{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Dependency solver
-- This is a relatively simple problem due to the choice of the
-- Minimum Package Version algorithm.  In fact, the only failure mode
-- is referencing an unknown package or revision.
module Futhark.Pkg.Solve
  ( solveDeps
  , solveDepsPure
  , PkgRevDepInfo
  ) where

import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Control.Monad.Free.Church

import Futhark.Pkg.Info
import Futhark.Pkg.Types

import Prelude

data PkgOp a = OpGetDeps PkgPath SemVer (Maybe T.Text) (PkgRevDeps -> a)

instance Functor PkgOp where
  fmap f (OpGetDeps p v h c) = OpGetDeps p v h (f . c)

-- | A rough build list is like a build list, but may contain packages
-- that are not reachable from the root.  Also contains the
-- dependencies of each package.
newtype RoughBuildList = RoughBuildList (M.Map PkgPath (SemVer, [PkgPath]))
                       deriving (Show)

emptyRoughBuildList :: RoughBuildList
emptyRoughBuildList = RoughBuildList mempty

depRoots :: PkgRevDeps -> S.Set PkgPath
depRoots (PkgRevDeps m) = S.fromList $ M.keys m

-- | Construct a 'BuildList' from a 'RoughBuildList'.  This involves
-- pruning all packages that cannot be reached from the root.
buildList :: S.Set PkgPath -> RoughBuildList -> BuildList
buildList roots (RoughBuildList pkgs) =
  BuildList $ execState (mapM_ addPkg roots) mempty
  where addPkg p = case M.lookup p pkgs of
                     Nothing -> return ()
                     Just (v, deps) -> do
                       listed <- gets $ M.member p
                       modify $ M.insert p v
                       unless listed $ mapM_ addPkg deps

type SolveM = StateT RoughBuildList (F PkgOp)

getDeps :: PkgPath -> SemVer -> Maybe T.Text -> SolveM PkgRevDeps
getDeps p v h = lift $ liftF $ OpGetDeps p v h id

-- | Given a list of immediate dependency minimum version constraints,
-- find dependency versions that fit, including transitive
-- dependencies.
doSolveDeps :: PkgRevDeps -> SolveM ()
doSolveDeps (PkgRevDeps deps) = mapM_ add $ M.toList deps
  where add (p, (v, maybe_h)) = do
          RoughBuildList l <- get
          case M.lookup p l of
            -- Already satisfied?
            Just (cur_v, _) | v <= cur_v -> return ()
            -- No; add 'p' and its dependencies.
            _ -> do
              PkgRevDeps p_deps <- getDeps p v maybe_h
              put $ RoughBuildList $ M.insert p (v, M.keys p_deps) l
              mapM_ add $ M.toList p_deps

-- | Run the solver, producing both a package registry containing
-- a cache of the lookups performed, as well as a build list.
solveDeps :: MonadPkgRegistry m =>
             PkgRevDeps -> m BuildList
solveDeps deps = buildList (depRoots deps) <$> runF
                 (execStateT (doSolveDeps deps) emptyRoughBuildList)
                 return step
  where step (OpGetDeps p v h c) = do
          pinfo <- lookupPackageRev p v

          checkHash p v pinfo h

          d <- fmap pkgRevDeps . getManifest $ pkgRevGetManifest pinfo
          c d

        checkHash _ _ _ Nothing = return ()
        checkHash p v pinfo (Just h)
          | h == pkgRevCommit pinfo = return ()
          | otherwise = fail $ T.unpack $ "Package " <> p <> " " <> prettySemVer v <>
                        " has commit hash " <> pkgRevCommit pinfo <>
                        ", but expected " <> h <> " from package manifest."

-- | A mapping of package revisions to the dependencies of that
-- package.  Can be considered a 'PkgRegistry' without the option of
-- obtaining more information from the Internet.  Probably useful only
-- for testing the solver.
type PkgRevDepInfo = M.Map (PkgPath, SemVer) PkgRevDeps

-- | Perform package resolution with only pre-known information.  This
-- is useful for testing.
solveDepsPure :: PkgRevDepInfo -> PkgRevDeps -> Either T.Text BuildList
solveDepsPure r deps = buildList (depRoots deps) <$> runF
                       (execStateT (doSolveDeps deps) emptyRoughBuildList)
                       Right step
  where step (OpGetDeps p v _ c) = do
          let errmsg = "Unknown package/version: " <> p <> "-" <> prettySemVer v
          d <- maybe (Left errmsg) Right $ M.lookup (p,v) r
          c d