{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.ToOpenCL
( kernelsToOpenCL
, kernelsToCUDA
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Language.C.Syntax as C
import qualified Language.C.Quote.OpenCL as C
import qualified Language.C.Quote.CUDA as CUDAC
import Futhark.Error
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC as GenericC
import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.SimpleRepresentation
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels hiding (Program)
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels as ImpKernels
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL hiding (Program)
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL as ImpOpenCL
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Util (zEncodeString)
import Futhark.Util.Pretty (pretty, prettyOneLine)
kernelsToCUDA, kernelsToOpenCL :: ImpKernels.Program
-> Either InternalError ImpOpenCL.Program
kernelsToCUDA = translateKernels TargetCUDA
kernelsToOpenCL = translateKernels TargetOpenCL
translateKernels :: KernelTarget
-> ImpKernels.Program
-> Either InternalError ImpOpenCL.Program
translateKernels target (ImpKernels.Functions funs) = do
(prog', ToOpenCL extra_funs kernels requirements sizes) <-
runWriterT $ fmap Functions $ forM funs $ \(fname, fun) ->
(fname,) <$> runReaderT (traverse (onHostOp target) fun) fname
let kernel_names = M.keys kernels
opencl_code = openClCode $ M.elems kernels
opencl_prelude = pretty $ genPrelude target requirements
return $ ImpOpenCL.Program opencl_code opencl_prelude kernel_names
(S.toList $ kernelUsedTypes requirements) sizes $
ImpOpenCL.Functions (M.toList extra_funs) <> prog'
where genPrelude TargetOpenCL = genOpenClPrelude
genPrelude TargetCUDA = genCUDAPrelude
pointerQuals :: Monad m => String -> m [C.TypeQual]
pointerQuals "global" = return [C.ctyquals|__global|]
pointerQuals "local" = return [C.ctyquals|__local|]
pointerQuals "private" = return [C.ctyquals|__private|]
pointerQuals "constant" = return [C.ctyquals|__constant|]
pointerQuals "write_only" = return [C.ctyquals|__write_only|]
pointerQuals "read_only" = return [C.ctyquals|__read_only|]
pointerQuals "kernel" = return [C.ctyquals|__kernel|]
pointerQuals s = fail $ "'" ++ s ++ "' is not an OpenCL kernel address space."
type UsedFunctions = [(String,C.Func)]
data OpenClRequirements =
OpenClRequirements { kernelUsedTypes :: S.Set PrimType
, _kernelConstants :: [(VName, KernelConstExp)]
instance Semigroup OpenClRequirements where
OpenClRequirements ts1 consts1 <> OpenClRequirements ts2 consts2 =
OpenClRequirements (ts1 <> ts2) (consts1 <> consts2)
instance Monoid OpenClRequirements where
mempty = OpenClRequirements mempty mempty
data ToOpenCL = ToOpenCL { clExtraFuns :: M.Map Name ImpOpenCL.Function
, clKernels :: M.Map KernelName C.Func
, clRequirements :: OpenClRequirements
, clSizes :: M.Map Name SizeClass
instance Semigroup ToOpenCL where
ToOpenCL f1 k1 r1 sz1 <> ToOpenCL f2 k2 r2 sz2 =
ToOpenCL (f1<>f2) (k1<>k2) (r1<>r2) (sz1<>sz2)
instance Monoid ToOpenCL where
mempty = ToOpenCL mempty mempty mempty mempty
type OnKernelM = ReaderT Name (WriterT ToOpenCL (Either InternalError))
onHostOp :: KernelTarget -> HostOp -> OnKernelM OpenCL
onHostOp target (CallKernel k) = onKernel target k
onHostOp _ (ImpKernels.GetSize v key size_class) = do
