -- Ignored


(t -> t')  -- Field modification
OR lt  x   -- Data with field t
OR lt' x   -- Data with field t'

Functional dependencies

fd lt     -> n  t  l
fd lt'    -> n  t' l
n  lt     -> fd t  l
n  lt'    -> fd t' l
fd n t  l -> lt
fd n t' l -> lt'

removeConstr :: forall c n t lc l x. RmvConstr c n t lc l => OR lc x -> Either t (OR l x) Source #

removeConstr @"C" @n @t: remove the n-th constructor, named C, with contents isomorphic to the tuple t.

Inverse of insertConstr.



Type parameters

c   :: Symbol     -- Constructor name
t   :: Type       -- Tuple type to hold c's contents
n   :: Nat        -- Constructor position
lc  :: k -> Type  -- Row with    constructor
l   :: k -> Type  -- Row without constructor
l_t :: k -> Type  -- Field row of constructor c
x   :: k          -- Ignored


OR lc x            -- Data with constructor
Either t (OR l x)  -- Constructor (as a tuple) | Data without constructor

Functional dependencies

c lc      -> n l l_t
n lc      -> c l l_t
c n l l_t -> lc

Note that there is no dependency to determine t.

removeConstrT :: forall c n t lc l x. RmvConstrT c n t lc l => OR lc x -> Either t (OR l x) Source #

A variant of removeConstr that can infer the tuple type t to hold the contents of the removed constructor.

See removeConstr.



Extra functional dependency

l_t -> t

insertConstr :: forall c n t lc l x. InsConstr c n t lc l => Either t (OR l x) -> OR lc x Source #

insertConstr @"C" @n @t: insert a constructor C at position n with contents isomorphic to the tuple t.

Inverse of removeConstr.



Type parameters

c   :: Symbol     -- Constructor name
t   :: Type       -- Tuple type to hold c's contents
n   :: Nat        -- Constructor position
lc  :: k -> Type  -- Row with    constructor
l   :: k -> Type  -- Row without constructor
l_t :: k -> Type  -- Field row of constructor c
x   :: k          -- Ignored


Either t (OR l x)  -- Constructor (as a tuple) | Data without constructor
OR lc x            -- Data with constructor

Functional dependencies

c lc      -> n l l_t
n lc      -> c l l_t
c n l l_t -> lc

Note that there is no dependency to determine t.

insertConstrT :: forall c n t lc l x. InsConstrT c n t lc l => Either t (OR l x) -> OR lc x Source #

A variant of insertConstr that can infer the tuple type t to hold the contents of the inserted constructor.

See insertConstr.



Extra functional dependency

l_t -> t

modifyConstr :: forall c n t t' lc lc' l x. ModConstr c n t t' lc lc' l => (t -> t') -> OR lc x -> OR lc' x Source #

modifyConstr @"C" @n @t @t': modify the n-th constructor, named C, with contents isomorphic to the tuple t, to another tuple t'.



Type parameters

c    :: Symbol     -- Constructor name
t    :: Type       -- Tuple type to hold c's initial contents
t'   :: Type       -- Tuple type to hold c's final   contents
n    :: Nat        -- Constructor position
lc   :: k -> Type  -- Row with initial constructor
lc'  :: k -> Type  -- Row with final   constructor
l    :: k -> Type  -- Row without constructor
l_t  :: k -> Type  -- Initial field row of constructor c
l_t' :: k -> Type  -- Final   field row of constructor c
x    :: k          -- Ignored


(t -> t')  -- Constructor modification
OR lc  x   -- Data with initial constructor
OR lc' x   -- Data with final   constructor

Functional dependencies

c lc       -> n l l_t
c lc'      -> n l l_t'
n lc       -> c l l_t
n lc'      -> c l l_t'
c n l l_t  -> lc
c n l l_t' -> lc'

Note that there is no dependency to determine t and t'.

modifyConstrT :: forall c n t t' lc lc' l x. ModConstrT c n t t' lc lc' l => (t -> t') -> OR lc x -> OR lc' x Source #

A variant of modifyConstr that can infer the tuple types t and t' to hold the contents of the inserted constructor.

See modifyConstr.



