funsat-0.6.0: A modern DPLL-style SAT solver




Funsat aims to be a reasonably efficient modern SAT solver that is easy to integrate as a backend to other projects. SAT is NP-complete, and thus has reductions from many other interesting problems. We hope this implementation is efficient enough to make it useful to solve medium-size, real-world problem mapped from another space. We also aim to test the solver rigorously to encourage confidence in its output.

One particular nicetie facilitating integration of Funsat into other projects is the efficient calculation of an unsatisfiable core for unsatisfiable problems (see the Funsat.Resolution module). In the case a problem is unsatisfiable, as a by-product of checking the proof of unsatisfiability, Funsat will generate a minimal set of input clauses that are also unsatisfiable.

  • 07 Jun 2008 21:43:42: N.B. because of the use of mutable arrays in the ST monad, the solver will actually give _wrong_ answers if you compile without optimisation. Which is okay, 'cause that's really slow anyway.
  • ''Abstract DPLL and DPLL Modulo Theories''
  • ''Chaff: Engineering an Efficient SAT solver''
  • ''An Extensible SAT-solver'' by Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson
  • ''Efficient Conflict Driven Learning in a Boolean Satisfiability Solver'' by Zhang, Madigan, Moskewicz, Malik
  • ''SAT-MICRO: petit mais costaud!'' by Conchon, Kanig, and Lescuyer



solve :: DPLLConfig -> CNF -> (Solution, Stats, Maybe ResolutionTrace)Source

Run the DPLL-based SAT solver on the given CNF instance. Returns a solution, along with internal solver statistics and possibly a resolution trace. The trace is for checking a proof of Unsat, and thus is only present when the result is Unsat.

solve1 :: CNF -> (Solution, Stats, Maybe ResolutionTrace)Source

Solve with the default configuration defaultConfig.

data Solution Source

The solution to a SAT problem. In each case we return an assignment, which is obviously right in the Sat case; in the Unsat case, the reason is to assist in the generation of an unsatisfiable core.



verify :: Solution -> Maybe ResolutionTrace -> CNF -> Maybe VerifyErrorSource

Verify the solution. In case of Sat, checks that the assignment is well-formed and satisfies the CNF problem. In case of Unsat, runs a resolution-based checker on a trace of the SAT solver.

data VerifyError Source


SatError [(Clause, Either () Bool)]

Indicates a unsatisfactory assignment that was claimed satisfactory. Each clause is tagged with its status using Model.statusUnder.

UnsatError ResolutionError

Indicates an error in the resultion checking process.



data DPLLConfig Source

Configuration parameters for the solver.




configRestart :: !Int64

Number of conflicts before a restart.

configRestartBump :: !Double

configRestart is altered after each restart by multiplying it by this value.

configUseVSIDS :: !Bool

If true, use dynamic variable ordering.

configUseRestarts :: !Bool


defaultConfig :: CNF -> DPLLConfigSource

A default configuration based on the formula to solve.

  • restarts every 100 conflicts
  • requires 1.5 as many restarts after restarting as before, each time
  • VSIDS to be enabled
  • restarts to be enabled

Solver statistics

data Stats Source




statsNumConfl :: Int64

Number of conflicts since last restart.

statsNumConflTotal :: Int64

Number of conflicts since beginning of solving.

statsNumLearnt :: Int64

Number of learned clauses currently in DB (fluctuates because DB is compacted every restart).

statsAvgLearntLen :: Double

Avg. number of literals per learnt clause.

statsNumDecisions :: Int64

Total number of decisions since beginning of solving.

statsNumImpl :: Int64

Total number of unit implications since beginning of solving.


newtype ShowWrapped Source

The show instance uses the wrapped string.




unwrapString :: String


statTable :: Stats -> Table ShowWrappedSource

Convert statistics to a nice-to-display tabular form.

statSummary :: Stats -> StringSource

Converts statistics into a tabular, human-readable summary.