tell mempty { clSizes = M.singleton key size_class }
return $ ImpOpenCL.GetSize v key
onHostOp _ (ImpKernels.CmpSizeLe v key size_class x) = do
tell mempty { clSizes = M.singleton key size_class }
return $ ImpOpenCL.CmpSizeLe v key x
onHostOp _ (ImpKernels.GetSizeMax v size_class) =
return $ ImpOpenCL.GetSizeMax v size_class
onKernel :: KernelTarget -> Kernel -> OnKernelM OpenCL
onKernel target kernel = do
let (kernel_body, _) =
GenericC.runCompilerM (Functions []) inKernelOperations blankNameSource mempty $
GenericC.blockScope $ GenericC.compileCode $ kernelBody kernel
use_params = mapMaybe useAsParam $ kernelUses kernel
(local_memory_params, local_memory_init) =
unzip $
flip evalState (blankNameSource :: VNameSource) $
mapM (prepareLocalMemory target) $ kernelLocalMemory kernel
(perm_params, block_dim_init) =
case (target, num_groups) of
(TargetCUDA, [_, _, _]) -> ([[C.cparam|const int block_dim0|],
[C.cparam|const int block_dim1|],
[C.cparam|const int block_dim2|]],
_ -> (mempty,
[[C.citem|const int block_dim0 = 0;|],
[C.citem|const int block_dim1 = 1;|],
[C.citem|const int block_dim2 = 2;|]])
params = perm_params ++ catMaybes local_memory_params ++ use_params
tell mempty { clExtraFuns = mempty
, clKernels = M.singleton name
[C.cfun|__kernel void $id:name ($params:params) {
, clRequirements = OpenClRequirements
(typesInKernel kernel)
(mapMaybe useAsConst $ kernelUses kernel)
return $ LaunchKernel name (kernelArgs kernel) num_groups group_size
where name = nameToString $ kernelName kernel
num_groups = kernelNumGroups kernel
group_size = kernelGroupSize kernel
prepareLocalMemory TargetOpenCL (mem, Left _) = do
mem_aligned <- newVName $ baseString mem ++ "_aligned"
return (Just [C.cparam|__local volatile typename int64_t* $id:mem_aligned|],
[C.citem|__local volatile char* restrict $id:mem = $id:mem_aligned;|])
prepareLocalMemory TargetOpenCL (mem, Right size) = do
let size' = compilePrimExp size
return (Nothing,
[C.citem|ALIGNED_LOCAL_MEMORY($id:mem, $exp:size');|])
prepareLocalMemory TargetCUDA (mem, Left _) = do
param <- newVName $ baseString mem ++ "_offset"
return (Just [C.cparam|uint $id:param|],
[C.citem|volatile char *$id:mem = &shared_mem[$id:param];|])
prepareLocalMemory TargetCUDA (mem, Right size) = do
let size' = compilePrimExp size
return (Nothing,
[CUDAC.citem|__shared__ volatile char $id:mem[$exp:size'];|])
useAsParam :: KernelUse -> Maybe C.Param
useAsParam (ScalarUse name bt) =
let ctp = case bt of
Bool -> [C.cty|unsigned char|]
_ -> GenericC.primTypeToCType bt
in Just [C.cparam|$ty:ctp $id:name|]
useAsParam (MemoryUse name) =
Just [C.cparam|__global unsigned char *$id:name|]
useAsParam ConstUse{} =
useAsConst :: KernelUse -> Maybe (VName, KernelConstExp)
useAsConst (ConstUse v e) = Just (v,e)
useAsConst _ = Nothing
openClCode :: [C.Func] -> String
openClCode kernels =
pretty [C.cunit|$edecls:funcs|]
where funcs =
[[C.cedecl|$func:kernel_func|] |
kernel_func <- kernels ]
genOpenClPrelude :: OpenClRequirements -> [C.Definition]
genOpenClPrelude (OpenClRequirements ts consts) =
[C.cedecl|$esc:("#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers : enable")|] :
[[C.cedecl|$esc:("#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable")|] | uses_float64] ++
/* Some OpenCL programs dislike empty progams, or programs with no kernels.
