freer-converse- Handle effects conversely using monadic conversation

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides functions and a TestControl effect for implmenting unit tests with Converse.



type TestControl = Exc TestExitStatus Source #

An effect for terminating the test when either the test has failed, or the goal of the test has been fulfilled without problems but need not continue the normal flow of execution.

runTestControl Source #


:: (String -> Eff r a)

On failure

-> Eff r a

On fulfill

-> Eff (TestControl ': r) a

The test, with TestControl

-> Eff r a

The test, without TestControl

Handler for TestControl effects. Runs the computation (a test) and

  • calls into the first argument on failure,
  • calls into the second argument on fulfilled or
  • returns the value produced by the test (often just '()').

Note that the r parameter determines what (computational or I/O) effects are required/allowed for running the test. This makes it possible to write pure tests, tests that explore all branches of nondeterministic choices, tests that read from files dynamically, etc.

runTestControlData :: Eff (TestControl ': r) a -> Eff r (Either String (Maybe a)) Source #

Runs a test, letting it terminate early, as appropriate.

Like runTestControl but for those who like to pattern match instead.

runTestControlData_ :: Eff (TestControl ': r) a -> Eff r (Either String ()) Source #

Runs a test, letting it terminate early, as appropriate.

Like runTestControlData but will not return a value from the test.

runTestControlError :: Eff (TestControl ': r) () -> Eff r () Source #

Runs a test, letting it terminate early, as appropriate.

Throws an error with error on failure.

data TestExitStatus Source #

Interruption of a test run.



The goal of the test was accomplished and the test need not continue.

TestFailed String

A problem was detected

Controlling the test

fulfilled :: Member TestControl r => Eff r a Source #

The goal of the test has been accomplished. Stops further execution of the test. Results in a successful test result.

throwUnexpected :: (ShowP f, Member TestControl r) => f a -> Eff r b Source #

Throw an unexpected event error

throwExpecting Source #


:: (ShowP f, Member TestControl r) 
=> String

Noun phrase describing expectation

-> f a

Unexpected event

-> Eff r b 

Terminates test as a failure by showing the expectation and the event.

failure Source #


:: (Member TestControl r, Show v, ShowP f) 
=> String

Reason for test failure

-> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) a 

Terminates the test with error, showing provided reason and next event.

Interacting with the test subject

expect :: Member TestControl r => (forall a. f a -> Eff r (a, b)) -> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) b Source #

When an event occurs, provide a value a for the test subject and a value b for the test script.

collect :: (forall a. f a -> Eff r (Maybe (a, b))) -> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) [b] Source #

Provide a value to the test subject, if and as long as matching events occur. Matching stops when Nothing is returned from the passed function.

Returns the number of events that have been matched.

stub :: Member TestControl r => (forall b. f b -> Eff r b) -> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) () Source #

When an event occurs, provide a value to the test subject.

Like expect, but does not return a value to the test script.

stubs :: (forall b. f b -> Eff r (Maybe b)) -> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) () Source #

Like collect, but simpler because it does not return a value to the test script.

result :: (Member TestControl r, ShowP f) => Eff (Converse f r v ': r) v Source #

Retrieve the result of the program. Fails if an effect of type f is still pending.

result_ :: Member TestControl r => Eff (Converse f r v ': r) v Source #

Like result but more generic because it does not attempt to show the unexpected effect in the error message.

converse Source #


:: (forall x. f x -> Eff r (Maybe x, b))

Handle an effect emitted by the normal computation. This may produce other effects in r. In order to handle the effect, return a (Just x, ...). The right hand side of the tuple may be used to return a value to be used later on by the handling computation (b also occurs in the return value)

-> (v -> Eff r b)

Handle the case where the normal computation has completed and returned a value of type v.

-> Eff (Converse f r v ': r) b

A computation that should run in the handling computation.

Called by the handling computation, to interact with the normal computation. (See module description for definitions)

This is the most general way of interacting with the normal computation, reflecting the constructor of the Converse type.

Arguments to expect, stubs, etc

spy :: (Monad m, Monoid mm) => a -> m (mm, a) Source #

Provide empty response to test subject, pass argument to test script