{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module CodeBodies where
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Backends
typeClassesBody = [r|
class FutharkObject wrapped raw | wrapped -> raw, raw -> wrapped where
wrapFO :: ForeignPtr raw -> wrapped c
freeFO :: Ptr Raw.Futhark_context -> Ptr raw -> IO Int
withFO :: wrapped c -> (Ptr raw -> IO b) -> IO b
class (FutharkObject array rawArray, Storable element, M.Index dim)
=> FutharkArray array rawArray dim element
| array -> dim, array -> element
shapeFA :: Ptr Raw.Futhark_context -> Ptr rawArray -> IO (M.Sz dim)
newFA :: Ptr Raw.Futhark_context -> Ptr element -> M.Sz dim -> IO (Ptr rawArray)
valuesFA :: Ptr Raw.Futhark_context -> Ptr rawArray -> Ptr element -> IO Int
class Input fo ho where
toFuthark :: ho -> FT c (fo c)
class Output fo ho where
fromFuthark :: fo c -> FT c ho
configBody C = [r|
data ContextOption
= Debug Int
| Log Int
setOption config option = case option of
(Debug flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_debugging config flag
(Log flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_logging config flag
configBody OpenCL = [r|
data ContextOption
= BuildOptions [String]
| Debug Int
| Profile Int
| Log Int
| Device String
| Platform String
| LoadProgram String
| LoadBinary String
| DumpBinary String
| DefaultGroupSize Int
| DefaultGroupNum Int
| DefaultTileSize Int
| DefaultThreshold Int
| Size String CSize
setOption config option = case option of
(BuildOptions os) -> mapM_ (\o -> withCString o $ Raw.context_config_add_build_option config) os
(Debug flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_debugging config flag
(Profile flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_profiling config flag
(Log flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_logging config flag
(Device s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_set_device config
(Platform s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_set_platform config
(LoadProgram s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_load_program_from config
(LoadBinary s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_load_binary_from config
(DumpBinary s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_dump_binary_to config
(DefaultGroupSize s) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_group_size config s
(DefaultGroupNum n) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_num_groups config n
(DefaultTileSize s) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_tile_size config s
(DefaultThreshold n) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_threshold config n
(Size name s) -> withCString name $ \n -> Raw.context_config_set_size config n s
>>= \code -> if code == 0
then return ()
else error "invalid size"
configBody Cuda = [r|
data ContextOption
= NvrtcOptions [String]
| Debug Int
| Log Int
| Device String
| LoadProgram String
| DumpProgram String
| LoadPtx String
| DumpPtx String
| DefaultGroupSize Int
| DefaultGroupNum Int
| DefaultTileSize Int
| DefaultThreshold Int
| Size String CSize
setOption config option = case option of
(NvrtcOptions os) -> mapM_ (\o -> withCString o $ Raw.context_config_add_nvrtc_option config) os
(Debug flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_debugging config flag
(Log flag) -> Raw.context_config_set_logging config flag
(Device s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_set_device config
(LoadProgram s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_load_program_from config
(DumpProgram s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_dump_program_to config
(LoadPtx s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_load_ptx_from config
(DumpPtx s) -> withCString s $ Raw.context_config_dump_ptx_to config
(DefaultGroupSize s) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_group_size config s
(DefaultGroupNum n) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_num_groups config n
(DefaultTileSize s) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_tile_size config s
(DefaultThreshold n) -> Raw.context_config_set_default_threshold config n
(Size name s) -> withCString name $ \n -> Raw.context_config_set_size config n s
>>= \code -> if code == 0
then return ()
else error "invalid size"
contextBody = [r|
data Context = Context (MVar Int) (ForeignPtr Raw.Futhark_context)
getContext :: [ContextOption] -> IO Context
getContext options = do
config <- Raw.context_config_new
mapM_ (setOption config) options
context <- Raw.context_new config
Raw.context_config_free config
childCount <- S.newMVar 0
fmap (Context childCount)
$ FC.newForeignPtr context
$ (forkIO $ freeContext childCount context)
>> return ()
freeContext childCount pointer
= readMVar childCount >>= \n
-> if n == 0
then Raw.context_free pointer
else yield >> freeContext childCount pointer
inContext (Context _ fp) = withForeignPtr fp
getError context = do
cs <- inContext context Raw.context_get_error
s <- peekCString cs
F.free cs
error s
clearError context = inContext context Raw.context_get_error >>= F.free
clearCache context
= inContext context Raw.context_clear_caches >>= \code
-> if code == 0
then return ()
else getError context
syncContext context
= inContext context Raw.context_sync >>= \code
