free-operational- Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus, built with free types.

Safe HaskellNone



operational-style Alternative programs. See Control.Applicative.Operational for guidance on how to use this module.

Example: simple applicative parsers:

 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Alternative.Operational
 import Control.Alternative.Monad (void)
 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
 import Data.Traversable
 import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
 data ParserI a where
     Symbol :: Char -> ParserI Char
 char :: Operational ParserI f => Char -> f Char
 char = singleton . Symbol
 string :: (Operational ParserI f, Applicative f) => String -> f String
 string = traverse char
 oneOf :: (Operational ParserI f, Alternative f) => String -> f Char
 oneOf = foldr (<|>) empty . map char
 -- | Example parser: match parentheses and count depth.
 parens :: ProgramAlt ParserI Int
 parens = pure 0  <|>  char '(' *> fmap (+1) parens <* char ')'
 -- | Interpret a parser program \"syntactically\" by pattern matching
 -- on its view.
 runParser :: ProgramAlt ParserI a -> String -> Maybe a
 runParser = fmap listToMaybe . eval . viewAlt
       eval :: ProgramViewAlt ParserI a -> String -> [a]
       eval (Pure a) [] = pure a
       eval (Pure a) _  = empty
       eval (Symbol c :<**> k) [] = empty
       eval (Symbol c :<**> k) (x:xs) 
           | c == x    = pure c <**> eval k xs
           | otherwise = empty
       eval (Many ps) str = fmap asum (sequenceA (map eval ps)) str
 asum :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a
 asum = foldr (<|>) empty

Alternatively, programs may be interpreted in a more denotational style:

 runParser :: ProgramAlt ParserI a -> String -> Maybe a
 runParser = (firstSuccess .) . runStateT . interpretAlt evalParserI
     where firstSuccess [] = Nothing
           firstSuccess ((a,""):_) = Just a
           firstSuccess (_:xs) = firstSuccess xs
 evalParserI :: ParserI a -> StateT String [] a
 evalParserI (Symbol c) = 
     do str <- get
        case str of
          x:xs | c == x -> put xs >> return c
          otherwise     -> mzero

One of the big "powers" of ProgramAlt is that it allows for powerful static analysis of programs. For example, we can enumerate the strings accepted by a non-degenerate parser:

 -- | Static analysis example: enumerate the strings accepted by a parser.
 enumerate :: ProgramAlt ParserI a -> [String]
 enumerate = go [showString ""] . viewAlt
       go :: [ShowS] -> ProgramViewAlt ParserI a -> [String]
       go strs (Pure a) = map ($"") strs
       go strs (Symbol c :<**> k) = go (map (.(showChar c)) strs) k
       go strs (Many ps) = interleave $ map (go strs) ps
 interleave :: [[a]] -> [a]
 interleave = foldr interleave2 []
       interleave2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
       interleave2 [] ys = ys
       interleave2 (x:xs) ys = x : interleave2 ys xs
>>> take 7 (enumerate parens)

(enumerate isn't guaranteed to terminate or even produce WHNF for all parsers; e.g., let a = char a *> a in enumerate a diverges. But this parser doesn't accept any strings!)

Or we can optimize a (non-degenerate) parser by merging prefixes:

 optimize :: ProgramAlt ParserI a -> ProgramAlt ParserI a
 optimize = compileAlt . merge . viewAlt
 merge :: ProgramViewAlt ParserI a -> ProgramViewAlt ParserI a
 merge p@(Pure _) = p
 merge (Symbol a :<**> k) = Symbol a :<**> merge k
 merge (Many ps) = Many (mergeMany ps)
 mergeMany :: [ProgramViewAlt ParserI a] -> [ProgramViewAlt ParserI a]
 mergeMany = foldr step [] . map merge
     where step (Pure a) ps = Pure a : ps
           step (Symbol a :<**> l) ((Symbol b :<**> r) : ps) =
                case a `compare` b of
                  EQ -> (Symbol a :<**> Many (mergeMany [l, r])) : ps
                  LT -> (Symbol a :<**> l) : (Symbol b :<**> r) : ps
                  GT -> (Symbol b :<**> r) : (Symbol a :<**> l) : ps
           step (Symbol a :<**> l) ps = (Symbol a :<**> l) : ps
           step (Many ps) ps' = mergeMany (mergeMany ps ++ ps')

(Also not guaranteed to terminate on all cases; let a = a <* char a in optimize a diverges, but that parser never terminates for any string.)

Example of optimize:

 tokens :: [String] -> ProgramAlt ParserI String 
 tokens = asum . map string
 example = [ "abactor", "abacus", "abaft", "abaisance", "abaissed", "abalone"
 describe :: forall a. ProgramAlt ParserI a -> Description
 describe = eval . viewAlt
     where eval :: forall x. ProgramViewAlt ParserI x -> Description
           eval (Pure _) = Ok
           eval (Symbol c :<**> k) = c :> (eval k)
           eval (Many ps) = OneOf (map eval ps)
 data Description = Ok 
                  | Char :> Description
                  | OneOf [Description] 
                    deriving Show
>>> describe $ tokens example
OneOf ['a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('c' :> ('t' :> ('o' :> ('r' :> Ok)))))),
       OneOf ['a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('c' :> ('u' :> ('s' :> Ok))))),
              OneOf ['a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('f' :> ('t' :> Ok)))),
                     OneOf ['a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('i' :> ('s' :> ('a' :> ('n' :> ('c' :> ('e' :> Ok)))))))),
                            OneOf ['a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('i' :> ('s' :> ('s' :> ('e' :> ('d' :> Ok))))))),
                                   'a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> ('l' :> ('o' :> ('n' :> ('e' :> Ok))))))]]]]]
>>> describe $ optimize (tokens example)
'a' :> ('b' :> ('a' :> OneOf ['c' :> OneOf ['t' :> ('o' :> ('r' :> Ok)),'u' :> ('s' :> Ok)],
                              OneOf ['f' :> ('t' :> Ok),
                                     OneOf ['i' :> ('s' :> OneOf ['a' :> ('n' :> ('c' :> ('e' :> Ok))),
                                                                  's' :> ('e' :> ('d' :> Ok))]),
                                            'l' :> ('o' :> ('n' :> ('e' :> Ok)))]]]))


newtype ProgramAlt instr a Source




toAlt :: Alt (Yoneda instr) a

Interpret the program as a free Alternative (Alt).


interpretAlt :: forall instr f a. Alternative f => (forall x. instr x -> f x) -> ProgramAlt instr a -> f aSource

fromProgramAlt :: (Operational instr f, Alternative f) => ProgramAlt instr a -> f aSource

data ProgramViewAlt instr a whereSource


Pure :: a -> ProgramViewAlt instr a 
:<**> :: instr a -> ProgramViewAlt instr (a -> b) -> ProgramViewAlt instr b 
Many :: [ProgramViewAlt instr a] -> ProgramViewAlt instr a 



:: (forall x. instr x -> r -> r)


-> r


-> ([r] -> r)


-> ProgramViewAlt instr a 
-> r