futhark-0.20.0: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellNone



Facilities for reading Futhark test programs. A Futhark test program is an ordinary Futhark program where an initial comment block specifies input- and output-sets.



testSpecFromFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ProgramTest) Source #

Read the test specification from the given Futhark program.

testSpecFromFileOrDie :: FilePath -> IO ProgramTest Source #

Like testSpecFromFile, but kills the process on error.

testSpecsFromPaths :: [FilePath] -> IO (Either String [(FilePath, ProgramTest)]) Source #

Read test specifications from the given paths, which can be a files or directories containing .fut files and further directories.

testSpecsFromPathsOrDie :: [FilePath] -> IO [(FilePath, ProgramTest)] Source #

Like testSpecsFromPaths, but kills the process on errors.

valuesFromByteString :: String -> ByteString -> Either String [Value] Source #

Try to parse a several values from a byte string. The String parameter is used for error messages.

newtype FutharkExe Source #

The futhark executable we are using. This is merely a wrapper around the underlying file path, because we will be using a lot of different file paths here, and it is easy to mix them up.


FutharkExe FilePath 


Instances details
Eq FutharkExe Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

Ord FutharkExe Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

Show FutharkExe Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

getValues :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => FutharkExe -> FilePath -> Values -> m [Value] Source #

Get the actual core Futhark values corresponding to a Values specification. The first FilePath is the path of the futhark executable, and the second is the directory which file paths are read relative to.

getValuesBS :: MonadIO m => FutharkExe -> FilePath -> Values -> m ByteString Source #

Extract a pretty representation of some Values. In the IO monad because this might involve reading from a file. There is no guarantee that the resulting byte string yields a readable value.

withValuesFile :: MonadIO m => FutharkExe -> FilePath -> Values -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> m a Source #

Evaluate an IO action while the values are available in the binary format in a file by some name. The file will be removed after the action is done.

checkValueTypes :: (MonadError Text m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [TypeName] -> m () Source #

Check that the file contains values of the expected types.

compareValues :: [Value] -> [Value] -> [Mismatch] Source #

Compare two sets of Futhark values for equality. Shapes and types must also match.

checkResult :: (MonadError Text m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [Value] -> [Value] -> m () Source #

Check that the result is as expected, and write files and throw an error if not.

testRunReferenceOutput :: FilePath -> Text -> TestRun -> FilePath Source #

When/if generating a reference output file for this run, what should it be called? Includes the "data/" folder.

getExpectedResult :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => FutharkExe -> FilePath -> Text -> TestRun -> m (ExpectedResult [Value]) Source #

Get the values corresponding to an expected result, if any.

compileProgram :: (MonadIO m, MonadError [Text] m) => [String] -> FutharkExe -> String -> FilePath -> m (ByteString, ByteString) Source #

compileProgram extra_options futhark backend program compiles program with the command futhark backend extra-options..., and returns stdout and stderr of the compiler. Throws an IO exception containing stderr if compilation fails.

runProgram :: FutharkExe -> FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Text -> Values -> IO (ExitCode, ByteString, ByteString) Source #

runProgram futhark runner extra_options prog entry input runs the Futhark program prog (which must have the .fut suffix), executing the entry entry point and providing input on stdin. The program must have been compiled in advance with compileProgram. If runner is non-null, then it is used as "interpreter" for the compiled program (e.g. python when using the Python backends). The extra_options are passed to the program.

readResults :: (MonadIO m, MonadError Text m) => Server -> [VarName] -> FilePath -> m [Value] Source #

Read the given variables from a running server.

ensureReferenceOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadError [Text] m) => Maybe Int -> FutharkExe -> String -> FilePath -> [InputOutputs] -> m () Source #

Ensure that any reference output files exist, or create them (by compiling the program with the reference compiler and running it on the input) if necessary.

determineTuning :: MonadIO m => Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> m ([String], String) Source #

Determine the --tuning options to pass to the program. The first argument is the extension of the tuning file, or Nothing if none should be used.

binaryName :: FilePath -> FilePath Source #

The name we use for compiled programs.

data Mismatch Source #

Two values differ in some way. The Show instance produces a human-readable explanation.


Instances details
Show Mismatch Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values

data ProgramTest Source #

Description of a test to be carried out on a Futhark program. The Futhark program is stored separately.


Instances details
Show ProgramTest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data StructureTest Source #

A structure test specifies a compilation pipeline, as well as metrics for the program coming out the other end.


Instances details
Show StructureTest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data StructurePipeline Source #

How a program can be transformed.


Instances details
Show StructurePipeline Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data WarningTest Source #

A warning test requires that a warning matching the regular expression is produced. The program must also compile succesfully.


ExpectedWarning Text Regex 


Instances details
Show WarningTest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data TestAction Source #

How to test a program.


Instances details
Show TestAction Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data ExpectedError Source #

The error expected for a negative test.


ThisError Text Regex 


Instances details
Show ExpectedError Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data InputOutputs Source #

Input and output pairs for some entry point(s).




Instances details
Show InputOutputs Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data TestRun Source #

A condition for execution, input, and expected result.


Instances details
Show TestRun Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data ExpectedResult values Source #

How a test case is expected to terminate.


Succeeds (Maybe values)

Execution suceeds, with or without expected result values.

RunTimeFailure ExpectedError

Execution fails with this error.


Instances details
Show values => Show (ExpectedResult values) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test


showsPrec :: Int -> ExpectedResult values -> ShowS #

show :: ExpectedResult values -> String #

showList :: [ExpectedResult values] -> ShowS #

data Success Source #

The result expected from a succesful execution.


SuccessValues Values

These values are expected.


Compute expected values from executing a known-good reference implementation.


Instances details
Show Success Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data Values Source #

Several Values - either literally, or by reference to a file, or to be generated on demand.


Values [Value] 
InFile FilePath 
GenValues [GenValue] 


Instances details
Show Values Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test

data Value Source #

An efficiently represented Futhark value. Use pretty to get a human-readable representation, and put to obtain binary a representation.


Instances details
Show Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


showsPrec :: Int -> Value -> ShowS #

show :: Value -> String #

showList :: [Value] -> ShowS #

Binary Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


put :: Value -> Put #

get :: Get Value #

putList :: [Value] -> Put #

Pretty Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


ppr :: Value -> Doc #

pprPrec :: Int -> Value -> Doc #

pprList :: [Value] -> Doc #

PutValue [Value] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Test.Values


putValue :: [Value] -> Maybe Value Source #