Extra functional dependencies

l_t  -> t
l_t' -> t'

type RmvCField n t lt l = (GRemoveField n t lt l, CFieldSurgery n t lt l) Source #

This constraint means that the (unnamed) field row lt contains a field of type t at position n, and removing it yields row l.

type RmvRField fd n t lt l = (GRemoveField n t lt l, RFieldSurgery fd n t lt l) Source #

This constraint means that the record field row lt contains a field of type t named fd at position n, and removing it yields row l.

type InsCField n t lt l = (GInsertField n t l lt, CFieldSurgery n t lt l) Source #

This constraint means that inserting a field t at position n in the (unnamed) field row l yields row lt.

type InsRField fd n t lt l = (GInsertField n t l lt, RFieldSurgery fd n t lt l) Source #

This constraint means that inserting a field t named fd at position n in the record field row l yields row lt.

type ModCField n t t' lt lt' l = (RmvCField n t lt l, InsCField n t' lt' l) Source #

This constraint means that modifying a field t to t' at position n in the (unnamed) field row lt yields row lt'. l is the row of fields common to lt and lt'.

type ModRField fd n t t' lt lt' l = (RmvRField fd n t lt l, InsRField fd n t' lt' l) Source #

This constraint means that modifying a field t named fd at position n to t' in the record field row lt yields row lt'. l is the row of fields common to lt and lt'.

type RmvConstr c n t lc l = (GRemoveConstr n t lc l, ConstrSurgery c n t lc l (Eval (ConstrAt n lc))) Source #

This constraint means that the constructor row lc contains a constructor named c at position n, and removing it from lc yields row l. Furthermore, constructor c contains a field row l_t compatible with the tuple type t.

type RmvConstrT c n t lc l = (RmvConstr c n t lc l, IsTuple (Arity (Eval (ConstrAt n lc))) t) Source #

A variant of RmvConstr allowing t to be inferred.

type InsConstr c n (t :: Type) lc l = (GInsertConstr n t l lc, ConstrSurgery c n t lc l (Eval (ConstrAt n lc))) Source #

This constraint means that inserting a constructor c at position n in the constructor row l yields row lc. Furthermore, constructor c contains a field row l_t compatible with the tuple type t.

type InsConstrT c n t lc l = (InsConstr c n t lc l, IsTuple (Arity (Eval (ConstrAt n lc))) t) Source #

A variant of InsConstr allowing t to be inferred.

type ModConstr c n t t' lc lc' l = (RmvConstr c n t lc l, InsConstr c n t' lc' l) Source #

This constraint means that the constructor row lc contains a constructor named c at position n of type isomorphic to t, and modifying it to t' yields row lc'.

type ModConstrT c n t t' lc lc' l = (ModConstr c n t t' lc lc' l, IsTuple (Arity (Eval (ConstrAt n lc))) t, IsTuple (Arity (Eval (ConstrAt n lc'))) t') Source #

A variant of ModConstr allowing t and t' to be inferred.

type FieldSurgery n t lt l = (t ~ Eval (FieldTypeAt n lt), l ~ Eval (RemoveField n t lt)) Source #

type CFieldSurgery n t lt l = (lt ~ Eval (InsertField n Nothing t l), FieldSurgery n t lt l) Source #

type RFieldSurgery fd n t lt l = (n ~ Eval (FieldIndex fd lt), lt ~ Eval (InsertField n (Just fd) t l), FieldSurgery n t lt l) Source #

type ConstrSurgery c n t lc l l_t = (Generic t, MatchFields (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t))) l_t, n ~ Eval (ConstrIndex c lc), c ~ MetaConsName (MetaOf l_t), lc ~ Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n l_t l), l ~ Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n lc)) Source #

type family Linearize (f :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type Linearize (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Linearize (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) = M1 D m (LinearizeSum f (V1 :: k -> Type))
type Linearize (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Linearize (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) = M1 C m (LinearizeProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type))

type family LinearizeSum (f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type LinearizeSum (V1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeSum (V1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = tl
type LinearizeSum (f :+: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeSum (f :+: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = LinearizeSum f (LinearizeSum g tl)
type LinearizeSum (M1 c m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeSum (M1 c m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = M1 c m (LinearizeProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type)) :+: tl

type family LinearizeProduct (f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type LinearizeProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = tl
type LinearizeProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = LinearizeProduct f (LinearizeProduct g tl)
type LinearizeProduct (M1 s m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LinearizeProduct (M1 s m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) = M1 s m f :*: tl

class GLinearize f where Source #


gLinearize :: f x -> Linearize f x Source #

GLinearizeSum f (V1 :: k -> Type) => GLinearize (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearize :: M1 D m f x -> Linearize (M1 D m f) x Source #

GLinearizeProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type) => GLinearize (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearize :: M1 C m f x -> Linearize (M1 C m f) x Source #

class GLinearizeSum f tl where Source #


gLinearizeSum :: Either (f x) (tl x) -> LinearizeSum f tl x Source #

GLinearizeSum (V1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeSum :: Either (V1 x) (tl x) -> LinearizeSum V1 tl x Source #

(GLinearizeSum g tl, GLinearizeSum f (LinearizeSum g tl)) => GLinearizeSum (f :+: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeSum :: Either ((f :+: g) x) (tl x) -> LinearizeSum (f :+: g) tl x Source #

GLinearizeProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type) => GLinearizeSum (M1 c m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeSum :: Either (M1 c m f x) (tl x) -> LinearizeSum (M1 c m f) tl x Source #

class GLinearizeProduct f tl where Source #


gLinearizeProduct :: f x -> tl x -> LinearizeProduct f tl x Source #

GLinearizeProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeProduct :: U1 x -> tl x -> LinearizeProduct U1 tl x Source #

(GLinearizeProduct g tl, GLinearizeProduct f (LinearizeProduct g tl)) => GLinearizeProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeProduct :: (f :*: g) x -> tl x -> LinearizeProduct (f :*: g) tl x Source #

GLinearizeProduct (M1 s m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gLinearizeProduct :: M1 s m f x -> tl x -> LinearizeProduct (M1 s m f) tl x Source #

class GArborify f where Source #


gArborify :: Linearize f x -> f x Source #

GArborifySum f (V1 :: k -> Type) => GArborify (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborify :: Linearize (M1 D m f) x -> M1 D m f x Source #

GArborifyProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type) => GArborify (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborify :: Linearize (M1 C m f) x -> M1 C m f x Source #

class GArborifySum f tl where Source #


gArborifySum :: LinearizeSum f tl x -> Either (f x) (tl x) Source #

GArborifySum (V1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifySum :: LinearizeSum V1 tl x -> Either (V1 x) (tl x) Source #

(GArborifySum g tl, GArborifySum f (LinearizeSum g tl)) => GArborifySum (f :+: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifySum :: LinearizeSum (f :+: g) tl x -> Either ((f :+: g) x) (tl x) Source #

GArborifyProduct f (U1 :: k -> Type) => GArborifySum (M1 c m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifySum :: LinearizeSum (M1 c m f) tl x -> Either (M1 c m f x) (tl x) Source #

class GArborifyProduct f tl where Source #


gArborifyProduct :: LinearizeProduct f tl x -> (f x, tl x) Source #

GArborifyProduct (U1 :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifyProduct :: LinearizeProduct U1 tl x -> (U1 x, tl x) Source #

(GArborifyProduct g tl, GArborifyProduct f (LinearizeProduct g tl)) => GArborifyProduct (f :*: g :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifyProduct :: LinearizeProduct (f :*: g) tl x -> ((f :*: g) x, tl x) Source #

GArborifyProduct (M1 s m f :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gArborifyProduct :: LinearizeProduct (M1 s m f) tl x -> (M1 s m f x, tl x) Source #

type family Arborify (f :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type Arborify (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arborify (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) = M1 C m (Eval (ArborifyProduct (Arity f) f))
type Arborify (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arborify (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) = M1 D m (Eval (ArborifySum (CoArity f) f))

data ArborifySum (n :: Nat) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp (k -> Type) Source #

type Eval (ArborifySum n (V1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ArborifySum n (V1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = (V1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (ArborifySum n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ArborifySum n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 1) (ArborifyProduct (Arity f) f) (Arborify' (ArborifySum :: Nat -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) ((:+:) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> k -> Type) n (Div n 2) f g))

data ArborifyProduct (n :: Nat) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp (k -> Type) Source #

type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (U1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (U1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = (U1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (M1 C s f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (M1 C s f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 C s (Eval (ArborifyProduct n f))
type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ArborifyProduct n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 1) (Pure f) (Arborify' (ArborifyProduct :: Nat -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) ((:*:) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> k -> Type) n (Div n 2) f g))

