{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Intragroup
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp.Convert
import Futhark.Representation.SOACS
import qualified Futhark.Representation.Kernels as Out
import Futhark.Representation.Kernels.Kernel
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Tools
import Futhark.Analysis.DataDependencies
import qualified Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Kernelise as Kernelise
import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.Distribution
import Futhark.Pass.ExtractKernels.BlockedKernel
intraGroupParallelise :: (MonadFreshNames m, LocalScope Out.Kernels m) =>
KernelNest -> Lambda
-> m (Maybe ((SubExp, SubExp), SubExp,
Out.Stms Out.Kernels, Out.Stms Out.Kernels))
intraGroupParallelise knest lam = runMaybeT $ do
(w_stms, w, ispace, inps, rts) <- lift $ flatKernel knest
let num_groups = w
body = lambdaBody lam
ltid <- newVName "ltid"
let group_variant = S.fromList [ltid]
(wss_min, wss_avail, kbody) <-
lift $ localScope (scopeOfLParams $ lambdaParams lam) $
intraGroupParalleliseBody (dataDependencies body) group_variant ltid body
known_outside <- lift $ M.keys <$> askScope
unless (all (`elem` known_outside) $ freeIn $ wss_min ++ wss_avail) $
fail "Irregular parallelism"
((intra_avail_par, kspace, read_input_stms), prelude_stms) <- lift $ runBinder $ do
let foldBinOp' _ [] = eSubExp $ intConst Int32 0
foldBinOp' bop (x:xs) = foldBinOp bop x xs
ws_min <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_min" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int32)) $
filter (not . null) wss_min
ws_avail <- mapM (letSubExp "one_intra_par_avail" <=< foldBinOp' (Mul Int32)) $
filter (not . null) wss_avail
intra_avail_par <- letSubExp "intra_avail_par" =<< foldBinOp' (SMin Int32) ws_avail
group_size <- letSubExp "computed_group_size" =<<
if null ws_min
then eBinOp (SMin Int32)
(eSubExp =<< letSubExp "max_group_size" (Op $ Out.GetSizeMax Out.SizeGroup))
(eSubExp intra_avail_par)
else foldBinOp' (SMax Int32) ws_min
let inputIsUsed input = kernelInputName input `S.member` freeInBody body
used_inps = filter inputIsUsed inps
addStms w_stms
num_threads <- letSubExp "num_threads" $
BasicOp $ BinOp (Mul Int32) num_groups group_size
let ksize = (num_groups, group_size, num_threads)
kspace <- newKernelSpace ksize $ FlatThreadSpace $ ispace ++ [(ltid,group_size)]
read_input_stms <- mapM readKernelInput used_inps
return (intra_avail_par, kspace, read_input_stms)
let kbody' = kbody { kernelBodyStms = stmsFromList read_input_stms <> kernelBodyStms kbody }
let nested_pat = loopNestingPattern first_nest
flatPatElem pat_elem = do
let t' = arrayOfRow (length ispace `stripArray` patElemType pat_elem) num_groups
name <- newVName $ baseString (patElemName pat_elem) ++ "_flat"
return $ PatElem name t'
flat_pat <- lift $ Pattern [] <$> mapM flatPatElem (patternValueElements nested_pat)
let kstm = Let flat_pat (StmAux cs ()) $ Op $
Kernel (KernelDebugHints "map_intra_group" []) kspace rts kbody'
reshapeStm nested_pe flat_pe =
Let (Pattern [] [nested_pe]) (StmAux cs ()) $
BasicOp $ Reshape (map DimNew $ arrayDims $ patElemType nested_pe) $
patElemName flat_pe
reshape_stms = zipWith reshapeStm (patternElements nested_pat)
(patternElements flat_pat)
let intra_min_par = intra_avail_par
return ((intra_min_par, intra_avail_par), spaceGroupSize kspace,
prelude_stms, oneStm kstm <> stmsFromList reshape_stms)
where first_nest = fst knest
cs = loopNestingCertificates first_nest
data Env = Env { _localTID :: VName
, _dataDeps :: Dependencies
, _groupVariant :: Names
type IntraGroupM = BinderT Out.InKernel (RWS Env (S.Set [SubExp], S.Set [SubExp]) VNameSource)
runIntraGroupM :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope Out.Kernels m) =>
Env -> IntraGroupM () -> m ([[SubExp]], [[SubExp]], Out.Stms Out.InKernel)
runIntraGroupM env m = do
scope <- castScope <$> askScope
modifyNameSource $ \src ->
let (((), kstms), src', (ws_min, ws_avail)) = runRWS (runBinderT m scope) env src
in ((S.toList ws_min, S.toList ws_avail, kstms), src')
parallelMin :: [SubExp] -> IntraGroupM ()
parallelMin ws = tell (S.singleton ws, S.singleton ws)
parallelAvail :: [SubExp] -> IntraGroupM ()
parallelAvail ws = tell (mempty, S.singleton ws)
intraGroupBody :: Body -> IntraGroupM (Out.Body Out.InKernel)
intraGroupBody body = do
stms <- collectStms_ $ mapM_ intraGroupStm $ bodyStms body
return $ mkBody stms $ bodyResult body
intraGroupStm :: Stm -> IntraGroupM ()
intraGroupStm stm@(Let pat _ e) = do
Env ltid deps group_variant <- ask
let groupInvariant (Var v) =
S.null . S.intersection group_variant .