-> if code == 0
then return ()
else getError context
inContextWithError :: Context -> (Ptr Raw.Futhark_context -> IO Int) -> IO ()
inContextWithError context f = do
code <- attempt
if code == 0
then success
else do
clearError context
code' <- attempt
if code' == 0
then success
else failure
attempt = inContext context f
success = return ()
failure = getError context
fTBody = [r|
newtype FT c a = FT (Context -> a)
instance Functor (FT c) where
fmap f (FT a) = FT (f.a)
instance Applicative (FT c) where
pure a = FT (\_ -> a)
(<*>) (FT a) (FT b) = FT (\c -> a c $ b c)
instance Monad (FT c) where
return = pure
(>>=) (FT a) f = FT (\c -> (\(FT b) -> b c) $ f $ a c)
runFTIn :: Context -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a
runFTIn context (FT a) = a context
runFTWith :: [ContextOption] -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a
runFTWith options a
= unsafePerformIO
$ getContext options >>= \c -> return $ runFTIn c a
runFT = runFTWith []
unsafeLiftFromIO :: (Context -> IO a) -> FT c a
unsafeLiftFromIO a = FT (\c -> unsafePerformIO $ a c)
wrapBody = [r|
wrapIn context@(Context childCount pointer) rawObject
= S.modifyMVar_ childCount (return.(+1))
>> (fmap wrapFO $ FC.newForeignPtr rawObject freeCall)
where freeCall = (inContextWithError context $ \c -> freeFO c rawObject)
>> S.modifyMVar_ childCount (return.(+(-1)))
peekFree p = peek p >>= \v -> free p >> return v
peekFreeWrapIn context rawP
= peek rawP >>= wrapIn context >>= \fo -> F.free rawP >> return fo
-- Ptr - Dim conversion
to1d f cP aP
= f cP aP
>>= fmap (\[d0] -> M.Sz1 d0)
. fmap (fmap fromIntegral)
. peekArray 1
to2d f cP aP
= f cP aP
>>= fmap (\[d0, d1] -> M.Sz2 d0 d1)
. fmap (fmap fromIntegral)
. peekArray 2
to3d f cP aP
= f cP aP
>>= fmap (\[d0, d1, d2] -> M.Sz3 d0 d1 d2)
. fmap (fmap fromIntegral)
. peekArray 3
to4d f cP aP
= f cP aP
>>= fmap (\[d0, d1, d2, d3] -> M.Sz4 d0 d1 d2 d3)
. fmap (fmap fromIntegral)
. peekArray 4
to5d f cP aP
= f cP aP
>>= fmap (\[d0, d1, d2, d3, d4] -> M.Sz5 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4)
. fmap (fmap fromIntegral)
. peekArray 5
from1d f cP eP (M.Sz1 d0) = f cP eP (fromIntegral d0)
from2d f cP eP (M.Sz2 d0 d1) = f cP eP (fromIntegral d0)
(fromIntegral d1)
from3d f cP eP (M.Sz3 d0 d1 d2) = f cP eP (fromIntegral d0)
(fromIntegral d1)
(fromIntegral d2)
from4d f cP eP (M.Sz4 d0 d1 d2 d3) = f cP eP (fromIntegral d0)
(fromIntegral d1)
(fromIntegral d2)
(fromIntegral d3)
from5d f cP eP (M.Sz5 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4) = f cP eP (fromIntegral d0)
(fromIntegral d1)
(fromIntegral d2)
(fromIntegral d3)
(fromIntegral d4)
utilsBody = [r|
instance (FutharkArray array rawArray dim element)
=> Input array (M.Array M.S dim element) where
toFuthark array = unsafeLiftFromIO $ \context
-> inContext context $ \c
-> MU.unsafeWithPtr array (\aP -> newFA c aP $ M.size array)
>>= wrapIn context
instance (FutharkArray array rawArray dim element)
=> Output array (M.Array M.S dim element) where
fromFuthark array = unsafeLiftFromIO $ \context
-> inContext context $ \c
-> withFO array $ \aP
-> do
syncContext context
shape <- shapeFA c aP
pointer <- mallocForeignPtrArray $ M.totalElem shape
withForeignPtr pointer $ valuesFA c aP
return $ M.resize' shape
$ MU.unsafeArrayFromForeignPtr0 M.Seq pointer
$ M.Sz1 (M.totalElem shape)
fromFutharkT2 (a, b) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
return (a', b')
fromFutharkT3 (a, b, c) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
c' <- fromFuthark c
return (a', b', c')
fromFutharkT4 (a, b, c, d) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
c' <- fromFuthark c
d' <- fromFuthark d
return (a', b', c', d')
fromFutharkT5 (a, b, c, d, e) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
c' <- fromFuthark c
d' <- fromFuthark d
e' <- fromFuthark e
return (a', b', c', d', e')
fromFutharkT6 (a, b, c, d, e, f) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
c' <- fromFuthark c
d' <- fromFuthark d
e' <- fromFuthark e
f' <- fromFuthark f
return (a', b', c', d', e', f')
fromFutharkT7 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = do
a' <- fromFuthark a
b' <- fromFuthark b
c' <- fromFuthark c
d' <- fromFuthark d
e' <- fromFuthark e
f' <- fromFuthark f
g' <- fromFuthark g
return (a', b', c', d', e', f', g')
toFutharkT2 (a, b) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
return (a', b')
toFutharkT3 (a, b, c) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
c' <- toFuthark c
return (a', b', c')
toFutharkT4 (a, b, c, d) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
c' <- toFuthark c
d' <- toFuthark d
return (a', b', c', d')
toFutharkT5 (a, b, c, d, e) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
c' <- toFuthark c
d' <- toFuthark d
e' <- toFuthark e
return (a', b', c', d', e')
toFutharkT6 (a, b, c, d, e, f) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
c' <- toFuthark c
d' <- toFuthark d
e' <- toFuthark e
f' <- toFuthark f
return (a', b', c', d', e', f')
toFutharkT7 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = do
a' <- toFuthark a
b' <- toFuthark b
c' <- toFuthark c
d' <- toFuthark d
e' <- toFuthark e
f' <- toFuthark f
g' <- toFuthark g
return (a', b', c', d', e', f', g')