{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | Utils and Aeson orphan instances for common types in the AST.
module Language.Fortran.Extras.Encoding where

import           Data.Aeson                     ( ToJSON
                                                , FromJSON
                                                , encode
import           Language.Fortran.AST           ( BaseType
                                                , CharacterLen
import           Language.Fortran.Version       ( FortranVersion(..) )
import           Language.Fortran.PrettyPrint   ( IndentablePretty
                                                , pprintAndRender
import           Language.Fortran.Util.Position ( Position
                                                , SrcSpan
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy           ( ByteString )

-- | Provide a wrapper for the 'Data.Aeson.encode' function to allow
-- indirect use in modules importing
-- 'Language.Fortran.Extras.Encoding'.
commonEncode :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString
commonEncode :: a -> ByteString
commonEncode = a -> ByteString
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> ByteString

instance ToJSON Position
instance FromJSON Position

instance ToJSON SrcSpan
instance FromJSON SrcSpan

instance ToJSON CharacterLen
instance FromJSON CharacterLen

instance ToJSON BaseType
instance FromJSON BaseType

-- | Render some AST element to a 'String' using F77 legacy mode.
pprint77l :: IndentablePretty a => a -> String
pprint77l :: a -> String
pprint77l a
s = FortranVersion -> a -> Indentation -> String
forall t.
IndentablePretty t =>
FortranVersion -> t -> Indentation -> String
pprintAndRender FortranVersion
Fortran77Legacy a
s Indentation
forall a. Maybe a