flip (M.findWithDefault mempty) deps $ v
groupInvariant Constant{} = True
case e of
DoLoop ctx val (ForLoop i it bound inps) loopbody
| groupInvariant bound ->
localScope (scopeOf form) $
localScope (scopeOfFParams $ map fst $ ctx ++ val) $ do
loopbody' <- intraGroupBody loopbody
letBind_ pat $ DoLoop ctx val form loopbody'
where form = ForLoop i it bound inps
If cond tbody fbody ifattr
| groupInvariant cond -> do
tbody' <- intraGroupBody tbody
fbody' <- intraGroupBody fbody
letBind_ pat $ If cond tbody' fbody' ifattr
Op (Screma w form arrs) | Just fun <- isMapSOAC form -> do
body_stms <- collectStms_ $ do
forM_ (zip (lambdaParams fun) arrs) $ \(p, arr) -> do
arr_t <- lookupType arr
letBindNames [paramName p] $ BasicOp $ Index arr $
fullSlice arr_t [DimFix $ Var ltid]
Kernelise.transformStms $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody fun
let comb_body = mkBody body_stms $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody fun
ctid <- newVName "ctid"
letBind_ pat $ Op $
Out.Combine (Out.combineSpace [(ctid, w)]) (lambdaReturnType fun) [] comb_body
mapM_ (parallelMin . arrayDims) $ patternTypes pat
parallelMin [w]
Op (Screma w form arrs)
| Just (scanfun, nes, foldfun) <- isScanomapSOAC form -> do
let (scan_pes, map_pes) =
splitAt (length nes) $ patternElements pat
scan_input <- procInput ltid (Pattern [] map_pes) w foldfun nes arrs
scanfun' <- Kernelise.transformLambda scanfun
my_index <- newVName "my_index"
offset <- newVName "offset"
let my_index_param = Param my_index (Prim int32)
offset_param = Param offset (Prim int32)
scanfun'' = scanfun' { lambdaParams = my_index_param :
offset_param :
lambdaParams scanfun'
letBind_ (Pattern [] scan_pes) $
Op $ Out.GroupScan w scanfun'' $ zip nes scan_input
parallelMin [w]
Op (Screma w form arrs)
| Just (_, redfun, nes, foldfun) <- isRedomapSOAC form -> do
let (red_pes, map_pes) =
splitAt (length nes) $ patternElements pat
red_input <- procInput ltid (Pattern [] map_pes) w foldfun nes arrs
redfun' <- Kernelise.transformLambda redfun
my_index <- newVName "my_index"
offset <- newVName "offset"
let my_index_param = Param my_index (Prim int32)
offset_param = Param offset (Prim int32)
redfun'' = redfun' { lambdaParams = my_index_param :
offset_param :
lambdaParams redfun'
letBind_ (Pattern [] red_pes) $
Op $ Out.GroupReduce w redfun'' $ zip nes red_input
parallelMin [w]
Op (Stream w (Sequential accs) lam arrs)
| chunk_size_param : _ <- lambdaParams lam -> do
types <- asksScope castScope
((), stream_bnds) <-
runBinderT (sequentialStreamWholeArray pat w accs lam arrs) types
let replace (Var v) | v == paramName chunk_size_param = w
replace se = se
replaceSets (x, y) = (S.map (map replace) x, S.map (map replace) y)
censor replaceSets $ mapM_ intraGroupStm stream_bnds
Op (Scatter w lam ivs dests) -> do
parallelMin [w]
ctid <- newVName "ctid"
let cspace = Out.CombineSpace dests [(ctid, w)]
body_stms <- collectStms_ $ do
forM_ (zip (lambdaParams lam) ivs) $ \(p, arr) -> do
arr_t <- lookupType arr
letBindNames [paramName p] $ BasicOp $ Index arr $
fullSlice arr_t [DimFix $ Var ltid]
Kernelise.transformStms $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam
let body = mkBody body_stms $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam
letBind_ pat $ Op $ Out.Combine cspace (lambdaReturnType lam) mempty body
BasicOp (Update dest slice (Var v)) -> do
let ws = sliceDims slice
activeForDim w i = BasicOp $ CmpOp (CmpSlt Int32) i w
parallelMin ws
dest' <- letExp "update_inp" $ Op $ Out.Barrier [Var dest]
let new_inds = unflattenIndex (map (primExpFromSubExp int32) ws)
(primExpFromSubExp int32 $ Var ltid)
new_inds' <- mapM (letSubExp "i" <=< toExp) new_inds
active <- letSubExp "active" =<<
foldBinOp LogAnd (constant True) =<<
mapM (letSubExp "active") (zipWith activeForDim ws new_inds')
(active_res, active_stms) <- collectStms $ do
slice' <-
mapM (letSubExp "j" <=< toExp) $
fixSlice (map (fmap $ primExpFromSubExp int32) slice) new_inds
letInPlace "update_res" dest' (map DimFix slice') $
BasicOp $ Index v $ map DimFix new_inds'
sync <- letSubExp "update_res" =<< eIf (eSubExp active)
(pure $ mkBody active_stms [Var active_res])
(pure $ mkBody mempty [Var dest'])
letBind_ pat $ Op $ Out.Barrier [sync]
BasicOp (Copy arr) -> do
arr_t <- lookupType arr
let w = arraySize 0 arr_t
ctid <- newVName "copy_ctid"
letBind_ pat . Op . Out.Combine (Out.combineSpace [(ctid, w)]) [rowType arr_t] [] <=<
localScope (M.singleton ctid $ IndexInfo Int32) $
insertStmsM $ resultBodyM . pure <=< letSubExp "v" $
BasicOp $ Index arr $ fullSlice arr_t [DimFix $ Var ctid]
BasicOp (Replicate (Shape outer_ws) se)
| [inner_ws] <- map (drop (length outer_ws) . arrayDims) $ patternTypes pat -> do
let ws = outer_ws ++ inner_ws
new_inds' <- replicateM (length ws) $ newVName "new_local_index"
let inner_inds' = drop (length outer_ws) new_inds'
space = Out.combineSpace $ zip new_inds' ws
index = case se of Var v -> BasicOp $ Index v $
map (DimFix . Var) inner_inds'
Constant{} -> BasicOp $ SubExp se
body <- runBodyBinder $ eBody [pure index]
letBind_ pat $ Op $
Out.Combine space (map (Prim . elemType) $ patternTypes pat) [] body
mapM_ (parallelAvail . arrayDims) $ patternTypes pat
_ ->
Kernelise.transformStm stm
where procInput :: VName
-> Out.Pattern Out.InKernel
-> SubExp -> Lambda -> [SubExp] -> [VName]
-> IntraGroupM [VName]
procInput ltid map_pat w map_fun nes arrs = do
fold_stms <- collectStms_ $ do
forM_ (zip (lambdaParams map_fun) arrs) $ \(p, arr) -> do
arr_t <- lookupType arr
letBindNames_ [paramName p] $ BasicOp $ Index arr $
fullSlice arr_t [DimFix $ Var ltid]
Kernelise.transformStms $ bodyStms $ lambdaBody map_fun
let fold_body = mkBody fold_stms $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody map_fun
op_inps <- replicateM (length nes) (newVName "op_input")
ctid <- newVName "ctid"
letBindNames_ (op_inps ++ patternNames map_pat) $ Op $
Out.Combine (Out.combineSpace [(ctid, w)]) (lambdaReturnType map_fun) [] fold_body
return op_inps
intraGroupParalleliseBody :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope Out.Kernels m) =>
Dependencies -> Names -> VName -> Body
-> m ([[SubExp]], [[SubExp]], Out.KernelBody Out.InKernel)
intraGroupParalleliseBody deps group_variant ltid body = do
(min_ws, avail_ws, kstms) <- runIntraGroupM (Env ltid deps group_variant) $
mapM_ intraGroupStm $ bodyStms body
return (min_ws, avail_ws,
KernelBody () kstms $ map (ThreadsReturn OneResultPerGroup) $ bodyResult body)