* Declare a dummy kernel to ensure they remain our friends. */
__kernel void dummy_kernel(__global unsigned char *dummy, int n)
const int thread_gid = get_global_id(0);
if (thread_gid >= n) return;
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long int64_t;
typedef uchar uint8_t;
typedef ushort uint16_t;
typedef uint uint32_t;
typedef ulong uint64_t;
$esc:("#define ALIGNED_LOCAL_MEMORY(m,size) __local unsigned char m[size] __attribute__ ((align))")
|] ++
cIntOps ++ cFloat32Ops ++ cFloat32Funs ++
(if uses_float64 then cFloat64Ops ++ cFloat64Funs ++ cFloatConvOps else []) ++
[ [C.cedecl|$esc:def|] | def <- map constToDefine consts ]
where uses_float64 = FloatType Float64 `S.member` ts
cudaAtomicOps :: [C.Definition]
cudaAtomicOps = (return mkOp <*> opNames <*> types) ++ extraOps
mkOp (clName, cuName) t =
[C.cedecl|static inline $ty:t $id:clName(volatile $ty:t *p, $ty:t val) {
return $id:cuName(($ty:t *)p, val);
types = [ [C.cty|int|]
, [C.cty|unsigned int|]
, [C.cty|unsigned long long|]
opNames = [ ("atomic_add", "atomicAdd")
, ("atomic_max", "atomicMax")
, ("atomic_min", "atomicMin")
, ("atomic_and", "atomicAnd")
, ("atomic_or", "atomicOr")
, ("atomic_xor", "atomicXor")
, ("atomic_xchg", "atomicExch")
extraOps =
[ [C.cedecl|static inline $ty:t atomic_cmpxchg(volatile $ty:t *p, $ty:t cmp, $ty:t val) {
return atomicCAS(($ty:t *)p, cmp, val);
}|] | t <- types]
genCUDAPrelude :: OpenClRequirements -> [C.Definition]
genCUDAPrelude (OpenClRequirements _ consts) =
cudafy ++ cudaAtomicOps ++ defs ++ ops
where ops = cIntOps ++ cFloat32Ops ++ cFloat32Funs ++ cFloat64Ops
++ cFloat64Funs ++ cFloatConvOps
defs = [ [C.cedecl|$esc:def|] | def <- map constToDefine consts ]
cudafy = [CUDAC.cunit|
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long int64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
typedef uint8_t uchar;
typedef uint16_t ushort;
typedef uint32_t uint;
typedef uint64_t ulong;
$esc:("#define __kernel extern \"C\" __global__ __launch_bounds__(MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK)")
$esc:("#define __global")
$esc:("#define __local")
$esc:("#define __private")
$esc:("#define __constant")
$esc:("#define __write_only")
$esc:("#define __read_only")
static inline int get_group_id_fn(int block_dim0, int block_dim1, int block_dim2, int d)
switch (d) {
case 0: d = block_dim0; break;
case 1: d = block_dim1; break;
case 2: d = block_dim2; break;
switch (d) {
case 0: return blockIdx.x;
case 1: return blockIdx.y;
case 2: return blockIdx.z;
default: return 0;
$esc:("#define get_group_id(d) get_group_id_fn(block_dim0, block_dim1, block_dim2, d)")
static inline int get_num_groups_fn(int block_dim0, int block_dim1, int block_dim2, int d)
switch (d) {
case 0: d = block_dim0; break;
case 1: d = block_dim1; break;
case 2: d = block_dim2; break;
switch(d) {
case 0: return gridDim.x;
case 1: return gridDim.y;
case 2: return gridDim.z;
default: return 0;
$esc:("#define get_num_groups(d) get_num_groups_fn(block_dim0, block_dim1, block_dim2, d)")
static inline int get_local_id(int d)
switch (d) {
case 0: return threadIdx.x;
case 1: return threadIdx.y;
case 2: return threadIdx.z;
default: return 0;
static inline int get_local_size(int d)
switch (d) {
case 0: return blockDim.x;
case 1: return blockDim.y;
case 2: return blockDim.z;
default: return 0;
static inline int get_global_id_fn(int block_dim0, int block_dim1, int block_dim2, int d)
return get_group_id(d) * get_local_size(d) + get_local_id(d);
$esc:("#define get_global_id(d) get_global_id_fn(block_dim0, block_dim1, block_dim2, d)")
static inline int get_global_size(int block_dim0, int block_dim1, int block_dim2, int d)
return get_num_groups(d) * get_local_size(d);
$esc:("#define CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE 1")
$esc:("#define CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE 2")
static inline void barrier(int x)
static inline void mem_fence(int x)
} else {
$esc:("#define NAN (0.0/0.0)")
$esc:("#define INFINITY (1.0/0.0)")
extern volatile __shared__ char shared_mem[];
constToDefine :: (VName, KernelConstExp) -> String
constToDefine (name, e) =
let e' = compilePrimExp e
in unwords ["#define", zEncodeString (pretty name), "("++prettyOneLine e'++")"]
compilePrimExp :: PrimExp KernelConst -> C.Exp
compilePrimExp e = runIdentity $ GenericC.compilePrimExp compileKernelConst e
where compileKernelConst (SizeConst key) =
return [C.cexp|$id:(zEncodeString (pretty key))|]
