fsnotify- Cross platform library for file change notification.

Safe HaskellNone




Minimal example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- for FilePath literals

import System.FSNotify
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forever)

main =
  withManager $ \mgr -> do
    -- start a watching job (in the background)
      mgr          -- manager
      "."          -- directory to watch
      (const True) -- predicate
      print        -- action

    -- sleep forever (until interrupted)
    forever $ threadDelay maxBound



data Event Source

A file event reported by a file watcher. Each event contains the canonical path for the file and a timestamp guaranteed to be after the event occurred (timestamps represent current time when FSEvents receives it from the OS and/or platform-specific Haskell modules).


eventTime :: Event -> UTCTimeSource

Helper for extracting the time associated with an event.

eventPath :: Event -> FilePathSource

Helper for extracting the path associated with an event.

type Action = Event -> IO ()Source

An action to be performed in response to an event.

type ActionPredicate = Event -> BoolSource

A predicate used to determine whether to act on an event.


data WatchManager Source

Watch manager. You need one in order to create watching jobs.

withManager :: (WatchManager -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Perform an IO action with a WatchManager in place. Tear down the WatchManager after the action is complete.

startManager :: IO WatchManagerSource

Start a file watch manager. Directories can only be watched when they are managed by a started watch watch manager. When finished watching. you must release resources via stopManager. It is preferrable if possible to use withManager to handle this automatically.

stopManager :: WatchManager -> IO ()Source

Stop a file watch manager. Stopping a watch manager will immediately stop watching for files and free resources.

defaultConfig :: WatchConfigSource

Default configuration

data WatchConfig Source

Watch configuration




confDebounce :: Debounce

Debounce configuration

confPollInterval :: Int

Polling interval if polling is used (microseconds)

confUsePolling :: Bool

Force use of polling, even if a more effective method may be available. This is mostly for testing purposes.

data Debounce Source

This specifies whether events close to each other should be collapsed together, and how close is close enough.



perform debouncing based on the default time interval

Debounce NominalDiffTime

perform debouncing based on the specified time interval


do not perform debouncing

withManagerConf :: WatchConfig -> (WatchManager -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Like withManager, but configurable

type StopListening = IO ()Source

An action that cancels a watching/listening job

isPollingManager :: WatchManager -> BoolSource

Does this manager use polling?


watchDir :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO StopListeningSource

Watch the immediate contents of a directory by committing an Action for each event. Watching the immediate contents of a directory will only report events associated with files within the specified directory, and not files within its subdirectories. No two events pertaining to the same FilePath will be executed concurrently.

watchDirChan :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> EventChannel -> IO StopListeningSource

Watch the immediate contents of a directory by streaming events to a Chan. Watching the immediate contents of a directory will only report events associated with files within the specified directory, and not files within its subdirectories.

watchTree :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO StopListeningSource

Watch all the contents of a directory by committing an Action for each event. Watching all the contents of a directory will report events associated with files within the specified directory and its subdirectories. No two events pertaining to the same FilePath will be executed concurrently.

watchTreeChan :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> EventChannel -> IO StopListeningSource

Watch all the contents of a directory by streaming events to a Chan. Watching all the contents of a directory will report events associated with files within the specified directory and its subdirectories.