{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Engine
, runSimpleM
, subSimpleM
, SimpleOps (..)
, SimplifyOp
, bindableSimpleOps
, Env (envHoistBlockers, envRules)
, emptyEnv
, HoistBlockers(..)
, neverBlocks
, noExtraHoistBlockers
, BlockPred
, orIf
, hasFree
, isConsumed
, isFalse
, isOp
, isNotSafe
, asksEngineEnv
, askVtable
, localVtable
, SimplifiableLore
, Simplifiable (..)
, simplifyStms
, simplifyFun
, simplifyLambda
, simplifyLambdaSeq
, simplifyLambdaNoHoisting
, simplifyParam
, bindLParams
, bindChunkLParams
, bindLoopVar
, enterLoop
, simplifyBody
, SimplifiedBody
, blockIf
, constructBody
, protectIf
, module Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Lore
) where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Futhark.Representation.AST
import Futhark.Representation.AST.Attributes.Aliases
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Rule
import qualified Futhark.Analysis.SymbolTable as ST
import qualified Futhark.Analysis.UsageTable as UT
import Futhark.Analysis.Usage
import Futhark.Construct
import Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Lore
import Futhark.Util (splitFromEnd)
data HoistBlockers lore = HoistBlockers
{ blockHoistPar :: BlockPred (Wise lore)
, blockHoistSeq :: BlockPred (Wise lore)
, blockHoistBranch :: BlockPred (Wise lore)
, getArraySizes :: Stm (Wise lore) -> Names
, isAllocation :: Stm (Wise lore) -> Bool
noExtraHoistBlockers :: HoistBlockers lore
noExtraHoistBlockers = HoistBlockers neverBlocks neverBlocks neverBlocks (const S.empty) (const False)
data Env lore = Env { envRules :: RuleBook (Wise lore)
, envHoistBlockers :: HoistBlockers lore
, envVtable :: ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore)
emptyEnv :: RuleBook (Wise lore) -> HoistBlockers lore -> Env lore
emptyEnv rules blockers =
Env { envRules = rules
, envHoistBlockers = blockers
, envVtable = mempty
data SimpleOps lore =
SimpleOps { mkExpAttrS :: ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore)
-> Pattern (Wise lore) -> Exp (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (ExpAttr (Wise lore))
, mkBodyS :: ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore)
-> Stms (Wise lore) -> Result
-> SimpleM lore (Body (Wise lore))
, mkLetNamesS :: ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore)
-> [VName] -> Exp (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (Stm (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
, simplifyOpS :: SimplifyOp lore
type SimplifyOp lore = Op lore -> SimpleM lore (OpWithWisdom (Op lore), Stms (Wise lore))
bindableSimpleOps :: (SimplifiableLore lore, Bindable lore) =>
SimplifyOp lore -> SimpleOps lore
bindableSimpleOps = SimpleOps mkExpAttrS' mkBodyS' mkLetNamesS'
where mkExpAttrS' _ pat e = return $ mkExpAttr pat e
mkBodyS' _ bnds res = return $ mkBody bnds res
mkLetNamesS' _ name e = (,) <$> mkLetNames name e <*> pure mempty
newtype SimpleM lore a =
SimpleM (RWS (SimpleOps lore, Env lore) Certificates (VNameSource, Bool) a)
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad,
MonadReader (SimpleOps lore, Env lore),
MonadState (VNameSource, Bool),
MonadWriter Certificates)
instance MonadFreshNames (SimpleM lore) where
putNameSource src = modify $ \(_, b) -> (src, b)
getNameSource = gets fst
instance SimplifiableLore lore => HasScope (Wise lore) (SimpleM lore) where
askScope = ST.toScope <$> askVtable
lookupType name = do
vtable <- askVtable
case ST.lookupType name vtable of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> fail $
"SimpleM.lookupType: cannot find variable " ++
pretty name ++ " in symbol table."
