Copyright | (c) 2011 Brent Yorgey |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A simple, Haskell-native simulator for doing force-directed layout, e.g. of trees or graphs.
To use, just create an Ensemble
like so:
import Physics.ForceLayout import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.AffineSpace.Point import Data.Default (def) e :: Ensemble (Double, Double) e = Ensemble [ (edges, hookeForce 0.05 4) , (allPairs, coulombForce 1) ] particleMap where edges = [(1,2), (2,3), (2,5), (3,5), (3,4), (4,5)] allPairs = [(x,y) | x <- [1..4], y <- [x+1..5]] particleMap = M.fromList . zip [1..] . map (initParticle . P) $ [ (2.0, 3.1), (6.3, 7.2) , (0.3, 4.2), (1.6, -1.1) , (4.8, 2.9) ]
Then run a simulation using either simulate
(to get the list of
all intermediate states) or forceLayout
(to get only the ending
e' :: Ensemble (Double, Double) e' = forceLayout (def & damping .~ 0.8 & energyLimit .~ Just 0.001 & stepLimit .~ Nothing ) e
See the diagrams-contrib package ( for more examples.
- data Particle v = Particle {}
- pos :: forall v. Lens' (Particle v) (Point v)
- vel :: forall v. Lens' (Particle v) v
- force :: forall v. Lens' (Particle v) v
- initParticle :: AdditiveGroup v => Point v -> Particle v
- type PID = Int
- type Edge = (PID, PID)
- data Ensemble v = Ensemble {}
- forces :: forall v. Lens' (Ensemble v) [([Edge], Point v -> Point v -> v)]
- particles :: forall v. Lens' (Ensemble v) (Map PID (Particle v))
- hookeForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Point v -> Point v -> v
- coulombForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Scalar v -> Point v -> Point v -> v
- distForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => (Scalar v -> Scalar v) -> Point v -> Point v -> v
- data ForceLayoutOpts v = FLOpts {
- _damping :: Scalar v
- _energyLimit :: Maybe (Scalar v)
- _stepLimit :: Maybe Int
- damping :: forall v. Lens' (ForceLayoutOpts v) (Scalar v)
- energyLimit :: forall v. Lens' (ForceLayoutOpts v) (Maybe (Scalar v))
- stepLimit :: forall v. Lens' (ForceLayoutOpts v) (Maybe Int)
- simulate :: (InnerSpace v, Ord (Scalar v), Num (Scalar v)) => ForceLayoutOpts v -> Ensemble v -> [Ensemble v]
- forceLayout :: (InnerSpace v, Ord (Scalar v), Num (Scalar v)) => ForceLayoutOpts v -> Ensemble v -> Ensemble v
- ensembleStep :: VectorSpace v => Scalar v -> Ensemble v -> Ensemble v
- particleStep :: VectorSpace v => Scalar v -> Particle v -> Particle v
- recalcForces :: forall v. AdditiveGroup v => Ensemble v -> Ensemble v
- kineticEnergy :: (InnerSpace v, Num (Scalar v)) => Ensemble v -> Scalar v
Data structures
A particle has a current position, current velocity, and current force acting on it.
initParticle :: AdditiveGroup v => Point v -> Particle v Source
Create an initial particle at rest at a particular location.
An Ensemble
is a physical configuration of particles. It
consists of a mapping from particle IDs (unique integers) to
particles, and a list of forces that are operative. Each force
has a list of edges to which it applies, and is represented by a
function giving the force between any two points.
Pre-defined forces
hookeForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Point v -> Point v -> v Source
hookeForce k l p1 p2
computes the force on p1
, assuming that
and p2
are connected by a spring with equilibrium length l
and spring constant k
coulombForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => Scalar v -> Point v -> Point v -> v Source
coulombForce k
computes the electrostatic repulsive force
between two charged particles, with constant of proportionality
distForce :: (InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v)) => (Scalar v -> Scalar v) -> Point v -> Point v -> v Source
distForce f p1 p2
computes the force between two points as a
multiple of the unit vector in the direction from p1
to p2
given a function f
which computes the force's magnitude as a
function of the distance between the points.
Running simulations
data ForceLayoutOpts v Source
Options for customizing a simulation.
FLOpts | |
Fractional (Scalar v) => Default (ForceLayoutOpts v) |
damping :: forall v. Lens' (ForceLayoutOpts v) (Scalar v) Source
energyLimit :: forall v. Lens' (ForceLayoutOpts v) (Maybe (Scalar v)) Source
simulate :: (InnerSpace v, Ord (Scalar v), Num (Scalar v)) => ForceLayoutOpts v -> Ensemble v -> [Ensemble v] Source
Simulate a starting ensemble according to the given options,
producing a list of all the intermediate ensembles. Useful for,
e.g., making an animation. Note that the resulting list could
be infinite, if a stepLimit
is not specified and either the
kinetic energy never falls below the specified threshold, or no
energy threshold is specified.
forceLayout :: (InnerSpace v, Ord (Scalar v), Num (Scalar v)) => ForceLayoutOpts v -> Ensemble v -> Ensemble v Source
Run a simluation from a starting ensemble, yielding either the
first ensemble to have kinetic energy below the energyLimit
given), or the ensemble that results after a number of steps
equal to the stepLimit
(if given), whichever comes first.
Otherwise forceLayout
will not terminate.
ensembleStep :: VectorSpace v => Scalar v -> Ensemble v -> Ensemble v Source
Simulate one time step for an entire ensemble, with the given damping factor.
particleStep :: VectorSpace v => Scalar v -> Particle v -> Particle v Source
Simulate one time step for a particle (assuming the force acting on it has already been computed), with the given damping factor.
recalcForces :: forall v. AdditiveGroup v => Ensemble v -> Ensemble v Source
Recalculate all the forces acting in the next time step of an ensemble.
kineticEnergy :: (InnerSpace v, Num (Scalar v)) => Ensemble v -> Scalar v Source
Compute the total kinetic energy of an ensemble.