type Arborify' arb op n nDiv2 f g = (Uncurry (Pure2 op) <=< (Bimap (arb nDiv2) (arb (n - nDiv2)) <=< SplitAt nDiv2)) (op f g) Source #

type family Lazify (f :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type Lazify (V1 :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (V1 :: k -> Type) = (V1 :: k -> Type)
type Lazify (U1 :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (U1 :: k -> Type) = (U1 :: k -> Type)
type Lazify (K1 i c :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (K1 i c :: k -> Type) = (K1 i c :: k -> Type)
type Lazify (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (f :+: g :: k -> Type) = Lazify f :+: Lazify g
type Lazify (f :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (f :*: g :: k -> Type) = Lazify f :*: Lazify g
type Lazify (M1 i m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Lazify (M1 i m f :: k -> Type) = M1 i (LazifyMeta m) (Lazify f)

type family LazifyMeta (m :: Meta) :: Meta Source #

type LazifyMeta (MetaCons n f s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LazifyMeta (MetaCons n f s) = MetaCons n f s
type LazifyMeta (MetaData n m p nt) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type LazifyMeta (MetaData n m p nt) = MetaData n m p nt
type LazifyMeta (MetaSel mn su ss ds) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

data SplitAt :: Nat -> (k -> Type) -> Exp (k -> Type, k -> Type) Source #

type Eval (SplitAt n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (SplitAt n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure ((,) (U1 :: k -> Type) (f :*: g))) ((Bimap (Pure2 ((:*:) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> k -> Type) f) (Pure :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) =<< SplitAt (n - 1) g))
type Eval (SplitAt n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (SplitAt n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure ((,) (V1 :: k -> Type) (f :+: g))) ((Bimap (Pure2 ((:+:) :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> k -> Type) f) (Pure :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) :: (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> (k -> Type, k -> Type) -> Type) =<< SplitAt (n - 1) g))


type MajorSurgery k = MajorSurgery_ k Source #

Kind of surgeries: operations on generic representations of types.

Treat this as an abstract kind (don't pay attention to its definition).

Implementation details


The name Surgery got taken first by generic-data.

k is the kind of the extra parameter reserved for Generic1, which we just don't use.

type Operate (f :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) = Operate_ f s Source #

Operate f s. Apply a surgery s to a generic representation f (e.g., f = Rep a for some Generic type a).

The first argument is the generic representation; the second argument is the surgery, which typically has the more complex syntax, which is why this reverse application order was chosen.

type MajorSurgery_ k = (k -> Type) -> Exp (k -> Type) Source #

Internal definition of MajorSurgery.

type Operate_ (f :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) = Arborify (OperateL (Linearize f) s) Source #

Internal definition of Operate.

type OperateL (l :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) = Eval (s l) Source #

Apply a surgery s to a linearized generic representation l.

data (:>>) :: MajorSurgery k -> MajorSurgery k -> MajorSurgery k infixl 1 Source #

Composition of surgeries (left-to-right).


Surgeries work on normalized representations, so Operate, which applies a surgery to a generic representation, inserts normalization steps before and after the surgery. This means that Operate r (s1 :>> s2) is not quite the same as Operate (Operate r s1) s2. Instead, the latter is equivalent to Operate r (s1 :>> Suture :>> s2), where Suture inserts some intermediate normalization steps.

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (s :>> t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (s :>> t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = (PerformL l s, PerformL (Eval (s l)) t)
type Eval ((s :>> t) l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval ((s :>> t) l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (t (Eval (s l)))

data IdSurgery :: MajorSurgery k Source #

The identity surgery: doesn't do anything.

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (IdSurgery :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (IdSurgery :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = ()
type Eval (IdSurgery l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (IdSurgery l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = l

data Suture :: MajorSurgery k Source #

Use this if a patient ever needs to go out and back into the operating room, when it's not just to undo the surgery up to that point.

type Eval (Suture l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (Suture l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Linearize (Arborify l)

type family PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) :: Constraint Source #

