{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.Monad
( TypeM
, runTypeM
, askEnv
, askRootEnv
, localTmpEnv
, checkQualNameWithEnv
, bindSpaced
, qualifyTypeVars
, getType
, TypeError(..)
, unexpectedType
, undefinedType
, unappliedFunctor
, unknownVariableError
, underscoreUse
, functionIsNotValue
, BreadCrumb(..)
, MonadBreadCrumbs(..)
, typeError
, MonadTypeChecker(..)
, checkName
, badOnLeft
, quote
, module Language.Futhark.Warnings
, Env(..)
, TySet
, FunSig(..)
, ImportTable
, NameMap
, BoundV(..)
, Mod(..)
, TypeBinding(..)
, MTy(..)
, anySignedType
, anyUnsignedType
, anyIntType
, anyFloatType
, anyNumberType
, anyPrimType
, Namespace(..)
, intrinsicsNameMap
, topLevelNameMap
, ppSpace
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.List
import Data.Loc
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Prelude hiding (mapM, mod)
import Language.Futhark
import Language.Futhark.Semantic
import Language.Futhark.Traversals
import Language.Futhark.Warnings
import Futhark.FreshNames hiding (newName)
import qualified Futhark.FreshNames
data TypeError = TypeError SrcLoc String
unexpectedType :: MonadTypeChecker m => SrcLoc -> TypeBase () () -> [TypeBase () ()] -> m a
unexpectedType loc _ [] =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Type of expression at " ++ locStr loc ++
"cannot have any type - possibly a bug in the type checker."
unexpectedType loc t ts =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Type of expression at " ++ locStr loc ++ " must be one of " ++
intercalate ", " (map pretty ts) ++ ", but is " ++
pretty t ++ "."
undefinedType :: MonadTypeChecker m => SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m a
undefinedType loc name =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Unknown type " ++ pretty name ++ "."
functionIsNotValue :: MonadTypeChecker m => SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m a
functionIsNotValue loc name =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Attempt to use function " ++ pretty name ++ " as value at " ++ locStr loc ++ "."
unappliedFunctor :: MonadTypeChecker m => SrcLoc -> m a
unappliedFunctor loc =
throwError $ TypeError loc "Cannot have parametric module here."
unknownVariableError :: MonadTypeChecker m =>
Namespace -> QualName Name -> SrcLoc -> m a
unknownVariableError space name loc =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Unknown " ++ ppSpace space ++ " " ++ pretty name
underscoreUse :: MonadTypeChecker m =>
SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m a
underscoreUse loc name =
throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Use of " ++ pretty name ++ ": variables prefixed with underscore must not be accessed."
instance Show TypeError where
show (TypeError pos msg) =
"Error at " ++ locStr pos ++ ":\n" ++ msg
type ImportTable = M.Map String Env
data Context = Context { contextEnv :: Env
, contextRootEnv :: Env
, contextImportTable :: ImportTable
, contextImportName :: ImportName
newtype TypeM a = TypeM (RWST
(Except TypeError)
deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative,
MonadReader Context,
MonadWriter Warnings,
MonadState VNameSource,
MonadError TypeError)
runTypeM :: Env -> ImportTable -> ImportName -> VNameSource
-> TypeM a
-> Either TypeError (a, Warnings, VNameSource)
runTypeM env imports fpath src (TypeM m) = do
(x, src', ws) <- runExcept $ runRWST m (Context env env imports fpath) src
return (x, ws, src')
askEnv, askRootEnv :: TypeM Env
askEnv = asks contextEnv
askRootEnv = asks contextRootEnv
localTmpEnv :: Env -> TypeM a -> TypeM a
localTmpEnv env = local $ \ctx ->
ctx { contextEnv = env <> contextEnv ctx }
data BreadCrumb = MatchingTypes (TypeBase () ()) (TypeBase () ())
| MatchingFields Name
instance Show BreadCrumb where
show (MatchingTypes t1 t2) =
"When matching type\n" ++ indent (pretty t1) ++
"\nwith\n" ++ indent (pretty t2)
where indent = intercalate "\n" . map (" "++) . lines
show (MatchingFields field) =
"When matching types of record field `" ++ pretty field ++ "`."