instance SimplifiableLore lore =>
LocalScope (Wise lore) (SimpleM lore) where
localScope types = localVtable (<>ST.fromScope types)
runSimpleM :: SimpleM lore a
-> SimpleOps lore
-> Env lore
-> VNameSource
-> ((a, Bool), VNameSource)
runSimpleM (SimpleM m) simpl env src =
let (x, (src', b), _) = runRWS m (simpl, env) (src, False)
in ((x, b), src')
subSimpleM :: (SameScope outerlore lore,
ExpAttr outerlore ~ ExpAttr lore,
BodyAttr outerlore ~ BodyAttr lore,
RetType outerlore ~ RetType lore,
BranchType outerlore ~ BranchType lore) =>
SimpleOps lore
-> Env lore
-> ST.SymbolTable (Wise outerlore)
-> SimpleM lore a
-> SimpleM outerlore a
subSimpleM simpl env outer_vtable m = do
let inner_vtable = ST.castSymbolTable outer_vtable
src <- getNameSource
let SimpleM m' = localVtable (<>inner_vtable) m
(x, (src', b), _) = runRWS m' (simpl, env) (src, False)
putNameSource src'
when b changed
return x
askEngineEnv :: SimpleM lore (Env lore)
askEngineEnv = snd <$> ask
asksEngineEnv :: (Env lore -> a) -> SimpleM lore a
asksEngineEnv f = f <$> askEngineEnv
askVtable :: SimpleM lore (ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore))
askVtable = asksEngineEnv envVtable
localVtable :: (ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore) -> ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
localVtable f = local $ \(ops, env) -> (ops, env { envVtable = f $ envVtable env })
collectCerts :: SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore (a, Certificates)
collectCerts m = pass $ do (x, cs) <- listen m
return ((x, cs), const mempty)
changed :: SimpleM lore ()
changed = modify $ \(src, _) -> (src, True)
usedCerts :: Certificates -> SimpleM lore ()
usedCerts = tell
enterLoop :: SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
enterLoop = localVtable ST.deepen
bindFParams :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[FParam (Wise lore)] -> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
bindFParams params =
localVtable $ ST.insertFParams params
bindLParams :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[LParam (Wise lore)] -> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
bindLParams params =
localVtable $ \vtable ->
foldr ST.insertLParam vtable params
bindArrayLParams :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[(LParam (Wise lore),Maybe VName)] -> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
bindArrayLParams params =
localVtable $ \vtable ->
foldr (uncurry ST.insertArrayLParam) vtable params
bindChunkLParams :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
VName -> [(LParam (Wise lore),VName)] -> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
bindChunkLParams offset params =
localVtable $ \vtable ->
foldr (uncurry $ ST.insertChunkLParam offset) vtable params
bindLoopVar :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
VName -> IntType -> SubExp -> SimpleM lore a -> SimpleM lore a
bindLoopVar var it bound =
localVtable $ clampUpper . clampVar
where clampVar = ST.insertLoopVar var it bound
clampUpper = case bound of Var v -> ST.isAtLeast v 1
_ -> id
protectIfHoisted :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
-> Bool
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
protectIfHoisted cond side m = do
(x, stms) <- m
runBinder $ do
if any (not . safeExp . stmExp) stms
then do cond' <- if side then return cond