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (IdSurgery :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (IdSurgery :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = ()
type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (s :>> t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (s :>> t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = (PerformL l s, PerformL (Eval (s l)) t)
type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveField n a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveField n a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformL lt (RemoveFieldAt n ((FieldNameAt n :: (k -> Type) -> Maybe Symbol -> Type) @@ lt) a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type)
type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveRField fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveRField fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformL lt (RemoveFieldAt ((FieldIndex fd :: (k -> Type) -> Nat -> Type) @@ lt) (Just fd) a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type)
type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveFieldAt n fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveFieldAt n fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLRemoveFieldAt n fd a lt (Eval (RemoveField_ n lt))
type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (InsertField n fd t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (InsertField n fd t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLInsert n fd t l (Eval (InsertField n fd t l))
type PerformL (lc :: Type -> Type) (RemoveConstr c t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lc :: Type -> Type) (RemoveConstr c t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLRemoveConstr lc c ((ConstrIndex c :: (Type -> Type) -> Nat -> Type) @@ lc) t
type PerformL (l :: Type -> Type) (InsertConstrAt c n t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: Type -> Type) (InsertConstrAt c n t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLInsertConstrAt0 l c n t

class Perform_ r s => Perform (r :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) Source #

A constraint Perform r s means that the surgery s can be applied to the generic representation r.

Perform_ r s => Perform (r :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Perform_ (r :: k -> Type) (s :: MajorSurgery k) = (PerformL (Linearize r) s, ToOR r (Linearize r), FromOR (Operate r s) (OperateL (Linearize r) s)) Source #

data FieldTypeAt (n :: Nat) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp Type Source #

type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Type -> Type) = Eval (FieldTypeAt n f)
type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (M1 i c f) :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (M1 i c f) :: Type -> Type) = Eval (FieldTypeAt n f)
type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (f :*: g) :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldTypeAt n (f :*: g) :: Type -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure (FieldTypeOf f)) (FieldTypeAt (n - 1) g))

type family FieldTypeOf (f :: k -> Type) :: Type Source #

type FieldTypeOf (M1 s m (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type FieldTypeOf (M1 s m (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) = a

data FieldNameAt (n :: Nat) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp (Maybe Symbol) Source #

type Eval (FieldNameAt n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldNameAt n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) = Eval (FieldNameAt n f)
type Eval (FieldNameAt n (M1 i c f) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldNameAt n (M1 i c f) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) = Eval (FieldNameAt n f)
type Eval (FieldNameAt n (f :*: g) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldNameAt n (f :*: g) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (FieldNameOf f) (FieldNameAt (n - 1) g))

data FieldNameOf (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp (Maybe Symbol) Source #

type Eval (FieldNameOf (M1 S (MetaSel mn _1 _2 _3) _4) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldNameOf (M1 S (MetaSel mn _1 _2 _3) _4) :: Maybe Symbol -> Type) = mn

data RemoveField (n :: Nat) (a :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveField n a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveField n a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformL lt (RemoveFieldAt n ((FieldNameAt n :: (k -> Type) -> Maybe Symbol -> Type) @@ lt) a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type)
type Eval (RemoveField n a f :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveField n a f :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveField_ n f)

data RemoveField_ (n :: Nat) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

Like RemoveField but without the explicit field type.

type Eval (RemoveField_ n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveField_ n (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure g) ((:*:) f <$> RemoveField_ (n - 1) g))
type Eval (RemoveField_ n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveField_ n (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveField_ n f) :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (RemoveField_ n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveField_ n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 i m (Eval (RemoveField_ n f))

data RemoveFieldAt (n :: Nat) (fd :: Maybe Symbol) (a :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveFieldAt n fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveFieldAt n fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLRemoveFieldAt n fd a lt (Eval (RemoveField_ n lt))

type PerformLRemoveFieldAt_ n fd t lt l = (GRemoveField n t lt l, t ~ Eval (FieldTypeAt n lt), lt ~ Eval (InsertField n fd t l)) Source #

class PerformLRemoveFieldAt_ n fd t lt l => PerformLRemoveFieldAt n fd t lt l Source #

