{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric #-}

{- | This effect provides source to an infinite source of 'Int' values, suitable for generating "fresh" values to uniquely identify data without needing to invoke random numbers or impure IO.

Predefined carriers:

* "Control.Carrier.Fresh.Strict".

module Control.Effect.Fresh
( -- * Fresh effect
, fresh
  -- * Re-exports
, Algebra
, Has
, run
) where

import Control.Algebra
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)

-- | @since
data Fresh m k
  = Fresh (Int -> m k)
  deriving (Functor, Generic1)

instance HFunctor Fresh
instance Effect   Fresh

-- | Produce a fresh (i.e. unique) 'Int'.
-- @
-- m '>>' 'fresh' ≠ m '>>' 'fresh' '>>' 'fresh'
-- @
-- @since
fresh :: Has Fresh sig m => m Int
fresh = send (Fresh pure)