else letSubExp "cond_neg" $ BasicOp $ UnOp Not cond
mapM_ (protectIf unsafeOrCostly cond') stms
else addStms stms
return x
where unsafeOrCostly e = not (safeExp e) || not (cheapExp e)
protectLoopHoisted :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[(FParam (Wise lore),SubExp)]
-> [(FParam (Wise lore),SubExp)]
-> LoopForm (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
protectLoopHoisted ctx val form m = do
(x, stms) <- m
runBinder $ do
if any (not . safeExp . stmExp) stms
then do is_nonempty <- checkIfNonEmpty
mapM_ (protectIf (not . safeExp) is_nonempty) stms
else addStms stms
return x
where checkIfNonEmpty =
case form of
WhileLoop cond
| Just (_, cond_init) <-
find ((==cond) . paramName . fst) $ ctx ++ val ->
return cond_init
| otherwise -> return $ constant True
ForLoop _ it bound _ ->
letSubExp "loop_nonempty" $
BasicOp $ CmpOp (CmpSlt it) (intConst it 0) bound
protectIf :: MonadBinder m => (Exp (Lore m) -> Bool) -> SubExp -> Stm (Lore m) -> m ()
protectIf _ taken (Let pat (StmAux cs _)
(If cond taken_body untaken_body (IfAttr if_ts IfFallback))) = do
cond' <- letSubExp "protect_cond_conj" $ BasicOp $ BinOp LogAnd taken cond
certifying cs $
letBind_ pat $ If cond' taken_body untaken_body $
IfAttr if_ts IfFallback
protectIf f taken (Let pat (StmAux cs _) e)
| f e = do
taken_body <- eBody [pure e]
untaken_body <- eBody $ map (emptyOfType $ patternContextNames pat)
(patternValueTypes pat)
if_ts <- expTypesFromPattern pat
certifying cs $
letBind_ pat $ If taken taken_body untaken_body $
IfAttr if_ts IfFallback
protectIf _ _ stm =
addStm stm
emptyOfType :: MonadBinder m => [VName] -> Type -> m (Exp (Lore m))
emptyOfType _ Mem{} =
fail "emptyOfType: Cannot hoist non-existential memory."
emptyOfType _ (Prim pt) =
return $ BasicOp $ SubExp $ Constant $ blankPrimValue pt
emptyOfType ctx_names (Array pt shape _) = do
let dims = map zeroIfContext $ shapeDims shape
return $ BasicOp $ Scratch pt dims
where zeroIfContext (Var v) | v `elem` ctx_names = intConst Int32 0
zeroIfContext se = se
notWorthHoisting :: Attributes lore => BlockPred lore
notWorthHoisting _ (Let pat _ e) =
not (safeExp e) && any (>0) (map arrayRank $ patternTypes pat)
hoistStms :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
RuleBook (Wise lore) -> BlockPred (Wise lore)
-> ST.SymbolTable (Wise lore) -> UT.UsageTable
-> Stms (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (Stms (Wise lore),
Stms (Wise lore))
hoistStms rules block vtable uses orig_stms = do
(blocked, hoisted) <- simplifyStmsBottomUp vtable uses orig_stms
unless (null hoisted) changed
return (stmsFromList blocked, stmsFromList hoisted)
where simplifyStmsBottomUp vtable' uses' stms = do
(_, stms') <- simplifyStmsBottomUp' vtable' uses' stms
let (blocked, hoisted) = partitionEithers $ blockUnhoistedDeps stms'
return (blocked, hoisted)
simplifyStmsBottomUp' vtable' uses' stms =
foldM hoistable (uses',[]) $ reverse $ zip (stmsToList stms) vtables
where vtables = scanl (flip ST.insertStm) vtable' $ stmsToList stms
hoistable (uses',stms) (stm, vtable')
| not $ any (`UT.isUsedDirectly` uses') $ provides stm =
return (uses', stms)
| otherwise = do
res <- localVtable (const vtable') $
bottomUpSimplifyStm rules (vtable', uses') stm
case res of
| block uses' stm ->
return (expandUsage vtable' uses' stm `UT.without` provides stm,