PerformLRemoveFieldAt_ n fd t lt l => PerformLRemoveFieldAt n fd t (lt :: k -> Type) (l :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

data RemoveRField (fd :: Symbol) (a :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveRField fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lt :: k -> Type) (RemoveRField fd a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformL lt (RemoveFieldAt ((FieldIndex fd :: (k -> Type) -> Nat -> Type) @@ lt) (Just fd) a :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type)
type Eval (RemoveRField fd a f :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveRField fd a f :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveField_ (Eval (FieldIndex fd f)) f)

data InsertField (n :: Nat) (fd :: Maybe Symbol) (t :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (InsertField n fd t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: k -> Type) (InsertField n fd t :: (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLInsert n fd t l (Eval (InsertField n fd t l))
type Eval (InsertField 0 fd t (U1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertField 0 fd t (U1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 S (DefaultMetaSel fd) (K1 R t :: k -> Type) :*: (U1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (InsertField n fd t (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertField n fd t (f :*: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure (M1 S (DefaultMetaSel fd) (K1 R t :: k -> Type) :*: (f :*: g))) ((:*:) f <$> InsertField (n - 1) fd t g))
type Eval (InsertField n fd t (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertField n fd t (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (InsertField n fd t f) :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (InsertField n fd t (M1 C m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertField n fd t (M1 C m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 C m (Eval (InsertField n fd t f))
type Eval (InsertField n fd t (M1 D m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertField n fd t (M1 D m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 D m (Eval (InsertField n fd t f))

type PerformLInsert_ n fd t l tl = (GInsertField n t l tl, l ~ Eval (RemoveField_ n tl), tl ~ Eval (InsertField n fd t l), CheckField n fd tl, t ~ Eval (FieldTypeAt n tl)) Source #

class PerformLInsert_ n fd t l tl => PerformLInsert n fd t l tl Source #

PerformLInsert_ n fd t l tl => PerformLInsert n fd t (l :: k -> Type) (tl :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type family CheckField (n :: Nat) (fd :: Maybe Symbol) (tl :: k -> Type) :: Constraint where ... Source #


CheckField n Nothing tl = () 
CheckField n (Just fd) tl = n ~ Eval (FieldIndex fd tl) 

data Succ :: Nat -> Exp Nat Source #

type Eval (Succ n :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (Succ n :: Nat -> Type) = 1 + n

data FieldIndex (field :: Symbol) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp Nat Source #

Position of a record field

type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 S (MetaSel (Just field') su ss ds) f :*: g) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 S (MetaSel (Just field') su ss ds) f :*: g) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (If (field == field') (Pure 0) (Succ =<< FieldIndex field g))
type Eval (FieldIndex field (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldIndex field (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (FieldIndex field f)
type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 C m f) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 C m f) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (FieldIndex field f)
type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 D m f) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (FieldIndex field (M1 D m f) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (FieldIndex field f)

type family Arity (f :: k -> Type) :: Nat Source #

Number of fields of a single constructor

type Arity (U1 :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arity (U1 :: k -> Type) = 0
type Arity (K1 i c :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arity (K1 i c :: k -> Type) = 1
type Arity (f :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arity (f :*: g :: k -> Type) = Arity f + Arity g
type Arity (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arity (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) = Arity f
type Arity (M1 d m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Arity (M1 d m f :: k -> Type) = Arity f

type family CoArity (f :: k -> Type) :: Nat Source #

Number of constructors of a data type

type CoArity (V1 :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type CoArity (V1 :: k -> Type) = 0
type CoArity (f :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type CoArity (f :+: g :: k -> Type) = CoArity f + CoArity g
type CoArity (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type CoArity (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) = 1
type CoArity (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type CoArity (M1 D m f :: k -> Type) = CoArity f

class GRemoveField (n :: Nat) a f g where Source #


gRemoveField :: f x -> (a, g x) Source #

((n == 0) ~ False, f0g ~ (f0 :*: g), GRemoveField (n - 1) a f g) => GRemoveField n a (f0 :*: f :: k -> Type) (f0g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveField :: (f0 :*: f) x -> (a, f0g x) Source #

GRemoveField 0 a (M1 s m (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :*: f :: k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveField :: (M1 s m (K1 i a) :*: f) x -> (a, f x) Source #

GRemoveField n a f g => GRemoveField n a (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) (g :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveField :: (f :+: V1) x -> (a, (g :+: V1) x) Source #

GRemoveField n a f g => GRemoveField n a (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) (M1 i c g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveField :: M1 i c f x -> (a, M1 i c g x) Source #

class GInsertField (n :: Nat) a f g where Source #


gInsertField :: a -> f x -> g x Source #

((n == 0) ~ False, f0f ~ (f0 :*: f), GInsertField (n - 1) a f g) => GInsertField n a (f0f :: k -> Type) (f0 :*: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertField :: a -> f0f x -> (f0 :*: g) x Source #

