-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Deep.OSharing
-- Copyright   :  (c) ES Group, KTH/ICT/ES 2007-2013
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  forsyde-dev@ict.kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides support for Observable Sharing: <http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~koen/pubs/entry-asian99-lava.html>
-- It provides:
--   * 'URef': Unsafe Unmutable references, using them causes side effects.
--   * 'URefTable': a table were 'URef's are used as key and can store
--     any value.
-- /This Module was taken from Lava2000's/ @Ref.hs@ /module/:
--   <http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~koen/Lava/>
-- IMPORTANT WARNING: Even if all the functions causing side effects
--                    are set as NOINLINE and that all currently known
--                    Haskell compilers are based in graph reduction
--                    (i.e. referential transparency will be preserved if
--                    sharing is), there are other optimisations than inlining
--                    that can break Observable Sharing, e.g. Common
--                    Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
module ForSyDe.Deep.OSharing
  ( -- Unsafe references
    -- Tables of Unsafe References (IO version)
    -- Tables of Unsafe References (IO version)
    -- Memoizating functions

import ForSyDe.Deep.OSharing.UDynamic

import System.IO (fixIO)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe as STU

-- | An Unsafe Unmutable Reference to a value of type a
-- An 'URef' is implemented as follows: it has two pieces of information. The
-- first one is an updatable list of entries for each table it is a member in.
-- Since the types of the Tables vary, the URef has no idea what type of
-- values it is supposed to store. So we use dynamic types.
-- Since it is an updatable list, it is an IORef, which we also use to compare
-- two 'URef's. The second part is just the value the URef is pointing at (this
-- can never change anyway since references are unmutable).
-- FIXME: why IORef? it should maybe be STRef?
--        Besides: Is it guaranteed that the values of an IORef
--        are not changed by the garbage collector?
data URef a
  = URef (IORef [(URefTableTag, UDynamic)]) a

instance Eq (URef a) where
  URef r1 _ == URef r2 _ = r1 == r2

instance Show a => Show (URef a) where
  showsPrec _ (URef _ a) = showChar '{' . shows a . showChar '}'

-- | Create a new Unsafe Unmutable Reference to a Haskell object
--   This operation, as explained in the Observable sharing paper, can cuase
--   side-effects, since the value returned (the 'URef') is not determined by
--   the arguments of the function (i.e. different calls to 'newURef' with
--   the same argument return different 'URef's).
newURef :: a -> URef a
newURef a = unsafePerformIO $
  do r <- newIORef []
     return (URef r a)
{-# NOINLINE newURef #-}

-- | Read the value pointed by the 'URef'.
readURef :: URef a -> a
readURef (URef _ a) = a

-- URefTableIO

-- | A unique identifier which univocally designates a table
type URefTableTag
  = IORef ()

-- | A 'URefTable' a b
-- * Unsafe References to a value of type "a" (key of the table)
-- * Values of type "b" associated to each key
-- Here is how we implement Tables of URefs:
-- A Table is nothing but a unique tag, of type TableTag.  TableTag can be
-- anything, as long as it is easy to create new ones, and we can compare them
-- for equality. (I chose IORef ()).
-- So how do we store URefs in a Table? We do not want the Tables keeping
-- track of their URefs (which would be disastrous when the table becomes big,
-- and we would not have any garbage collection).
-- Instead, every URef keeps track of the value it has in each table it is
-- in. This has the advantage that we have a constant lookup time (if the
-- number of Tables we are using is small), and we get garbage collection of
-- table entries for free.
newtype URefTableIO a b
  = URefTableIO URefTableTag
 deriving Eq

-- | Create a new table
newURefTableIO :: IO (URefTableIO a b)
newURefTableIO = URefTableIO `fmap` newIORef ()

-- | Query the value corresponding to an 'URef'
queryIO :: URefTableIO a b -> URef a -> IO (Maybe b)
queryIO (URefTableIO t) (URef r _) =
  do list <- readIORef r
     return (unsafeFromUDyn `fmap` lookup t list)

-- | Add an ('URef' a, b) pair entry to the table
addEntryIO ::  URefTableIO a b -- ^ key of the entry
         -> URef a
         -> b             -- ^ value of the entry
         -> IO ()
addEntryIO (URefTableIO t) (URef r _) b =
  do list <- readIORef r
     writeIORef r ((t, unsafeToUDyn b) : filter ((/= t) . fst) list)

-- URefTableST

-- | 'ST' version of 'URefTableIO'
newtype URefTableST s a b
  = URefTableST (URefTableIO a b)
 deriving Eq

-- | 'ST' version of 'newURefTableIO'
newURefTableST :: ST s (URefTableST s a b)
newURefTableST = STU.unsafeIOToST (URefTableST `fmap` newURefTableIO)

-- | 'ST' version of 'queryIO'
queryST :: URefTableST s a b -> URef a -> ST s (Maybe b)
queryST (URefTableST tab) r = STU.unsafeIOToST (queryIO tab r)

-- | 'ST' version of 'addEntryIO'
addEntryST :: URefTableST s a b -> URef a -> b -> ST s ()
addEntryST (URefTableST tab) r b = STU.unsafeIOToST (addEntryIO tab r b)

-- Memoization of URef functions

-- | Generates a memoizated version of a function taking 'URef' values
memoURef :: (URef a -> b) -> (URef a -> b)
memoURef f = unsafePerformIO . memoURefIO (return . f)
{-# NOINLINE memoURef #-}

-- | 'IO' version of 'memoURef'
memoURefIO :: (URef a -> IO b) -> (URef a -> IO b)
memoURefIO f = unsafePerformIO $
  do tab <- newURefTableIO
     let f' r = do mb <- queryIO tab r
                   case mb of
                     Just b  -> do return b
                     Nothing -> fixIO $ \b ->
                                  do addEntryIO tab r b
                                     f r
     return f'
{-# NOINLINE memoURefIO #-}

-- | 'ST' version of 'memoURef'
memoURefST :: (URef a -> ST s b) -> (URef a -> ST s b)
memoURefST f = unsafePerformST $
  do tab <- newURefTableST
     let f' r = do mb <- queryST tab r
                   case mb of
                     Just b  -> do return b
                     Nothing -> fixST $ \b ->
                                  do addEntryST tab r b
                                     f r
     return f'
 where unsafePerformST = unsafePerformIO . STU.unsafeSTToIO
{-# NOINLINE memoURefST #-}