Left stm : stms)
| otherwise ->
return (expandUsage vtable' uses' stm, Right stm : stms)
Just optimstms -> do
(uses'',stms') <- simplifyStmsBottomUp' vtable' uses' optimstms
return (uses'', stms'++stms)
blockUnhoistedDeps :: Attributes lore =>
[Either (Stm lore) (Stm lore)]
-> [Either (Stm lore) (Stm lore)]
blockUnhoistedDeps = snd . mapAccumL block S.empty
where block blocked (Left need) =
(blocked <> S.fromList (provides need), Left need)
block blocked (Right need)
| blocked `intersects` requires need =
(blocked <> S.fromList (provides need), Left need)
| otherwise =
(blocked, Right need)
provides :: Stm lore -> [VName]
provides = patternNames . stmPattern
requires :: Attributes lore => Stm lore -> Names
requires = freeInStm
expandUsage :: (Attributes lore, Aliased lore, UsageInOp (Op lore)) =>
ST.SymbolTable lore -> UT.UsageTable -> Stm lore -> UT.UsageTable
expandUsage vtable utable bnd =
UT.expand (`ST.lookupAliases` vtable) (usageInStm bnd <> usageThroughAliases) <>
where pat = stmPattern bnd
usageThroughAliases =
mconcat $ mapMaybe usageThroughBindeeAliases $
zip (patternNames pat) (patternAliases pat)
usageThroughBindeeAliases (name, aliases) = do
uses <- UT.lookup name utable
return $ mconcat $ map (`UT.usage` uses) $ S.toList aliases
intersects :: Ord a => S.Set a -> S.Set a -> Bool
intersects a b = not $ S.null $ a `S.intersection` b
type BlockPred lore = UT.UsageTable -> Stm lore -> Bool
neverBlocks :: BlockPred lore
neverBlocks _ _ = False
isFalse :: Bool -> BlockPred lore
isFalse b _ _ = not b
orIf :: BlockPred lore -> BlockPred lore -> BlockPred lore
orIf p1 p2 body need = p1 body need || p2 body need
andAlso :: BlockPred lore -> BlockPred lore -> BlockPred lore
andAlso p1 p2 body need = p1 body need && p2 body need
isConsumed :: BlockPred lore
isConsumed utable = any (`UT.isConsumed` utable) . patternNames . stmPattern
isOp :: BlockPred lore
isOp _ (Let _ _ Op{}) = True
isOp _ _ = False
constructBody :: SimplifiableLore lore => Stms (Wise lore) -> Result
-> SimpleM lore (Body (Wise lore))
constructBody stms res =
fmap fst $ runBinder $ insertStmsM $ do addStms stms
resultBodyM res
type SimplifiedBody lore a = ((a, UT.UsageTable), Stms (Wise lore))
blockIf :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
BlockPred (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (SimplifiedBody lore a)
-> SimpleM lore ((Stms (Wise lore), a), Stms (Wise lore))
blockIf block m = do
((x, usages), stms) <- m
vtable <- askVtable
rules <- asksEngineEnv envRules
(blocked, hoisted) <- hoistStms rules block vtable usages stms
return ((blocked, x), hoisted)
insertAllStms :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
SimpleM lore (SimplifiedBody lore Result)
-> SimpleM lore (Body (Wise lore))
insertAllStms = uncurry constructBody . fst <=< blockIf (isFalse False)
hasFree :: Attributes lore => Names -> BlockPred lore
hasFree ks _ need = ks `intersects` requires need
isNotSafe :: Attributes lore => BlockPred lore
isNotSafe _ = not . safeExp . stmExp
isInPlaceBound :: BlockPred m
isInPlaceBound _ = isUpdate . stmExp
where isUpdate (BasicOp Update{}) = True
isUpdate _ = False
isNotCheap :: Attributes lore => BlockPred lore
isNotCheap _ = not . cheapStm
cheapStm :: Attributes lore => Stm lore -> Bool
cheapStm = cheapExp . stmExp
cheapExp :: Attributes lore => Exp lore -> Bool
