module Control.Foldl.ByteString (
, foldM
, head
, last
, null
, length
, any
, all
, maximum
, minimum
, elem
, notElem
, find
, index
, elemIndex
, findIndex
, count
, lazy
, module Control.Foldl
, module Data.ByteString
, module Data.Word
) where
import Control.Foldl (Fold, FoldM)
import Control.Foldl.Internal (Maybe'(..), strict, Either'(..), hush)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Prelude hiding (
head, last, null, length, any, all, maximum, minimum, elem, notElem )
import qualified Control.Foldl
import qualified Control.Foldl.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
fold :: Fold ByteString a -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> a
fold (Control.Foldl.Fold step begin done) as =
done (Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.foldlChunks step begin as)
{-# INLINABLE fold #-}
:: Monad m => FoldM m ByteString a -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> m a
foldM (Control.Foldl.FoldM step begin done) as = do
x <- Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.foldlChunks step' begin as
done x
step' mx bs = do
x <- mx
x `seq` step x bs
{-# INLINABLE foldM #-}
head :: Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
head = Control.Foldl.Fold step Nothing' Control.Foldl.Internal.lazy
step mw8 bs =
if Data.ByteString.null bs
then mw8
else case mw8 of
Just' _ -> mw8
Nothing' -> Just' (Data.ByteString.Unsafe.unsafeHead bs)
{-# INLINABLE head #-}
last :: Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
last = Control.Foldl.Fold step Nothing' Control.Foldl.Internal.lazy
step mw8 bs =
if Data.ByteString.null bs
then mw8
else Just' (Data.ByteString.last bs)
{-# INLINABLE last #-}
null :: Fold ByteString Bool
null = Control.Foldl.Fold step True id
step isNull bs = isNull && Data.ByteString.null bs
{-# INLINABLE null #-}
length :: Num n => Fold ByteString n
length = Control.Foldl.Fold step 0 id
step n bs = n + fromIntegral (Data.ByteString.length bs)
{-# INLINABLE length #-}
all :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Fold ByteString Bool
all predicate =
Control.Foldl.Fold (\b bs -> b && Data.ByteString.all predicate bs) True id
{-# INLINABLE all #-}
any :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Fold ByteString Bool
any predicate =
Control.Foldl.Fold (\b bs -> b || Data.ByteString.any predicate bs) False id
{-# INLINABLE any #-}
maximum :: Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
maximum = Control.Foldl.Fold step Nothing' Control.Foldl.Internal.lazy
step mw8 bs =
if Data.ByteString.null bs
then mw8
else Just' (case mw8 of
Nothing' -> Data.ByteString.maximum bs
Just' w8 -> max w8 (Data.ByteString.maximum bs) )
{-# INLINABLE maximum #-}
minimum :: Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
minimum = Control.Foldl.Fold step Nothing' Control.Foldl.Internal.lazy
step mw8 bs =
if Data.ByteString.null bs
then mw8
else Just' (case mw8 of
Nothing' -> Data.ByteString.minimum bs
Just' w8 -> min w8 (Data.ByteString.minimum bs) )
{-# INLINABLE minimum #-}
elem :: Word8 -> Fold ByteString Bool
elem w8 = any (w8 ==)
{-# INLINABLE elem #-}
notElem :: Word8 -> Fold ByteString Bool
notElem w8 = all (w8 /=)
{-# INLINABLE notElem #-}
find :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
find predicate = Control.Foldl.Fold step Nothing' Control.Foldl.Internal.lazy
step mw8 bs = case mw8 of
Nothing' -> strict (Data.ByteString.find predicate bs)
Just' _ -> mw8
{-# INLINABLE find #-}
index :: Integral n => n -> Fold ByteString (Maybe Word8)
index i = Control.Foldl.Fold step (Left' (fromIntegral i)) hush
step x bs = case x of
Left' remainder ->
let len = Data.ByteString.length bs
in if remainder < len
then Right' (Data.ByteString.Unsafe.unsafeIndex bs remainder)
else Left' (remainder - len)
_ -> x
{-# INLINABLE index #-}
elemIndex :: Num n => Word8 -> Fold ByteString (Maybe n)
elemIndex w8 = findIndex (w8 ==)
{-# INLINABLE elemIndex #-}
findIndex :: Num n => (Word8 -> Bool) -> Fold ByteString (Maybe n)
findIndex predicate = Control.Foldl.Fold step (Left' 0) hush
step x bs = case x of
Left' m -> case Data.ByteString.findIndex predicate bs of
Nothing -> Left' (m + fromIntegral (Data.ByteString.length bs))
Just n -> Right' (m + fromIntegral n)
_ -> x
{-# INLINABLE findIndex #-}
count :: Num n => Word8 -> Fold ByteString n
count w8 = Control.Foldl.Fold step 0 id
step n bs = n + fromIntegral (Data.ByteString.count w8 bs)
{-# INLINABLE count #-}
lazy :: Fold ByteString Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString
lazy = fmap Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromChunks Control.Foldl.list
{-# INLINABLE lazy #-}