class Monad m => MonadBreadCrumbs m where
breadCrumb :: BreadCrumb -> m a -> m a
breadCrumb _ m = m
getBreadCrumbs :: m [BreadCrumb]
getBreadCrumbs = return []
typeError :: (MonadError TypeError m, MonadBreadCrumbs m) =>
SrcLoc -> String -> m a
typeError loc s = do
bc <- getBreadCrumbs
let bc' | null bc = ""
| otherwise = "\n" ++ unlines (map show bc)
throwError $ TypeError loc $ s ++ bc'
class MonadError TypeError m => MonadTypeChecker m where
warn :: SrcLoc -> String -> m ()
newName :: VName -> m VName
newID :: Name -> m VName
bindNameMap :: NameMap -> m a -> m a
localEnv :: Env -> m a -> m a
checkQualName :: Namespace -> QualName Name -> SrcLoc -> m (QualName VName)
lookupType :: SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m (QualName VName, [TypeParam], StructType, Liftedness)
lookupMod :: SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m (QualName VName, Mod)
lookupMTy :: SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m (QualName VName, MTy)
lookupImport :: SrcLoc -> FilePath -> m (FilePath, Env)
lookupVar :: SrcLoc -> QualName Name -> m (QualName VName, CompType)
checkName :: MonadTypeChecker m => Namespace -> Name -> SrcLoc -> m VName
checkName space name loc = qualLeaf <$> checkQualName space (qualName name) loc
bindSpaced :: MonadTypeChecker m => [(Namespace, Name)] -> m a -> m a
bindSpaced names body = do
names' <- mapM (newID . snd) names
let mapping = M.fromList (zip names $ map qualName names')
bindNameMap mapping body
instance MonadTypeChecker TypeM where
warn loc problem = tell $ singleWarning loc problem
newName s = do src <- get
let (s', src') = Futhark.FreshNames.newName src s
put src'
return s'
newID s = newName $ VName s 0
bindNameMap m = local $ \ctx ->
let env = contextEnv ctx
in ctx { contextEnv = env { envNameMap = m <> envNameMap env } }
localEnv env = local $ \ctx ->
let env' = env <> contextEnv ctx
in ctx { contextEnv = env', contextRootEnv = env' }
checkQualName space name loc = snd <$> checkQualNameWithEnv space name loc
lookupType loc qn = do
outer_env <- askRootEnv
(scope, qn'@(QualName qs name)) <- checkQualNameWithEnv Type qn loc
case M.lookup name $ envTypeTable scope of
Nothing -> undefinedType loc qn
Just (TypeAbbr l ps def) -> return (qn', ps, qualifyTypeVars outer_env mempty qs def, l)
lookupMod loc qn = do
(scope, qn'@(QualName _ name)) <- checkQualNameWithEnv Term qn loc
case M.lookup name $ envModTable scope of
Nothing -> unknownVariableError Term qn loc
Just m -> return (qn', m)
lookupMTy loc qn = do
(scope, qn'@(QualName _ name)) <- checkQualNameWithEnv Signature qn loc
(qn',) <$> maybe explode return (M.lookup name $ envSigTable scope)
where explode = unknownVariableError Signature qn loc
lookupImport loc file = do
imports <- asks contextImportTable
my_path <- asks contextImportName
let canonical_import = includeToString $ mkImportFrom my_path file loc
case M.lookup canonical_import imports of
Nothing -> throwError $ TypeError loc $
unlines ["Unknown import \"" ++ canonical_import ++ "\"",
"Known: " ++ intercalate ", " (M.keys imports)]
Just scope -> return (canonical_import, scope)
lookupVar loc qn = do
outer_env <- askRootEnv
(env, qn'@(QualName qs name)) <- checkQualNameWithEnv Term qn loc
case M.lookup name $ envVtable env of
Nothing -> unknownVariableError Term qn loc
Just (BoundV _ t)
| "_" `isPrefixOf` baseString name -> underscoreUse loc qn
| otherwise ->
case getType t of
Left{} -> throwError $ TypeError loc $
"Attempt to use function " ++ baseString name ++ " as value."