cheapExp (BasicOp BinOp{}) = True
cheapExp (BasicOp SubExp{}) = True
cheapExp (BasicOp UnOp{}) = True
cheapExp (BasicOp CmpOp{}) = True
cheapExp (BasicOp ConvOp{}) = True
cheapExp (BasicOp Copy{}) = False
cheapExp DoLoop{} = False
cheapExp (If _ tbranch fbranch _) = all cheapStm (bodyStms tbranch) &&
all cheapStm (bodyStms fbranch)
cheapExp (Op op) = cheapOp op
cheapExp _ = True
stmIs :: (Stm lore -> Bool) -> BlockPred lore
stmIs f _ = f
loopInvariantStm :: Attributes lore => ST.SymbolTable lore -> Stm lore -> Bool
loopInvariantStm vtable =
all (`S.member` ST.availableAtClosestLoop vtable) . freeInStm
hoistCommon :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
SubExp -> IfSort
-> SimplifiedBody lore Result
-> SimplifiedBody lore Result
-> SimpleM lore (Body (Wise lore), Body (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
hoistCommon cond ifsort ((res1, usages1), stms1) ((res2, usages2), stms2) = do
is_alloc_fun <- asksEngineEnv $ isAllocation . envHoistBlockers
getArrSz_fun <- asksEngineEnv $ getArraySizes . envHoistBlockers
branch_blocker <- asksEngineEnv $ blockHoistBranch . envHoistBlockers
vtable <- askVtable
cond_loop_invariant =
all (`S.member` ST.availableAtClosestLoop vtable) $ freeIn cond
desirableToHoist stm =
is_alloc_fun stm ||
(ST.loopDepth vtable > 0 &&
cond_loop_invariant &&
ifsort /= IfFallback &&
loopInvariantStm vtable stm)
hoistbl_nms = filterBnds desirableToHoist getArrSz_fun $
stmsToList $ stms1<>stms2
block = branch_blocker `orIf`
((isNotSafe `orIf` isNotCheap) `andAlso` stmIs (not . desirableToHoist))
`orIf` isInPlaceBound `orIf` isNotHoistableBnd hoistbl_nms
rules <- asksEngineEnv envRules
(body1_bnds', safe1) <- protectIfHoisted cond True $
hoistStms rules block vtable usages1 stms1
(body2_bnds', safe2) <- protectIfHoisted cond False $
hoistStms rules block vtable usages2 stms2
let hoistable = safe1 <> safe2
body1' <- constructBody body1_bnds' res1
body2' <- constructBody body2_bnds' res2
return (body1', body2', hoistable)
where filterBnds interesting getArrSz_fn all_bnds =
let sz_nms = mconcat $ map getArrSz_fn all_bnds
sz_needs = transClosSizes all_bnds sz_nms []
alloc_bnds = filter interesting all_bnds
sel_nms = S.fromList $
concatMap (patternNames . stmPattern)
(sz_needs ++ alloc_bnds)
in sel_nms
transClosSizes all_bnds scal_nms hoist_bnds =
let new_bnds = filter (hasPatName scal_nms) all_bnds
new_nms = mconcat $ map (freeInExp . stmExp) new_bnds
in if null new_bnds
then hoist_bnds
else transClosSizes all_bnds new_nms (new_bnds ++ hoist_bnds)
hasPatName nms bnd = intersects nms $ S.fromList $
patternNames $ stmPattern bnd
isNotHoistableBnd _ _ (Let _ _ (BasicOp ArrayLit{})) = False
isNotHoistableBnd nms _ stm = not (hasPatName nms stm)
simplifyBody :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[Diet] -> Body lore -> SimpleM lore (SimplifiedBody lore Result)
simplifyBody ds (Body _ bnds res) =
simplifyStms bnds $ do res' <- simplifyResult ds res
return (res', mempty)
simplifyResult :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
[Diet] -> Result -> SimpleM lore (Result, UT.UsageTable)
simplifyResult ds res = do
let (ctx_res, val_res) = splitFromEnd (length ds) res
(ctx_res', _ctx_res_cs) <- collectCerts $ mapM simplify ctx_res
val_res' <- mapM simplify' val_res
let consumption = consumeResult $ zip ds val_res'
res' = ctx_res' <> val_res'
