module Language.Fortran.Parser.Utils (readReal, readInteger) where
import Data.Char
import Numeric
breakAtDot :: String -> (String, String)
replaceDwithE :: Char -> Char
readsToMaybe :: [(a, b)] -> Maybe a
fixAtDot :: (String, String) -> (String, String)
fixAtDot' :: (String, String) -> (String, String)
combineAtDot :: (String, String) -> String
readReal :: String -> Maybe Double
readReal = readsToMaybe . reads . filter (/= '+') . combineAtDot . fixAtDot . breakAtDot . map replaceDwithE . takeWhile (/= '_')
readInteger :: String -> Maybe Integer
readInteger s = readsToMaybe $ case s' of
'b':_ -> readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt (drop 2 s')
'o':_ -> readInt 8 (`elem` ['0'..'7']) digitToInt (drop 2 s')
'z':_ -> readInt 16 (`elem` (['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'F'] ++ ['a'..'f'])) digitToInt (drop 2 s')
_ -> readSigned readDec s'
s' = filter (/= '+') . takeWhile (/= '_') $ s
fixAtDot' ("", r) = ("0", r)
fixAtDot' ("-", r) = ("-0", r)
fixAtDot' (l, "") = (l, "0")
fixAtDot' (l, r0:r) | not (isDigit r0) = (l, '0':r0:r)
fixAtDot' x = x
combineAtDot (a, b) = a ++ "." ++ b
fixAtDot x
| x == x' = x
| otherwise = fixAtDot x' where x' = fixAtDot' x
breakAtDot = fmap (drop 1) . break (=='.')
replaceDwithE 'd' = 'e'
replaceDwithE c = c
readsToMaybe r = case r of
(x, _):_ -> Just x
_ -> Nothing