GInsertField 0 a (f :: k -> Type) (M1 s m (K1 i a :: k -> Type) :*: f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertField :: a -> f x -> (M1 s m (K1 i a) :*: f) x Source #

GInsertField n a f g => GInsertField n a (f :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) (g :+: (V1 :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertField :: a -> (f :+: V1) x -> (g :+: V1) x Source #

GInsertField n a f g => GInsertField n a (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) (M1 i c g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertField :: a -> M1 i c f x -> M1 i c g x Source #

data ConstrAt (n :: Nat) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp (k -> Type) Source #

type Eval (ConstrAt n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ConstrAt n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure f) (ConstrAt (n - 1) g))
type Eval (ConstrAt n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ConstrAt n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (ConstrAt n f)

data RemoveConstr (c :: Symbol) (t :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type PerformL (lc :: Type -> Type) (RemoveConstr c t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (lc :: Type -> Type) (RemoveConstr c t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLRemoveConstr lc c ((ConstrIndex c :: (Type -> Type) -> Nat -> Type) @@ lc) t
type Eval (RemoveConstr c t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveConstr c t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveConstrAt c ((ConstrIndex c :: (k -> Type) -> Nat -> Type) @@ l) t l)

type PerformLRemoveConstrAt_ c n t l_t lc l = (GRemoveConstr n t lc l, c ~ MetaConsName (MetaOf l_t), lc ~ Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n l_t l), MatchFields (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t))) l_t, Arity l_t ~ Arity (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t)))) Source #

class PerformLRemoveConstrAt_ c n t l_t lc l => PerformLRemoveConstrAt c n (t :: Type) l_t lc l Source #

PerformLRemoveConstrAt_ c n t l_t lc l => PerformLRemoveConstrAt c n t l_t lc l Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

data RemoveConstrAt (c :: Symbol) (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type Eval (RemoveConstrAt _ n t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveConstrAt _ n t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveUConstrAt n t l)

data RemoveUConstrAt (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt n _ l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt n _ l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n l)

data RemoveUConstrAt_ (n :: Nat) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

Like RemoveConstr, but without the explicit constructor type.

type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure g) ((:+:) f <$> RemoveUConstrAt_ (n - 1) g))
type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 i m (Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n f))

data InsertConstrAt (c :: sym) (n :: Nat) (t :: ty) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

This is polymorphic to allow different ways of specifying the inserted constructor.

If sym (the kind of the constructor name c) is:

  • Symbol: treat it like a regular prefix constructor.
  • TODO Infix constructors and their fixities.

t must be a single-constructor type, then we reuse its generic representation for the new constructor, only replacing its constructor name with c.

type PerformL (l :: Type -> Type) (InsertConstrAt c n t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type PerformL (l :: Type -> Type) (InsertConstrAt c n t :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) = PerformLInsertConstrAt0 l c n t
type Eval (InsertConstrAt c n t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertConstrAt c n t l :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n (ConGraft c t :: k -> Type) l)

type family ConGraft (c :: sym) (t :: ty) :: k -> Type Source #

type ConGraft (c :: sym) (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type ConGraft (c :: sym) (t :: Type) = RenameCon c (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t)))

type family RenameCon (c :: sym) (t :: k -> Type) :: k -> Type Source #

type RenameCon (c :: sym) (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type RenameCon (c :: sym) (M1 C m f :: k -> Type) = M1 C (RenameMeta c m) f

type family RenameMeta (c :: sym) (m :: Meta) :: Meta Source #

type RenameMeta (s :: Symbol) (MetaCons _1 _2 r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type RenameMeta (s :: Symbol) (MetaCons _1 _2 r) = MetaCons s PrefixI r

type PerformLInsertConstrAt_ c n t l_t l lc = (GInsertConstr n t l lc, c ~ MetaConsName (MetaOf l_t), n ~ (ConstrIndex c @@ lc), l_t ~ (ConstrAt n @@ lc), l ~ Eval (RemoveUConstrAt_ n lc), MatchFields (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t))) l_t) Source #

class PerformLInsertConstrAt_ c n t l_t l lc => PerformLInsertConstrAt c n t l_t l lc Source #