return (res', UT.usages (freeIn res') <> consumption)
where simplify' (Var name) = do
bnd <- ST.lookupSubExp name <$> askVtable
case bnd of
Just (Constant v, cs)
| cs == mempty -> return $ Constant v
Just (Var id', cs)
| cs == mempty -> return $ Var id'
_ -> return $ Var name
simplify' (Constant v) =
return $ Constant v
isDoLoopResult :: Result -> UT.UsageTable
isDoLoopResult = mconcat . map checkForVar
where checkForVar (Var ident) = UT.inResultUsage ident
checkForVar _ = mempty
simplifyStms :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Stms lore -> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyStms stms m =
case stmsHead stms of
Nothing -> inspectStms mempty m
Just (Let pat (StmAux stm_cs attr) e, stms') -> do
stm_cs' <- simplify stm_cs
((e', e_stms), e_cs) <- collectCerts $ simplifyExp e
(pat', pat_cs) <- collectCerts $ simplifyPattern pat
let cs = stm_cs'<>e_cs<>pat_cs
inspectStms e_stms $
inspectStm (mkWiseLetStm pat' (StmAux cs attr) e') $
simplifyStms stms' m
inspectStm :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Stm (Wise lore) -> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
inspectStm = inspectStms . oneStm
inspectStms :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Stms (Wise lore)
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
-> SimpleM lore (a, Stms (Wise lore))
inspectStms stms m =
case stmsHead stms of
Nothing -> m
Just (stm, stms') -> do
vtable <- askVtable
rules <- asksEngineEnv envRules
simplified <- topDownSimplifyStm rules vtable stm
case simplified of
Just newbnds -> changed >> inspectStms (newbnds <> stms') m
Nothing -> do (x, stms'') <- localVtable (ST.insertStm stm) $ inspectStms stms' m
return (x, oneStm stm <> stms'')
simplifyOp :: Op lore -> SimpleM lore (Op (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyOp op = do f <- asks $ simplifyOpS . fst
f op
simplifyExp :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Exp lore -> SimpleM lore (Exp (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyExp (If cond tbranch fbranch (IfAttr ts ifsort)) = do
cond' <- simplify cond
ts' <- mapM simplify ts
let ds = map (const Consume) ts
tbranch' <- localVtable (ST.updateBounds True cond) $ simplifyBody ds tbranch
fbranch' <- localVtable (ST.updateBounds False cond) $ simplifyBody ds fbranch
(tbranch'',fbranch'', hoisted) <- hoistCommon cond' ifsort tbranch' fbranch'
return (If cond' tbranch'' fbranch'' $ IfAttr ts' ifsort, hoisted)
simplifyExp (DoLoop ctx val form loopbody) = do
let (ctxparams, ctxinit) = unzip ctx
(valparams, valinit) = unzip val
ctxparams' <- mapM (simplifyParam simplify) ctxparams
ctxinit' <- mapM simplify ctxinit
valparams' <- mapM (simplifyParam simplify) valparams
valinit' <- mapM simplify valinit
let ctx' = zip ctxparams' ctxinit'
val' = zip valparams' valinit'
diets = map (diet . paramDeclType) valparams'
(form', boundnames, wrapbody) <- case form of
ForLoop loopvar it boundexp loopvars -> do
boundexp' <- simplify boundexp
let (loop_params, loop_arrs) = unzip loopvars
loop_params' <- mapM (simplifyParam simplify) loop_params
loop_arrs' <- mapM simplify loop_arrs
let form' = ForLoop loopvar it boundexp' (zip loop_params' loop_arrs')
return (form',
S.fromList (loopvar : map paramName loop_params') <> fparamnames,
bindLoopVar loopvar it boundexp' .
protectLoopHoisted ctx' val' form' .