kernelArgs :: Kernel -> [KernelArg]
kernelArgs kernel =
mapMaybe (fmap (SharedMemoryKArg . memSizeToExp) . localMemorySize)
(kernelLocalMemory kernel) ++
mapMaybe useToArg (kernelUses kernel)
where localMemorySize (_, Left size) = Just size
localMemorySize (_, Right{}) = Nothing
inKernelOperations :: GenericC.Operations KernelOp UsedFunctions
inKernelOperations = GenericC.Operations
{ GenericC.opsCompiler = kernelOps
, GenericC.opsMemoryType = kernelMemoryType
, GenericC.opsWriteScalar = GenericC.writeScalarPointerWithQuals pointerQuals
, GenericC.opsReadScalar = GenericC.readScalarPointerWithQuals pointerQuals
, GenericC.opsAllocate = cannotAllocate
, GenericC.opsDeallocate = cannotDeallocate
, GenericC.opsCopy = copyInKernel
, GenericC.opsStaticArray = noStaticArrays
, GenericC.opsFatMemory = False
where kernelOps :: GenericC.OpCompiler KernelOp UsedFunctions
kernelOps (GetGroupId v i) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = get_group_id($int:i);|]
kernelOps (GetLocalId v i) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = get_local_id($int:i);|]
kernelOps (GetLocalSize v i) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = get_local_size($int:i);|]
kernelOps (GetGlobalId v i) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = get_global_id($int:i);|]
kernelOps (GetGlobalSize v i) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = get_global_size($int:i);|]
kernelOps (GetLockstepWidth v) =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = LOCKSTEP_WIDTH;|]
kernelOps LocalBarrier =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);|]
kernelOps GlobalBarrier =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);|]
kernelOps MemFence =
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);|]
kernelOps (Atomic aop) = atomicOps aop
atomicOps (AtomicAdd old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_add((volatile __global int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], $exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicSMax old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_max((volatile __global int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], $exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicSMin old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_min((volatile __global int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], $exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicUMax old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_max((volatile __global unsigned int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], (unsigned int)$exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicUMin old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_min((volatile __global unsigned int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], (unsigned int)$exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicAnd old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_and((volatile __global unsigned int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], (unsigned int)$exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicOr old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_or((volatile __global unsigned int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], (unsigned int)$exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicXor old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_xor((volatile __global unsigned int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], (unsigned int)$exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicCmpXchg old arr ind cmp val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
cmp' <- GenericC.compileExp cmp
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_cmpxchg((volatile __global int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], $exp:cmp', $exp:val');|]
atomicOps (AtomicXchg old arr ind val) = do
ind' <- GenericC.compileExp $ innerExp ind
val' <- GenericC.compileExp val
GenericC.stm [C.cstm|$id:old = atomic_xchg((volatile __global int *)&$id:arr[$exp:ind'], $exp:val');|]
cannotAllocate :: GenericC.Allocate KernelOp UsedFunctions
cannotAllocate _ =
fail "Cannot allocate memory in kernel"
cannotDeallocate :: GenericC.Deallocate KernelOp UsedFunctions
cannotDeallocate _ _ =
fail "Cannot deallocate memory in kernel"
copyInKernel :: GenericC.Copy KernelOp UsedFunctions
copyInKernel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot bulk copy in kernel."
