{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}

-- | Formatters for high-res, real-time and timer clock values from "System.Clock".

module Formatting.Clock (timeSpecs) where

import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
import Formatting
import Formatting.Internal
import System.Clock

fmt :: Integer -> Builder
fmt diff
  | Just i <- scale ((10 ^ 9) * 60 * 60 * 24) = bprint (fixed 2 % " d") i
  | Just i <- scale ((10 ^ 9) * 60 * 60) = bprint (fixed 2 % " h") i
  | Just i <- scale ((10 ^ 9) * 60) = bprint (fixed 2 % " m") i
  | Just i <- scale (10 ^ 9) = bprint (fixed 2 % " s") i
  | Just i <- scale (10 ^ 6) = bprint (fixed 2 % " ms") i
  | Just i <- scale (10 ^ 3) = bprint (fixed 2 % " us") i
  | otherwise = bprint (int % " ns") diff
    scale :: Integer -> Maybe Double
    scale i =
      if diff >= i
        then Just (fromIntegral diff / fromIntegral i)
        else Nothing

-- | Same as @durationNS@ but works on `TimeSpec` from the clock package.
timeSpecs :: Format r (TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> r)
timeSpecs = Format (\g x y -> g (fmt0 x y))
    fmt0 (TimeSpec s1 n1) (TimeSpec s2 n2) = fmt diff
        diff :: Integer
        diff = a2 - a1
        a1 = (fromIntegral s1 * 10 ^ 9) + fromIntegral n1
        a2 = (fromIntegral s2 * 10 ^ 9) + fromIntegral n2