bindArrayLParams (zip loop_params' (map Just loop_arrs')))
WhileLoop cond -> do
cond' <- simplify cond
return (WhileLoop cond',
protectLoopHoisted ctx' val' (WhileLoop cond'))
seq_blocker <- asksEngineEnv $ blockHoistSeq . envHoistBlockers
((loopstms, loopres), hoisted) <-
enterLoop $ consumeMerge $
bindFParams (ctxparams'++valparams') $ wrapbody $
(hasFree boundnames `orIf` isConsumed
`orIf` seq_blocker `orIf` notWorthHoisting) $ do
((res, uses), stms) <- simplifyBody diets loopbody
return ((res, uses <> isDoLoopResult res), stms)
loopbody' <- constructBody loopstms loopres
return (DoLoop ctx' val' form' loopbody', hoisted)
where fparamnames =
S.fromList (map (paramName . fst) $ ctx++val)
consumeMerge =
localVtable $ flip (foldl' (flip ST.consume)) consumed_by_merge
consumed_by_merge =
freeIn $ map snd $ filter (unique . paramDeclType . fst) val
simplifyExp (Op op) = do (op', stms) <- simplifyOp op
return (Op op', stms)
simplifyExp (BasicOp (BinOp op x y))
| commutativeBinOp op = do
x' <- simplify x
y' <- simplify y
return (BasicOp $ BinOp op (min x' y') (max x' y'), mempty)
simplifyExp e = do e' <- simplifyExpBase e
return (e', mempty)
simplifyExpBase :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Exp lore -> SimpleM lore (Exp (Wise lore))
simplifyExpBase = mapExpM hoist
where hoist = Mapper {
mapOnBody = fail "Unhandled body in simplification engine."
, mapOnSubExp = simplify
, mapOnVName = simplify
, mapOnCertificates = simplify
, mapOnRetType = simplify
, mapOnBranchType = simplify
, mapOnFParam =
fail "Unhandled FParam in simplification engine."
, mapOnLParam =
fail "Unhandled LParam in simplification engine."
, mapOnOp =
fail "Unhandled Op in simplification engine."
type SimplifiableLore lore = (Attributes lore,
Simplifiable (LetAttr lore),
Simplifiable (FParamAttr lore),
Simplifiable (LParamAttr lore),
Simplifiable (RetType lore),
Simplifiable (BranchType lore),
CanBeWise (Op lore),
ST.IndexOp (OpWithWisdom (Op lore)),
BinderOps (Wise lore),
IsOp (Op lore))
class Simplifiable e where
simplify :: SimplifiableLore lore => e -> SimpleM lore e
instance (Simplifiable a, Simplifiable b) => Simplifiable (a, b) where
simplify (x,y) = (,) <$> simplify x <*> simplify y
instance (Simplifiable a, Simplifiable b, Simplifiable c) => Simplifiable (a, b, c) where
simplify (x,y,z) = (,,) <$> simplify x <*> simplify y <*> simplify z
instance Simplifiable Int where
simplify = pure
instance Simplifiable a => Simplifiable (Maybe a) where
simplify Nothing = return Nothing
simplify (Just x) = Just <$> simplify x
instance Simplifiable a => Simplifiable [a] where
simplify = mapM simplify
instance Simplifiable SubExp where
simplify (Var name) = do
bnd <- ST.lookupSubExp name <$> askVtable
case bnd of
Just (Constant v, cs) -> do changed
usedCerts cs
return $ Constant v
Just (Var id', cs) -> do changed
usedCerts cs
return $ Var id'
_ -> return $ Var name
simplify (Constant v) =
return $ Constant v
simplifyPattern :: (SimplifiableLore lore, Simplifiable attr) =>
PatternT attr
-> SimpleM lore (PatternT attr)
simplifyPattern pat =
Pattern <$>
mapM inspect (patternContextElements pat) <*>
mapM inspect (patternValueElements pat)
where inspect (PatElem name lore) = PatElem name <$> simplify lore
simplifyParam :: (attr -> SimpleM lore attr) -> ParamT attr -> SimpleM lore (ParamT attr)