noStaticArrays :: GenericC.StaticArray KernelOp UsedFunctions
noStaticArrays _ _ _ _ =
fail "Cannot create static array in kernel."
kernelMemoryType space = do
quals <- pointerQuals space
return [C.cty|$tyquals:quals $ty:defaultMemBlockType|]
useToArg :: KernelUse -> Maybe KernelArg
useToArg (MemoryUse mem) = Just $ MemKArg mem
useToArg (ScalarUse v bt) = Just $ ValueKArg (LeafExp (ScalarVar v) bt) bt
useToArg ConstUse{} = Nothing
typesInKernel :: Kernel -> S.Set PrimType
typesInKernel kernel = typesInCode $ kernelBody kernel
typesInCode :: ImpKernels.KernelCode -> S.Set PrimType
typesInCode Skip = mempty
typesInCode (c1 :>>: c2) = typesInCode c1 <> typesInCode c2
typesInCode (For _ it e c) = IntType it `S.insert` typesInExp e <> typesInCode c
typesInCode (While e c) = typesInExp e <> typesInCode c
typesInCode DeclareMem{} = mempty
typesInCode (DeclareScalar _ t) = S.singleton t
typesInCode (DeclareArray _ _ t _) = S.singleton t
typesInCode (Allocate _ (Count e) _) = typesInExp e
typesInCode Free{} = mempty
typesInCode (Copy _ (Count e1) _ _ (Count e2) _ (Count e3)) =
typesInExp e1 <> typesInExp e2 <> typesInExp e3
typesInCode (Write _ (Count e1) t _ _ e2) =
typesInExp e1 <> S.singleton t <> typesInExp e2
typesInCode (SetScalar _ e) = typesInExp e
typesInCode SetMem{} = mempty
typesInCode (Call _ _ es) = mconcat $ map typesInArg es
where typesInArg MemArg{} = mempty
typesInArg (ExpArg e) = typesInExp e
typesInCode (If e c1 c2) =
typesInExp e <> typesInCode c1 <> typesInCode c2
typesInCode (Assert e _ _) = typesInExp e
typesInCode (Comment _ c) = typesInCode c
typesInCode (DebugPrint _ _ e) = typesInExp e
typesInCode Op{} = mempty
typesInExp :: Exp -> S.Set PrimType
typesInExp (ValueExp v) = S.singleton $ primValueType v
typesInExp (BinOpExp _ e1 e2) = typesInExp e1 <> typesInExp e2
typesInExp (CmpOpExp _ e1 e2) = typesInExp e1 <> typesInExp e2
typesInExp (ConvOpExp op e) = S.fromList [from, to] <> typesInExp e
where (from, to) = convOpType op
typesInExp (UnOpExp _ e) = typesInExp e
typesInExp (FunExp _ args t) = S.singleton t <> mconcat (map typesInExp args)
typesInExp (LeafExp (Index _ (Count e) t _ _) _) = S.singleton t <> typesInExp e
typesInExp (LeafExp ScalarVar{} _) = mempty
typesInExp (LeafExp (SizeOf t) _) = S.singleton t