{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Control.Algebra.Handler
( Handler
, (~<~)
) where

import Data.Functor.Compose

-- | Handlers take an action in @m@ bundled up with some state in some context functor @ctx@, and return an action in @n@ producing a derived state in @ctx@.
-- These are expected to be well-behaved /distributive laws/, and are required to adhere to the following laws:
-- @
-- handler '.' 'fmap' 'pure' = 'pure'
-- @
-- @
-- handler '.' 'fmap' (k '=<<') = handler '.' 'fmap' k 'Control.Monad.<=<' handler
-- @
-- respectively expressing that the handler does not alter the context of pure computations, and that the handler distributes over monadic composition.
-- Handlers compose with handlers, using e.g. @"Data.Functor.Compose".'Data.Functor.Compose.Compose'@ to ensure that the result is itself well-typed as a 'Handler':
-- @
-- 'fmap' 'Data.Functor.Compose.Compose' '.' handler1 '.' 'fmap' handler2 '.' 'Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose'
-- @
-- and with monad homomorphisms on the left and right:
-- @
-- hom '.' handler
-- @
-- @
-- handler '.' 'fmap' hom
-- @
-- @since
type Handler ctx m n = forall x . ctx (m x) -> n (ctx x)

-- | Composition of handlers.
-- @since
(~<~) :: (Functor n, Functor ctx1) => Handler ctx1 m n -> Handler ctx2 l m -> Handler (Compose ctx1 ctx2) l n
hdl1 ~<~ hdl2 = fmap Compose . hdl1 . fmap hdl2 . getCompose
{-# INLINE (~<~) #-}

infixr 1 ~<~