simplifyParam simplifyAttribute (Param name attr) =
Param name <$> simplifyAttribute attr
instance Simplifiable VName where
simplify v = do
se <- ST.lookupSubExp v <$> askVtable
case se of
Just (Var v', cs) -> do changed
usedCerts cs
return v'
_ -> return v
instance Simplifiable d => Simplifiable (ShapeBase d) where
simplify = fmap Shape . simplify . shapeDims
instance Simplifiable ExtSize where
simplify (Free se) = Free <$> simplify se
simplify (Ext x) = return $ Ext x
instance Simplifiable shape => Simplifiable (TypeBase shape u) where
simplify (Array et shape u) = do
shape' <- simplify shape
return $ Array et shape' u
simplify (Mem size space) =
Mem <$> simplify size <*> pure space
simplify (Prim bt) =
return $ Prim bt
instance Simplifiable d => Simplifiable (DimIndex d) where
simplify (DimFix i) = DimFix <$> simplify i
simplify (DimSlice i n s) = DimSlice <$> simplify i <*> simplify n <*> simplify s
simplifyLambda :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Lambda lore
-> [Maybe VName]
-> SimpleM lore (Lambda (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyLambda lam arrs = do
par_blocker <- asksEngineEnv $ blockHoistPar . envHoistBlockers
simplifyLambdaMaybeHoist par_blocker lam arrs
simplifyLambdaSeq :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Lambda lore
-> [Maybe VName]
-> SimpleM lore (Lambda (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyLambdaSeq = simplifyLambdaMaybeHoist neverBlocks
simplifyLambdaNoHoisting :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
Lambda lore
-> [Maybe VName]
-> SimpleM lore (Lambda (Wise lore))
simplifyLambdaNoHoisting lam arr =
fst <$> simplifyLambdaMaybeHoist (isFalse False) lam arr
simplifyLambdaMaybeHoist :: SimplifiableLore lore =>
BlockPred (Wise lore) -> Lambda lore
-> [Maybe VName]
-> SimpleM lore (Lambda (Wise lore), Stms (Wise lore))
simplifyLambdaMaybeHoist blocked lam@(Lambda params body rettype) arrs = do
params' <- mapM (simplifyParam simplify) params
let (nonarrayparams, arrayparams) =
splitAt (length params' - length arrs) params'
paramnames = S.fromList $ boundByLambda lam
((lamstms, lamres), hoisted) <-
enterLoop $
bindLParams nonarrayparams $
bindArrayLParams (zip arrayparams arrs) $
blockIf (blocked `orIf` hasFree paramnames `orIf` isConsumed) $
simplifyBody (map (const Observe) rettype) body
body' <- constructBody lamstms lamres
rettype' <- simplify rettype
return (Lambda params' body' rettype', hoisted)
consumeResult :: [(Diet, SubExp)] -> UT.UsageTable
consumeResult = mconcat . map inspect
where inspect (Consume, se) =
mconcat $ map UT.consumedUsage $ S.toList $ subExpAliases se
inspect _ = mempty
instance Simplifiable Certificates where
simplify (Certificates ocs) = Certificates . nub . concat <$> mapM check ocs
where check idd = do
vv <- ST.lookupSubExp idd <$> askVtable
case vv of
Just (Constant Checked, Certificates cs) -> return cs
Just (Var idd', _) -> return [idd']
_ -> return [idd]
simplifyFun :: SimplifiableLore lore => FunDef lore -> SimpleM lore (FunDef (Wise lore))
simplifyFun (FunDef entry fname rettype params body) = do
rettype' <- simplify rettype
let ds = map diet (retTypeValues rettype')
body' <- bindFParams params $ insertAllStms $ simplifyBody ds body
return $ FunDef entry fname rettype' params body'