PerformLInsertConstrAt_ c n t l_t l lc => PerformLInsertConstrAt c n t l_t l lc Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

data InsertUConstrAt (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type Eval (InsertUConstrAt n t l :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertUConstrAt n t l :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n (Linearize (UnM1 (Rep t))) l)

data InsertUConstrAtL (n :: Nat) (t :: k -> Type) :: MajorSurgery k Source #

type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL 0 t (V1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL 0 t (V1 :: k -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = t :+: (V1 :: k -> Type)
type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n t (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n t (f :+: g) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Eval (If (n == 0) (Pure (t :+: (f :+: g))) ((:+:) f <$> InsertUConstrAtL (n - 1) t g))
type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n t (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n t (M1 i m f) :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = M1 i m (Eval (InsertUConstrAtL n t f))

data ConstrIndex (con :: Symbol) (f :: k -> Type) :: Exp Nat Source #

type Eval (ConstrIndex con (M1 C (MetaCons con' fx s) f :+: g) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ConstrIndex con (M1 C (MetaCons con' fx s) f :+: g) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (If (con == con') (Pure 0) (Succ =<< ConstrIndex con g))
type Eval (ConstrIndex con (M1 D m f) :: Nat -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

type Eval (ConstrIndex con (M1 D m f) :: Nat -> Type) = Eval (ConstrIndex con f)

class GRemoveConstr (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) f g where Source #


gRemoveConstr :: f x -> Either t (g x) Source #

ConstrArborify t l => GRemoveConstr 0 t (l :+: f :: Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveConstr :: (l :+: f) x -> Either t (f x) Source #

(GRemoveConstr (n - 1) t f g, (n == 0) ~ False, f0g ~ (f0 :+: g)) => GRemoveConstr n t (f0 :+: f :: k -> Type) (f0g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveConstr :: (f0 :+: f) x -> Either t (f0g x) Source #

GRemoveConstr n t f g => GRemoveConstr n t (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) (M1 i c g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gRemoveConstr :: M1 i c f x -> Either t (M1 i c g x) Source #

constrArborify' :: forall t l x. ConstrArborify t l => l x -> t Source #

class GInsertConstr (n :: Nat) (t :: Type) f g where Source #


gInsertConstr :: Either t (f x) -> g x Source #

ConstrLinearize t l => GInsertConstr 0 t (f :: Type -> Type) (l :+: f :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertConstr :: Either t (f x) -> (l :+: f) x Source #

(GInsertConstr (n - 1) t f g, (n == 0) ~ False, f0f ~ (f0 :+: f)) => GInsertConstr n t (f0f :: k -> Type) (f0 :+: g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertConstr :: Either t (f0f x) -> (f0 :+: g) x Source #

GInsertConstr n t f g => GInsertConstr n t (M1 i c f :: k -> Type) (M1 i c g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal


gInsertConstr :: Either t (M1 i c f x) -> M1 i c g x Source #

constrLinearize' :: forall t l x. ConstrLinearize t l => t -> l x Source #

class MatchFields (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source #

Equate two generic representations, but ignoring constructor and field metadata.

g ~ (V1 :: k -> Type) => MatchFields (V1 :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

g ~ (U1 :: k -> Type) => MatchFields (U1 :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

g ~ (K1 i a :: k -> Type) => MatchFields (K1 i a :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

(g ~ (g1 :*: g2), MatchFields f1 g1, MatchFields f2 g2) => MatchFields (f1 :*: f2 :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

(g ~ (g1 :+: g2), MatchFields f1 g1, MatchFields f2 g2) => MatchFields (f1 :+: f2 :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

(g ~ M1 S (MetaSel _w _x _y _z) g', MatchFields f' g') => MatchFields (M1 S c f' :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

(g ~ M1 C (MetaCons _x _y _z) g', MatchFields f' g') => MatchFields (M1 C c f' :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

(g ~ M1 D c g', MatchFields f' g') => MatchFields (M1 D c f' :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

class IsTuple (n :: Nat) (t :: k) Source #

t ~ () => IsTuple 0 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ Identity a => IsTuple 1 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b) => IsTuple 2 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b, c) => IsTuple 3 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b, c, d) => IsTuple 4 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b, c, d, e) => IsTuple 5 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b, c, d, e, f) => IsTuple 6 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal

t ~ (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) => IsTuple 7 (t :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Generic.Data.Surgery.Internal