Right t' -> return (qn', removeShapeAnnotations $ fromStruct $
qualifyTypeVars outer_env mempty qs t')
getType :: TypeBase dim as
-> Either ([(Maybe VName, TypeBase dim as)], TypeBase dim as)
(TypeBase dim as)
getType (Arrow _ v t1 t2) =
case getType t2 of
Left (ps, r) -> Left ((v, t1) : ps, r)
Right _ -> Left ([(v, t1)], t2)
getType t = Right t
checkQualNameWithEnv :: Namespace -> QualName Name -> SrcLoc -> TypeM (Env, QualName VName)
checkQualNameWithEnv space qn@(QualName quals name) loc = do
env <- askEnv
descend env quals
where descend scope []
| Just name' <- M.lookup (space, name) $ envNameMap scope =
return (scope, name')
| otherwise =
unknownVariableError space qn loc
descend scope (q:qs)
| Just (QualName _ q') <- M.lookup (Term, q) $ envNameMap scope,
Just res <- M.lookup q' $ envModTable scope =
case res of
ModEnv q_scope -> do
(scope', QualName qs' name') <- descend q_scope qs
return (scope', QualName (q':qs') name')
ModFun{} -> unappliedFunctor loc
| otherwise =
unknownVariableError space qn loc
qualifyTypeVars :: ASTMappable t => Env -> [VName] -> [VName] -> t -> t
qualifyTypeVars outer_env except qs = runIdentity . astMap mapper
where mapper = ASTMapper { mapOnExp = pure
, mapOnName = pure
, mapOnQualName = pure . qual
, mapOnType = pure
, mapOnCompType = pure
, mapOnStructType = pure
, mapOnPatternType = pure
qual (QualName orig_qs name)
| name `elem` except ||
reachable orig_qs name outer_env = QualName orig_qs name
| otherwise = QualName (qs<>orig_qs) name
reachable [] name env =
isJust $ find matches $ M.elems (envTypeTable env)
where matches (TypeAbbr _ [] (TypeVar _ _ (TypeName x_qs name') [])) =
null x_qs && name == name'
matches _ = False
reachable (q:qs') name env
| Just (ModEnv env') <- M.lookup q $ envModTable env =
reachable qs' name env'
| otherwise = False
badOnLeft :: MonadTypeChecker m => Either TypeError a -> m a
badOnLeft = either throwError return
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "`" ++ s ++ "`"
anySignedType :: [PrimType]
anySignedType = map Signed [minBound .. maxBound]
anyUnsignedType :: [PrimType]
anyUnsignedType = map Unsigned [minBound .. maxBound]
anyIntType :: [PrimType]
anyIntType = anySignedType ++ anyUnsignedType
anyFloatType :: [PrimType]
anyFloatType = map FloatType [minBound .. maxBound]
anyNumberType :: [PrimType]
anyNumberType = anyIntType ++ anyFloatType
anyPrimType :: [PrimType]
anyPrimType = Bool : anyIntType ++ anyFloatType
ppSpace :: Namespace -> String
ppSpace Term = "name"
ppSpace Type = "type"
ppSpace Signature = "module type"
intrinsicsNameMap :: NameMap
intrinsicsNameMap = M.fromList $ map mapping $ M.toList intrinsics
where mapping (v, IntrinsicType{}) = ((Type, baseName v), QualName [mod] v)
mapping (v, _) = ((Term, baseName v), QualName [mod] v)
mod = VName (nameFromString "intrinsics") 0
topLevelNameMap :: NameMap
topLevelNameMap = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> atTopLevel k) intrinsicsNameMap
where atTopLevel :: (Namespace, Name) -> Bool
atTopLevel (Type, _) = True
atTopLevel (Term, v) = v `S.member` (type_names <> binop_names <> unop_names <> fun_names)
where type_names = S.fromList $ map (nameFromString . pretty) anyPrimType
binop_names = S.fromList $ map (nameFromString . pretty)
unop_names = S.fromList $ map nameFromString ["~", "!"]
fun_names = S.fromList $ map nameFromString ["shape"]
atTopLevel _ = False